FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Everything about Prices, Stores & More

FIFA 14 Buying Guide - Everything about Prices, Stores & More


If you are planning to buy FIFA 14, you need to read this article: the FIFA 14 Buying Guide.

This article was published in June 2013 and updated in September 5th.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Prices, Stores & More


If you are reading this words it is because you probably are planning to buy FIFA 14 and want to know about it. Our goal is to help you to know where you will buy FIFA 14, how much you will pay and for which edition you will choose.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Current-Gen vs Next-Gen Consoles


This is probably one of the biggest questions that all FIFA lover ask to yourself: should I buy FIFA 14 for current-gen consoles or for next-gen consoles ?

You have two options: to buy FIFA 14 for PS3 or XBox 360 and leave next-gen for the following years; or to buy the FIFA 14 for PS4 or XBox One which means that you will have to wait some more weeks.

In our opinion, you should consider to choose the first one. We believe in the success of the new consoles but we think that this FIFA 14 version will not be so much different from the PS3 and XBox 360. It will be easier to see greater improvements on the following FIFA games. But this decision it’s up to you. In fact, if you have enough money you should wait a few more weeks and buy the better FIFA 14. If you are really rich and you can’t wait until the FIFA 14 next-gen release, you may buy both.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide - Prices, Stores & More

Obviously FIFA 14 for next-gen consoles will be a better game but you should pay attention that if you are planning to buy a PS4 or XBox One only to play FIFA it will probably cost you more than 450 pounds


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Standard vs Ultimate Edition ?


Now that you know for which platform you will buy FIFA 14, it’s time to decide which version you will choose: the Standard one or the Ultimate Edition ?

The main difference between these two editions are the 24 Ultimate Team gold packs that the Ultimate Edition brings. Each pack is a mix of 12 items (1 rare), including players, contracts, stadiums, managers, staff, fitness, healing, balls, kits, and badges. If you usually do not play Ultimate Team, you should choose the standard edition and save some pounds. Otherwise, everyone will say to you that you should choose the Ultimate Edition. But not us. Why? Because, first of all, the standard edition brings 4 FUT 14 packs, which means that the difference between both editions is not 24 packs as everybody says but only 20. We know that these 20 gold packs are cheaper than if you buy them on the store but there is something you should not forget: you only get one gold pack per week, for 24 weeks. This is a huge disadvantage since you need those packs as soon as possible to build your dream team. We also know that many gamers love to own a FIFA 14 cover and CD with “Ultimate Edition” printed in, but 20 pounds is too much money for it.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – PC Version


For those who are planning to buy FIFA 14 for PC, we have made a research and bring you here the best places where you can buy it.

Standard £ 39.99 £ 39.99 £ 39.98
Ultimate Edition £ 58.41


The most common way to get FIFA 14 for PC is shopping the download version. You just need to buy it, open the download link, download and install on your PC. No matters where you buy it, you will always need a active Origin account to do it.

Our choice to FIFA 14 PC version is Origin. It costs the same and it is easier. It is also the only way to get the Ultimate Edition if you want it. You can play FUT on your PC no matters where you have bought the game but the Ultimate Edition is an Origin exclusive. If for any reason you bought the Standard Edition and want those extra gold packs, you can buy a Ultimate Edition upgrade at Origin.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Playstation 3 and XBox 360 Versions


The most difficult decision is to choose where to buy FIFA 14 for PS3 or XBox 360 since there are a wide range of options. We will help you with that.

For those who are planning to buy FIFA 14 for PS3 or XBox 360, we have made a research and bring you here the best places where you can buy it.
PS3 Standard £ 40.00 £ 44.99 £ 39.85
Ultimate Edition £ 59.99 £ 64.99
Xbox 360 Standard £ 40.00 £ 44.99 £ 39.85
Ultimate Edition £ 59.99 £ 64.99


There are many stores selling FIFA 14 and accepting pre-orders but these three were the ones that have offered the best prices / services. If you look to the prices we showed you probably are thinking that ShopTo is the best choice but it is not as simple. In one hand, Amazon customer service is amazing which means that, if you get any trouble, they will help you. In the other hand, ShopTo has another thing that may be important if you are not buying the Season Ticket: they are know as one of the stores that drop your delivery a day or two before the official release date.

What should you choose ? For those who lives in UK, and since both stores makes free UK deliveries and have almost the same price, buying on Amazon seems to us the right choice. You will be able to get the game very early even if you are not in the UK but in the Super Saver Delivery countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Gibraltar, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Sweden). For those who do not live in one of these countries, ShopTo could be a better choice. Just pay attention to your region since times and final prices will vary depending on your countries import regulations and postal service.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide - Prices, Stores & More

In our opinion, Amazon is the best place to buy FIFA 14 except for those who want something more special


And what about Game ? You really should consider buying FIFA 14 in Game Store if you want something more special. They have two special and exclusive editions: the Limited and the Collector’s Edition. Both comes with an exclusive FIFA 14 collectable steel book with magnetic lenticular and with the collector’s edition you also get a Special Edition Adidas® EA SPORTS glider ball. The main difference between both, besides the price, is the FUT packs that they offer. The collector’s edition works as the Ultimate Edition, which means, that you will get one gold pack weekly for 24 weeks. The Limited Edition comes with the same offer but with premium gold packs instead of standard gold packs. It is a huge difference since the gold packs only brings one rare card per pack while the premium version comes with three. In our opinion, Limited Edition is a really good choice for who wants something special and have 65 pounds to spend. If you want it, you should pay attention that it is only available until August 1st. The Collector’s Edition is a bit more expensive: 85 pounds.


Just to be clearly, here are several FIFA 14 versions available for current-gen consoles and what is included in each one:

  • Standard Edition
  • FIFA 14 Ultimate Team — 4 FUT gold packs
    One, or a combination of the following:
    The adidas® Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas® All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more!
    Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.

  • Ultimate Edition
  • FIFA 14 Ultimate Team gold packs —1 gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    The adidas® Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas® All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more.
    Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    Historic Club Kits — Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.

  • Limited Edition (GAME exclusive)
  • FIFA 14 Ultimate Team premium gold packs — 1 premium gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    The adidas® Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas® All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more.
    Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    FIFA 14 collectable steel book with magnetic lenticular.

  • Collector’s Edition (GAME exclusive)
  • FIFA 14 Ultimate Team gold packs — 1 gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    Special Edition adidas® EA SPORTS glider ball – Exclusively created Limited Edition adidas® football.
    The adidas® Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas® All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more!
    Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    FIFA 14 collectable steel book with magnetic lenticular.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide - Prices, Stores & More

If you pre-order FIFA 14 on Amazon you get three new and exclusive goal celebrations


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Playstation 4 and XBox One Versions


For those who are planning to buy FIFA 14 for PS4 or XBox One, we have made a research and bring you here the best places where you can buy it.
PS4 * £ 54.99 £ 54.99 £ 47.86
Xbox One * £ 54.99 £ 54.99
* prices subject to change


The final prices and the editions details of the next-gen FIFA 14 are not known by now. The most popular stores are already accepting pre orders and if the price decreases between the time you place your order and the release date, you’ll be charged the lowest price. In our opinion, it is too early to make any decisions. You should wait some more weeks.

By now, there is no any pack Video Games Console Bundles with FIFA 14 included. If you are planning to buy a PS4 or a XBox One console pay attention to this point. It will be cheaper for sure than buying the console and the game separately. If you already know that you will buy XBox One, you should know that in Europe Microsoft offers the codes do download the game. This promotion is only for the Day One edition.


FIFA 14 Buying Guide – How to Buy


Now, you probably know where you want to buy your FIFA 14. It’s time to do it: just go to the store you have chosen and place the order.

You can go directly to the website of the store or you can click in the following banners (for Amazon only). It will be exactly the same thing: prices, editions, conditions, etc… Everything except one thing: by clicking in one of these banners you will be helping us to improve our website. Please, do it to help us to bring more quality high content. Even if you want to buy other articles, you may click on the banner to enter on the store. We will appreciate.



If you have any questions about this FIFA 14 Buying Guide or if you need support, feel free to ask us.


221 thoughts on “FIFA 14 Buying Guide – Everything about Prices, Stores & More”

    1. I think PS4 is region free right ? I haven’t check it but I think it will work.
      Just check if it has the language you want.

    1. I’m not sure but I think Hungarian is not available on UK Store.
      Probably you will find only this ones: Český, Deutsch (DE), English (UK), English (US), Español (ES), Español (MX), Français (FR), Magyar, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português (BR), Português (PT), Русский язык
      Maybe someone that bought the game through UK Store could help you.

  1. Hi. I want to buy the ps3 version from the uk plastation store. Is there hungarian language in the game or only english?

  2. I just have a quick question, on release date for FIFA 14 i bought it at Tesco. I’m wandering if Tesco do a PS3 to PS4 upgrade could you please help feeling like an idiot atm

  3. Hey i have a question if i purchase the EA season ticket, does the amount of coins for a pack go down in price or is it just to purchase fifa points?

  4. hey, man.i play fifa since 98 and i havent played FUT at all cuz im a pc user so is it okay to buy fifa 14 from origin or should i order it through amazon? cuz i think its gonna take a lot of time to get here(nepal),and after i download it would i get setup of fifa or what?and does it provide me the crack and a redeem code??

    help me out bro its my first time..

    1. and a few maybe 4/5 weeks ago i saw fifa 14 ultimate edition on origin store but there’s only standard edition now.

    2. Hi.
      In our opinion you should buy from Origin if the game is available in your region.
      You don’t need Ultimate edition to play Ultimate Team. Standard Edition is good enought for it.

  5. hi i live in Italy if i buy fifa 14 in the USA version works online on my Ps3 in Italy?
    And the UK version works online in italy?

  6. hey i’ve been trying to find an ultimate edition on Origin to download but there is only standard version. Does it mean that the Ultimate version is not available in my region, which is Australia?

    1. Hi.
      We didn’t find it in our region too.
      Last year Ultimate Edition was available only in day 0.
      But if you want to know, forget Ultimate Edition. It is a waste of money. Use that money to buy FIFA Points. They are more useful because Ultimate Edition only gives you one pack per week.

  7. hey i just purchased fifa 14 and from the cd it installed origin and all , now im downloading content from web through origin . so , is it necessary to keep the cd in laptop while downloading ???

  8. Hey, I was just wondering if I bought fifa 14 in the us, will i be able to use that same cd when it comes to career modes or ultimate team in the middle east? will the regional code have any effect? thanks

  9. hi, i bought my fifa 14 for xbox360 in poland and it seems to only has eastern europe languages. Do you know if its posible to download a languges pack e.g english or swedish to it?

    1. To consoles it is not possible. Maybe in the future EA may release a pack language but right now, it is not possible.
      The languages you get depends of where you bought your copy.

  10. what if i bought a used fifa 14 …. i know wont be able to play ultimate team with the used codes….but will i be able to play online seasons?

  11. do you have to pre order the ultimate edition to get the 24 gold packs or do you get them regardless even if you don’t pre order it?

  12. Can you tell me what you get and how many points you need for winning all of the 10 divisions on Fut 14, please?

  13. Hi again,

    We are four friends and want play online tournament(leagu) against each other I tried all options match lobbies, season nothing work like what PES provide an option to creat online leagu between u and ur friends and keep records of result .
    Some people advise to buy tournament pack from store in creation center is that right please help


    1. Hi.
      Yes, FIFA doesn’t have something like PES have. Except in premium content. We never tried but it seems that buying tournament pack fix your problem.

  14. Hi may i ask that why playstation network show me that my code is not working or wrong when i try to redeem code today?? is there any problem or it will be available in a few days later?? thx

  15. Boa noite Rodrigo. Sou do Brasil e o lançamento da mídia física foi adiado em uma semana aqui por causa de problemas na distribuidora do game (WB Brasil). Gostaria de saber se você tem algum conhecimento se o jogo estará disponível para compra diretamente na live (versão digital) normalmente a partir do dia do lançamento original (Live Americana mesmo).
    Obrigado !

  16. Hello again.

    as I mentioned before..I live in the middle east.

    I can only get fifa 14 from USA..

    How can i know if it works on my PS3?

    Or does the PS3 plays any region disc?

    and is there any difference in the game between US edition or Uk edition ?

    Please help me in this issue.

    Thanking you in advance.

    1. Hi.
      There are no big differences between both versions (languages, cover and not much more).
      We don’t know if the disc will work on your PS3 or not.

      1. Hello ,

        how can i change FIFA 14 Game region , i’ve chosen asia as my region and my PSN in US .

        i can’t use the downloadable staff 🙁 ,

        please help ,

        thanks ,
        Moutaz ..

        1. on the EA account ,

          i gave my code to my friend to try my code and he received message telling him that my serial has been used ,

          on my FIFA CD i have 4 free Ultimate packs after redeeming my code ,

          but it didn’t work ,

          how can i contact EA sports to check this problem as my code might be used or not working ,

          Note : i’m the first one who uncovered and used this CD ..

  17. I pre-ordered a FIFA 14 limited edition with 24 premium gold packs and i buy a season ticket with 24 premium gold packs now i have 48 premium gold packs???

  18. Vivian Kerketta

    hello, i just want to know that if i pre order fifa 14 pc version, which edition should i consider and will the cd be able to run and play on more than one pc?

  19. Hi pal! i have an USA account, and I cant see fifa 14 to buy in xbox store. do you know why?

  20. Pedro Lourenço

    Im going to buy the digital version and share it witk a friend.If i subscribe the season ticket today,can i still share the game with my friend ?

    1. Olá Pedro.
      Look the early access of Season Ticket as a try out period. It doesn’t matter to how digital version will work.

  21. Hi, if I get the adidas all star team, does that mean I get messi to use on ultimate team?

  22. Hi,
    I have 3 ps3’s in our household, I want to download the fifa 14 when it’s out but is it possible to download onto the 3 systems with one Account?

      1. Yes haha. I used a friends account to download a game onto my ps3 and was wondering if I could do the same with fifa because he said he could download it onto other ps3’s

  23. Hi, I wanted to ask If I was to obtain a uk origin PC key on the 23rd or 24th will it be possible for me to download and play before 27th release date? Or will origin lock me out until the 27th. Also I wanted to know if there are any major differences between the US and UK version on origin. Does the US one have ESPN Match overlay ? Thank you

    1. There are no major differences between both versions.
      You can only download before the game release date if you are a Season Ticket subscriber.

  24. Hy! If i buy fifa 14 from US ps store will I be able to play online from Europe(Romania)? I have an US account and it costs only 59$ in US ps store. But I want to be sure that online gameplaying will work. Thank you!

    1. FIFA 14 PC will use the same engine of FIFA 14 for PS3 and XBox 360.
      The new EA Sports Ignite will be used in next-gen consoles XBox One and PS4. It will be better.

  25. Hey
    I have played fifa 13 on pc but has chosen to play 14 on playstation 3,
    I have early acces to ultimate team because of my account on pc, so will my team be able to be loaded for the playstation since it is made via a PC account. I have linked my origin account to my psn account

      1. I am using the web app on my computer, dont know how to access it on my ps3. So not sure if thats what you mean. Just dont wanna waste anymore time on building a team if it is only gonna be able to be played on the pc 😉

        1. If you are using the FUT 14 Web App in your PC but it is lined to your PS3, you should be able to use that account on your PS3 when game comes out.
          Just check if in the FUT 14 Web App dashboard, on the top right corner, next to “FIFA Points”, you have something like “Get More”. If you don’t, it means that you are managing a PS3 squad that you will be able to transport to your console.

  26. Diamantino Pinto

    Hi! I’m from Portugal and I made the pre order in I will have any problem to activate in the origin and play?

    1. No.
      We are from Portugal too and buy the game on the Amazon UK without any problem. The only different thing is the cover.

  27. Hi, I’ve got the season pass and will download early but how much will it cost on Xbox 360

  28. dave di canio

    were can i buy fifa 14 on ps3 and xbox 360 with a buy one get one free ,or buy one get one with a discount ,and has manager mode inproved,with thanks dave di canio.

  29. Hi,
    1-Am planning to buy FIFA 14 from ps store (Uae store ) does online copy support Arabic commentaries like blue ray copy ?!

    2- does ps4 players can play online with Ps3 players later !!?

    3-does FIFA 14 support make online competition between 3 frinds and more !!!??? ( enable online season for more than two frinds )

    1. Hi.
      1) Almost sure it does but you should check before to buy.
      2) No. The market is shared but the gameplay not.
      3) Yes.


  30. Hello! Nice article but i was wondering if I live outside the US and UK but have a US account will I be able to have the 3 day early access with the season ticket?


  31. If I buy season ticket will be able to play Ulitmate team offline or online? That way I can make game play coins and buy packs or invest in players before the game is released officially.

    1. Both. You can do everything 3 days earlier, including playing the game. Everything except buying packs that was not confirmed.

  32. hi,
    I live in the middle east..and i have to buy fifa 14 either from Uk,USA or to download directly to my PS3

    in my condition,which one would you advise me to buy?

    is there any difference between the 3 options if am going to but the standard one?


    1. Maybe buying directly from your PS3 should be the better one. It will be cheaper, fast and you can check if your language is available.
      If you want to own the DVD, the Amazon UK is a good store to buy it because the UK edition is the same that is sold to Middle East.

  33. Just wondering, I have the season ticket and preordered FIFA 14 for both Xbox 360 and Xbox one…does this mean I’ll get 48 packs for each game over the 24 week periods ?

  34. Hello! Quick question – My xbox 360 console was purchased in the US and my live account was set up there as well. I am buying Fifa 14 from India. Will I face any problems in terms of downloading content or anything of that sort? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi.
      If you already have access to the FUT 14 Web App, you will be able to transfer your progress (coins, players, etc…) to your FIFA 14 PS4.

  35. Hi,

    I just pre-order fifa14 from us pss and it says that i will get 24gold packs for Ultimate Team.
    My question is : if I install the game on 2 different console systems(which is allowed) will i get 24 packs for each system?


  36. Going to be in America when its released but I live in Europe. If I buy a N. American version will it work online or will I have to sort changing the online pass?

  37. Hey my question is when playing FIFA 14 using the early access with the season pass will you be able to purchase packs in ultimate teams? Last year you couldn’t but I have seen a few youtubers say that you can! Thanks!

  38. Hey great piece, not sure if it’s been covered but is it possible to physically buy the ultimate edition in a store, as Im not sure what address i’ll be at on the day of release and don’t want to pre order.

    1. Hi.
      It is a good question. Thank you for giving us the chance to clarify this point to everyone: Ultimate Edition can not be bought in a store. It is a day 1 release.
      If you want to buy the Ultimate Edition, you will need to pre order it.

  39. Hi,
    I am wondering what is the best thing to do if you want to play against friends online.
    I dont really care about ultimate team, but for fifa 13, you had to pay i think it was 8 quid to play against friends. will this be the same in fifa 14?
    if so is it better for me to buy the ultimate edition as im guessing that i will be able to play friends from that edition.
    P.s this is for xbox 360

    1. Hi. How do you do ?
      If you have a XBox service active, you don’t need to pay anything to play against your friends. If it is the case, don’t waste your money on the Ultimate Edition. It is exactly the same game but it offers some packs. If you don’t plan to play UT, buy the standard edition.

      1. Hi, thanks for getting back to me.
        My friend also came across a similar problem, where we both had the standard games and valid xbox live gold memberships and we fifa demanded us to pay £8 to play online against xbox friends. whereas my brother did not have to pay this whereas he had the ultimate edition.
        So am confused.

        1. It was the online pass that we had to pay for. I just remebered the name. So does the online pass only come with the ultimate edition?

  40. Hi, I live in India and I want to know if I am eligible to buy the Ultimate Edition for PC from Origin. Please reply soon as I a badly want to buy the game.

    1. Hi.
      The Origin page should redirect you for your regional page. So, just go to Origin page and check. If you can see Ultimate Edition there, it means that you are eligible to buy it.

  41. Hi,i wanted to know if i bought the UK version of Fifa 14 Ps3,would it have the arabic commentary ? or i can download it later from ps store? or i need to buy it from the Middle east?

    1. Hi.
      We really don’t know but since the FIFA14 cover is the same for UK and Middle East, there is a good chance to have the arabic commentary included.

  42. david english

    i played fut13 on xbox 360 but have decided that i want to get fifa 14 on playstation instead. can the account i used for xbox be transferred to playstation or will i need to wait till the 25th to create a new ultimate team with a different name? in other words will i need a new origin account?

    1. We think that you will able to use the same Origin account. But you will lose all your progress (coins, cards, etc…) since you are moving for another platform.

  43. I live in the US and i want to get the arabic version do you know where can i get from?


  44. If i preorder from amazon will i be able to use the early web app that releases this sunday?

    1. Hi. You don’t need to buy FIFA 14 to get the early access. All you need is to have played FUT13.
      In fact, you can try to access FUT14 Web App right now.
      You just need to buy FIFA 14 to play the game.

  45. hi, i am from argentina, and i want to know if i buy the pre order game for ps3, will it have espanish language?


    1. Hi Joaquin.
      Spanish language is available in most of the regions. However, it depends of where you buy it. We can’t help you since we don’t know where you will buy it.

  46. Hi,

    I’m wondering – what’s the requirement to get early access for FUT 14? I played Fifa 12 until about June then got Fifa 13.

    Also, will there be a code I need to enter? I’ve pre-ordered from Amazon but don’t seem to have a code. (If not, does this mean there will be a lot of people with early FUT14 web app access but haven’t ordered the game?)


    1. To get the early access to the FUT 14 you need to have played FUT 13.
      You don’t need any code. Anyone that have played FUT 13 will have access to it even if don’t buy the game.
      In fact it is already online.

  47. Hi mate,

    Got a question in regards to fifa 14 on xbox one, will it contain a Polish language in the UK version? I have asked many people previously and they have no clue 🙁
    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Paul

    1. Hi Paul.
      We don’t have the console with us right now but we have FIFA 13 UK version and we are almost sure that Polish language it is included. So, there is a very good chance to be in FIFA 14 too.

  48. Muhammed Ahmed

    Hi there
    In the ultimate edition it says that you get 2 pairs of boots
    Are the the boots real or just in the game

  49. It has been announced that fifa 14 will be the last game produced for the ps2. Where can i buy this in the USA?

  50. Nick campbell

    I live in the UK, I want FIFA UT before 24th due to my gf being on holiday until 24th.

    what do you think chances are of using my american account, a US psn card to purchase seasont icket for US FIFA 2014, and playing from 20th are?

    any blockage on IP etc?

      1. Nick campbell

        Thanks Rodrigo

        I am goign to leave it until last minute , in the hope that like the prior two years, the release is done simulaneously, if not theres no issue buying the season ticket on the day is there?

  51. How much do the fifa points cost (in Microsoft points)? And how many fifa points do the different gold packs cost?

  52. Is fifa 14 include arabic commentary on all its editions
    Is there a special edition for middle east

    1. Hi.
      No, it doesn’t include Arabic commentary on all its editions.
      There is no special edition for middle east. It will be tha same sold in UK, with Bale on the cover.

  53. There is a information that posibility of upgrade games from PS3 to PS4 ( close to 10 pounds to digital version of PS4 title) – is FIFA 14 included?

  54. Hi.I think about download it from the Ps store but im not sure is it faster from buying it from Amazon.Which way is faster for getting the copy?

  55. Hi,
    Thanks for this informative post……. I pre-ordered FIFA 14 through a website( so that I could get a physical copy of the game. However it is only a standard edition which offers only 4 FUT gold packs. In Origin there is a way through which you could upgrade to the Ultimate Edition(which offers 24FUT Gold packs), so I was wondering whether I could upgrade to the ultimate edition even though I do not have the base game on Origin(but already pre-ordered)?.
    Thank you.

    1. Hey,
      You say in your post that the FUT 14 web app will be available from the 15th of September, since I have pre-ordered(not through Origin) will I be able to access it on the 15th to start my team??
      Thank you

      1. The early access of FUT Web App (September 15th) is an exclusive to returning players. All that matters is if you have played FUT 13 or not. If yes, you will be able to build your new team in that day.

    2. Hi.
      Assuming that you are talking about the PC version, the Origin has the exclusivity of the Ultimate Edition for this platform. It means that you have to do it in Origin website.
      The upgrade from the standard to the Ultimate edition costs 10 Euros but I’m not sure if you are able to do it since you bought the physical copy of the game. You will have to ask that to them directly.

  56. Rocky balboa

    Hi, some great answers here. Thanx!
    Can i do something on the fifa13 to be well prepared for the fifa14?
    I mean, i cant take the coins with me, but is there anything else that could help me before i start playing the new Fifa?

  57. Hi. NIce article.
    Will all the packs have the adidas team in it? Or does this only come if preordered from amazon?

  58. This page is brilliant!However the best price for Fifa 14 on Xbox 360 and Ps3 is Tesco.Its £40 and if you pre-order before the 15/9 then you get £5 off which makes it £35!Cheapest price I’ve seen so far.

    1. Thank you.
      Tesco have a really good price (£40 – £5) but don’t forget that you have to pay the delivery. And if you choose “Express next day delivery”, which is what Amazon offers, you will have to pay more £5.95. That will be more expensive than Amazon. Right ?!

      1. hi Rodrigo, i was just wondering if you new anything about the fifa UT points, Prices etc.

  59. Benjamin John Hewitt

    Upon fifa 14 release will there still be full access to fut 13? And for how long

    1. No. EA Sports should stop definitely the FUT 13 Web App before the FUT 14 Web App release. Probably one or two days before.

  60. Hi, I have recently moved to Italy and I want to buy Fifa 14 when it comes out. If I buy fifa 14 in italy will it obviously have english commentary? And would I be able to change the language on the game itself?

    1. Hi.
      We are not sure about which commentaries are included in FIFA 14 that will be sold in Italy. We think that English will be one of the languages and if it is, you will be able to select it before the start of the game and also in the menus.

  61. Can i buy Fifa 14 through Downloading it from PS store ? , because i live in Egypt so the delivery will take up to 14 days

  62. Abdul Mohammed

    I just wanted to know this basic fact about fifa 14. Do you have to pay to play online monthly for it?

  63. Awesome article very helpful .I’ve found some of the prices a bit cheaper on amazon.Cant wait for FUT 14.

    1. Thank you. We will try to update it with more details.
      If you live in Europe and if you want to buy FIFA 14 in Amazon, click in the banner of this page, please. You will pay the best price and we will receive a small bonus.

  64. Can you buy fifa points with a US account in the playstation store, I can never find it. And will they change it in FIFA 14

  65. I pre-ordered the Limited edition on PS3 from GAME…I was wondering will I receive the free gold packs on PS4 should I transfer to the new gen consoles or will it strictly be for PS3?

    1. It depends of what your preferences.
      It is true that XBox One is now more attractive than before with the offer of FIFA 14 to European consumers and with the FUT 14 Legends. But we, for example, still think that PS4 is a better choice. But it is only our opinion.

  66. Ciaran dobbin

    Hi, I just want to know if you have to play FUT every week or is there a limited time you have to register FUT to get the Packs as I was going to pre-order the limited edition but wasn’t going to play it until Christmas. Hopefully you can help me as I can’t find an answer anywhere.

    1. You may have a problem. In fact, you will need to play FUT every weeks to get all the packs. By “play” we mean access the FUT store. In the weeks that you don’t access, the packs will expire and you will not be able to get it back.

  67. will you be able to connect online with another generation of console for e.g. will there be different transfer markets or when you are on the Xbox 1 that is one fifa and Xbox 360 is another fifa

    1. Yes. You will be able to connect online with another generation of console. It will not be possible to play matches in a different console but transfer markets, for example, will be shared (PS3-PS4 and XBox One-XBox 360).

  68. hi, are there any advantages of buying fifa14 from the different stores? I remember last year each store gave you different in-game specs and was wondering which store would be best to buy from? (I play FUT a lot and want the best deal)

    1. Hi.
      First of all it depends of where you live. The only difference from store to store is the bonus they offer you. Some of them give you celebrations, others give you adidas team, etc…
      In our opinion Amazon is the best store to buy it.

    1. Hi.
      Yes. In the previous years, FIFA from UK included 14 languages. Italian was one of them.
      If you will buy it from Amazon, click on the banner on the end of this page. You will be helping us.

      1. Maxipoppapump

        Hello! As regards Italian language in UK version of Fifa14, do you think it is featured in both versions for PS3 and Xbox 360?
        Thank you.

  69. Will it be possible to buy Fifa 14 from the PS Store as opposed to ordering it from Amazon or ShopTo?

  70. Hello, I was wondering if i buy the FIFA 14 ultimate edition and buy the session tickets first day of September I will have 48 gold pack for my FIFA 14 FUT ? Thanks

    1. Yes. That’s how it worked on FUT 13. Don’t forget that you get 2 packs by week over 24 weeks. You don’t get 48 packs at once.

  71. will there be a difference in the USA and UK versions of fifa 14 i.e commentaries etc

    1. Yes. We have not sure about what will be different but, besides de cover, it may have different languages for example (english for both, of course).

  72. hi, just wondering do you know whether it would be cheaper to just buy the standard edition (with 4 ut gold packs) and then buy the 24 premium gold packs seperately, or would the game limited edition version work out cheaper with the 24 premium packs included? Also when it says the standard edition includes one or a combination of the followng how many/which of those do you actually get?

    1. It will be more expensive to buy it separately. However, in the Ultimate Edition you need to wait 24 weeks to get all the packs.
      We think that you get all those things but we are not 100% sure. You should check with the store where you buy it.

  73. hey man , Do you know if it is possible to pre order Fifa 14 on Playstation Store before the release date ? i searched the store for it but no link for pre ordering it yet, got the usa store

  74. Hi , i would like to know if i can get the ultimate edition fifa14 for PC anywhere else except Origin ?

    1. Hi.
      You can play FUT on your PC no matters where you have bought the game but the Ultimate Edition is an Origin exclusive.

    1. Yes.
      All editions comes with Ultimate Team. It is inside the game.
      The only difference between standard and Ultimate Edition are the offer of UT packs.

  75. My question is if I buy fifa 14 for ps3 and get players for ultimate…and a few months later get ps4 with fifa 14 will I be able to transfer players? Since same email to login into EA ?

    1. EA didn’t answered to this question yet. Everybody wants to know how it will work. They say that they will announce something about it in the next days or weeks.
      We can try to guess what will happen (we have our sources) but it is not official: it will not be possible to transfer your coins and players from PS3 to PS4. The only thing that will happen is that they will offer to PS3/PS4 FUT14 players a couple of packs as it happens with the welcome pack on FUT13/FUT14.

  76. Hi. Thanks for this very informative site. My simple question is about the standard FIFA14. You mentioned it contains 4 FUT packs. Is it confirmed? Because from the ea website it mentioned that 4 FUT pack are available only if pre-ordered in ORIGIN and does not mentioned that it is available if pre-ordered in any retailers.

    Please confirm this, because if 4 FUT packs are available in standard FIFA 14. really theres no need to waste money buying/pre ordering the Ultimate Edition

    1. Hi.
      We understand your concern. Several websites have this information: standard edition includes 4 gold packs. But we can not confirm with 100% sure since some stores, as Amazon, nothing say about it. We believe that it will…

  77. Do you know if it is possible to buy Fifa 14 on Playstation Store on the release date? My bluray-laser is broken and the only game I play is Fifa. So I am thinking of just downloading the game from PS-store instead of repairing the laser.

  78. Sayeef Protik

    i wanna buy and download this game from a pc and then transfer the installation files and install it in another it possible?

  79. If I buy Fifa 14 for Xbox 360 will all the prices on ultimate team be really high because there will be less people on the 360 and more on the xbox one?

    1. Hi. As you said, the prices may be higher because there will be less people playing FUT 14 on XBox 360. But we have not so sure if there will be more people playing XBox One than XBox360…

      1. hi im just after reading your website there and you seem to have alot of knowledge on the fifa’s for current & next-gen consoles it would be much appreciated if you were able to tell me if there is gunna be ultimate and limited edition for ps4?

        1. Hi.
          By now, there is any store selling other editions of FIFA 14 to PS4. Only the standard one. But it probably will happen. Ultimate Edition is almost sure and we also believe that it will be released a Limited Edition.

    2. Actually, it won’t make a difference, EA have said that FUT will use the SAME AUCTION HOUSE for Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 (And PS3 and PS4). So you can still buy and sell to players on Xbox 1 if you are using 360, and vice versa 😀

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