The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Now that the FIFA 16 season is coming to the end, it is time to make a briefly. You made a big effort to build your dream team but not always the best teams win. Have you been happy with your squad ? Do you feel proud enough to share it with the world? We made a selection of the best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads which our dear community has shared with us, and now we are publishing them. Take the chance to get new ideas and build a new dream team.


If you want to share your best squads, you just need
to post in the comments the Web App share links.
If possible, add your name and your country too.
We only accept up to two squads per user.

We will update this post with a selection of
your Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads.
We are waiting for you.


The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Ben Simon
Plataform: XBox 360
Formation: 433 (4)
Hybrid: Sim

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Sérgio Fonseca (Portugal)
Platform: Playstation 4
Formation: 433(2)
Hybrid: No
Validation: Email

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Sérgio Fonseca (Portugal)
Platform: Playstation 4
Formation: 4321
Hybrid: Yes
Validation: Email

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Sérgio Fonseca (Portugal)
Platform: Playstation 4
Formation: 4321
Hybrid: Yes
Validation: Email

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Marconi Araújo (Brazil)
Platform: Playstation 4
Formation: 4321
Hybrid: No

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Proprietário: Celso (Brazil)
Platform: XBox One
Formation: 4321
Hybrid: No

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Flávio (Brazil)
Plataform: PC
Formation: 4321
Hybrid: Yes

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: José Mendes (Portugal)
Plataform: PS3
Formation: 41212(2)
Hybrid: No
Validation: Web App

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: José Mendes (Portugal)
Plataform: XBox One
Formation: 433(4)
Hybrid: No
Validation: Web App

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: José Mendes (Portugal)
Plataform: XBox One
Formation: 433(4)
Hybrid: No
Validation: Web App

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Welson (Brazil)
Plataform: XBox One
Formation: 433(5)
Hybrid: No

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Heloisio (Brazil)
Plataform: Playstation 4
Formation: 433
Hybrid: Yes

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: –
Plataform: Playstation 4
Formation: 433
Hybrid: Yes

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Owner: Edward
Plataform: XBox One
Formation: 442
Hybrid: Yes

The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads


Share your squad in the comments or send us directly by email.


12 thoughts on “The Best FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Squads”

  1. Thank you very much!
    The url you etn to us is wrong. Please, go to your team in web app, select ‘share’ and then copy-paste.

  2. Here’s the final hybrid I ended up with, consisting of almost all my favorite FUT16 players.

    Barca + Bayern + Belgians.

  3. Good Afternoon,

    I have had this team for a while, latest additions were the TOTS players (Benzema, Kanté and Carvajal).

    I should build a better 2nd team, but not sure who to go for…
    I have TOTS Ruben Castro untradable card I may design a 2nd team around him as he was free and is decent.

    I have 100k left, I blew around 70k on draft and 100k on packs recently which was pointless lol.

    Shame really, could have improved my SIF Bale card if I had been more strict, but I figured this Fifa is coming to an end and fancied trying draft a few times, but realistically this is just buying packs. I only opened three packs the whole year (apart from tournament winning packs) and they were all 50k rare player packs. One early one and two recently, all a complete waste of coins 🙂


    This team has been good, it feels better since the alleged ‘chemistry fix’.
    Tons of fun to play with, maybe irritating at times when it doesn’t play as well as I’d hope.
    TOTS Kanté seems incredible for an 88 based card.

    Would like to swap Pires for Ronaldo, or to replace Koscielney with a French Legend Defender… maybe Blanc or Desailly, other than that, it is pretty much the team I wanted to build.
    (The idea came from the fact I packed NIF Benzema at the start of the web app at the beginning, so all my teams have been designed around him, which explains the French contingent in there… Pires fitted nicely and I particularly like Ramos/Modric/Bale).

    I support Newcaslte Utd, so that explains Shearer.

    Usually my aim is to buy Shearer each year in FUT.

    Hopefully I’ll go for a different team next year -based on a different league.

    I had Messi a few times, but was disappointed with him, I liked Ronaldo though.

    I chose TOTS Carvajal over TOTY Alves at RB due to work rates and cost.

  4. Yo rodrigo

    I have a team that has a good offence but midfield is not as good as i hoped, can you help me out

    Gk courtois
    Rb danilo
    Rcb varane
    Lcb kompany
    Lb mangala (on 7 chem)
    Cdm Casemiro
    Rcm isco
    Lcm james rodriguez
    Cam vietto (converted from st, and gives link to both of my strikers)
    Lst ronaldo (on 7 chem)
    Rst tevez

    I’m using a 41212(2) formation.

    1. You have Ronaldo? Then, you need someone better than Casemiro and Vietto. I understand that Vietto is only playing because of his link with Tevez, but you should reconsider if you really want him.
      In my opinion Krychowiak is the right guy to play as CDM.

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