The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team


Opening packs is part of the FUT 18 fun. However, it is much funnier when you pull good cards from packs, which is something not easy to achieve. If you are thinking to open packs, you should know which ones are the best packs to buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team.


All the Packs
The Best Ones
The Best Packs to Buy with Coins
The Best Packs to Buy with FIFA Points



What this guide will show you

If you are reading this guide that’s because you want to know, or at least to confirm, which are the best packs of FIFA 18 Ultimate Team. Obviously it depends on what you want. If you want to build a bronze squad, you should buy a bronze pack. If you want to get more contracts and other consumables, you should try the consumables packs. However, most of the players want to put their hands on the best and most expensive cards in the game. In that case, they will need to buy Gold packs. But which one?

The Ultimate Pack, which contains 30 gold rare players, is by far the best promotional pack in the game. However, it is also the most expensive one. What is important here is to know which pack has the best cards for the less price possible. Our advice is very simple: purchase the available gold pack with the lowest price per rare player card. These are the only cards that can make some one rich. The other cards are almost worthless.

To know which packs have the lowest price per rare card, we only need to divide the price by the number of rare cards. It is easy to do it, following the table below. However, we should pay attention to the category of the pack and if there are other cards besides players. The best packs are the ones with guaranteed rare gold players cards. Into this group, the Premium Gold Players Pack is two times more expensive than the Rare Players Pack or the Jumbo Rare Players Pack. This difference is not so high if we use FIFA Points to pay instead of coins. It may be weird but EA Sports doesn’t use a proportional relation between coins and FIFA Points. For example: Jumbo Premium Gold pack and Silver Upgrade pack both cost 15,000 coins but the first one may be purchased with 300 FIFA Points while for the second we only need 50 FIFA Points. Players should also pay attention to this aspect. That’s the reason why we analyse separately the packs bought with coins and the packs bought with FIFA Points.


FIFA 18 Packs

Full list of FIFA 18 packs

There are three types of FIFA 18 Packs for Ultimate Team:

Always available on the store.

Available only on specific periods of time.

Not available to purchase on the store. They are assigned to you in the beginning of the game, as daily gifts and as draft, SBC, FUT Champions, objectives and seasons rewards.


[Coins] [FP] Players Consum. Items Total Gold Silver Bronze Rares
REGULAR PACKS                    
Bronze Pack 400 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 12 0 2 10 1
Premium Bronze Pack 750 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 12 0 2 10 3
Silver Pack 2 500 50 ✔️ ✔️ 12 0 11 1 1
Premium Silver Pack 3 750 75 ✔️ ✔️ 12 0 11 1 3
Gold Pack 5 000 100 ✔️ ✔️ 12 10 2 0 1
Premium Gold Pack 7 500 150 ✔️ ✔️ 12 10 2 0 3
PROMO PACKS                    
Gold Contracts Pack 800 ✔️ 4 10 5 0 0
Bronze Players Pack 1 250 ✔️ 12 0 2 10 1
Jumbo Premium Bronze Pack 1 500 75 ✔️ ✔️ 24 0 4 20 7
Prem. Bronze Players Pack 1 800 ✔️ 12 0 2 10 3
Consumables Pack 3 000 50 ✔️ 12 8 3 1 1
Gold 13 Pack 5 000 100 ✔️ ✔️ 13 11 2 0 1
Silver Players Pack 5 000 100 ✔️ 12 0 11 1 1
Prem. Silver Players Pack 7 000 150 ✔️ 12 0 11 1 3
Premium 13 Gold Pack 7 500 150 ✔️ ✔️ 13 11 2 0 3
Jumbo Premium Silver Pack 7 500 150 ✔️ ✔️ 24 0 20 4 7
Gold Players Pack 12 500 250 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 1
Premium Electrum Players Pack 12 500 250 ✔️ 12 6 6 0 3
Silver Upgrade Pack 15 000 50 ✔️ 12 0 10 2 0
Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 15 000 300 ✔️ ✔️ 24 20 4 0 7
Rare Consumables Pack 20 000 400 ✔️ 12 12 0 0 12
Prime Electrum Players Pack 20 000 400 ✔️ 12 6 6 0 6
Premium Gold Players Pack 25 000 350 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 3
Rare Gold Pack 25 000 500 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 12 12 0 0 12
Gold Upgrade Pack 30 000 75 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 0
League Premium Players Pack 30 000 400 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 3
Rare Electrum Players Pack 30 000 600 ✔️ 12 6 6 0 12
Mega Pack 35 000 700 ✔️ ✔️ 30 26 4 0 18
Prime Gold Players Pack 45 000 600 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 6
Jumbo Premium Gold Players Pack ✔️ 24 20 4 0 7
Rare Players Pack 50 000 1k ✔️ 12 12 0 0 12
League Prime Players Pack 55 000 750 ✔️ 12 10 2 0 6
Rare Mega Pack 55 000 1.1k ✔️ ✔️ 30 26 4 0 30
Jumbo Rare Players Pack 100k 2k ✔️ 24 24 0 0 24
Ultimate Pack 125k 2.5k ✔️ 30 30 0 0 30
FREE PACKS                    
Starting Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 34 3 3 29 0
All Players Pack Free Free ✔️ 12 4 4 4 1
Bronze Gift Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 0 0 4 0
Silver Gift Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 0 4 0 0
Gold Gift Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 4 0 0 0
Bronze Contracts Pack Free Free ✔️ 4 0 0 4 0
Silver Contracts Pack Free Free ✔️ 4 0 4 0 0
Jumbo Bronze Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ 24 0 4 20 3
Jumbo Silver Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ 24 0 20 4 3
Jumbo Gold Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ 24 20 4 0 3
Jumbo Premium Gold 26 Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ 26 22 4 0 7
Electrum Players Pack Free Free ✔️ 12 6 6 0 1
Loan Player Reward Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 4 0 0 1
Premium Loan Player Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 4 0 0 1
Ultimate Loan Player Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 4 4 0 0 4
Two Rare Gold Players Pack Free Free ✔️ 2 2 0 0 2
Premium TOTW Pack Free Free ✔️ 3 3 0 0 3
Ultimate TOTW Pack Free Free ✔️ 11 11 0 0 11
Bronze 3 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 1 0 1 0 1
Bronze 2 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 2 0 2 0 2
Bronze 1 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 3 0 3 0 3
Silver 3 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 2 2 0 0 2
Silver 2 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 3 3 0 0 3
Silver 1 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 3 3 0 0 3
Gold 3 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 3 3 0 0 3
Gold 2 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 4 4 0 0 4
Gold 1 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 5 5 0 0 5
Elite 3 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 12 12 0 0 12
Elite 2 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 15 15 0 0 15
Elite 1 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 20 20 0 0 20
Top 100 FUT Champions Pack Free Free ✔️ 45 45 0 0 45
Draft Token Pack Free Free ✔️ ✔️ 5 5 0 0 1
Coins Pack Free Free
Premium Coins Pack Free Free
Mystery Pack Free Free

(1) Slight differences may occur


If you want to know more about the FIFA 18 packs, click here.


The Best Packs of FIFA 18

The most wanted packs of FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Here are the best packs of FIFA 18 Ultimate Team.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 45 | Players: 45 | Rare: 45 | Gold: 45 | TOTW: 44 | ICON: 1

This is the most wanted pack of FIFA 18 Ultimate Team. Can you imagine to open a pack with guaranteed 44 TOTW gold players and an ICON? Unfortunately this pack is only available as a monthly reward for who ranks in the top 100. If you are not one of the best FIFA players in the world, all you can do is to watch it on Youtube.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 20 | Players: 20 | Rare: 20 | Gold: 20 | TOTW: 20

Just like the TOP 100 FUT Champions pack, this one is an exclusive for the best FUT Champions players of the month. It includes 20 TOTW players from the month they were earned in. If it was possible to have this pack on sale in the FUT store, it would cost more than a million coins. There is also a Elite FUT Champions pack with 15 cards and another one with 12.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 5 | Players: 5 | Rare: 5 | Gold: 5 | TOTW: 5

The Ultimate Pack, which contains 30 gold rare players, is a great pack but we still prefer this one which guarantees 5 TOTW players with overall rating 81 or higher. Once again, you will not be able to get one of these packs unless you are a top FIFA player.



The Best Packs to Buy with Coins

Ranking of the best packs your coins can pay

The packs of the previous chapter are amazing but they are not available on the FUT store.

We watched hundreds of pack openings to determine, in average, how many gold rare players cards each promotional pack includes. It was not easy because we need to know, for example, how many consumables cards a Mega Pack has or how many gold players cards are rare in a Jumbo Premium Gold pack. You will not have to worry about that because we did the hard job for you. All you have to do is to check the following table to discover the best packs to buy with coins on the FUT 18 store.


#1 RARE PLAYERS PACK 50 000 4,166
#2 JUMBO RARE PLAYERS PACK 100 000 4,166
#3 ULTIMATE PACK 125 000 4,166
#4 Rare Mega Pack 55 000 5,000
#5 Rare Electrum Players Pack 30 000 5,000
#6 Mega Pack 35 000 5,303
#7 Rare Gold Pack 25 000 6,250
#8 Prime Electrum Players Pack 20 000 6,666
#9 Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 15 000 6,849
#10 Prime Gold Players Pack 45 000 9,000
#11 Premium 13 Gold Pack 7 500 9,036
#12 Premium Gold Players Pack 25 000 10,000
#13 League Prime Players Pack 55 000 11,000
#14 Premium Gold Pack 7 500 12,000
#15 League Premium Players Pack 30 000 12,000
#16 Gold Players Pack 12 500 15,060
#17 Gold 13 Pack 5 000 17,857
#18 Gold Pack 5 000 23,809


As you probably expected 50k, 100k and 125k are the best packs, because you only have to spend 4000 coins for each gold rare player. However, those of you who thought that 25k Premium Gold Players packs were good, well you are wrong. It is cheaper to buy multiple 15k packs.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 12 | Players: 12 | Rare: 12 | Gold: 12

This is the best pack your coins can buy. Well, in fact this is as good as the 100k and 125k packs. The biggest difference between them is that with this pack you have the option to pull less cards. For example, you don’t have to open two 100k packs if you only want 36 rare gold players cards.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 24 | Players: 24 | Rare: 24 | Gold: 24

You are still thinking why 100k packs are the most popular ones but were not chosen for the top of our ranking, right? We can give you another reason. When you open a 100k pack you can only pull one Ronaldo while when you open two 50k packs you have the chance to pull two of these cards. Yes, we know that will never happen but it is still possible at least with other high rated players.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 30 | Players: 30 | Rare: 30 | Gold: 30

The Ultimate Pack was released for the first time in FIFA 16 and it is now one of the favourites of the FIFA community, just like the Jumbo Rare Players pack. Usually, it is available during the most popular FUT events of the season.



The Best Packs to Buy with FIFA Points

Ranking of the best packs bought with FIFA Points

As we already explained, the ranking of the packs bought with coins is different from the ranking of the packs bought with FIFA Points.


#1 RARE PLAYERS PACK 1000 83,33
#3 ULTIMATE PACK 2500 83,33
#4 Rare Mega Pack 1100 100,00
#5 Rare Electrum Players Pack 600 100,00
#6 Mega Pack 700 106,06
#7 Prime Gold Players Pack 600 120,00
#8 Rare Gold Pack 500 125,00
#9 Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 300 136,99
#10 Premium Gold Players Pack 350 140,00
#11 League Prime Players Pack 750 150,00
#12 League Premium Players Pack 400 160,00
#13 Prime Electrum Players Pack 400 177,78
#14 Premium 13 Gold Pack 150 180,72
#15 Premium Gold Pack 150 240,00
#16 Gold Players Pack 250 301,20
#17 Gold 13 Pack 100 357,14
#18 Gold Pack 100 476,19

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 12 | Players: 12 | Rare: 12 | Gold: 12

Once again, the 50k, 100k and 125k are the best packs money can buy. The Rare Players Pack is the one you will find more times in the store.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 24 | Players: 24 | Rare: 24 | Gold: 24

There is no reason why 100k packs are viewed by the community as much better than the 50k packs. In fact, it is very easy to compare them: double of the cards, double of the price.

The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

Cards: 30 | Players: 30 | Rare: 30 | Gold: 30

We are almost at the end of our guide and we almost forgot to give you our best advice: don’t buy packs. They are a waste of your money. Even these Ultimate Packs are too expensive, especially when you can trade or buy coins directly.


22 thoughts on “The Best Packs to Buy on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team”

  1. Oh another thing. Today’s promo is 12500 coins for premium gold players and rare gold packs. Rare mega packs is 27.5k

  2. Qn: Can I buy packs in the store but open them at a later time? Like is there an option to place them in My Packs folder?

  3. Can you by these packs with coins? Where. I don’t see it when I go to my packs section

    1. You just need to go to your FUT store and pick a pack. As soon as you click to buy one, it will show you a screen to let you decide if you want to buy with coins or FIFA Points.

  4. Is it okay in FIFA RUKES If I help my friends in getting more coins in exchange for players by buying them higher?

      1. Okay but I contacted EA support and one advisor told me that you must not use the BUY NOW option when getting player for usually high price from your friend/brother otherwise you will be banned.
        Also I was told that if you buy the player from your friend/brother for higher price than the player’s avg price then you will be banned too.

        Please valid this fact.

        1. Yes, that’s true. Sorry, but in my last comment I missed a ‘t’. It doesn’t mean you will get banned but the chances are high.

  5. “They are a waste of your money. Even these Ultimate Packs are too expensive, especially when you can trade or buy coins directly.”

    You say that we can buy coins directly ? how does it work ? isnt this against fifa rules ?


    1. My main suggestion is to trade. Buying low and selling higher is easier than most of the people think.
      Buying coins is against the rules but you are free to try. Just find a store, read the FAQ and buy.

  6. Hi Rodrigo.
    Nice guide man. I want to buy fifa points. Do you have a guide or can you tell me when is the best time to do so ?

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