SBC for Football Club 25 is a game mode that invite you to test your building skills by creating squads that match specific requirements.

SBC Explained

SBC, or Squad Building Challenges, is a gameplay mode within Football Club 25 that presents a series of challenges to assess your squad-building abilities in exchange for rewards.

In SBC, you’re tasked with assembling a squad that meets specific requirements, utilizing players from your Club or acquired from the transfer market.

Some SBCs feature multiple challenges with individual rewards, along with a larger group reward for completing them all. Others consist of a single challenge. Additionally, there are SBCs that allow you to submit squads multiple times or without limitations. There are also challenges that are refreshed at a certain cadence of time.

How to Submit a Squad
  1. From the main Ultimate Team screen, select [Squad Building Challenges];
  2. Select the challenge you want to complete. They’re grouped by category;
  3. Check the requirements
    When starting to build a squad, you will see a list of requirements on the right side of the screen that you need to meet to earn the rewards;
  4. Build a Team
    Use items from your Club or from the Transfer Market to build a team that meets the Challenge requirements, which are usually a mix of Player Quality, Squad Chemistry, and Rating, Nationalities, Leagues, and Clubs. Substitutes, reserves, and managers are not taken into account;
  5. Submit your Squad
    You can submit your squad and earn special rewards when you are sure all requirements have been met.
All SBC submissions are final. Once you complete a challenge, the submitted items are removed from your Club in exchange for rewards. By submitting a SBC, you can earn packs, coins, draft tokens and all types of items.
Frequently Asked Questions
SBC in Football Club 25 is a single-player game mode within Ultimate Team. Playing it, the players have new opportunities to get creative, submitting squad building challenges and earning rewards.
Squad Building Challenges were released for the first time in FIFA 17. Since then, they have become very popular.
One of the objectives of the Squad Building Challenges game mode is to enable players to utilize cards that they may not otherwise use, thereby completing challenges and earning rewards in the process.
Here is a list of controls you have to use to build and submit your squad:

Swap Player
Add Player
Change Views
Clear Squad L2 LT
Squad Builder L2 LT
Cppy Squad L2 LT
Preview Rewards L2 LT
If you get a duplicate untradeable Player Item after opening a Pack, you can store them in the SBC Storage. When you need to complete your Squad and its requirements, you can always pull Players from the Storage by going into an SBC and navigating to the Storage tab. If you don’t see a Storage tab, it means you don’t have any Players stored there.
Users have a wide selection of dynamic scenarios to complete, which are grouped into a few categories, like Basic, Advanced, Upgrades, Live, Leagues, Marquee Matchups, POTM, Icons, Flashbacks or Player Moments.
Foundation Challenges (former Basic Challenges) were designed to teach beginners how to submit SBCs. They are always available from the first day.
Advanced Challenges were designed especially for those who want to master SBCs. By completing them, you will discover a few tricks to help you submit the most complex challenges.
Upgrade Challenges were designed to let you reach the next level, submitting the players you don’t want and receiving others from higher qualities. They are typically based on quality upgrades (gold, silver, and bronze) and league upgrades (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Serie A, Ligue 1, and Champions League). The first ones are always available from the first day, while the others are only available for a few days at specific times.
League Challenges were designed to complete a challenge for each club of a specific league or continental competition. They are available at specific times from September to August.
Marquee Matchups were designed to highlight the key real-life matches for the coming week. New regular MMs are released every week, featuring four challenges. Additionally, UEFA challenges are also out at specific times.
Live Challenges are special time-limited release Challenges Groups that will not have a regular release schedule and end after a set period. These could be tied to campaigns or real-world events in the game during the Season.
Icons Challenges were designed to reward your effort with an Icon item. They are released at specific times from October to August.
Flashback Challenges are special SBCs that reward your effort with unique items representing players’ milestone seasons. Flashback items recognize previous accomplishments of active players by featuring increased stats based on a particularly great season. They are available at specific times and remain active only for a few days.
Player Moments Challenges are special SBCs that reward your effort with unique items representing players’ milestones. The Player Moments items recognize previous accomplishments of active players, like special matches or important goals. They are available at specific times and remain active only for a few days.
POTM Challenges were designed to reward your effort with unique items assigned to the Player of the Month award winners from a selection of popular leagues (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Ligue 1, Serie A, and Eredivisie). They are usually released monthly, and the challenges remain active only for a few weeks.
While on the main Squad Building Challenges screen, you can press triangle (PlayStation) or Y (Xbox) to tag a specific group as your favorite.
The SBC requirements in Football Club 25 are usually a mix of Player Quality, Squad Chemistry and Rating, Nationalities, Leagues, and Clubs.
The initial SBCs you should focus on are those categorized as Basic. These challenges are designed to introduce you to completing different tasks and offer generous pack rewards that can be sold, utilized for more SBCs, or integrated into your squad. Many of these early challenges are straightforward and can often be finished using players you already have. If you do need to search the transfer market, you won’t have to spend too many coins to complete them all.
It’s easy. On your main Ultimate Team screen (home), a button, ‘Squad Building Challenges’, redirects you directly to the SBC main screen.
You can use your console, PC, or the Web/Companion App to complete challenges and earn in-game rewards.
Everyone who owns an Ultimate Team Club is eligible to enter this game mode.
SBCs in Football Club 25 are accessible every day from the start. However, they come in two types: those that are always available for completion at any time, and those with an expiration date. For challenges with an expiry date, you must complete them before they expire to claim the rewards. If a challenge expires before you complete and submit it, you’ll get your players back.
It depends. Most of the challenges can only be submitted once. However, you can submit a selection of SBCs as often as you want or a specific number of times.
The first time you access Squad Building Challenges, a tutorial will appear to guide you through completing your initial challenge group. After completing this tutorial, you can choose from the numerous challenges available to progress further.
Here are the steps to earn unique rewards in Squad Building Challenges:

  1. Check the Requirements
    When starting a Squad Building Challenge, review the requirements listed on the right side of the screen. These must be met to earn the rewards.

  2. Create a Squad
    Build your squad using player cards from your club. You can also search the Transfer Market if necessary. Utilize unwanted cards for SBCs. Ensure your squad meets all specified requirements. Substitutes, reserves, and managers are not considered.

  3. Submit your Squad and Earn Rewards
    Once you’ve confirmed that all requirements are met, submit your squad to receive special rewards.
Please pay close attention to this important point: once you use items in Squad Building Challenges, you cannot retrieve them. Therefore, carefully consider the players you choose, as all player items included in the challenge will be forfeited when you submit your team.
You have the option to apply SBC Protection to players in your Club, which helps prevent accidentally submitting a key player into a Squad Building Challenge. If you attempt to submit a player with SBC Protection enabled, you will receive a prompt asking for confirmation before proceeding. Additionally, there’s a feature to exclude Active Squad members from Club search results, simplifying squad building and SBCs.
Brick Slot is a feature in which one or more slots are locked to a specific club and league.
No. Formations are locked for each challenge.
Completing Challenges and Groups grants access to various rewards. Individual challenges yield rewards such as packs, coins, player items, and kits, while completing groups unlocks even greater rewards, such as unique player items.
Depending on the challenge, they can be tradeable or not.
You receive the rewards as soon as you submit an individual challenge or complete a group of challenges.
Some Challenges are repeatable. Each time you submit the Squad, you have a chance to receive different rewards, but there is also a possibility of receiving a repeat reward.
Some FC SBCs feature multiple challenges within larger groups, known as Groups. Completing each challenge within a Group yields individual rewards, and completing the entire Group unlocks additional in-game rewards. Therefore, it’s beneficial to complete multiple challenges within a set to access additional group rewards.
You can do a few things to spend as little as possible when completing an SBC. Here are a few tips:
  • Don’t Discard
    Avoid discarding your bronze and silver player cards until you’ve finished the initial challenges.

  • Check the Chemistry
    Use concept players, the companion app, or external squad builder websites if you’re unsure about the chemistry of the team you’re building.
  • Only Do The Minimum Requirement
    You don’t need to do more than what is asked. Meeting the minimum requirements makes you eligible for rewards.

  • Avoid Sacrifice Good Cards
    Try not to use high-value cards, as you won’t be able to retrieve them unless found in packs or on the transfer market. Utilize unwanted cards to fill out your squad.

  • Focus on the Rating
    Player stats are irrelevant for SBCs, so you can use lower-rated players, spending fewer coins. Find the cheapest players for each overall rating.

  • Use Loyalty to complete Hybrid SBCs
    Loyalty can provide a chemistry boost, especially useful for completing hybrid SBCs.

  • Don’t Copy Squads from other Players
    Avoid using squads from popular websites like FUTBin and FUTWiz, as their prices tend to rise once published and followed by many players.

  • Do your Homework Before starting a challenge, assess its worth by comparing the cost with the value of the reward.
Squad Building Challenge cards are unique untradeable items that players can get exclusively by completing specific challenges. They can not be found in packs or on the transfer market.