FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide


Do you want to know which formation is right for your team ? If so, you need to read this FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide.

Even if you already know which formation to use, be sure to read this article. You will find that there are many options and there is always room for improvement.

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Introduction to Formations in FUT 15


Modern football is more tactical than ever. That’s why formations are so important in Ultimate Team mode. In fact, they always were. A good player with a top team may lose a game if he is playing in a non-suitable formation.

Unlike what happens with other game modes, in Ultimate Team there are only 25 formations and you have to pick one of them. If you want to change it, just go to your active squad screen and access the formations box pressing your LT/L2 button. If you are not completely happy with your formation, you can adjust it to your play style and needs by using a custom tactic or changing the players’ mentality.

FUT has started with 17 formations. Then 5-4-1 has dropped and last year, in FUT 14, nine new formations were added to the 16:

4-2-3-1 (2)
4-4-2 (2)
4-1-2-1-2 (2)
4-5-1 (2)
4-3-3 (2) “Hold”
4-3-3 (3) “Defend”
4-3-3 (4) “Attack”
4-3-3 (5) “False 9”

In the same year, EA decided to remove the formations cards which means that players and managers no longer had to play in the right formation in order to keep chemistry high.

The biggest change in FUT 15 were the links of some formations. A few ones were removed which was a bonus especially for those who love to build hybrid squads. Now it is easier to build teams with high chemistry, since there are less links. Here are the links that were removed:

3-4-1-2 CM to CBR and CBL
3-4-2-1 CM to CBR and CBL
3-4-3 CM to CBR and CBL
4-1-2-1-2 RM and LM to CB
4-1-2-1-2 (2) CM to CB
4-2-3-1 (2) CAM to CB
4-3-1-2 CAM to CMR and CML
4-3-2-1 CMC to CB
4-3-3 CMR and CML to CB
4-3-3 (2)
4-3-3 (3) CM to CB
4-3-3 (4)
4-3-3 (5) CM to CB
4-4-2 (2)
4-5-1 CM to RM and LM
4-5-1 (2)
5-2-1-2 CM to CBR and CBL
5-2-2-1 CM to CBR and CBL
5-3-2 CMC to CBR and CBL



How to Choose the Right FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formation


There is no better formation than another. All of them have strong and weak points. You should decide which one is better to you.

Before you even start to sign players, you should start by setting the formation that you will implement on your squad. If you leave the decision for later, you will not equip your squad with players who you really need and you will be penalized in the individual and squad chemistry. You can solve the problem by buying new players and, in certain cases, positioning cards but the investment will be very high.


The most common question is: How do I decide the formation that I will use ?

There is no exact answer, but you should consider a few factors:

  • What is your play style ?
  • Do you often attack by the wings ? Do you enjoy possession ? Do you have a patient style ? Do you often play in counter-attack ?

  • With which formation you are most familiar and which ones you like most ?
  • There is any formation that let’s you more comfortable ? Did you have better results with some formation ?

  • Into which formations the players that you think are essential fit ?
  • The attributes and skills of your essential players can be better used in some of the formations?

  • What are the formations best suited to the goals you set for your FUT 15 clubs?
  • Do you want to try to win all the matches even taking risks or do you will be happy even not winning all the matches ?



FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide

Click on the image to maximize it



Best FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations


If you want to know which one is the right formation for you, you should analyse carefully every single formation in the next chapter. However, if you are too lazy to do that, take a look to the top formation we have gathered for you.


Most Used FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations

The most used and the most popular formations are almost the same. This doesn’t mean that they are the best ones. However, if you don’t know from where to start, these ones are good suggestions:


From most used to least used


Most Attacking FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations

Please note that the most used attacking formation doesn’t mean it is the best attacking formation. If you are looking for a formation setup for an attacking style, please take a look to this TOP 5:

4-3-3 (4)

From most attacking to least attacking


Most Defensive FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations

Please, note that the most popular defensive formation doesn’t mean it is the best defensive formation. If you are looking for a formation good for a defensive style, please take a look to this TOP 5:

4-3-3 (3)

From most defensive to least defensive


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations for a Counter Attack Style

There are formations more suitable to be used in a counter attack style. If you identify yourself with this playing style, please take a look at the TOP 5 formations for you:

4-3-3 (2)
4-4-2 (2)
4-2-3-1 (2)

From best to worst counter attack style


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations for Possession

FIFA isn’t played the same way by everyone. If you prefer a passing and possession style, keeping the ball with you and building up your game patiently, you should look to the following TOP 5 formations:

4-5-1 (2)
4-1-2-1-2 (2)
4-3-3 (5)

From best to worst possession style


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations for Crossing

FIFA isn’t played in the same way by everyone. If you prefer a crossing style, taking advantage of the wings, you should look to the following TOP 5 formations:

4-4-2 (2)

From best to worst crossing style


Our TOP 5 FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations

You already have chosen your formation, right ? Maybe not. Most of the time, even if you have your very own playing style, the best formation is not the most attacking or defensive one but the most balanced one. Take a look to our personal selection of the best five formations to be used in this game:


From best to worst



All FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations


As we already said, there are 25 formations in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team.

For each formation we explain how it works, identify the Most Similar Formation, show you the main advantages / disadvantages and suggest how to play against that formation. But there’s more! We suggest, for each position, the work rates and attributes that we think are the most important.


Click over the formation you want to learn more.

3xx Formations


4xx Formations

4-1-2-1-2 (2)
4-2-3-1 (2)
4-3-3 (2)
4-3-3 (3)
4-3-3 (4)
4-3-3 (5)
4-4-2 (2)
4-5-1 (2)

5xx Formations






Most Similar Formation: 3-5-2
Best formation to play against 3-4-1-2: 4-1-2-1-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide - 3-4-1-2

One of the less popular formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

Very attacking formation.

Defensively weak and susceptible to dangerous counter-attacks.
Needs fast defenders and wingers with a medium defensive work rate.


CB R Low High Pace Defending
CB C Medium High Defending Heading
CB L Low High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passing Defending
CM L Low High Defending Heading
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CF Medium Medium Passing Shooting
ST R High Medium Heading Shooting
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 3-4-3
Best formation to play against 3-4-2-1: 4-5-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 3-4-2-1

Similar to the 3-4-1-2 formation, with a change to the forward players. Even less popular than the previous one.

Very attacking formation with three players right in front.

Defensively weak and susceptible to dangerous counter-attacks.
Needs fast defenders and wingers with a medium defensive work rate.

CB R Low High Pace Defending
CB C Medium High Defending Heading
CB L Low High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passing Defending
CM L Low High Defending Heading
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
RF High Medium Pace Shooting
LF High Medium Pace Shooting
ST High Low Shooting Passing





Most Similar Formation: 3-4-2-1
Best formation to play against 3-4-3: 4-2-2-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 3-4-3

Similar to 3-4-2-1, with the change of forwards to wingers.

Attacking formation.
It offers plenty of width in attack which makes it suitable for those who love crossing.

Defensively weak and susceptible to dangerous counter-attacks.
Needs fast defenders and wingers with a medium defensive work rate.

CB R Low High Pace Defending
CB C Medium High Defending Heading
CB L Low High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passing Defending
CM L Low High Defending Heading
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
RW High Medium Pace Passing
LW High Medium Pace Passing
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 3-4-1-2
Best formation to play against 3-5-2: 4-3-2-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 3-5-2

One of the most solid formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

Very compact formation that provides 5 or even 7 elements to defend when you need to hold on a result.
Suitable for those who like to dominating.

The RM and LM need to have winger attributes but also medium defensive work rate.
Inadequate if the opponent plays with fast wingers.

CB R Medium High Pace Defending
CB C Medium High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
CDM R Medium High Passing Defending
CDM L Low High Defending Heading
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CAM Medium Medium Passing Vision
ST R High Medium Heading Shooting
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 4-1-2-1-2 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-1-2-1-2: 4-5-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-1-2-1-2

The most popular of all FUT 15 formations. This formation in diamond shape has the CAM as key element.

Good defensively since sometimes CDM plays like a CB. Suitable for those who like to play through the middle.
Balanced formation that offers defensive security in midfield.

Too narrow.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM Medium High Defending Passing
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CAM High Medium Passing Ball Control
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
ST R High Medium Heading Shooting
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace



4-1-2-1-2 (2)


Most Similar Formation: 4-1-2-1-2
Best formation to play against 4-1-2-1-2 (2): 4-5-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-1-2-1-2 (2)

Variation of the very popular 4-1-2-1-2 that let players control the midfield. It is even more narrow than the original, giving them a much tighter diamond.

Suitable for those who like to play through the middle.
Suitable for those who like quick feet and passing style.

Too narrow.
Needs good full backs since the wings get very exposed.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM Medium High Passe Defending
CMR High Medium Passe Dribbling
CAM High Medium Passe Dribbling
CML High Medium Passe Dribbling
ST R High Medium Shooting Pace
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 4-5-1 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-1-4-1: 3-4-3

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-1-4-1

It is very similar with the 4-5-1 (2) but the CDM in front of the back four gives more security on the defence.

Very organised and solid midfield build up.

Lacks a little attack
The striker may needs support. CM’s should have high attacking work rate.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM Medium High Defending Passe
CMR High Medium Passe Dribbling
CML High Medium Passe Dribbling
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 4-1-2-1-2 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-2-2-2: 3-4-1-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-2-2-2

It is one of the most balanced formations. Similar to 4-4-2 but with players more qualified to defend and others to to attack.

Have enough players when defending or attacking.
Suitable for anyone who likes to have possession of the ball and to anyone who likes to give freedom to CAM’s.

The CAM’s play on the wings and may not have the required attributes.
Requires some practice time to become familiar with the formation.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM R Medium High Defending Passing
CDM L High Medium Passing Pace
CAM R High Low Passing Dribbling
CAM L Medium Medium Passing Pace
ST R High Medium Shooting Pace
ST L Medium Low Passing Shooting





Most Similar Formation: 4-2-3-1 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-2-3-1: 3-5-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-2-3-1

Formation much appreciated. Allows multiple offensive options but with the security of two CDM in defence.

It has three types of attacking players increasing the range of offensive possibilities.
Two CDM’s give plenty of cover at the back.

The CAM’s play on the wings and may not have the required attributes.
The CDM’s can become very tired because they are forced to defend and to fill empty midfield.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM R Medium High Defending Passing
CDM L High Medium Passing Pace
CAM R High Low Passing Dribbling
CAM L Medium Medium Passing Pace
CF High Medium Passing Shooting
ST High Low Shooting Pace



4-2-3-1 (2)


Most Similar Formation: 4-2-3-1
Best formation to play against 4-2-3-1 (2): 4-4-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-2-3-1 (2)

A more attacking wider variation of the 4-2-3-1, that converted the wide CAM’s into natural wingers.

Two CDM’s give plenty of cover at the back.
Suitable for short passing style as well as fast counters

Needs a really good player to play as a CAM, the key position.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CDM R Medium High Defending Passe
CDM L High Medium Passe Pace
CAM High Medium Passe Dribbling
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 4-2-1-2 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-3-1-2: 4-3-2-1/p>

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-1-2

One of the formations most recommended for those who like to play through the middle. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

The CAM and the two ST make this formation extremely dangerous in attack.
Suitable for those who like to play through the middle.

Very narrow formation. Crossing of the ball hardly happens.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passing Defending
CM C Medium High Passing Defending
CM L Medium Medium Defending Pace
CF Medium Medium Passing Dribbling
ST R High Low Shooting Pace
ST L High Medium Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3
Best formation play against 4-3-2-1: 4-4-1-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-2-1

Similar to 4-3-1-2 but with two CF’s and only one ST or similar to 4-3-3 but the left and right forwards are tucked inside rather than to the wings.

It is wider in the attack than 4-3-1-2.
Suitable for those who like to play through the middle.

A bit narrow formation, specially on the midfield.

RB Medium High Defending Pace
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Defending Pace
CM R High Medium Pace Dribbling
CM C Low High Defending Passing
CM L High Medium Pace Dribbling
RF High Low Passing Pace
LF High Low Passing Pace
ST High Low Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3 (2) and 4-3-3 (4)
Best formation to play against 4-3-3: 4-1-4-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-3

One of most famous formations. Earned greater notoriety for having been adapted by Barcelona in last few years.

The closeness and the balance of the six men from the front allows safe passing game between them.
Chance of fast attacks on the wings.

Only one ST may be insufficient.
Insufficient players that help the back four.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CM R High Medium Pace Dribbling
CM C Low High Passing Defending
CM L High Medium Pace Dribbling
RW High Low Passing Pace
LW High Low Passing Pace
ST High Low Shooting Heading



4-3-3 (2) HOLD


Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3 (5)
Best formation to play against 4-3-3 (2): 4-1-4-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-3 (2)

The first of 4-3-3 variations offers a holding defensive midfielder anchor in the midfield.

Chance of fast attacks on the wings.
Good defensively since sometimes CDM plays like a CB.

Only one ST may be insufficient.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CM R High Medium Passe Pace
CDM Low Medium Passe Defending
CM L High Medium Passe Pace
RW High Medium Pace Passe
LW High Medium Pace Passe
ST High Low Shooting Heading



4-3-3 (3) DEFEND


Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-3-3 (3): 4-1-4-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-3 (3)

This defensive-minded 4-3-3 variation offers two holding defensive midfielders and one centre midfielder in the midfield

Two CDM’s give plenty of cover at the back.

The three attackers get too lonely.
Wingers need to cover more field. Midfield is too isolated.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CDM R Medium Medium Passe Defending
CM High Medium Passe Pace
CDM L Medium Medium Passe Defending
RW High Medium Pace Stamina
LW High Medium Pace Stamina
ST High Low Shooting Heading



4-3-3 (4) ATTACK


Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3
Best formation to play against 4-3-3 (4): 4-4-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-3 (4)

The one of the most attacking of all FUT 15 formations is a variant of the 4-3-3 that turns one of the midfielders into an attacking midfielder to support the front three.

Suitable for those who want a very attacking formation.
The closeness and the balance of the six men from the front allows safe passing game between them.
Chance of fast attacks on the wings.

Too attacking formation for most of the players.
Huge empty space between midfield and the defence.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passe Defending
CAM High Medium Passe Dribbling
CM L Low High Defending Heading
RW High Medium Pace Passe
LW High Medium Pace Passe
ST High Low Shooting Heading



4-3-3 (5) FALSE 9


Most Similar Formation: 4-3-3 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-3-3 (5): 4-4-1-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-3-3 (5)

The final 4-3-3 variant offers a deeper-lying center forward position to hold possession and help build-up the attacking play.

Balanced formation that is suitable for those who like to run at defenders.
Good defensively since sometimes CDM plays like a CB.

Wingers need to be able to cut inside and look to get at goal.
Not a good formation for crosses.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CM R High Medium Passe Pace
CDM Low Medium Defending Heading
CM L High Medium Passe Pace
RW High Medium Pace Shooting
LW High Medium Pace Shooting
CF High Low Pace Shooting





Most Similar Formation: 4-4-2
Best formation to play against 4-4-1-1: 4-5-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-4-1-1

Widely used in the world of football and in the Barclays PL in particular. Similar to 4-4-2 but one of ST backs for CF.

Better for a passing team and less direct.
The CF can be used to be the creative force or to break up play.

The CF drops too deep and leaves you isolated up top.
Some of the mid fielders should have good defensive attributes to help the back four.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CM R Medium Medium Passing Vision
CM L High High Stamina Defending
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CF High Medium Passing Shooting
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 4-4-2 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-4-2: 4-5-1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-4-2

The classic formation. Widely used in the world of football and the second most used in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. Organised structure of defenders and midfielders moving as a line up and down the pitch.

The safest option for those players not too sure on what formation to go with.
Solid and good for attack through the middle or on the wings. Fullbacks can support wingers.

Formation a bit predictable for opponents.
Some of the mid fielders should have good defensive attributes to help the back four.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
RM High Medium Pace Drible
CM R Medium Medium Passing Vision
CM L High High Stamina Defending
LM High Medium Pace Drible
ST R High Medium Heading Shooting
ST L Medium Low Pace Shooting



4-4-2 (2)


Most Similar Formation: 4-4-2
Best formation to play against 4-4-2 (2): 3-5-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-4-2 (2)

A more defensive variation of the classic 4-4-2 with two defensive midfielders in place of the usual centre midfielders.

Two CDM’s give plenty of cover at the back.
Suitable for those who like wide counter attacks.

Lacks creative play in the midfield.
Needs fast wingers.

RB Medium Medium Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium Medium Pace Defending
RM High Medium Pace Passe
CDM R Medium High Defending Passe
CDM L High Medium Passe Pace
LM High Medium Pace Passe
ST R High Medium Heading Shooting
ST L Medium Medium Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 4-5-1 (2)
Best formation to play against 4-5-1: 4-3-3 (2)

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-5-1

Formation that puts 5 players in midfield, two of them supporting the striker. For many years, it was the favourite formation of many European teams.

Suited to players who prefer to build play patiently.
Probably the best formation for who wants to keep the ball.

Not good for direct play and long ball styles.
CM often tends to get lost and caught out of position.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CM Medium High Passing Defending
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
CAM R Medium Medium Passing Dribbling
CAM L High Medium Passing Shooting
ST High Low Shooting Heading



4-5-1 (2)


Most Similar Formation: 4-5-1
Best formation to play against 4-5-1 (2): 3-5-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 4-5-1 (2)

The 4-5-1 variation adds more midfield steel. The three centre midfielders make it harder to break down on the counter and leaves less gaps for the attack.

Suitable for those who wants to keep the ball.

Only one ST may be insufficient.
CM’s may need to help the back four.

RB Medium High Pace Defending
CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
LB Medium High Pace Defending
CM R Medium Medium Passe Dribbling
CM Medium High Passe Defending
CM L Medium Medium Passe Dribbling
LM High Medium Pace Dribbling
RM High Medium Pace Dribbling
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 5-3-2
Best formation to play against 5-2-1-2: 3-5-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 5-2-1-2

Formation used by fewer FIFA FUT 15 players. Similar to 5-2-2-1 but with two ST with a more creative CAM option.

Strong defence with space for wing backs to run into.
The best formation for who likes to play in counter-attack.

Can be narrow attacking wise limiting options.
It depends too much on CAM so he must be really good.

CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB C Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
RWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
LWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
CM R Medium Medium Passing Vision
CM L High High Stamina Defending
CF High Medium Passing Shooting
ST R High Medium Shooting Heading
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace





Most Similar Formation: 5-2-1-2
Best formation to play against 5-2-2-1: 4-2-2-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 5-2-2-1

One of less popular formations on FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. Similar to 5-2-1-2 but with 1 up top supported by a left and right forward either side.

Probably the formation more solid defensively.
Suitable for who likes to play in counter-attacks.

Very weak if the opponents put many players in the midfield.
The RF/LF’s may have to help the CM’s.

CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB C Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
RWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
LWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
CM R Medium Medium Passing Vision
CM L High High Stamina Defending
RF High Medium Pace Shooting
LF High Medium Pace Dribbling
ST High Low Shooting Heading





Most Similar Formation: 5-2-1-2
Best formation to play against 5-3-2: 4-4-2

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations - 5-3-2

The most solid and balanced formation of 5 defenders. Although seemingly defensive formation can become a very offensive.

Strong defence with space for wing backs to run into.
Can be narrow attacking wise limiting options.

CB R Low High Defending Heading
CB C Low High Defending Heading
CB L Medium High Pace Defending
RWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
LWB Medium Medium Pace Dribbling
CM R High Medium Passing Pace
CM C Medium Medium Passing Defending
CM L High Medium Passing Pace
ST R High Medium Shooting Heading
ST L Medium Low Shooting Pace



New Stuff


For experienced Ultimate Team gamers, most of what we have published here isn’t new. In that way, we have created this short chapter to show what has changed with formations:


FUT 14 >> FUT 15

  • Many links were removed


FUT 13 >> FUT 14

  • Added 9 new formations
  • Player’s formation cards were removed
  • Manager’s formation cards were removed
  • Formation no longer has impact in chemistry


To choose a formation is a step much more important than many gamers think. It can make the difference between winning and losing many matches. This guide gives you all the tools you need to decide well.


288 thoughts on “FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Formations Guide”

  1. Girish chandra

    I am using 4-4-2 formation currently and the team chemistry is 100%,so my concern is that my players are not moving faster in the field and losing the ball while playing with professional and world class team’s. Then I thought of applying individual chemistry style for each player .so could you suggest me of which style to apply on which player. If I change my formation, I am losing chemistry

  2. After trying out a lot based on this guides I still prefer a Striker with a Medium/Low Work rate (like Hernandez, Morata, Amrabat) and full backs with High attacking WR

  3. i like playing through the middles and playing through balls balls and also like to defend wing play

  4. Hi Rodrigo,
    I need to adjust my custom tactics every single match ! do you have any suggestion to save them or even easily retrieve ?
    In addition, when I change the supporting style of my CDM during the match it returns back to its default status during the same match !

  5. Hi Rodrigo, I need help choosing a permanent formation. I’ve tried a lot of formations and from my experience I prefer formations with 4xx. I like to build up my play with pacey wingers on the sides with at least one CDM because CM players mostly tend to be out of their position when I need them. I like to play a passing, crossing and fast paced games while having possession. I’ve played with 4-1-2-2 a lot, but now I’m looking for another formation. 4-2-3-1 is a good formation but the two CDM’s get tired too quickly.
    Any help will be appreciated, thx.

  6. Hi Rodrigo,

    Amazing article mate so much thought and time gone into it, really interesting reading.

    I was doing well with 4-2-3-1 (first season online and got to div 1 and went on 12 game win streak then I lost it got relegated and can’t buy a win 🙁

    I like to be solid and play on the counter attacking as I often get caught out by pacey strikers on the counter, I also like crossing and am finding the 1 up front is a bit lacking against the top guys, what do you suggest mabye I should change it up? What would suit me best?

  7. Hey was just looking this over trying to find a good formation.
    I’m looking to build a squad around striker walcott and striker aubamayang. I was wondering what you think would be the best formation to have these two use their pace the best. I’m not really into the 3 or 5 at the back formations as I dont suck at defending but im not amazing at defending. Thanks.

  8. Thanks Man!!! The 4-3-2-1… If you use the custom tactic on possesion,You think it would be any better??? Also i don’t like to cross…. (Is this for Non-Crossers like the False 9)

    1. I’m keep thinking that 433 (5) is a better formation to you. However, 433 (5) is also better to crosses and 4321 to non-crossers.

  9. What’s your view on 4-3-3(5) vs 4-3-2-1?? Which out of the 2 is better for passing/possession…
    (And for the forwards or wingers!!! Do you have to use pace , or can you use someone like Isco/Ozil??)

  10. What’s your verdict on these Formations Rodrigo?!?! How would you Rank them yourself??
    .4-2-3-1 (1) / 4-2-2-2 / 4-3-1-2 / 4-1-4-1 / 4-4-1-1 & 4-5-1 (2)

    Love passing gameplay

  11. Rodrigo,

    I will use a Serie A squad. The thing is that I love to play on the wings with players like if mertens, if candreva, if jose callejon and cuadrado. However the quality of the midfielders in the Serie A is very good with pogba, marchisio, vidal, motm hamsik, if hernanes, if guarin etc. So I don’t know which formation it’s best to chose, because the defenders in the Serie A are not that good and that fast for only 3 defenders without lb or rb. Thanks for the support and succes with reading my bad English.


    The dutchboy

  12. Your thoughts on 4-4-1-1 formation Rodrigo?

    I have played with it some matches and when I score early, it s amazing as the opponent doesn’t t know where the attackers are coming from plus it s excellent in passing and dominating the game. My ST is Aguero.

    Only problem is when I am conceading, it isn t a good formation to attack with especially if the opponent is parking the bus.

  13. Hi mate.
    Nice work on this guide, i found it helpful!
    I just want to hear your suggestion on what formation i should use.
    I like to play fast build-up/counter attacks, i do not want wingers RW/LW or RF/LF, but i would like to have RM/LM. And 4 defenders 🙂
    Btw it is Liga BBVA.
    I hope you can help. 😀

  14. Hi Rodrigo!!!!

    What for you is the Best Possesion/Tikki Takka Formation??? As i’m not really a fan of the Whole..Using 90 pace wingers 🙂
    Like to play the Barcelona way!!!

  15. There will be a super open space between midfield and defense! Unless you are referring to the holding version.

      1. What do you mean by no perfect formations?? This is a big liability and very bad thing to keep a big space btw ur midfield and defense! I am not looking for perfect formations. I am looking for a balanced one whe. You are conceding!

  16. Which one do to utilize now? I agree with you but to tackle that, I play with high pressure tactic and tend to finish off matches early on so I can switch to 4-5-1 and cotton the midfield during the game.

    Now, when I do conceed, I find myself confused – what do you think is the best formation if you want to attack and that s close to 442? I tend to choose btw 4-3-3 (5) or 4-3-3 (attack) or 4-1-2-1-2.

    Please advise

  17. Rodrigo, the best formation that I enjoy playing with is 4-4-2. I can cross, counter, tiki taka pass, everything! I just love it! The defensive version though is very bad and I can t attack with!


    2- 4-1-2-1-2

    3-4-3-3 false 9

    1. For me, the main problem of 442 is not having a CDM. There is a lot of empty space between the defensive line and the midfield. However, it is one of my favourites formations.

  18. I’m looking for a good possession formation, but one that is good defensively too? I score lots of goals, but concede just as many. Don’t mind if it doesn’t have wide players/wingers


  19. Hi, I want to build a La Liga / Bundesliga hybrid team. I am pretty poor at defending and keeping possession, but I’m decent at building up play (when I have the ball) and good at counter-attacks. So what formation and players should I get?

  20. Hi, I wanted to build a team and I also have an old team and I’m not sure if I should switch or not. Right now I have a 4-3-2-1 with Handanovic-Clichy, Chiellini, Barzagli, Konko-Fernandinho, Ramires, Pogba-Schurrle, Doumbia, Ibarbo. I made it to Division 1 once but got relegated. I’m usually in Division 2 or 3. So I’m not sure if I should switch to this team 4-4-1-1 Buffon- Eliseu, Chiellini, Otamendi, Joao Periera- Nani, Pogba, Enzo Perez, Quaresma- Tevez- Jackson Martinez. Would really appreciate advice

  21. I agree with you regarding the strikers. I love 4-4-2 but I guess there is no cover in the midfield, when I play high line defense to tackle this, I risk conceding if the opponent has good strikers. 4-4-2 (2) variant also is very defensive and I hardly score with it. I now play with 4-1-2-1-2 and it s giving good results.

  22. If u mean 4-2-2-2, I am bored of it as I mentioned before, that used to be my fav formation when I was playing PES and FIFA 13. Now I am playing 4-1-2-1-2 and loving it! Else it s 4-3-3 (5) or 4-4-2.

    Anyways, I got Sanchez, and he is no way near Cuadrado! You were right man, Cuadrado is the best winger. Waiting to sell Sanchez and get Reus instead.

    1. I only mentioned 4222 because among the formations you suggested, it is the only one that is not good for crosses, something that you don’t use.
      To me 442 is better. You have good strikers and in that case it is a waste to use 433 (5).

  23. Thanks for the reply Rodrigo. Apart from the fact that I used to play 4-2-2-2 formation and it was my fav one at PES and winning eleven, it s kinda tight especially when the opponent scored and is parking the bus. Also I would like to hear your thoughts on 4-3-3 (5) as well as 4-1-4-1.

    I like to be unpredictable and score with MDs coming from behind unoticed. Also I tend to play with 4-1-2-1-2 formation but I exposed easily. Your thoughts?

    1. There is no perfect formation. Each one has good and bad things.
      If you get exposed with 41212 you may need to play with two CDM’s. Why don’t you try to play with 422 (2) ?!

  24. which formation is better, 4-3-2-1 or 4-3-3
    this is my team
    Gervinho Doumbia Ibarbo
    Pjanic Guarin Nainggolan
    Evra Chiellini Castan Maicon

  25. For the team in 4-3-3 (5)


    Zabaleta, Kompany, Mangala/Kosicelny, Clichy/Moreno

    Kroos Pogba Iniesta

    Cuadrado James Pedro/Griezman

    I tend to get all French compatriots for the CBs, LB, GK and CDM to preserve chemistry. I also get Tevez and Schwensteiger to replace both Kroos or Pogba and Pedro in the 2nd half since their chemistry won t be affected being a sub.

  26. Thanks Ahmed. Now Rodrigo, I am torn between 4-3-3 (5) and either 4-4-2 (2) or 4-2-2-2. I love passing and dribbling against defenders – thus, found 4-3-3 (5) to be great. Only problem is unless it s Tevez which also plays out of position. I get James to play the False nine role. Now, here comes the issue: if I am conceding, I need to use strikers and attack not James or the like. But they are slow (falcao, RVP) unless it is Dturridge or Tevez.

    4-4-2 (2) is balanced and I enjoy playing with it. Sometimes though, the wingers are isolated from strikers and scoring goals become a hassle. I don t like to base my attack on (wingers only) in 4-3-3 (5) at the same time 4-4-2 (2) even though very balanced and I players see each other and pass to open spaces, is sometimes not sufficient to score goals.

    I like to pass, dribble , through passes and lastly cross. I like the fact of getting players unnoticed from the midfield to score and attack.

    What would be the ideal formation?

    1. Hi.
      Our job is to help you to decide which formation to use showing you the pros and cons of each one but the decision is yours.
      According with your description, 4222 is the best formation.

  27. Hello Rodrigo , thank you for this site , you and your advise are perfect.
    I want to ask you something ? I play ultimate team online season , I am in 3.division now , but I was in 2. division , generally I play 2 and 3 division 🙂
    I use 2 different tactics , sometimes 41212 sometimes 433(2)…. I was happy both of them but I cant prefer which one is good for me , I can win 85-86 ratings team but sometimes I can lose 80-81 ratings team…
    I have Lloris , Kompany ,Koscielny , Zabaleta, F.Luis , Yaya Toure , Fernandinho , Di Maria ,Gundogan , Reus , Aguero , Diego Costa , Lacezette , Willian , Aubumeyang , and some players from other leagues like these player’s quality.
    I want to play fast and through balls , sometimes from wings , but I want secure defence too…I can’t prefer one tactic ,
    What do you suggest for me ? , please help 🙂 if you suggest different tactic to me , its ok I will accept your advise…
    thank you very much for everything

    1. Hi.
      Thank you for your support.
      433(2) and 41212 are very different. 433(2) is more suitable for a fast game, while 41212 is better for through balls. You have good players for both formations. Maybe better for 41212.
      The decision has to be yours. It all depends of how you feel playing with each formation.
      Forget the ratings. You can play against very good players with low ratings. Usually, the owners of top ratings squads are poor players.

      1. Seko the King

        thank you for your made me very happy…thank you very much…I prefer 433(2)…
        Pizschek Kompany Koscielny F.Luis
        İ.Gundogan Di Maria
        Aubemenyang Reus

        My Team Chemistry is 95 like that…Sometimes I use Zabaleta * Fernandinho * Willian in right side and my team chemistry was 100…I won 5 in a row yesterday night in 3 divison… I had red card and Iwas losing 1-0 halft time and I won the match 3-2 🙂

        I want to ask you do you suggest any player for me ? for this tactic and this squad…I can buy…
        and I want to ask you how must be my custom tactics? game speed , defensive line , pressing , passing style etc. ???
        please help me again
        thank you very much for everything Rodrigo

        1. Use custom tactics only to tune up your game.
          You need to pay attention to individual chemistry, which is more important than squad chemistry. Aguero chemistry, for example, is too poor. Take a look here, please.

  28. first / you have good work .. Thank Rodrigo …
    I play 433(3) DEF . i have some problem in CM . The empty space between the CM and the RW/LW /ST . I pay player for good stamina but still problem.
    may team (( Casillas . Piqe . Pepe . Alba . Marcos // Khedira. Busqu .** Modric** // Pitti IF . Benzema . Vela ))
    (( Handovic . Armero . Barzgli . Chillini . Konko . // Vidal . De Rossi . ** Bujinic ** // Shaarow . Doumbia . Ibarbio ))
    thanx …

  29. I am getting confused Rodrigo. I hate to be restricted with certain players for the chemistry to rise up

  30. I agree and I am also thinking of cutting out my squad (players that I do like) and buying players like Reus.

    Thing is, I love soccer, I love to keep changing players and also rotate them. 22 players for me isn t enough. I have 50 now and looking to cut to maybe 30.

    I am also thinking of replacing Ozil with James and Ciadtado with James?

    What do u think?

  31. I may Shaqiri or Cuadrado on the left side. I also purchased Depay. The Dutch flyer and planning to I troduce him to the game as a sub so as not disturb the chemistry (95)

    I hate 3-5-2. Not gonna play with it. I do like 4-2-2-2 but it s tight at times. I will try the 4-4-2 (2) hope it OSN t defensive though.

    Also what do you think of Tim Howard? I like him a lot and Depay? The Dutch flyer!

    1. You have many other GK better than Howard.
      Pay attention to your chemistry. 95 is bad. You need to oocus in getting Individual chemistry 10 to most of your players.

  32. And my lineup is:

    De Gea, pieczek/zabaleta, Hummels/Koscileny, Kompany, Clichy/Azpilecueta

    Cuadrado/Shaqiri, Schwensteiger/Mattuidi, Fabregas/Ozil/Eriksson, Silva/Iniesta

    falcao/Sturridge TeVez/Ramos/RVP


  33. Rodrigo,

    My best formation that I enjoy playing with and matches my style now is 4-4-2. Now only problem is there is no player in the middle who presses and pushback the opponent (like the CAM in 4-2-3-1) or 4-1-2-1-2. This is considered my first Line of defense as I like to pressure opponents and get the ball quickly. This also has a lot of implications on my defense as I get exposed if the opponent had fast players in the middle and they can have room to play and create chances.

    The only way I found to tackle this is by playing high pressure and having a high line so as there is no space between my midfield and defense. Still, if the opponent has a good play maker that sends through passes and pacey strikers, I conceed!

    Any plans, strategies to tackle that?since this is your fav formation as mentioned before, what did you do? Did you have the same issue?

    Same thing also with 4-3-3.


    1. Good question. That WAS my favourite formation. In fact, I still love it but I had the same problem. The empty space between the defence and the midfield is very dangerous. Now I play in a 352 but before that I played in a 442 (2) which gives the security of having two CDM.

  34. Hey, Im really struggling in Fifa 15. Im at Manchester United. I play a 4-4-2. I have De Gea as mt Goalkeeper, LB is Luke Shaw and RB is Dani Carvajal, my CB’s are Varane and Smalling, my CDM is Matuidi ( i just bought Sergio Busquets) My RM is Dì Maria, LM is Marco Reus, My CAM is Christian Eriksen ( just got Isco ) up front I have Cavani and Javier Hernández as my two strikers. Im half way through my second season and im in 6th place and I cant seem to find a formation that helps make the tea, win. I have tried a 4-3-3-, 4-1-2-1-2, 4-5-1 but nothing my team keeps sinking. Is it the defense or is it that i should find a better Goalkeeper. Or what????

  35. Sheik Umar Mukhtar

    Hi Rodrigo!! I have always loved your guides since I started playing Fifa in 2012… but some things I’m not clear.. I would like to ask you few questions/recommendations. First of all I like to play:
    -Fluid passing/ pass and move (priority)
    -I seldom shoot (unless the chance is really good)
    -I don’t play long shots
    -hates long balls unless lob through balls
    -slow build-up but fast when attacking
    -I don’t play crossing
    -I don’t play skills at all unfortunately
    -I do play a little bit of possession but occasional through balls
    I have tried 4-3-3 (5), I can dominate every game but I just can’t score!! I did tried to use my wingers to cut in but I’m very weak against high pressured teams
    I tried 3-5-2, I could dominate some matches but some teams beat me even though they have lesser players midfield because their players seems to be in the correct position everytime, I don’t use my defensive players to close him down as much, afraid that it will open up my defense..(I’m weak at defending headers). in the end mispasses/ mistakes always made me lose with 1 goal difference…so frustrating
    Last thing, I don’t what formation to use since I play fast-possession style so it bothers me whether should I use wingers or not??


    1. Hi.
      Thank you for follow us for so long.
      According to what you described, you need a formation with many players in the middle, with at least one striker (CF doesn’t work for you), without wingers (you don’t cross and usually don’t cut in), good for passing and with many players playing together. My suggestion is 4222. Try it and give it time to get used.

      1. Sheik Umar Mukhtar

        Hey, thanks recently I tried out 5-2-2-1 just to try out because they are so many triangles. To my surprise, it works better I expected haha, I’m going to try out your formation as well. And thank you Rodrigo 🙂

  36. Hello!
    Last year false was my favourite formation but this year I just can’t seem to play with it. I like to skill and pass a lot. What formation would you recommend?

  37. Hy! Could you help me ?
    My best part in FIFA when my ST or Midf. take the ball from the opponent, and score a goal a few seconds later because they don’t expect it. I love running a counter attack from this situations.
    I adjust the Team Pressing, the High Pressure, and I adjust the St to Press back line.
    How can i get the ball more often on the opponent’s side of the pitch ? I want the biggest pressing, Like Dortmund did 1-2 years ago in real life, or Liverpool did some times. Which formation is the best for this ? What do you suggest for me ?

    Thanx !!

    1. Pressing, high attacking work rates and press back line. Then, you need players with good defensive and interception stats. You can not do much more than that.
      352 is a good formation to that.

  38. Hello Rodrigo . I need little help from You. I’m new player on fifa 15 and first time play on fut on ps3. I like play on formation 442 and 41212 a little. Also i like counter atacks actions – and sometimes its works good for me on 442 but often my strikers dont shows up in front. On 41212 mostly i feel little confused when try makeing action. I dont have overpowered cards maybe few good but in few leagues at the sime time ;/ . Idont know i should practics more on 442 or try to change to other formation. I’m not a maetro of tricks so i prefer few fast pass in midfield and try crross trought ball to my strikers and try one-on-one situations, defending is not as good as it should so i think 4 defenders must be 😉 . Big problem is to match a good tactics to simple formation – dont know to play offencive or defensive on 442 and it should be a ball possesion type or maybe counter atacks tact. I read a article and i’m little confused – why ? bcoz i cant decide to good formation for me – in few of them i found something good for me :). On ps3 is one more problem – there is no option to make individual “roles” to players like others platform. Maybe I ask for too much but i think You can help me with that. Also i will be happy if You can write me what players are good for those formation 442 / 41212 and maybe others that you show me. And a work rate ata/def on players is very important or i can trow it to second place when I build my team ? Thanks for all help for me . Best regards . Jaguerro :))

    1. Hi.
      Work rates are important but don’t choose a much worse player just because of that. My advice is: if you found formations with good things, start trying. 433 (2) and 4231 (2) seems OK to you.

  39. Hi Rodrigo. At start pls dorgive me my eng (its not good sometimes ). I play fifa 15 on ps3 and for last time I cant win nothing. I try few formations but its good for 1-2 matches only and then i start loosing again. I have few good card players from few leagues. I like plays fast ball and mostly deadlyiest counter attacks but in the same time i’m not perfect on defensive. On ps3 is no option to set indyvidual role to players like on pc or xbox . Thx for all help 🙂

      1. Looks good, but what tactics is good for this formation? I mean focus on defend and take counter atack style or maybe pressing and wings? Or smthing other?

  40. Hello
    I have been using 4-3-2-1 but finding hard to get through the defencee. I want formation to play against people who like to give a lot of through passes and people who like to cross and always sliding tackles.
    I like to play through the middle like to go solo dribbling andlg shots. I

  41. Aditya Kartik Gupta

    hey rodrigo
    i have aproblem with the formation you gave me before which was 433 (2) for ipad fifa 15
    i found that in barclays pl single players seasons on ipad fifa 15 this did not work and and quick match on world class difficulty this formation did not work either
    any other advice !!!!!!!
    maybe you can try out all the formations with bpl players !!!!!! and tell me which is the best for attacking , quick counters and great with stealing the ball and defending …


    it will help the little guys who are playing fifa on ios

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi.
      We don’t play in iOS or Android, so our suggestions are not for these platforms.
      You can follow most of our published guides to your platform.

  42. What is a good formation for easy passes with space. Im not the best at passing so what would be best for passing with space?

  43. Hallo
    i play often against 4-1-2-1-2 and 4-3-3(3)
    which formation ist good against this?

    I play with a Liga BBVA Team and have benzema IF Suarez Bale or Neymar.

    1. You have the answer in this guide!

      Best formation to play against 4-1-2-1-2: 4-5-1

      4-3-3 (3) DEFEND
      Best formation to play against 4-3-3 (3): 4-1-4-1”

  44. Hi rodrigo i have been using the 4-2-3-1(2) but occasionally find a lack of options upfront do you have any suggestion of tactics or instructions which may help with this?

      1. ok thanks, iv also tried wingers staying forward and 2nd cdm (vidal) to get forward do you this this should help?

        you also mention as a weakness needing a really good cam, i have pogba up, payet IF UP, merten and marchiso which would you rate as best?

  45. Hi Rodrigo

    About my style of game play using 4-1-2-1-2 :
    1. Team Pressing
    2. Possession/Long Ball/Counter Attack
    3. Always uses Lob Through Ball

    My traits:
    1. Always got leaked out opponents from lob through ball, even there’s 4 defenders on my back line.
    2. Aggressive in attacking
    3. Poor defence, rarely got clean sheet in the game.
    4. Crosses doesn’t find anyone for finishing, always got cleared out by opponent

    From the style and traits that I have, can you suggest an alternative formation?

    Many Thanks.

  46. Hello Rodrigo,

    I am forming a bundesliga/German mix team. My team starting out was a 4-4-2 with ramos and immobile in ST, Gotze and gundogan CM and muller and aubamayang in LM and RM, and then piszech RB boateng and benatia CB and LB Rodrigo. Recently I changed to this formation: 3-4-1-2. I have lewandowski and ramos in ST, Gotze (CAM), Gundogan and Ozil in CM (want to switch Ozil to Schweinsteigger), Muller and Shurrle in RM and LM and then Boateng, Benatia, and Hummels CB. I found that the 3 CB is not that great defense and the opponent always finds a gap. Do you have a formation or player switches you recommend? The players I definitely want to have my team in the end are Lewandowski, Gotze, Schweinsteigger.

    1. Your LB is not correct. I prefer to play in the middle. 🙂
      The other players seem to be OK for a affordable Bundesliga squad.

  47. Aditya Kartik Gupta

    Hi rodrigo

    i play fifa 15 on ipad and i was wondering that which is the best formation in fifa 15 ipad for attacking and defencing both
    –4 at the back
    –strong counter attack
    –strong wing attack ( wingers right and left running in getting through balls or with the ball dribbling , sprinting through defence and scoring a sweaty goal )
    — at the end of the game i should a handful of goals and should have 45-55 % or more possession
    –PS please tell me the players which are good for this formation and form up 100 chemistry and 84 or 85 + rating


      1. Aditya Kartik Gupta

        -bpl players
        -ligue 1 players
        -bundesliga players

        and the best formation for each of these which are attacking and good at counters and defending

  48. great work .. Rodrigo …
    ST get behind ..
    1- Which formation to advises this instruction?
    this instruction good for only one ST or 2 ST ?
    Thank you very much …

  49. Hi Rodrigo,
    Excellent guide and really helpful.
    I prefer to play more the Seasons mode and
    I have to counter some formations which are not in
    the FUT mode.So which are the best formations in your opinion to play against:
    1)5-4-1 flat and diamond
    4)3-1-4-2 (Juventus last year’s formation )

  50. I like to play a passing game and also counter attack from my penalty box.Any ideas?

  51. Greetings!

    First off, great guide, really helped me to think about my own playstyle and change some things!

    I would like to ask something, because I am stuck in a bit of a creative blockade.

    My way of playing is to pressure very high, and keep possesion in the enemy half, so they don’t even get into the game and only have the chance to counter attack.
    The main formation I use is the 4-2-3-1. I noticed that I absolutely need to have 2 CDM’s. I can’t play without them. Even when I play with only one, I can’t defend well. I need to have my two CDM’s that pressure the opponents counter attacker from behind.
    My problem is the attacking part. I’m very weak when it comes to attacking. Sometimes the pressure doesn’t work. I want to dominate my opponent and play as different as can be. Longshots, crosses, short pass, longball, tiki taka, possesion, everything so my opponent never can guess what I do next.
    I tried different things, 4-2-2-2 is too open in the middle, the CDM’s get too much involved and leave me open. Other formations with just 1 CDM don’t work for me.
    Also, I use custom tactics and instructions, these are very important to me!

    As of right now, I don’t really know what I should go with.

    Do you have some tips for me in regards to that?

    Best regards-

  52. I use 442 that suits good, but I would like to improve defence. I started with Ramos – Hummels but it seemed workrates didn´t help, got easily exposed and countered. I Changed to Boateng – Pepe and got better results. Im still looking for better defence, maybe I should change boateng with Benatia or a high defensive rate cb? My squad: Neuer Pepe Boateng Marcelo Piszeck Schweinsteiger Robben Modric Neymar Benzema Lewandowski.

    Any tip?

  53. Hallo Rodrigo,

    I bought Benzema if…i already had Suarez as st.. I like to play 433 (4).
    What is your opinion about Suarez as cam instead of Rodriguez?

  54. do you have a guide on instructions such as attacking/defending rates within your formations?

      1. sorry i meant the instructions part of the squad actions, where you can change how a player plays in their position such as staying back in attack etc.?

  55. Hey man, I’m struggling in fifa now. I’m a skillker and I can’t seem to find a good formation. Please, help me out.

  56. hi rodrigo
    i like playing defensively nd i like counter attacling so what do u suggest i believe 5-3-2 is gud

  57. What u say about the 4 3 3 (5) style is not true man,I’ve been using it for a while I got a winstreak of 20 with it atm its probably the formation.I use counter atk pressing and offense,what I do is play the ball to the wingers,dribble players sprint then cut back in the box to the attacker which is actually an AT which means most of the time he isnt in the box yet when my wingers arrive near it,what I do then is triple square or just triangle in the path of my player,I give the pass right when the defenders and my sprinting AT are on the same line so its always a 1 v 1 witht he GK,I recommend attributes which boost speed and dribbling for wingers and an attribute which boosts speed and finishing for the attacker,u can also boost speed and passing for one of the winger if his passing is not good enough,obviously u will need fast forwards,if u dont it wont work,defensively its a very good formation too,my fav formation,I used to be garbage before I started using this one

  58. Spectrum Striker

    Hello, great article. The play styles I like to play with is:
    – Quick passes to get to strikers
    – Counter Attacks.
    – People with quick feet to. (Fast&dribbling)
    – Through balls to get the strikers to break away. (Over the top and ground)
    – 2 Strikers.
    I would also like to know how to get through park the bus. I was thinking about using a
    3-4-1-2. But I don’t know if that would work. I want either 2 of these leagues in my team (bundesliga, Bpl, liga BBVA). I didn’t know what centre backs to use to link up. Thanks for your help.

  59. I love through balls and dribbling with players up front and im not huge on crossing. I am a pretty good defender and I love to just control the ball in the middle then get a quick attack with teves. I also like two strikers so I can pass it off in the box. Im pretty big on attacking. Any formations for me?

  60. i am a beginning player and when i cross my crosses are way to high and far off even when its a real weak cross

    1. Our suggestion is to train in the arena.
      Also check if your crosses are assisted or not.
      If you played FIFA 14, this year things are a bit different: you need to give a better direction.

  61. Great work …
    Thanx again …

    Formation should be good for:
    change wings.
    fast counter atack with long ball .
    Excuse I want to see your formation: 433 . 442 . you previously used ..
    Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx .

  62. What formation should I use? I like to counter attack, win the ball back quickly and immediately transition to attack. I seem to score most of my goals with through balls and I haven’t learned many skill moves yet.

    Thanks in advance

  63. What would be the beat formation for marco reus? I really enjoy the false 9 but lately ive been strughling to find passing lanes, and im not aure about the 4321, is the defense on thia form a liability, id be using lahm, schwein and gotze as my cms

  64. Jurgen can it work to put ramires at the cm position in a 451 formation he has hh work rates.

    Can it work to put ramires at the cm spot in a 451his workrates are hh isnt that a problem , great guide by the way

  65. Im looking for a formation that doeant leave me exposed. I tend to pass the ball around my opponenta box but i can hardly find that killer pass, also, as soon as i lose the ball my cdms are nowhere to be found. Ive been using both vatiations of the 4231 which seem very good for possesion, could you suggest me a soultion or possibly instructions to make my playstlye more effective? Great guide btw

  66. Hi Rodrigo
    In my style i like to focus the attack with the running and dribbling St, touch and ball pressure and ball robbery at midfield, do not like that has a space between the defense and the midfield especially in the middle of the defense. thank you.

  67. Cesar Gayosso

    Hey Rodrigo, I am stuck choosing between 433 and 433(5). I usually try and keep possession by making various passes forward. My current line-up includes diego lopez, zabaleta, pique, ramos, marcelo, di maria, david silva, iniesta, sanchez, aguero, and neymar. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  68. Hay Rodrigo
    ….Please help me
    * best formation against 41212 ?
    * best formation for counter attack ?
    *best formation for middle play ?
    *best formation for wing play ?
    *good work rates for ST(L R ) while counter attack play ?
    *good work rates for ST (LR) while Possession ?
    * good work rates for ST (LR) while long ball ?
    * good work rates for ST (L R) while high pressure ?
    i will Became coach ………………………. good time .

    1. Hi.
      You can find the answers for your questions in our guide. Have you read it ?
      For example: “best formation for counter attack ?” 5212

  69. hi rodrigo, ive been having trouble finding a formation for me… i play through balls and over the top a lot i mean every play… i have 89+ pace attackers any help?

  70. Hey Rodrigo i need a good formation.
    My Favourite Formation should be good for:
    -fast Attack but with all players
    -But not overun the oppenents defensive to fast
    -Like this video ,but very fast and with all player attacking !
    -Barcelona/Real Madrid/Chelsea Team
    -But not only fast conter-attacks ,but fast pass and safe passes
    -I draw up over 1-2 Years a own formation but its not so good. I need youre help ,can you help me along ?
    -You can alco give a custom tactical

  71. Hi Rodrigo …
    1- what the best Formations for High pressure?
    2- what the best formation for high pressure and counter atack with ?
    3- High pressure good with Obsession or long ball ( playstyle)
    4- from wher pring great custom tactic ?
    Thanx …

  72. Hi Rodrigo, i am rely stuck with my formation. which one should choose with, Suarez, Ronaldo,Messi, Robben, Ribbery, Hazard, Lahm, Ineasta, Sergio Ramos, Hummels, Tiago Silva, De gea, Neur, Alaba, Alves, Alba

    1. Sorry, but I will give you the same answer I already gave dozens of times: choose the formation according to your play style, not by the players you own.

  73. Hi, im stuck on which formation to use i like to keep posesion and do some long balls and i also like to attack down the wings which formation should i use, cheers

  74. Connor Edwards

    Hi, could you please recommend me a formation

    My playstyle:
    -fast attacks
    -lots of through balls
    -fast passes
    -liked to have 2 strikers
    -4 defenders


  75. Hello, your giude is very well.

    As many person I have a problem with defending so I will choose formation 5-2-2-1 or 5-3-2. My question is – how to start the match – I mean with which tactic – offensive or super offensive.

    Thats my team . Maybe you help me a liitle bit


    1. Hi.
      We don’t agree with you. If your weak point is defence, you need to use defensive mentality. It means that you need more players to defend but you are good enough to attack with just a few players.
      Don’t forget to take a look here.

  76. One more thing…sorry to bother.. A lot of players play park the bus on me that’s the struggle I have now with the team I have… Their team just doesn’t move and I can’t get runs going how should I play against this?

    1. In that case you need to adjust your play style. You need fast defenders to avoid counters but you don’t need fast forwards. Pay attention to weak foot because you will need to shoot fast. If they use 5xx or 3xx formations explore the wings. If not, learn how to perform one or two skill moves. It doesn’t need to be a 5 stars moves, 3 should be OK.
      Happy new year for you!

  77. Thank you Rodrigo 🙂 it might sound a little out of ordinary to ask what to do when someone has a team like that but it’s always good to get help from someone that perfected the game.. Thanks again!

  78. Hey Rodrigo, good page man really enjoyed it. I have an all legend team with Pele, weah, Gullit, Matthaus, Vieira, Maldini, Desailly, beckenbauer, Roberto Carlos,Neville and on my bench I have inform St ronaldo, futre, rui costa, and ljunberg. I was wondering what would be a good formation for me to alyways make runs but also keep possession and have a strong mid and defensive back so their won’t be any easy gaps to get scored on. Pele and weah are hi/lo work rates and Gullit is hi/med. Gullit is my cam and pele and weah St. I bring ronaldo In after halftime for weah. What do you suggest? Currently I’m playing a 5-2-1-2 and switching up to a 4-1-2-1-2.. I mean ofcourse it is hard for me to lose because I play fifa a lot a d have an amazing team but I still can’t perfect that formation to keep balanced but always make quick runs.. What do you suggest? Thank you

  79. Hi Rodrigo,
    I’m sorry if this is my second message, my internet just cut out as I sent my first one so I don’t know if it got through or not. My apologies if it is number 2!
    Here is a link to my team, as you can see I’m building a german only team.
    I was hoping you could advise me on a good formation with this team and their workrates and also if I should buy/sell players which would be more suitable for my team
    I’m terrible at defence, and have tried a 5 man backline but it is hard to find suitable wingbacks.
    Attack wise, I sometimes lean towards counterattacks, but it is not a necessity.
    P.S. Muller is a RF with chemistry of 7 and I have a german manager making everyone else’s chemistry 10
    I would also like to get bastian and/or boateng but can not afford them atm!
    Many many thanks for your help
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Lukas.
      I always say that you shouldn’t choose a formation for the players you have. You should focus in your play style.
      About your team, everything you need to know it’s here (yes, we have a German Players Guide !).

  80. Hi Rodrigo!
    Thanks for writing such a great article! I’m making a team of just German players from any league.
    My weakest point is my defense. Attacking wise, I like counterattacks, but its not a necessity for me. I have tried playing with a 5 man defense but it’s hard to find good german wing-backs!
    At the moment I’ve got players like hummels, hoewdes, metersacker, badstuber, schemlzer, grosskreutz, khedira, lahm, kroos, muller, klose, gomez, both benders, gundogan, draxler, volland.
    i’m finding it hard to find a formation which utilizes my players workrates and has a solid defense yet still has attacking options
    So in your opinion, what do you think would be a good formation to try and also, do you think I should look to sell/buy other players which would be more appropriate for my team?
    Thank-you very much!

    1. Hi Lukas.
      I always say that you shouldn’t choose a formation for the players you have. You should focus in your play style.
      About your team, everything you need to know it’s here (yes, we have a German Players Guide !).

  81. Hey Rodrigo!

    I am searching for a second Team for days now… Playing 442 with my other team and i really like it… My Striker Duo is Balotelli and Vargas and it works pretty well…. I am playing FIFA for many years now and i know nearly all players… I love to create new squads but i cant decide which Striker Duo to buy for my seconde team… Played with benzema for a while but he is better when he plays alone…would be great if you could give me a hint… I love strikers like balotelli and benzema.. Not to fast, but very good in finishing and also pretty strong!

    Appreciate your help!

    1. Your team can be for other league ? I’m playing with Tevez and Ibarbo (Higuain if you prefer a finisher) and I am loving them.

  82. Hi Rodrigo ,

    I am struggling alot , i feel like in formation 422 my cm dont move to the defend posistion .
    And when i attack there are lot of players not coming forward .
    I got enought coins to build a very strong team but sometimes i lose with a very good team against a bad team .
    I think i am playing just fine but my team is not support me in my playstyle. I like to pass alot and go throught the middle (use some tricks) . But also like a solid players that moving also to the defend area. I tried 41212 also but its very slow , i like to build up my play in a high speed (tic taca). Tried also 4231(2) but that also didnt worked,
    My players : Pogba in form , Vidal in form , chlilini in form , clichy in form , i dont knwo what to do with the other defender , i got right pischek in form , how should i do this ? and what formation should i use? , I dont want to sell those players i like them.

  83. Hi Rodrigo,

    Ive been struggling to pick out a formation

    Im trying to run a BBVA/Bundesliga Hybrid and I have a good offense and defense, but the thing is for BBVA its hard to get a good right wing/mid/forward. Any advice on what I should do to improve my team formation and player wise

  84. Hi Rodrigo,

    i have been using the 4321 for the majority of fifa 15 and honestly i would say it is my favourite formation however this is mainly due to me worrying about trying new formations. I play a lot of passing football and like to play the odd over the top ball to counter. I am looking to build a team aorund suarez so was wondering if there was any advice you could give me on a formation to use him?

  85. Hi Rodrigo, i like Defending Deep and then Counter attacking at pace… A bit like Aston Villa if you want a Real life comparision 🙂 i am good at skilling and sometimes go on striker runs, at the Moment balotelli is Working a treat but i can get a bit run down in the midfield and lose Games because of it … what Formation do you suggest i Play? Thanks 🙂

  86. Hi Rodrigo, I’m not used to play FUT, but this year I decided to do it. The big deal is about my formation, in the game I use 3 1 4 2 (one cdm, two cm) but in FUT this organization doesn’t exist. So i’m not so sure which formation use. I’m between 4 3 3 (5) false 9 and 4 1 4 1. I like to play with a lot of passes a little bit narrow short play, no long balls or crosses. I’m an average defender, but I defend better on the wingers not in the middle. Which formation of all you know fix better on me. Thanks, muchas gracias

  87. right now im using 4-2-2-2 and it’s working for me, the only problem is that cams are on the wings and the cmds attack too much, i do quick passes and through balls and play alot in the middle. i need a similar formation that suits my play style and has like 2 cams and cdms

  88. I appreciate a lot your work! this year I am having some problems to play with possession. I think the game it’s realy fast and I didn’t find a formation that alows me to play tiki taka. I tried 41212(2) and I didn’t dislike it but it was too much narrow sometimes. With 433(5) I have the ball but against players that are good defensively I couldn’t create much opportunities to score! I would like to know your opinion about this and if I choose other formations for possession like 4222 or 4231(2) I will be more successful?

  89. I like to use much defensive power as much as very pacy counterattacks. I’m currently playing as 5-3-2, but I feel a bit lack of attacking power, so should I change to 5-2-1-2 or another formation?

  90. What you suggest?
    I like to:
    Run with the ball, I usyally pass only when attacking
    4 at back
    1 st
    Maybe a CDM to help defending?

  91. I play short passing (tiki taka) but sometimes like to counter along the wings. I like to dominate possession and pass the ball around the field. Also i would like it if my defence wasn’t so bad. Pls. suggest which formation to choose. Reply fast please!

      1. I plan on building 2 squads, do you think i should use the same formation on both squads? I feel that i would like to use 2 dif. formations. Which is another good formation for my playstyle?

        Muito obrigado!
        Thx very much!

        1. Hi!
          It’s up to you. Using the same formation will give you more experience and you will become a better player faster. Usually I think that is the best decision.

  92. Hi Rodrigo,
    I have been struggling to find the best formation for myself and need your advice. I always play real madrid with 4-3-3 because I really like fast attack, counter attack, and using the field very widely. But as you mentioned, I don’t get many chances to use Ronaldo(LW) as other formations since he always tries to be in the far left side although i set instruction for him to come short and get in to the box for crossing.

    Do you have any suggestion?

  93. Hi Rodrigo,

    Just wondering what formation suits the most for through pass and counter attacking? i am currently with 3-4-1-2 and recently change to 3-4-3 as i preferred more attackers at the front. Tend to do some passing before scoring. Any idea if i should change it? Played few seasons, realising it’s really hard to beat the world class due to the defending issues. Wondering if u are able to provide me good advice on formation?

  94. I want to dominate witch formation

    I want to dominate and pass short and quick witch formation do i use

  95. Hey Rodrigo
    I’d be quite happy if you can direct to me to the right formation for me:

    – I like playing over the top a lot.
    – I go around the wing a lot as well and cut in and shoot.
    – sometimes I keep the ball for a bit to give space for my players
    – and would love to have aguero in strike and di maria as a CAM

    please get back to me as soon as possible. thanks.

  96. I like to have quick counter attacks with Aguero and Sturrige as my strikers, and enjoy using Van Persie as a CAM. Other players that i would be able to use are Schurrle, Walcott, Ozil, Mata, Oscar, and Ramsey. If necessary I could get another player. I am overall a pretty good defender. I would like your opinion on what formation you think I should use.

    1. Hi.
      To choose a formation it is important to know your play style. I know you have good defensive skills but I don’t know if you prefer, for example, passing or long balls, wings or centre.
      With the details you provided, I think you should try 352.

      1. Sorry I was not specific enough, I do like to play long balls and working through the center at a quick pace. Another question I have is who would play better in a single CAM spot Rooney or Van Persie. Thank you so much.

  97. Could you please answer this question for me? I play a 4-3-2-1 with lukaku, walcott and schurlle as my attackers, and cabella, matic and oscar as my mids. I like to play a possesion style, making safe passes to open players, but i do play counter if I am winning. I have 140k just sitting there doing nothing, and i cant decide whether to invest in a player like di maria or save a bit more for toure. What player do you think would suit my formation and play style best?

  98. Hey great guide man! 🙂
    what do you think about the false 9 and how would it play out with van persie as the cf? (Full bpl squad)

  99. Hey Rodrigo! It’s me again after a year or so! Still keeping it good with the articles, amazing job.
    I’m going to get FIFA 15 in a month (I don’t even have 14 right now, only FIFA13) and I was thinking, why not plan my starting sub 10k squad from now? So I first wanted to decide the formation, so I obviously came to your website for help as I recalled you make a formation guide every year. After reading your article, I’m torn between choosing the formations. My choices are either 4-1-2-1-2, 4-4-2, 4-4-2 (2), 5-2-1-2, or 5-3-2. To cancel them out I started looking at the cons again. For 4-1-2-1-2, the side midfielders for me provide enough width. For 4-4-2 I can deal with predictability and I can handle my CMs’ defensiveness quite well. For it’s second variant, I can get pacey wingers and have my CDMs attacking enough. (I’m very good at exploiting central mids abilities). For 5-2-1-2 I can bring th wing backs forward so I can deal with that, and invest in a good CAM. For 5-3-2, again the wing backs are fine for me. So could you pick one of the above 5 formations for me based on my preferences, as you are an expert?

    I like to cross the ball or cut in inside the box, and play counterattacking with lobbed through balls to the front. I like to make runs down the side OR pass to my strikers to dribble through the defense. I’m very attacking that way, because I can handle my defense well with well timed tackles.

    Please help me with choosing again!
    Thanks from India!

      1. May I ask how you came to that conclusion? Like, I want to know your thinking process 😀 and why not 4-1-2-1-2?

  100. Great looking article. I’m looking for a good formation that will allow me to play through balls all day. I’ve played with the 4-3-1-2, 3-4-1-2, (both with sturridge and balotelli as strikers and di maria and cam), as well as well as the 4-3-2-1 (with schürrle as lf, sturridge as striker, and walcott as rf). Out of these I thought I played best with the 4-3-2-1 and trying to get the lf and rf involved as much as possible. I’ve heard the 4-3-3(5) is good for attacking wingers. 1. How do you feel about the 4-3-2-1 and 4-3-3(5) formations and how they compare to each other? 2. what other formations do you think I should try out? (I’m open to any that will let me attack with pace, often on the counter attack, but sometimes just playing good football in the middle and finding the holes to play a through ball). Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi.
      You want everything. You start asking for a formation good for through balls but you also want a formation good for a passing style. Why don’t you try 41212 (2) ? It’s good for both styles.
      4321 gives you more defensive security because CDM helps the back four and it isn’t more less wider.

  101. Hey rodrigo I have a few questions after reading your article I can’t make up my mind

    I’m not so good at stopping the kick off run with sweaty teams as players seem to be able to get past my team I use the formation 3-5-2 which has 3 cb 2 cdm 1 lm and rm cam and 2 st I want to know if you can suggest something better for my serie A team and what players to get I want to have possession a good defence and be able to use my wingers I would like you to suggest a formation and what players to have in it please I could really use a revamp in my serie A

    1. Hi.
      In my opinion, we should choose the formation according to our weaknesses. If yours it is the defence, then you need to choose a more defensive formation.
      This year, Serie A has better fullbacks than in the past years, so I think 532 could be a good formation to play. You don’t have wingers but your fullbacks can play as wingers too.

  102. Hi,
    I really suck in defense so I like to have the impression of security by having a CDM in front of my two CBs.
    What do you think is the best formation 4-1-2-1-2 or 4-3-3 (2) to best use the following pool of players.
    I have available:

    ST: Remy, Costa, Lukaku and Benteke.
    CM or CAM: Mata, Fabregas, Coutinho
    CDM Fernando, Matic

    To complete the team I have Schurrle and Eriksen’s on one side and Willian on the other.
    As defense I have Ivanovic, Mangala, Koscielny and Luis. (also available Clichy and Walker).

    Thank you,

  103. 352,4231(2) or 41212 for a bundesliga team?I want to dominate in any game but also have good defence.What do you think?

  104. Hi Rodrigo,

    You’ve got a very good article bro. It gave me much informations.

    I use 4-3-3 (2), 4-1-2-1-2 (RM + LM) and 3-5-2.

    4-3-3(2) gives me a good counter attacking relying to my wingers via long ball. Played defensively most of the time inviting attack. CDM had to be put on “Stay Back When Attack” mode. The downside of it, attacking was cut short because the CDM fell to deep to support. I am not a fan of long ball tactic too.

    4-1-2-1-2 gives me balance. Not too offensive and not to defensive. Possession is good. I’d always put both RM and LM on “Cut Inside” tactics to overload the 3rd. I wanted to both fullbacks to attack while RM and LM cuts in but the opposition will have big time countering lol. I only use this tactic to contain.

    3-5-2 (present) is the one I like the most. I set it up very narrow. Safe passing, Fast play. Very aggressive and high pressure. I got in return, a very dominating play, just like you said it would. Possession was always 60% above. I always put them on Ultra Attacking. My 3 CBs got high defensive workrates. Head on, they are doing will blocking attack and closing down. But very vulnerable from counter from wingers. They pass the ball around very well and fast through the middle. Wide midfielders come in late on the 3rd. Far crosses will be picked up by them. Oh yeah. You still can control the pitch even on Ultra Defensive and Park the Bus. Because I put on High Pressure, Ultra Defensive have a decent attacking. Good enough for me.

    The question though is not about the formation, I just want a little insight on the custom tactic. Maybe my tactic is a bit messed up because somehow my CBs tend to confused themselves with the High Pressure, Aggressive and Ultra Defensive. They are not aggressively challenging forwards like tackling them. More like they are containing them in zoning. Should I use “Man Mark”? For the mid and forward, should I use Free Form instead of Organized? I’d like to through pass more and crossing too. My CAMs are Rooney and Coutinho.

    1. Hi.
      Thank you for your feedback.
      About your question, we promise to publish a Custom Tactic guide with everything well explained, OK ?

  105. I like long balls (l1)+(^)
    A strong defense
    and Wings (lw)(rw)
    so,what’s the best formation for me.
    Thank you

  106. Hello Rodrigo lopes :)! I got Suarez yesterday and i am wondering what leauge and team i should build with the 1,3 mil coins i got from suarez. please help 🙂 (I prefer a team who can defend, because i am so bad at that on fifa 15 ty in advance

    1. Hi!
      First we suggest you to read this guide.
      You may try Casillas, Dani Alves, Pepe, Ramos, Alba, Khedira, Vela, Neymar, James, Suarez and Benzema.

      1. hehe can you say a good arjen robben premier leuge/bundesliga hyrbrid and a good formation 😛 ?

        1. As we say in this formation, only you can know which formation is good for you.
          About the squad it will be something with RVP and Blind.

  107. I need major help choosing between a 4-4-2 and a 4-3-3. I like to play up the middle and i lack defensive skill. Please help

  108. Thank you. One more question please. If you have a 5-3-2 formation and you have to choose midfielders. There are two midfielders like vidal and marchisio who are indeed the best in everything but they have hi/hi workrates which is too defensive in 5-3-2. On the other hand you have low profilers like hernanes and hamsik who are not as good as vidal and marchisio but their workrates are either hi/low or ho/med. Which pair will you prefer for midfield in 5-3-2?

      1. Hi Rodrigo. I have a question please. As mentioned above that I like playing through middle and I m weak at wings and headers. So I opted 5-3-2 in serie A. Another factor was the exceptional quality of serie A midfielders. The formation was so good that I beat my friend 40/60 games 🙂 He is pissed off and wants me to change formation which is absurd :). I tried different formations and found
        4-3-1-2 quite comfortable and familiar. What do you suggest. Thanks

        1. If you usually play by the middle, 532 seems to us a good choice. However, 4312 is also a good formation for people with your play style. If you feel comfortable with it, keep it.

  109. Hi, a great guide as always. I am weak at defending headers and crossing and i am not good at scoring headers. So, i prefer playing through middle. Secondly in SERIE A there are ultimate midfielders. As a result i have been playing 5-3-2. So that i don’t use shitty RM LM and have more solid defense and midfielders. RWB and LWB can help widen the play. What do you say about it.
    Secondly, please help me choose best midfielders in 5-3-2. I think Vidal, Marchisio, Guarin, Pogba and Hernanes. What do you say? But, Vidal and Marchisio fall back too much and team becomes ultra defensive. Thanks man. Awaiting reply

    1. 1) Perfect. You are thinking very well.
      2) I cannot help you with this because I haven’t tried these players yet. However, I can say that you need balanced midfielders. In a defensive formation like 532 you can not have 3 defensive midfielders.

  110. Hi Rodrigo!!! (Great Website)

    .Since Fifa 14 i’ve adopted my style to more of a Passing/Tiki Takka style 🙂
    But still like to play on the counter!!!!!

    .What do you think are the better formations this year for Fifa 15 UT??
    .What is your personal formation you use?!?!

    Many thanks from the UK


    1. Hi.
      We have published what we think to be the top 5 formations of FUT 15.
      Personally I like 442 and 443 but I will try new formations this year.

  111. I am really struggling to find my favourite formation im currently using 4-1-2-1-2 and 4-3-3 (4) and i like my players to make runs. what formation would you suggest? thanks

  112. Hi Rodrigo. I am trying to play heavy possesion play, and keeping the ball as much as possible (if I am in possession, the other team can score, right?). In FUT13 I played 4-5-1 and did really good with it, played in DIV1 for the whole year, without getting a single relegation. In FUT14 I had some problems, as 4-5-1 didnt seem to work as good for me as it did in FUT13.
    This year again, I am really struggling to find my formation. I have tried a lot of different ones, and atm I am playing 4-2-3-1, but I cant get past div4.. I have noticed in this years edition of fifa that wingers seems to be kept out of the play A LOT, and I am therefor wondering if 4-5-1 still would be considered as the best possession formation. Also, I am playing with a full BPL team, and with 4-1-2-1-2 (2) and 4-2-3-1 those formations allows me to use all the best passers (IF David Silva, Özil, Di Maria), and have good defence with Ramires+YayaToure in front of the CB’S (4-2-3-1). Is it wrong of me to think like that? Or will the wingers in 4-5-1 make some kind of a difference for my possession style?

  113. Hey Rodrigo!

    It’s me again. I was just wondering whether you could give me some advice. I cannot for the life of me find the right formation, team and custom tactics. I like to:

    – Pass and move
    – Counter attack (sometimes)
    – 4 at the back
    – A solid defense
    – Clinical strikers

    If you could help find me a formation, I’d really appreciate it 😀

    Great guide by the way.

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