Second Edition of FIFA 16 FUT United – El Clássico

Second Edition of FIFA 16 FUT United- El Clássico


FUT United is back. We will explain here all the details about the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 16..


Second Edition of FIFA 16 FUT United


Q: What is FUT United for FIFA 16 ?
A: FUT United is an event that EA organizes for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team players.

Q: When the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 16 will take place ?
A: Between February 15 6:00pm (UK time) and February 22 11:59pm (UK time), 2016

Q: How many editions FUT United has ?
A: Two. The first one on November and the second one on February.

Q: When was the first edition of FUT United ?
A: Between November 13 and November 16.

Q: When was the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 15 ?
A: Between February 6 and February 8.

Q: Which are the highlights of the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 16 ?
A: FUT United is know by five main offers: the chance to winning VIP tickets for El Clásico; a million coins draw; Jumbo Premium Gold Pack giveways; new featured tournaments; and special Happy Hours.

Q: What exactly are the prizes ?
A: One winner will receive a prize trip to Spain, including two tickets for El Clásico.
10 second prize winners will each receive one million FUT 16 coins. And finally 3,000 third prize winners will each receive one 15k Jumbo Premium Gold Pack (one pack each to 3,000 random players).

Q: Which is the match ?
A: FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid C.F. | Sun, Apr 3 2016.

Q: How can I be eligible for these prizes ?
A: Play and win any FIFA Ultimate Team match (which includes the mode’s introductory match, Seasons, Tournaments, Challenges, both online and offline) in FIFA 16 except FUT Draft during the Promotion Period and you will be automatically entered into the Promotion.

Q: This contest is valid for which countries ?
A: Austria, Bulgaria, Canada (excluding Quebec) Chile, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, the United States (including the District of Columbia and excluding Florida and New York).

Q: When do I need to win a match to get the chance to win these prizes ?
A: Between February 15 6:00pm (UK time) and February 22 11:59pm (UK time), 2016.

Q: These prizes are available for all platforms ?
A: These prizes are an exclusive for Playstation 4, Playstation 3, XBox One, XBox 360 and PC platforms.

Q: How is the FUT United Tournament ?
A: It is a online/ single player tournament where you have to play with your players from Real Madrid, PSG, Chelsea and Wolfsburg. There is also a single player tournament, only for XBox, that takes place during the week and with good prizes. You can know more about them here.

Q: In which days happy hours will be released ?
A: A new pack will be available every time 10, 20, 30 and 40 million games are played.



Q: Which Happy Hours takes place during the the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 16 ?
A: Check here please.

Q: Which packs can we expect ?
A: 25k packs as soon as 10 million games are played
35k packs as soon as 20 million games are played
50k packs as soon as 30 million games are played
100k packs as soon as 40 million games are played

Q: Will EA Sports release free packs to everyone ?
A: Probably not. However, Daily Gifts are live until February 22.

Q: What will happen to the market during the second edition of FUT United for FIFA 16 ?
A: Most of the prices will go down slightly, especially during the best Happy Hours and gifts. However, don’t expect a huge drop. A crash like happen with Black Friday, FUTMas or TOTY are totally out of question. If you want, you can sell your players before FUT United begins (as soon as possible) and buy them back next week.

Q: Where I can know more about the first edition of FUT 16 United ?
A: Here.

Q: Where I can know more about FUT United for FIFA 15 (1st and 2nd editions), FIFA 14 and FIFA 13 ?
A: Here, here, here and here.


Second Edition of FUT United for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


10 thoughts on “Second Edition of FIFA 16 FUT United – El Clássico”

  1. Hi Rodrigo,

    Thanks for the information. This article was very helpful. I sold all of my players and am now looking to build a mega team, if you will. I currently have 2.5 million coins (and have Messi). Any recommendations of a team i can build, or at least certain guys you’d recommend i buy?

    Please ley me know. (This question is open to all other users/gamers as well. Any suggestions help!)


      1. Thanks for the reply (i didn’t see it until now). I personally don’t like the 4-1-2-1-2 formation. I haven’t performed well with it. I will consider building an La Liga BBVA team with some in-forms though.



        1. Hi Rodrigo,

          Why do you say that? Do you not think IFs are worth it? I know they can get pretty pricey, but do you not find that they perform better?

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