TOTY Guide – Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

TOTY Guide - Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Do you want to know something about the Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team ? We will help you with this TOTY guide.


TOTY Guide – Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Q: What TOTY means?
A: TOTY means “Team of the Year”.

Q: What is a TOTY ?
A: A TOTY is a team that gathers the players who played better on the whole year. A TOTY card is an In Form card.

Q: How many TOTY exist ?
A: For each FIFA Ultimate Team, there is only one TOTY.

Q: TOTY and TOTS are the same thing ?
A: No. The TOTY gathers the players who played better during the calendar year according to the FIFPro. The TOTS gathers the players who played better the whole season according to EA.

Q: How TOTY cards are ?
A: The TOTY cards are blue, no matter the player level is. It has improved rating and improved attributes. In the image below you can see how a TOTY card looks like.


TOTY Guide - Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Q: How the Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team is chosen ?
A: TOTY players are not chosen by EA Sports. They are chosen by the votes of thousands of professional players members of FIFPro, the worldwide representative organization for all professional football players.

Q: How can I know who are the players of Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team ?
A: Before January 13th you can only see the shortlist HERE. On that day, you can see in our website or live at the Ballon D’Or ceremony at Zurich’s Kongresshaus. Click HERE to see the TOTY players of FUT 14.

Q: How much increases the rating and the attributes of a player on a TOTY card ?
A: There is no rule about it but usually the rating increases 5 to 8 points. The attributes have a similar increase but it doesn’t mean that all attributes have to be improved.

Q: How many cards are on a TOTY ?
A: 11. One goalkeeper, four defenders, three midfielders and three forwards.

Q: How can you get one of those cards ?
A: As usually, you can buy them on transfer market or you can get them on a pack. These cards are only available on packs by specific periods.

Q: Do I need to buy any special pack to have the chance of getting a TOTY cards ?
A: No. You can get a TOTY card in any gold packs with rare cards.

Q: When the TOTY is released ?
A: Monday night, January 13th, 2013 at the Ballon D’Or ceremony at Zurich’s Kongresshaus.

Q: When the first TOTY cards are released ?
A: Just after the FIFA World XI is made official, at 8pm (UK time).

Q: When these cards are released in packs ?
A: For each position there are specific dates :
Goalkeepers and Defenders – January 13th 8pm to January 15th 6pm;
Midfielders – January 15th 6pm to January 17th 6pm;
Forwards – January 17th 6pm to January 18th 6pm;

Q: The TOTY cards will not be released all together in packs ?
A: Probably. On the weekend January 25-26th or in January 18-19th.

Q: The TOTY cards are expensive ?
A: Yes. A lot. Several cards cost more than 1 million coins. They are the most expensive cards of the game.

Q: There will be happy hours and special packs as the popular 100k pack during the TOTY release ?
A: Probably yes.

Q: What happens to the market with the TOTY release ?
A: No one can be sure. It may crashes. In an attempt to get one of these millionaire cards, the players tend to sell almost everything, in order to get coins to invest in packs. The natural effect of this behaviour is to drop the cards’ prices. We think that the greatest drops will be only during the 100k packs and on the weekends (forwards and all team).

Q: When should I sell my players ?
A: We think that the best thing to do is to sell them before the new year.


If you still have questions about the Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, use the comments to ask us please.


261 thoughts on “TOTY Guide – Team of the Year of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team”

  1. Is it still possible to find a TOTY in a 7.5k pack? Or the TOTY market has finished?

  2. Hi Rodrigo. I got a TOTY Neuer. What happens to the prices of TOTY cards? Should I sell him now, or wait for its price to rise?

  3. Benjamin Morales

    Rodrigo I have a question for you. I have 2.4 million coins. It is enough to buy toty players. I want them to invest. What is better buying one very expensive with all the money I have like Neuer or buy two totys like luiz and kroos or two silvas, etc. Also maybe there are other choices like buying players that are going to get an upgrade like sif alexis or maybe the fif alexis, sif de gea, etc So what do you recommend I need to know because the prices on monday are going to be really cheap.

    toty Kroos luiz
    2 toty silvas
    3 SIF alexis
    2 If alexis
    5 Sif de gea
    Or another good player that I can invest in.

    1. I think prices will be lower during Sunday.
      TOTY players is too risky in my opinion. You may try IF players you believe will have an upgrade.

  4. Hey Rodrigo, just wondering will the TOTY cards be available again towards the end of Fifa 14? I believe they have in previous FIFAs will they do it again?

    1. Hi.
      TOTY and TOTS cards are only available in packs during specific weeks: first of January, and April/May. This was what happened last years. It will be the same again.

  5. Gabriel Valente

    Hi. I was wondering if you know the release dates for the upcoming TOTY (not the one that was released on 13th of January 2014 but the next one ?)

  6. Is it true that if you get a regular player in a pack who is in the Toty/tots you get the Toty/tots one for free

    1. Hi.
      We will try to clarify this for you.
      When you open a pack you have a % of chances to get a player X. That percentage is always the same. No matter if he was IF or not. The same is to say, when a player gets a TOTS card (or TOTY or TOTW) his regular card is not released during that period, usually a week. So, if you get a regular player that is in the TOTS, you should contact the EA Support to be sure that they will transform it in a TOTS.

  7. Help i don’t know what to do. I bought a toty ibra a few weeks ago for 4.830.000 and played with it but know his price is rapidly dropping (because of the tots coming up?) and i don’t know if i should sell him for maybe a loss of 300k or wait until his price rises again.

    1. You probably will need to wait a lot. We don’t think the price will go up again until the end of the TOTS. It’s up to you.

  8. Hi, does team rating have any affect on the game is it better to be higher or lower or basic. As I’ve heard that the team has a handicap when your team rating is so high

    1. Yes, the team rating affects the decision of who will be your opponent. We will publish an article about it, next weekend.

  9. Hey, I bought an in form Lichtsteiner today for 14k. Are the prices of informs like him going to go down or up in the next few days/weeks? Should I keep him and sell later or opposite?

  10. Hi Rodrigo,
    I have 4 questions:
    1) I baught a bunch of packs with fifa points while the happy hours where on. I didnt get any toty informs but I got valuable players like Suarez, Vidic, Willian, Oscar etc. Should I sell them now, or should I wait a bit for about a week or so?
    2) In the same packs I also got a bunch of discard players.Now that toty are no longer available will the price rise for at leat 1k each?
    3) I also tried to invest on some cheap players that I thought their prices would rise after the market crash. For example I mananged to get Cavani for 5k. His price has risen a bit but not that much as I first thought, should I wait for another week or should I sell now?
    4) In one of the packs I got inform Adrian from West Ham, should I sell him now or wait for a week untill the market has recovered completly?
    Thanks for your time.

    1. Hi.
      1) Wait a bit more.
      2) Discard players ? What is that ? Players that have no commercial value ? Discard prices never change.
      3) Nobody can be sure but I think it will raise a bit more, yes.
      4) Wait one week if possible.

      1. Hi Rodrigo, thanks a lot for your help… When I meant discard players I meant players which werent very usefull (75-81 rated players in bad leages or with bad attributes). My mistake as I often play fut in spanish and I didnt realise that discarding players was quickselling them, so nevermind and thank a lot for all of your help with this specific topic and many other topics such as the formation guide etc. On the other hand I’m following your advice and are selling everything this monday, hoping to get to about 250k to 300k. Because of this I started researching trading tips etc and got a bit confused. When I started reading about the peak hours I couldnt figure out at what time I should sell and at what time I should buy. I know that the peak hour takes place from 3:30 pm to 12:00 am (uk time) yet I dont know if I should sell inside this lapse of time or buy. So basically I have 2 questions:
        1) The peak time is a wide lapse of time between 3:30 pm and 12:00 am uk time, so 5:30 pm is part of the peak hour or am I wrong? Isn’t any peak hour supposed to be shorter?
        2) Should I sell my players inside the peak time and buy outside of it, or should I buy inside the peak time and sell outside of it? Ive read both versions one saying that selling inside the peak time is better as there are more buyers and the other version saying that buying inside the peak time is better as there are more sellers.
        Thansk ALOT

        1. Hi.
          Everything you need to know is HERE. You have there the right times to buy and the right times to sell. Forget the peak time and see our categories.

  11. Hi Rodrigo,

    As I understood from all the above comments and replies,

    All the 11 TOTY players are now available till today in packs until 6 pm (GMT time) ,So the best chance to get any TOTY player in pack is today before 6 pm GMT time?

    My 9 year old son insisting to buy him a pack ( I have 600k coin now)
    Kindly I have 2 questions :

    What would be the best pack to buy with the best chance to get one of the TOTY players

    There is 3 options now:

    100k pack (Jumbo rare players pack)
    35k pack (Mega)
    15k pack (gold)


    If i have FIFA points ..could it be transferred to coins?

    Thanking you in advance.

    1. Yes. At this exactly time, TOTY players are not available in packs anymore.
      1) 100k
      2) You can not transform FIFA points into Coins.

  12. Got IF Damia on the 100k pack.. rest all were discard players .. 🙁

    how much will that sell for?

  13. 100k packs are currently available and i bought loads of players that are usually worth 4000-5000coins for 650-1000coins and now they’re worth only 850-1000… will their prices go up at all when toty has passed?

  14. is there only one 100k pack for each person?
    and will all the toty only be available this weekend, or next weekend as well?

  15. Hi Rodrigo
    I got Normal Ronaldo in a pack yesterday
    So should I sell him now or after Toty ?
    Now his price is around 1.4 m on ios

  16. I have 300k and want to build an expensive team. if I build an expensive team now will they drop in price or are they gonna get higher

  17. Is there any chance all the TOTYS could be released tonight,along with the forwards?

  18. Andrew Qumsieh

    After all the Toty players r released r they still possible to get in normal packs?? or is it only now when they get released???

  19. after toty cards stop being released i.e after 26th, the supply would be low. Is it a good idea to buy a toty for about 700k (ramos) and selling later. Is his price likely to rise by a lot in say april when there are few toty cards on the market?

    1. Yes, it may be good thinking. However, I don’t recommend to do it with defenders. It is too risky since their prices are too different this year.

  20. Ronaldo is going for between 1.7 and 1.8 mil on Xbox right now, if you had to guess, what do you think his price will drop to this weekend when the TOTY forwards are released and the entire team? I have around 1.5’mil and really want him

    1. Hi.
      First of all, nobody said that it will be the weekend of 25-26. It was only a suggestion. 18-19 will be difficult since forwards will be released friday and they will be in packs by two days.

  21. Hi when u say all the TOTY players will be out on the 25-26th weekend will their be TOTY out during the time between the 18-19th weekend and the 25-26th weekend

    1. Harry: it is not official. We believe that all the TOTY players may be out on the 25-26th weekend. But it not guaranteed. According to what happened last year, they will be available on that weekend but not on the week days between the two weekends.

  22. Hi,

    Lucky me, got a toty Ramos!
    When should i sell him? He’s now selling for around the 610k, will his price be higher in a few days?

  23. i have 800k in coins. if i spend all of it on packs do you think i have a strong possibility of getting any toty player?

  24. On Fifa 13 they released all 11 Tory players in packs directly after the forwards. Would they not do the same for Fifa 14?

  25. I want to buy some TOTY players, when is the best time to buy for example Dani Alves ?

    1. The prices of TOTY cards have a behaviour very unexpected. It is difficult to know. The best time to buy a TOTY card is probably the last day they are available. For example: tomorrow for midfielders.

  26. When is the most likely date that all of the totys will be available in packs? This weekend (18-19th)

    1. Since forwards will be released this Friday afternoon and they usually are available in packs for 2 days, I think it is more likely to have all cards available at the same time in January 25 and 26.

  27. Hi Rodrigo. I have normal Ibrahimovic since few months back but I haven’t sold him. Is it too late to sell him now? Will his normal card price rise when the TOTY Ibra version is out? Thank u.

    1. Hi.
      Most of the regular cards tend to get cheaper when the TOTYs are out. However, with the regular cards of TOTY players, it usually happen the opposite: they are more expensive now. Messi and Ronaldo are the exception. Maybe you should sell him now.

  28. When should I buy Lewandowski? I’m guessing when the forwards are out because everyone will care about them

  29. If I am looking to buy ibra when should I during the toty? The prices have been fluctuating so much idk when the best time is

    1. The prices of the most expensive cards are not affected in the same way as it happens with the other cards. It is very difficult to predict the prices of these cards.

    1. That’s what everyone wants to know. We believe they will be released all together on January 25 and 26 but it is not official.

  30. Recently my dad & I have been noticing players we have sold that were bought through packs come with 7 contracts, but when we sold them we have noticed on occasions the contracts have been removed, but NO games have been played.
    Please can you tell us how this is possible.

  31. Will there be a time where you can get defenders/midfielders/forwards in packs?

    1. That’s what everyone wants to know. We believe they will be released all together on January 25 and 26 but it is not official.

  32. Hey.
    I just bought TOTY Lahm for 650k on the ps3. I want to sell him before the weekend so I can carry on trading. Would I get my money back tomorrow morning UK time when the least amount of cards are on the market, or on Thursday or Friday when the defenders are out of packs and do you think I will get my money back?

    1. Soon. I believe they will star rising again in two days. But with the forwards released the prices will drop again. Just guessing.

  33. at some point, will TOTY defenders/midfielders/strikers all be available in packs?

    1. That’s what everyone wants to know. We believe they will be released all together on January 25 and 26 but it is not official.

  34. philip andersson

    Will regular players like eto and lewandowski rise back after toty or will they stay cheaper? 🙂

  35. ellis bradley

    Hi just wonderimg, i have a million coins and im going to get a 1 mil bpl team with all expensive players like aguero, hazard, etc. My question is, when abouts during the toty should i buy them or should i buy them now cause some of the prices are rising now. Cheers

      1. Will there be a time where all the totys will be available in packs at the same time?

        1. That’s what everyone wants to know. We believe they will be released all together on January 25 and 26 but it is not official.

  36. Hi Rodrigo,
    I havent gotten a TOTY card but in case I do, when is the best time to sell them? Immediately, or after the TOTY release is over. (How will their prices change as time passes?)

    1. Nobody can be sure. It depends of the card you get too. I think you should try to sell him as soon as possible but with a huge price.

  37. How many cards of each player will be released?
    so like, will there be 1000 Neuer’s released and then there won’t be any more?

  38. Byron morales

    When is happy hour for the US to have the best chance of getting the TOTY players? and what days?

  39. hey Rodrigo, is it 100% confirmed that the whole TOTY will be released on the weekend, I don’t want to wait until then to open packs and find out its finished!

  40. Patrik Daniel Mrozek

    Is it best to buy the packs today or wait until the weekend? Didnt quite get it if the release all today or keeper/def today midfield tomorrow attackers after that then the whole team.

  41. Patrik Daniel Mrozek

    Hey rodrigo!
    So i’ve been confused about today and these packs. Is it not until weekend its possible to buy packs and have chance to get them all? Is it day by day goalkeeper, defenders then midfielders then strikers then in the weekend all players?

    1. Check the schedule we published in this article. First, it will be released only GK and defenders. Two days later, only midfielders and two days later only forwards. There is a chance to see all players being released together in the weekend after the forwards.

  42. Oisín Sahafian

    When should I get the 100k pack?

    When all the TOTY players are in packs or when FORWARDS/MIDFIELDERS are in packs, or once defenders are released in packs will they always be i npacks until all toty players have been released? What date should I buy the 100k pack?

    1. The 100k packs are not confirmed yet.
      Each position at a time. First only GK and defenders, then only midfielders and then only forwards. EA may release all players together in the next week.

  43. When are the prices the lowest compared to TOTY fifa 13? On the weekend while the 100k packs are out, or after them, or what?

  44. I have 5 million coins so its how much chance to get all toty players in packs

  45. Hey can i ask you if 100k packs are available in weeks so the week with Goal Keepers and Defenders only or will there be 100k packs immeadiatly when toty is released on FUT?

  46. Charlie Clarkson

    Is mmoge a reliable coin websit not mmoga there is one called mmoge could you reply

  47. Hey !
    I sold my Brazil team, but when should i buy my players back. thiago silva and alves are in the toty, so the reguler card aren’t in packs. so will there price go up?

        1. I think it is. There are many players, as Evra, Sagna, Remy and others which price can not decrease more. They will be more expensive in the future, for sure.

  48. What time actully does the first toty player or players come out like not date proper time

  49. This is my fist year getting involve with Ultimate team.. Right now i have a great team except for Messi and Reynaldo, and have 900,000 in coins. should i continue saving to buy player from TOTY in market or try my change in those TOTY pack? thanks

  50. How much will a pack cost in coins or fifa points for TOTY pack? and will they give at least 1 player from TOTY on those pack?

  51. Michele sullivan

    My sons are are wanting to know if they are definitely going to realease all the toty out in packs for certain on 25/26 or are they best purchasing the positions of the players they want as they are realeased?

    1. That weekend was no official confirmed. It was what happened last years. Just it. So, it will be better to by packs from his favourite position.

  52. When will the prices of normal players go up after the market crash? Exact date?

    1. Let’s see crystall ball… it’s broken!
      Nobody can be sure about how the market will work. We believe that the prices will not go again for the values they were two weeks ago.

  53. Will all of the totys be available in packs on the weekend 18-19th of january? Please reply, thanks

  54. Is there a place I can get updates on when happy hrs and special packs that will only be out for limited time or quantity become available? Thanks!

  55. Dylan Hefflinger

    Can you use the Green EA Coins to buy the packs during the ToTY week? If so how much do the 50,000 and 100,000 cost? Thanks.

  56. Danny Cutting

    Are 100k packs available to buy when the full TOTY squad is released? And what date will this be available?

    1. EA hasn’t announced nothing about it.
      We think they will release the full TOTY on January 25th and 26th, with 100k packs. But it is just a (good) guess.

  57. I have $50 of fifa points when would be the best time for me to use them to try to get toty players?

    1. Hi. In my opinion the best time is during happy hours with good packs and on the forwards days. If they release all the players on the weekend of 25 and 26th, I would say it is a good time to try too.

    2. If they release them all together on January 25 and 26, that will be the best time. Otherwise, it will be on next weekend to try to get the most expensive TOTY players: the forwards.

  58. Cristian Reyes

    what do you mean about the times they are released in packs and is it in USA time and is this only for one day

  59. I have 1 million coins to spend on packs, when should i spend them (all on the weekend when the full toty is released or maybe 200k on defenders, 300k in midfielders, ecc…)?

    1. You have a better chance of getting a TOTY on the Weekend so i would recommend the Weekend or exactly when they are released in Packs. 🙂

        1. help!!…1:will the prices stabalize later? like in february or something?
          2: if totys r gonna stop production on 25th or so… shouldnt i buy now cuz ther will be a really high demand after the 25th?

        2. 1) The prices are always dropping since the beginning and it will not change until the end. Only with the most expensive cards it may be different. Most of the cards will be cheaper after TOTY than before TOTY.
          2) It depends of the cards.

    2. UjustGotEHEHed

      I recommend you go with your 2nd option as it would be more preferable to get midfielders and strikers (ribery, bale, ibrahimovic, ronaldo) as they would most probably cost more on the market. They would also be more fun to play with. So spend around 200k on goalkeepers and defenders, 350k on midfielders and 450k on forwards. But at the end of the day, it is your own choice. Choose carefully!

    3. If they release all the TOTY players in a single weekend it will be a good time to try your luck. The best one.
      Try to buy always on happy hours to find the best packs.

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