FIFA 17 Web App Released Date Estimated for September 20

FIFA 17 Web App Released Date Estimated for September 20


Everyone is asking “When FIFA 17 Web App will be Launched?”. It was not announced yet, but the FIFA 17 Web App Released Date should be September 20. Mark this date on your calendar!

16/09/2016 12am UK time
FUT 16 Web App was taken down for maintenance
20/09/2016 6:45pm UK time
FUT 17 Web App was released but with several issues

FIFA 17 Web App Released Date Estimated for Sept 20


EA will take down the web access to FUT 16 in preparation for FUT 17 very soon. When that happens, if you try to access the Web App you will be redirected to a ‘Coming Soon’ page, like this one. It means that your season is almost starting.

This early access is exclusively to the FUT 16 players who have created a Security Question and Answer on FUT console before August 1, 2016. You have to be there. You’ll receive a starter pack and some welcome packs based only upon your FUT 16 gaming activity. During the first days Daily Gifts will also be offered, so the sooner you start the more you can win. Don’t forget to access your Apps every day. Each day you miss, it is one pack less you get. In the beginning you’ll need all the cards you can get to start your first investments.


But when the FIFA 17 Web App will be launched? Except the game’s developers, no one can confirms the FIFA 17 Web App release date. It is very hard to find out in which date the FIFA 17 Web App will be launched because EA Sports never launch in the announced date to avoid servers overloaded. They will probably announce it a week before its release but you should try to login one or two days before the official date.

In FIFA 14, they turned off the web app on September 11th and announced it to 15th. However, EA Sports anticipated in three days. In FIFA 15, the web app was pulled down on September 12th and back up on 18th. It was supposed to be on 17th, but a few problems have delayed it. Last year, the FIFA Web App was under maintenance from September 11th and was released worldwide from September 15th at 6pm UK, two days before the announced date.


You can see the release dates of the last five years in the following table:

Game Launch Announcement Web App EA Access Origin Access
FIFA 13 25/09/2012 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 n.a. n.a.
FIFA 14 24/09/2013 15/09/2013 13/09/2013 20/09/2013 n.a.
FIFA 15 23/09/2014 17/09/2014 18/09/2014 18/09/2014 n.a.
FIFA 16 22/09/2015 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 16/09/2015 n.a.
FIFA 17 27/09/2016 20/09/2016 22/09/2016 22/09/2016


According to our past experience and following the dates of the last years, the most likely date is Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 20, 2016. This is not a final official date but it is the one with best chances.

The expected release dates for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team are:

    FUT Web App taken down for maintenance
    From 12am ??, Friday, September 16th, 2016 CONFIRMED
    FUT Web App
    From 6:45pm ??, Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 CONFIRMED
    Origin Access
    From 8pm ??, Thursday, September 21st, 2016 CONFIRMED
    EA Access
    From 8pm ??, Thursday, September 21st, 2016 CONFIRMED


Keep connected with FIFA U Team because we will publish many exclusive content in the coming weeks.


23 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Web App Released Date Estimated for September 20”

  1. Jefferson Alcantara

    nada de webapp :((

    essa EA mata todo mundo de angustia antes mesmo do lançamento do jogo kkkk

      1. Is it up? I have a sec question answered since ever and also have pre-ordered fifa17. On top of that, Also have fifa16,15,14… when I tried to log in to the web app, have a mesage saying “you’re not invited”… Contacted EA via chat but no help from the adviser…
        Do you know if they have a criteria fo access?
        Thanks in advance, Rodrigo

        1. É problema da EA e do servidores que estão cheios e devolvem essa mensagem. Se tentar daqui a umas horas deverá conseguir entrar.

        2. Muito obrigado Rodrigo.
          Ainda não consegui, mas se é dos servidores vou tentando. 🙂

  2. Boa tarde Rodrigo, tem ideia da duração e quais serão os prêmios dos primeiros dias de acesso ao web app? Será que darão algum token de Draft?

  3. Is it possible to play the web app already although you haven’t pre-ordered the game yet?

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