FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide


If you want to start on the right foot, follow our tips and advices about how you should start off playing this game. Welcome to our FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide.


If you are looking for the FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Starting Guide, please click here



September 13th 2014
Welcome Back Packs are now assigned based only upon your FUT 14 gaming activity and not in your FUT antiquity




– If you going to buy the game, make a pre-order in the official store to get 15 gold packs for free.

– If you have an active Season Ticket or EA Access subscription don’t forget that you will be able to play FIFA 15 earlier.

– Visit the Web App every day until the game release date to redeem your packs.

– Complete the 18 manager tasks as soon as possible.

– If you don’t mind spending real money, buy FIFA Points as soon as they are released.

– If you don’t have enough FIFA experience, watch the in-game tutorials and practice in arena.

– Use the 99 contracts item on a good player that you don’t plan to sell.

– Buy all the loan players items available in the EASFC catalogue.

– Buy all the coin boost items before you start playing matches.

– Ask to your friends to offer you the loan and coin boost items.

– Pay the lowest price possible for the 50% manager bonus.

– Use the Concept Squad to plan your team, instead of doing it on an external squad builder.

– Don’t focus on building a top team right now. Try to build a weaker team in which players could be used as substitutes or reserves in your final team.

– Choose players according to their stats (and not by their rating), their positions, the squad formation and the chemistry.

– Focus on building only one team. In the beginning you should only spend your resources on what is strictly necessary. Other teams, badges and kits can be bought later in the game.

– Buy contract cards on the day before the early access release.

– Sell everything you own and build a team from scratch.

– Use all the contracts of untradeable players.

– Keep trading simple: buy low, sell higher.

– Play with the fact that most of the prices reach their peak in mid-October.

– Pay attention to the market, especially in high traffic hours on the release date.

– Never invest everything you have. Always put a few coins aside.

– If you got a top player in a pack, wait a few days to monetize him.

– Play your first games on a low difficulty level and focus in adapting to the new game play.

– If you have started FUT 15 in the middle of the season, wait until TOTY or TOTS weeks. The prices will be much lower.

Read the full article for a more detailed explanation of what you need to do to have a good start on 15 FIFA Ultimate Team.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide


For those who play or have played previous versions of FIFA Ultimate Team, there’s always that positive feeling that everything will start again. You’ll finally have the chance to start over from scratch, equally with others, knowing that you won’t make the same mistakes again. Everything now has to be perfect for you to be able to reach higher glory, sooner and long-lasting. Read on if you are prepared to rocket ahead of the pack or if you’re going to have another false start.

For those who are playing FUT for the first time, by reading this guide you are preparing yourself for the problems you may face. After all, Ultimate Team players are not so different to one another. Some are better traders; some control the players better on the field, but everyone has to be good club managers.

Every club who has wishes of being successful has to create a base of sustainability. You have to do things at the right time. The beginning of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is the single most important moment of the game.


Here’s our check-list on the ten things to do at the start of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team – the perfect way:



Prepare Yourself


Before starting the season you have to prepare yourself. You have to plan it.

The first thing to do is try to get to know the game. Is there anyone who has ever won a chess match without knowing the rules? Probably not. FUT 15 is a game like any other and it has (many) rules. The truth is you don’t need to know all of them, but the more you know the better the chances are of you being even more successful.

If it’s the first time you’re playing FUT, try learning some of the basics on our website as it is the biggest information spot about the game. It will be easier to follow our tips if you already have some knowledge.

If you’ve played FUT 14 or a previous version, you will be looking forward to seeing what has changed and what is new. Not knowing how the concept squads work or what you have to do to get players on loan could cost you a less than perfect beginning. You wouldn’t want that… would you?


In the planning stage it is good to know your own expectations. It may seem unnecessary and even too theoretical but all of us should take a couple of minutes to idealize what we want for our club. Do we want one or more teams? Is our objective to have the best players or do we want to try unknown ones? Are we going to stick with regular players or are we going to enhance them to the IF versions? Are we going to play with bronze, silver, gold or all of them? How much time will we play? Will we buy packs? How many coins will we need?

The more questions you can answer equals the better your approach to the game. The fulfilment of the tasks listed above will give you an edge to your approach that will equal enhanced results.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

If this is your first FIFA experience, you should watch the in-game tutorials



Start as Soon as Possible


The sooner you start playing FIFA 15 Ultimate Team, your chances are greater of being successful. This is due to the beginning of the game being the most important time.

The game starts with the Web App and you must access it there. It is too difficult to make good deals at that time, but it will give you time to study the market properly before the game release.

With the passage of time the market will tend to become more and more stable. Keep in mind in the beginning it’ll be very unstable, This is the best time to make great deals, If you know what you’re doing you’ll get a good head start, It’s just a question of knowing how to identify the opportunities and being able to predict how the market is going to develop.

Your profit won’t just reflect in coins. If you do everything earlier, you will have bigger chances of forming a superior team compared to the competition and with that potentially win more games, which means more coins. With more coins you’ll build a better team and so on.


Starting early is the first step towards success, so how do you do it? Simple, we’ll show you with the various alternatives at your disposal:

  • FUT 15 Web App
  • If you are a returning player it’s impossible to miss an opportunity of starting your season earlier. The FUT 15 Web App will be available from 17th of September (1), exclusively to the FUT 14 players who have created a Security Question and Answer on FUT console before August 1, 2014. It’s this that defines the beginning of the game with the start of the market, for those who don’t want to lose terrain. YOU have to be there. You’ll receive a starter pack and some welcome packs based only upon your FUT 14 gaming activity. During the first days Daily Gifts will also be offered, so the sooner you start the more you could win. Don’t forget to access you Web App every day. Each day you miss, it is one pack less you get. In the beginning you’ll need all the cards you can get to start your first investments. If you haven’t bought the game, join the FUT 15 Web App. There are too many benefits at stake not to.

  • Season Ticket and EA Access
  • If you’re willing to gain a head start on the competition at all costs you could invest in a Season Ticket or EA Access. You won’t take advantage of the market seeing as how FUT 15 Web App will already be up and running (unless you’re a first time player), but you’ll anticipate between three and five days worth of game won coins. If you’re a good player, you could achieve the most precious victories of the season. If you want to know more regarding the Season Ticket or EA Access, please click here.

  • Pre-Order
  • If you pre-order the game, you will receive 15 gold packs, one per week. It is true that each pack only has one rare card but for free it is better than nothing.

  • Buying Packs or Coins
  • If money isn’t a problem for you, there’s a much simpler way of obtaining coins for your first investment: buying them. If you chose this path, ask us for a trustworthy seller. Seeing as how most sellers are scam artists. There is even another way more pleasant to EA Sports and responsible for the unbalanced situation of the market on its first days of life: the buying of packs. After all you won’t be buying coins directly but paying for cards that will convert to coins in the transfer market. If there is any right moment to do this it’s in the beginning of the game.

  • Game Release
  • If you didn’t follow any of the first three alternatives for a good start, at least try to be active when the game is released. Worse than not being able to anticipate the competition is to allow yourself to get overcome by the majority. This is the time that more than 60% of the gamers start playing. They are not just random players. Many of them are newcomers, eager to play but immature enough to drown the market with valuable cards at low-cost prices. You have to be there to seize this opportunities. And have to be active as long as possible while it’s easy to buy and sell at great profit margins. That’s why it’s also important to start before this date to have time to study the market and be ready to attack it.

If you didn’t start early enough or if you just discovered the wonders of Ultimate Team mid-season, don’t worry because you’ll have the chance to build a good club. Not as great, but still good.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

It is possible to start playing earlier with Season Ticket and with EA Access



Pick a Name


When starting the game for the first time, you’ll be asked to maintain the name of your club (exclusive to returning players) or if you choose to pick another one. If you choose to abdicate your antiquity will be reset.

Insert the name you chose but have in mind you can’t change it without the right item from the EASFC catalogue. You only have one try and even so it requires that you have reached the level 22 of experience XP which you may not have. Pay special attention to this step. You want a perfect club and just remember, more haste less speed.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

When you start FUT 15 by the first time, it will be asked to check the email address, club’s name and abbreviation



Sell all your cards


After inserting your club name you’ll be gifted with some packs. The first, a Starter Pack, consisted of 34 cards, mostly bronze (29 more 2 silver and 3 gold). This pack, besides enough players to start playing, where silver and gold are included with 45 contracts each one, possesses also everything your club needs to start. In other words, the club item cards which will be part of the pack will be: at least one stadium, one ball, one badge and two kits (home and away). All the cards of this first pack are untradeable, which means that you can not sell it.

Sell every card you have got and start your team from scratch without being limited by the cards you received

Your FUT 14 gaming activity is also worth cards. Most of the 12 cards in each pack will be gold, for which these offers assume particular importance in the start of your club. You’ll be rewarded too with two all players packs, each one with 4 bronze players cards, 4 silver players cards and 4 gold players cards (at least one rare).

As soon as you’ve opened all your packs, this is when the game really starts. Seeing as how this is when you’ll have to make your first decisions. You were given the minimal conditions to create your club and you’ll have to know how to manage it with what you have. This is where most players make their first mistakes, sometimes deadly. They start playing and after seven games they can’t progress because the game prizes are insufficient to buy contracts. They stay stuck since they started with zero coins they don’t have a way to pay for them. This is an obstacle almost every player can’t overcome.

To avoid this happening we advise the players to remain calm and to leave those first games for later. You can start playing after you’ve finished all the stages in the check-list. First you have to make your club self-sufficient, and that is done with coins. This is the first great step: transforming all you have at your disposal in coins. As little as it is we need something to later transform it into more. You can choose to take another path but we suggest this one: sell all the cards you received, except obviously the untradeable ones. But it doesn’t mean you have to do it at sale prices. Although time is money you don’t want to stay with your actives for stuck long, verify if there isn’t any valuable card you could sell for superior price than expected. This procedure will also allow you to make a team from scratch. Many gamers eventually build a team around one or two players that they get in a pack. Why should you do that if, by the same amount of coins, you can build a team without any limitations?!



If you are looking for a shorter and easier guide about how to start FUT 15, read what Silvio Teixeira has published about it.

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

The starter pack cards are untradeable to avoid gamers with multiple accounts that transfer their profit between them



Gather even more coins


The cards you’ve sold are already good enough for a good start but if you can gather some more your growth in the game will be even faster. That’s why it’s important for you to waste no possibilities.

Start by going to the EASFC catalogue and exchange your credits for coin boosts. As soon as you play your first matches you’ll receive a fundamental bonus to your clubs financial health. Even better, ask to your friends to offer you these items and do the same to them. In that case, everyone will win since the price of these items will be cut 50% off. Try to have the coin boost active in your first match. You can buy at once all the items your XP level allow you to buy. The system will make the management and will guarantee that you will receive the bonus in every match until the items expire.

If you have FUT 14 coins or another platform, try to find someone who’s interested in trading for FUT 15 coins. It won’t be easy and you’ll certainly be doing it for a disadvantageous ratio. But at least it’ll be worth some more coins for your first investment.

Especially at this stage, you should take advantage of everything that is free like Manager Tasks reward that can be accessed through ‘My Club’. A few minutes should be enough to perform the 18 easy tasks and to get your hands on a free gold pack. The cards of this pack cannot be sold, but they will help you to reduce costs.

The price of FIFA Points is always the same but they are much more valuable in the beginning of the game

If you don’t mind to spend real money, buying the Ultimate Team Edition and subscribing the Season Ticket program are also valid options. In both cases you will get a gold pack with 12 cards every week. The same is to say that you will start the game with one extra pack. It could be two packs because you can have both services at the same time. The first one gives you 24 gold packs with up three rare cards and the second one gives you 40 gold packs with only one rare card. It may be a way to have an advantage on the beginning of the game, but we don’t recommend these services. The advantage will be small, since the offer is spread over many weeks and also because the pre-order allows you to get almost the same thing for free.

You can also search for give aways but the most common solution would be to buy packs with FIFA Points or coins with money. Those of you who follow us know that we never recommend you to buy FIFA Points but if there is a good moment to do it, the best moment is at the beginning of the game. They are not available during early access or through the Web App, so if you want to do it, you should do as it soon as the game is released. The chances of getting a good card are the same, but their prices will go up one to two weeks later when there is more cash flow in the market. At this stage of the game you never should buy packs with coins.



To buy coins or FIFA Points is the fastest and easiest way to get rich. If you plan to buy more than 15,000 FIFA Points, subscribe to the Season Ticket program. You will need to buy more than 30,000 FIFA Points during the season to make EA Access a good choice.

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

Before you start playing matches, you need to buy this item



Start Trading


Now that you’ve already got some coins it’s time to start multiplying them. You should start with safe investments but always leaving some coins aside in case anything goes wrong. Don’t worry in starting slow. You have a whole season ahead of you. The first sales are always the harder to make but as you become richer you’ll have to reinvest most of what you earned but always leave some coins aside to buy your first cards. If you started playing in the beginning and its working great and after two days you’ve gathered enough to build your team. But never stop trading: it’s part of the game so you should do it from the first to the last day.

Buy low, sell higher. That’s the magic formula to become rich. You just need to study the prices carefully.

We know you want us to tell you which cards to bet on but that’s impossible. First, this article is going to be read about 400 thousand times which means any suggestion we make will become obsolete. Second, there isn’t a magic formula. Almost every card is capable of generating profit as long as you know trading, and for that nothing works better than following the several suggestions we have published on our website.

On the other hand there are variations in the market in the early days of the game. If this is the time you join the game it’s convenient that you know them.
First, it’s important to understand that in the first days of the market, which coincides with the first days of the Web App, the market is really scarce. In this time, it is really difficult to find good deals because all the gamers have experience from the previous years and because the cash flow in the market is too low. They are all waiting for the FIFA Points release and the first matches. It’s normal to see big players like Messi and Ronaldo being sold for 200k coins. Their price isn’t superior because there is no one with enough money to buy them. If you’re one of the lucky few to receive one of these players in a pack, which is highly unlikely do not sell them. In a few weeks they’ll be worth several times as much and you can capitalize on your asset.
This effect includes all other cards although the variation will be a lot inferior. All of them start at a much lower price and in just a few days the prices spike. This is more visible with cards that start costing more than 10 thousand coins. In a general way after one month they hit what will be its maximum price. Until the end of the game the price gradually lows, with some fluctuation due to special TOTW, TOTY, TOTS, transfer market, game updates, popular tournaments, etc…

It’s because of this initial effect of money shortage that it’s important to attack the market as soon as possible. If you get rich fast enough to still catch the season of low prices you’ll have your future in the game guaranteed.
For your first investments we recommend your first cards to cost between 150 and 300 coins that you can sell with a profit of about 50%. The consumables are normally excellent targets for this end and since FUT 14 they’ve become more appealing since the consumables pile has been removed. You can know buy all you can in the beginning of the game at sale prices and if you don’t sell all of them you can keep storing them in your consumables pile that way you don’t disturb the trading you do with the other cards. Remember that it’s very important never to have coins or cards on hold. This can hamper your success.
Start by studying the market. Tread carefully, especially in the first days of the market, you shouldn’t restrict to selling and buying the cards in a certain schedule. The trading should be continuous.

As soon as your staff and consumable cards have given you a profit bigger than 30k coins, you can then try widening your trading to players and spend some of those coins on the remaining things on our check-list.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

If money it is not a problem to you, buy FIFA Points as soon as possible



Hire Managers


Now that you have some coins it’s time to make the first investment for the exclusive satisfaction of your club. The managers and contracts should be the first, because they normally represent small investments.

The managers may guarantee the sustainability of your team

Managers are the most important staff in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team and it’s easy to understand why. They can be the solution to a problem you should manage with extreme caution: contracts. These are the only consumables you are forced to buy to be able to play. Due to its strategic position in the game they tend to be extremely expensive. These are so expensive that a lot of people can’t gather enough coins to support them. More importantly than getting cheap contracts is guaranteeing it affects capacity to the max. This is thanks to managers in your club.

Every manager contributes with a raised percentage on all contracts: the gold with 3%, the silver with 2% and the bronze with 1%. You can hire managers so that the sum of your percentages equals 50%. This means that when applying a contract card to a player the number of games on the card will be added 50%. In a long-term step this will be extremely beneficial and in the short-term it will guarantee your match prizes to be superior than your spent contracts. The sustainability of your team will be guaranteed.

Despite that, all of your first actions in the game must be thought out and with caution. Buying managers must be done the cleverest possible way. Always choose the cheapest and for example check to see if there aren’t three bronze managers cheaper than a golden one. The only thing that is important is hitting that 50% bonus at the cheapest possible price. So later, when building your team to beneficiate the chemistry that you’ll have to concern over buying a manager that has a nationality or a league best fitted amongst the players you want. Most of these cards are more expensive in the beginning and you should weight if you should wait a few more until their prices drop or not. As reference, the 50% of bonus can be reached with an investment of 12,000 coins, which will save you 40 coins per game.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

In the first stage, you should focus only in getting the 50% contracts boost



Buy Contract Cards


As we’ve told you, the contract cards have an important strategic role in the game. If a player is injured or physically tired, you can put him in the bench or in the reserves until he recovers instead on applying an injury card or a fitness card. That however is not valid when a player is without contracts. The only way of making him play again is by applying a contract card. This has to be done.

That’s why it makes perfect sense to buy contracts as soon as possible. Preferably before most players make 7 games, because since the player cards are put with 7 contracts (except starter pack), they’ll be coveted as soon as they expire, that’s why it’s a good idea to buy contracts in the exclusive period of the FUT 15 Web App before the launch of the game.

With the 50% bonus the managers offer you and with cheap contracts, you won’t ever need to think if the game prize is enough to cover your costs.



If you own a good player that you plan to use many times, go to the EASFC catalogue, redeem the 99 contracts item and apply it on him. You will need level XP 15.

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

Analyze if the player in who you will apply this item will use all these contracts



Form Your Team


Now that the house is clean you can finally begin building your dream team. That is why it is good to plan what you’re doing. After all, this is the task that is going to cut a bigger slice out of your budget.

Use the concept squads to schedule your buys and do it in order to make your first players become substitutes or reserves in your final team

You probably already have an idea of the players you want to play with it’s convenient at least, unless you’re a squad building expert, between this there’s a common element. In FUT 15 it’s not enough to gather a good group of players. You need to have a good mesh between them. In other words, good chemistry. Preferably players with the same nationality or at least that play in the same league. If they play in the same club you may not even need to put them next to their other team mates.

But chemistry is not the only thing you have to have in mind when selecting players. You should also have in mind their characteristics. For every position verifies the attributes that you value more in your style of play and certify that the players have those attributes. Having a team with a good rating will be useless if you won’t be able to take advantage of your players and if they don’t fit you style of play. Each player is unique, so you will need to find the right players for your team. Don’t look for players like you were used to do and don’t ignore the importance of the new base stat physical. More than ever, pace and physical are the two most important player’s attributes.
In case you already chose the formation you’ll be playing with, be careful when picking players whose positions won’t be adaptable. For example: if it’s in a 4-1-2-1-2 (2) you’ll be playing, avoid buying players that are RM/LM/RW/LW/RF/LF.

If you want to have a good team in the shortest time possible you’ll have to buy with intelligence. Most importantly in the beginning, if you make the wrong decision, you may be mortgaging your future. Now that you’ve saved up some coins, try starting to fill places in your squad with medium players that will serve as substitutes or reserves in the future. Every time your balance allows, buy a first team player. One by one you’ll form your team. This way, you’ll have time to analyse the behaviour in the market of your next purchase and you’ll be able to buy good players at lower prices. The best way to do this is using the new feature ‘Concept Squads‘. Idealize the team you want to build and set the order of your purchases according to how well the players link with team mates in each stage of your team building.

If you started playing at the start of the FUT 15 Web App, than you’ll have 15 days to form your first team. If you have started later on in the year, analyze if you can wait until January, when TOTY is released. In that case, you will save lots of coins.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

Concept Squads is a very powerful tool to plan your squad that you should use all the time





The moment for searching for glory in the field is finally here. If you’ve followed all the tips we left here, you can relax because your club has everything it needs to succeed. Just to be sure, it’s convenient to rehearse before challenging powerful adversaries. This is because winning games is an excellent way of winning coins but losing doesn’t work as well.

Start by the easy games, play with your untradeable players and get players on loan. It will give you the time and the coins you need to start building your team.

Even if you’ve played other modes in FIFA 15, you should test out Ultimate Team on single player mode. The game is slightly different and you’ll want to be prepared to not waste game prize coins. You’ll have the chance to test the players and your mesh with the formation and the team, but most importantly you’ll have the opportunity to adapt to a new FIFA, but don’t play that many matches. It’s just that the match prizes are superior on online mode and in the beginning every coin counts.

You should start by playing the easiest tournaments before going to the TOTW challenges and one or two single players seasons with low difficult level. At this time, try to avoid friendly matches or friendly seasons because they are not rewarded. It’s a good time to use your first players, the ones you got in the starter pack and that cannot be sold. Since they are mostly bronze players, these easy games are perfect to them. Use them until their contracts expire. It is a smart way to get familiar with the game play without pressure, to avoid expenses and also to save a few coins from match rewards. As soon as their contracts end, you will need to buy another players. Use them until they keep with only one contract, go to the transfer market and try to trade them by the same player with more contracts at the same price. Another good strategy is to use players on loan, specially in your first on line matches. You don’t have to spend on contracts and you will give more quality to your team. What’s the point of saving them for later if it is now that you need to save every coin you can ? With their quality, they will help you to win more matches which means earn more coins.

When we start playing all we want is to keep a nice history. We try to stay invincible for as long as possible but we forget that sooner or later the bad results will appear and the wins-draws-losses registry will become less and less important. This desire to want everything to be perfect in the beginning does not fit with what we want for the team in the long term. Leave these worries aside and focus on the game play. Details like chemistry and styles might be left for later.

To raise your chances of success we leave you two tips.
First, occupy your substitutes who you are not thinking about using with the players with the lowest ranking in your club. This way it’ll allow you to artificially lower your teams rating and this will benefit you with a nicer matchmaking through matching you with adversaries with weaker teams.
Whatever you do never forfeit. Even if you’re being humiliated. Keep playing because if you quit your %DNF will lower from your 1.00 initial to values that will penalize the amount of coins you receive as a prize in the end of each game. And in that case you will be ruining the sustainability that you have conquered.



You must buy the loan players items from EASFC catalogue right now. You need them now. Later they may damage the chemistry, something that is not really important at this stage. If you are planning your final squad, you should test these players as soon as possible. At least, they may be useful to fill the empty bench until you buy your first 18 players. Go to the EASFC catalogue and buy all the loan’s players items your level allow you. The players available are Killain Brennan (24 matches), Sam Winnall (24), Luca Toni (15), Jonathan Soriano (14), Raheem Sterling (11), Aaron Ramsey (9), Blaise Matuidi (8), Wesley Sneijder (7), James Rodríguez (5), Arturo Vidal (5), Gareth Bale (4) and Robert Lewandowski (4). There will be more players added on loan during the season. If you haven’t reached the XP level you need to buy one of these items, ask to a friend to offer you. He will pay only half price for each one.

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide

Neymar is not available in the EAS FC catalogue


Follow our tips closely to start FIFA 15 Ultimate Team the best way possible.

(1) Date subject to change. EA announced the Web App release for September 17th, but probably in order to avoid overloaded servers. It may be before that.

163 thoughts on “FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Starting Guide”

  1. jasmeet singh

    Hello I playing FIFA 15 on my android ASUS ZENFONE 5 but I can’t able to buy new players when I go to transfer market it says transfer market is currently not available .. Plz help how I purchase new players

  2. Do you remove Loan players from squad after contracts depleted, or is their still some value in keeping them?

  3. I have 22k, and I still have the tradeable players from the welcome packs
    after i sell them, which trading method should i use?
    i know buy low sell high is the basic, but any details or anything you can suggest?

    also, which database should i use where i can look up a players name and see his selling price?

  4. Great article. As a First time FUT player this helped tremendously.

    This is probably a dumb question but I have heard other players say that the good player like messi, Ronaldo, etc run out in the packs. Is there any truth to this? Or are your odds of pulling a great player now the same as they were in September?

  5. I haven;t played FIFA 14 and I haven’t bought FIFA 15 yet so im not at all being able to open the web app. Is it supposed to be that way?

  6. Shu'aib Nathie

    I would like to know where i can buy fia points for PS4, eveytime i go to fifa points it says “this content is not available”. Any gamers, can friend me and we can send things to one another on fifa. shubo7

  7. I have bought FIFA 15 just today. I haven’t played Ultimate Team before, however I have been playing FIFA for last 3 years regularly, obviously cracked versions! Do I have any chance succeeding from now onwards? Any suggestion how can I start?

  8. what can I do when it says that I can’t buy items because I have to many in the watch list.
    I don’t have even ONE!

  9. I have got 25k right now but I want to get up to around 100k how can I achieve this what trading method is best etc

  10. hey man I was hoping you could help.
    how do you complete manage task, share a 100 chemistry squad with your friend? PS4

    I tried going into my squad, press share, and share it on Facebook like 100 times and the task is still not done

    1. Of course I can help. 🙂
      We will publish tomorrow a guide explaining step by step every tasks.
      Until there, try to share a concept squad. Almost sure it will work.

  11. Hi rodrigo,
    I think I’m gonna make the primers Liga! 🙂
    What formation do you recommend? Love this site, can’t wait for the squad guides.

    1. It is a good league to try with a really low budget.
      I always say that you should choose the best formation for you, no matters the league you are playing.

      1. Hi,
        Have the prices stopped rising? Because i bought depay for 10k just less than a week ago and now he’s only 7/8k. In this guide you said that prices will rise for a few weeks after release.

    2. Hey patrick, would u mind pressing reply and commenting on the same comment if u already posted a comment about this? This will make sure there aren’t many comments so the comments are not closed after 350. Last time i could not clear many of my doubts due to such problems. Thank you.

      P.S. Did i mention u have a really cool picture?

  12. Hi Rodrigo,
    I bought tons of managers but the max staff modification for the contracts is 10%.
    Would you pls double check that it really remaned 50% as it was in Fifa 14?
    Thank you!

    1. No, i have 20% from managers i bought. Probably u bought managers without a bonus or may be it is one of those ‘rare’ EA bugs (obvious sarcasm)

    2. Hi.
      Thank you for your comment. You are the second one that say that. However there are a few players saying that they got 50%.
      We will test it tonight and give you feedback as soon as possible.

    3. Hi again. Just to say that we already have test it. The max staff modification is higher than 10% for sure and it is very likely to be 50%. We will know it soon.

    1. It depends of many factors: your preferences, your play style, your formation, favourite players, estimated budget in future, etc…
      Serie A has lots of good players for a very nice price. If you want something even cheaper try Primeira Liga (Portugal).

      1. Or you could build a rough bronze/silver squad (I built a Polish/German hybrid using players i got from untradable packs) and then wait till Rodrigo releases a squad guide. Serioulsy, I am not tryin to pressurize or something but pls. release ur guide FAST! I don t want to waste coins like i did in FUT 14 till i found this site in Dec 2013.

        1. 🙂
          It is easy to us to publish a new guide tomorrow. But you need to understand that we test every player and it takes time.
          The first guide will not be released in less than 15 days…

        2. Is it wrong for me to wait till u release a guide? Just another 15 days. Till that i will play easier matches like tournaments and div 8,9 in seasons. Last time i wasted half a year with a really dumb low chemistry squad and even after i saw ur chemistry guides i only built a squad from players i got from packs (i got a lot of german players and built a bundesliga squad – but what i i did was just snap random players up for a cheap price to fill up empty positions without knowing their stats or w/r) Then i realized about ur squad guides.
          If u dont suggest waiting for ur guide what should i do till then? Shold i build a squad of my own?(i feel i will just be wasting the 50 k i wasted 3 days saving up if i build an unanalysed amateur squad)
          Also which are some of the players u *might* be including in the guide? I will try to buy them now or at least analyse their price so that i can try to get them cheaply. (As i already mentioned i have 50k but bcos i play in ipad where prices are higher than ps3 just assume i have 25-30k)
          Please do not get annoyed by my constant mentioning of squad guides (unfortunately, the other comments asking for them were also mine). I really badly want to undo the mistakes of last FUT amd get a much better club this time.

        3. Why isn’t there a reply button on my comment below this one? And why aren’t you replying to me? It seems ages ago that i asked you, but only six days have passed.

          Look i already told you why i want a squad guide so badly. I understand that u test every player but could you just tell me the players of positions u have finished?

          Waiting for ur bpl guide, i bought mertesacker and fernando. If you don’t suggest them, i can sell them as i got them cheaply. Also, which goal keeper do you suggest for a low budget (around 40k) squad?

          Thanks and regards

        4. Hi.
          I cannot recomment any player until I test everyone.
          Please be patiente. We need time to publish a high quality guide.
          Yes, you should wait more 15 days.

        5. What do you say about mertesacker and fernando? Should i keep them or sell them? Also i am gonna buy begovic for keeper.

          Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope u are not angry at me.

  13. Ricardo Amaral

    Confused about “Sell all your cards”…

    Do you mean the 34 cards in the Starter Pack? How will I be able to create my team from scratch if I sell all my player cards and then I can’t play any of the check-list recommended games to earn more coins.

    And will I be able to sell them if they are untradable? Also, quick sell gives me 0 coins for them.

    I’m confused about this “sell all your cards” thing, can you be more specified on what exactly do you recommend selling?

    As a different question… The 15 FUT Gold Packs were only available on pre-orders and/or Origin purchases? I bough my legit key from a different (cheaper) website. As such, I am not entitled to the free gold packs, right?

    1. Olá Ricardo.
      When I say ‘sell all your cards’ I mean to sell all you tradeable cards. The untradeable ones you keep with them and use them until expire the contracts.
      My suggestion about selling your cards (welcome back packs and daily gifts) is because many people try to build teams based on these cards. It makes no sense if you can sell them and buy the ones you want.
      Yes, you are not entitled to the free gold packs.

      1. Ricardo Amaral

        But only the player cards, right? I mean, consumable cards like contracts and injuries always come in handy…

        As for the gold pack, I don’t know why but I got one today. Didn’t do anything to win it, as far as I can remember.

        1. Ricardo Amaral

          Nope, I don’t think it was.

          I mean, I happened to start FIFA 15, logged into UT and saw a number icon on the store, went to take a look and there it was, a gold pack. Then, after a while, I logged off and went into the web-app and got my a silver gift pack.

          I haven’t opened the pack yet as I want to delete my club and start over from scratch but I mistakenly put 2 cards on the transfer list for a period of 3 days and now I need them to expire before I can delete the club. Are “my packs” tied to my account or to my club? Will they remain in the store when I delete my club or will I lose them?

        2. It may have been a daily gift of a previous day that you haven’t opened. Most likely than the manager tasks reward.
          ‘My packs” are tied to your club.

        3. Ricardo Amaral

          Maybe. If I had bought it from Origin, I’d got one pack each week, right? We’ll see if that happens or not…

          Well, that sucks… I guess I’ll lose these packs then… 🙁 I’ll open them before deleting my club just in case I get something awesome 😀

  14. When are you releasing a squad guide? Also, which league is it? Cant wait 4 ur squad guides, they are the best. By the way, how much coins do you think is needed for enough managers for the 50 percent bonus? I can see rare bronze managers selling for more than 1k. Also i cant buy anybody cuz,whenever i find a good deal and press buy now, it says another team has made a higher offer and the object is sold. It happened with more than 10 items(managers, players, everything). Is it autobuyer bots?

    1. Hi.
      We need time and coins to test all the players before publish our squad guides. We expect to publish the first guide, probably BPL guide, in three weeks.
      I believe that AB are still working, yes. To get the 50% bonus you will need to pay something like 15k.

  15. when will the prices be at their max? I right now have 20 auriers and 10 aboubakar’s. When should I sell?

    1. Prices will still go up in the coming weeks. However, if you think you can make profit, do it now and use that coins to invest in another players.

  16. Prateek Panda

    Hi bro !! Can u help me plz. I want to install FIFA for Android and I am confused tht should I install Fifa 14 or Fifa 15 : UT ?? I want to play myself than managing the team. So, what should I do ? I can’t install both. Plz. Help soon.

  17. Hey man I was hoping you can help. I can’t seem to get the free pack from the manager tasks because im not really sure how i’m supposed to share my ultimate team to my friends and that’s my last task I got to do.

  18. Þorsteinn Kristjánsson

    I have a ’87’ Sergio Ramos. Should I sell it now or after release?

  19. Thanks for all the tips I have been trying to learn about FUT slowly the past few years but have not done it with any real guide or structure.

    Quick question: When you say “Sell all cards” in the beginning is it realistic to expect people to buy bronze player cards or do you just mean “Sell all of your gold/silver cards of value”? And if people don’t buy my bronze players should I quick-sell my bronze players or keep them for playing offline FUT modes?

    Thanks a lot Rodrigo.

    1. Hi.
      If you already have the game, play with that cards until they get one contract left and then sell them.
      Bronze and even silver cards should be sold as soon as possible because their price will not increase. You need to make coins with them to invest in cards which price is expected to go up. I don’t recommend to quick sell them but if no one buys them, you may need to do it. I sold almost all my cards. Just remember to renew it every hour. Sooner or later, someone will buy them.
      If you are a good trader, I also recommend to sell the gold cards. I know that prices will go up shortly but it takes time and we never should have coins stopped in our account.

  20. I got the game today and I could only play for half an hour. So I went to EASFC and bought all the coin boosts available to me at once. Then my friend told me that buying a new one overrides the older one is this true. If yes can I redeem my purchases or something?

    1. It is not true.
      Redeem all the coin boost items at once. Only one will be active at a time but the game will make sure that you will always be rewarded until the items run out.

  21. Hi Rodrigo and thanks for the guide. What do you think will happen to the prices of midtier gold cards after release? I am asking this because I wonder if I should start buying the players for my first gold squad now or after the release.


  22. Hi Rodrigo, do you have any trading tips before the game comes out on tuesday that will help get some coins before it comes out? Like who or what should I buy that will make me profit once the game comes out and prices rise?

    1. Yes. We will publish a article at midnight (Monday to Tuesday) with tips and examples of players you should invest. That’s the Tete a Tete of this week.

  23. I have a question if you have a loan player on the bench and bring him on at any time that will count as 1 off of the contract right?

  24. hi again do u think I should just make subs for my serie a team or use a sub team and If a sub team what league. thanks

    1. We will publish in a couple of weeks a very nice article about how to manage that.
      At this time it may be easier to make a team of another league. Have you tried Portuguese League ? Decent players by a great price.

      1. sorry for asking so many questions but im not sure what formation im gonna use but I know its gonna have right mids and left mids, and four defenders but I don’t know if im gonna use 2 strikers or 1, CMs or cdm and cams. so can you recommend a formation suited with this and good Portuguese players. thanks

        1. Also if I go and invest in players, should I directly try to sell them for a bit more or should i wait? like when the prices are at there max. Btw I really like all your articles and looking forward to the league guides!

  25. Hi Rodrigo,

    I was just wondering if i should sell my players now on the web app whilst they are at a decent price (the non rares) and then from that start trading? as i don’t think that their prices will rise, maybe for de sciglio who is a Rb for Milan and i know from last year their prices may rise but those who may not, is it worth selling them now? plus do you think contract prices will rise?

  26. Hi Rodrigo
    If I played fifa 14 on the xbox 360 last year and I am getting an xbox one to play 15 will the stuff I opened on the web app transfer over.

  27. Junior Contrim

    I have an active season ticket subscription, can i get early access? on ps4?

  28. hi should I get my team now or wait for the game to come out and which league should I base it on

    1. Wait. Make money now. Prices will go up but if you are a good trader, that’s not a problem.
      Serie A is the best value for money.

  29. Soooo if I’m a high enough xp level (which I think I might be) would it be advisable to build a full loaned players squad just until I get in a good amount of coins hopefully by the time there loaned contracts run out? Also can you loan the same player twice?
    Thanks 🙂

    1. You can only loan a player once. We suggest to loan some players, yes. Don’t have to be a full loaned players squad.

  30. Hello Rodrigo,
    I’m so excited about this new FUT, and I want to start it in the best way possible!

    Following your advice, I’m trying to sell all the players I found in packs, but for the moment I’m not able to sell anyone in the market. I found pretty bad players, and there’s very few money around. Do you suggest to sell them directly (getting around 300 for a gold, 600 for a gold rare) or I should wait some days, when people will have more money to invest?


    1. Yes, I warned that there are few cash flow in the market at the beginning. Tomorrow with Season Ticet early access in Europe too, it will be easier.

  31. In FUT15 web app is there a way to see what bonus you get for a particular manager? Can’t see any.
    (on PC btw)

    1. Yes, there is.
      Go to ‘my club’ – ‘staff’ and swap to ‘status’ in left side of the screen. The card will show ‘negotiation’

  32. I have just read your article and it is very good, just a quick question though with regards to selling all the players we get in starter packs, should we wait until we have used up all the contracts on the untradeable players and also should we wait until the prices go up?

    1. It depends of which cards and how good you are in trading.
      Bronze cards, unless they have good pace or rating 64, will always be sold by 150/200 coins. You should try to sell them to have coins to invest in cards which prices may go up.

  33. sattar hoosein

    Hi I’m in south africa n fifa 15 willl only be released on the 26th and in other countries on the 23rd soo will that mean others will have a advantage on us or will trading only start on the 26th?

  34. If the last time I played fifa was 2012, can i still do anything on the web app for Fifa 15?

    1. I have played both fifa 13 and 14 ultimate team a ton, but I bought a xbox one for christmas. I made a new origin account in february, but I never bought a fifa game on the xbox one yet. I was wondering if I will be able to play on the web app when it launches today, and is there a way to link my ps3 account with my easfc level and that i have played the last two years for the packs, or will I have to start all new and be unable to join the web app.
      -Thanks for any replys

  35. Is the August 1 deadline linked to your Origin club created date? I recently changed console from xbox 360 to ps4. Will i be able to use the webapp for my ps4? i borrowed fifa 14 from a friend and made fut account for ps4, but not before August 1. same origin account as my previous years fut on xbox.

    1. Yes you will be able to use the web app, but most likely dont get any or much packs as EA will reward welcome back packs based on gaming activity with seem to be games actually played

  36. sattar hoosein

    I’m currently playin fifa 14 ultimate team,should I sell my players that I have would it make a differance?

  37. Nice guide I’ve played fut since it came out it’s interesting to read that what ive been been doing is so similar to this …..And now the question …You said buy all the loan players you can at the start I agree with this but ….. will they stack and allow a massive choice of loan players in your squad at one time or will they only work one at a time like the coin boosters ?

        1. Yes, true. But until it happens you can use that coins to trading. If you don’t trust in your trading skills, it may be better to sell them later.

  38. Hello Rodrigo…How are you?
    Last year you had given me some wonderful tips regarding FIFA 14 and as a newcomer to UT, I did quite well, thanks a lot to you for that.

    Can you please enlighten me on this quote of yours?
    “Welcome Back Packs are now assigned based only upon your FUT 14 gaming activity and not in your FUT antiquity”

    And does anybody ever get a good card on the web app?? (I got a few great cards on the game but never in the web app)
    Again thanks for your suggestions and thumbs up for your wonderful website…Keep up the good work…

    1. Thank you for your words.
      It is very rare to get a good card but the chances of getting one are exactly the same if you do it through the Web App or through the console.
      Last years, the amount of packs we got when we started the game depended of how many years we were playing Ultimate Team. This year it will be different. If you played lot’s of FUT 14 matches, you will get several packs (I believe that 5 is the maximum).

      1. Thank you as always…You really have been a great adviser to me…
        I am from India…Can you tell me when can I expect the Web App to be up? Its surely will be before Wednesday Sep 17th as you speculate…

  39. I have a question about the web app:
    I played FUT 14 on PS3 and pre-ordered Fifa 15 for my new PS4 – am i able to change the console on the web app?! Because if i start to build up and manage my club with my FUT 14-PS3 account, i won’t be able to use my progress on the FUT 15-PS$ Version?!?!
    Am I right or wrong? Please Help!

    1. It is simpler than you think. You will be able to use the Web App now and then everything will be transferred for your PS4 if you use the same PSN ID in the new console.
      Check more about it here, please.

      1. Thank’s !!!
        This Guide you’ve requested contains every answer i need. You do a great job – thank you!

  40. hi, do my level and points that i use to unlock and buy things from the catalogue in fifa 14 carry on to fifa 15?

  41. Hello FIFA-U, i have a question now that loyalty packs are based on FUT 14 activity. Is it like 1 loyalty pack per 100 games or what can we understand out all of this.I have in total played 1152 matches so how many packs will i recieve average ? it isnt really clear to us.

    1. We still don’t know. We think it will be something like you said but we have no details about it. But don’t expect 1 pack for each 100 matches. They probably it will be: from x to y, 1 pack; from z to h, 2 packs, etc…

    1. I think you are asking about ‘welcome back packs’ also known by loyalty packs.
      The only update about that is this one: “For our returning FUT players, the number of Returning User reward packs you receive is based only upon your FUT 14 gaming activity. Unfortunately we will not be issuing more reward packs beyond this”

  42. the prices will be low during the web app early access and will go high when the game is released,right??

      1. it isn’t better to use the loan players when you have already build your team??i think that if you use them early they won’t really help as you will have a weaker team.i am planning to make a first bpl squad and a weaker la liga for fitness but aswell for putting in loan players from la liga(messi,alves,neymar,bale later).what’s the best time to buy my team??

        1. People have different opinions. I respect yours but mine is different. Until you have coins to buy a decent team you need something that saves you coins and helps your team to win and give you even more coins.
          If you have time, by them in Xmas when they will be much cheaper.

  43. if i create multiple accounts today and play fut 14 i will be able to log in to the web app?

  44. I had to create a new origin account on August 5th, does that mean I can’t use the Web App until the official release of the game?

  45. Can you use all the coin boost at the same time?? or will you lose them if you use more than 1 at the same time?

  46. If I buy an item from EAS FC catalog , my friends can gift me same item? Meaning I can use an item twice?

      1. I meant to ask if I buy an item and one of my friends send me the same item as a gift say for example 99 contracts, will I be able to use both of them ?

        1. Really good guide! 😀 But I have a silly question , I played fifa 14 on my xbox 360 and i’l be selling my xbox 360 to get a ps4 this weekend. So if I use the web app and open the starter pack and other things. Will I have the players I got from starter pack when I use fifa 15 on ps4?

        2. This is not a silly question. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use the web app team in your PS4.
          More details about carry over guide here.

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