The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team


Which one is the best FIFA 18 formation to play? Do you want to know which formation is the best one for your team? If so, you need to read this guide that shows you how to pick the best FIFA 18 formation to you. Even if you already know which formation to use, be sure to read this article. You will find that there are many options and there is always room for improvement.


If you want to know every single FIFA 18 formation in depth, click here


How to Pick the Best FIFA 18 Formation

What you should keep in mind before picking the best FIFA 18 formation

Before you even start to sign players, you should start by setting the best FIFA 18 formation that you will implement in your squad. If you leave the decision for later, you will not equip your squad with players who you really need and you will be penalised in the individual and squad chemistry. You can solve the problem by buying new players and, in certain cases, positioning cards but the investment will be very high.

It is also important to notice that there is no better formation than another. All of them have strong and weak points. You should decide which one is better for you.


The most common question is: How do I decide the formation that I will use?
There is no exact answer, but you should consider a few factors:

What is your Play Style?
Do you often attack by the wings? Do you enjoy possession? Do you have a patient style? Do you often play in counter-attack?

With which formation do you are most familiar and which ones you like most?
There is any formation that let’s you more comfortable? Did you have better results with any formation?

Into which formations the players that you think are essential fit?
The attributes and skills of your essential players can be better used in some of the formations?

What are the formations best suited to the goals you set for your FUT 18 clubs?
Do you want to try to win all the matches even taking risks or do you will be happy even not winning all the matches?



The Best FIFA 18 Formation to Use in FIFA 18 Ultimate TeamClick on the image to maximize it


The Best FIFA 18 Formation

The most used and the best FIFA 18 formations for defending, attacking, possession, crossing and counter styles

If you want to know which one is the best FIFA 18 formation to you, you should analyse carefully every single formation here. However, if you are too lazy to do that, take a look to the top formation we have gathered for you.


Top 5 Most Used FIFA 18 Formations

The most used and the most popular formations are almost the same. This doesn’t mean that they are the best ones. However, if you don’t know from where to start, these ones are good suggestions:

1 4-1-2-1-2 (2)
Variation of the very popular 4-1-2-1-2 that let players control the midfield. It is even more narrow than the original, giving them a much tighter diamond.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 4-2-3-1
Formation much appreciated. Allows multiple offensive options but with the security of two CDM in defence.

3 4-3-2-1
Similar to 4-3-1-2 but with two CF’s and only one ST or similar to 4-3-3 but the left and right forwards are tucked inside rather than to the wings.

4 4-3-3 (4)
The one of the most attacking of all FUT 18 formations is a variant of the 4-3-3 that turns one of the midfielders into an attacking midfielder to support the front three.

5 3-5-2
One of the most solid formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.


Top 5 Most Attacking FIFA 18 Formations

Please note that the most used attacking formation doesn’t mean it is the best attacking formation. If you are looking for a formation setup for an attacking style, please take a look to this TOP 5:

1 3-4-1-2
One of the less popular FIFA 18 formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 3-4-2-1
Similar to the 3-4-1-2 formation, with a change to the forward players. Even less popular than the previous one.

3 3-4-3
Similar to 3-4-2-1, with the change of forwards to wingers.

4 3-5-2
One of the most solid formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

5 4-3-3 (4)
The one of the most attacking of all FUT 18 formations is a variant of the 4-3-3 that turns one of the midfielders into an attacking midfielder to support the front three.


Top 5 Most Defensive FIFA 18 Formations

Please, note that the most popular defensive formation doesn’t mean it is the best defensive formation. If you are looking for a formation good for a defensive style, please take a look to this TOP 5:

1 5-2-2-1
One of less popular FIFA 18 formations for Ultimate Team. Similar to 5-2-1-2 but with 1 up top supported by a left and right forward either side.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 5-2-1-2
Formation used by fewer FIFA FUT 18 players. Similar to 5-2-2-1 but with two ST with a more creative CAM option.

3 5-3-2
The most solid and balanced formation of 5 defenders. Although seemingly defensive formation can become a very offensive.

4 4-3-3 (3)
This defensive-minded 4-3-3 variation offers two holding defensive midfielders and one centre midfielder in the midfield

5 4-2-3-1
Formation much appreciated. Allows multiple offensive options but with the security of two CDM in defence.


Top 5 Best FIFA 18 Formations for a Counter Attack Style

There are formations more suitable to be used in a counter attack style. If you identify yourself with this playing style, please take a look at the TOP 5 formations for you:

1 5-2-1-2
Formation used by fewer FIFA FUT 18 players. Similar to 5-2-2-1 but with two ST with a more creative CAM option.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 5-2-2-1
One of less popular FIFA 18 formations for Ultimate Team. Similar to 5-2-1-2 but with 1 up top supported by a left and right forward either side.

3 4-3-3 (2)
The first of 4-3-3 variations offers a holding defensive midfielder anchor in the midfield.

4 4-4-2 (2)
A more defensive variation of the classic 4-4-2 with two defensive midfielders in place of the usual centre midfielders.

5 4-2-3-1 (2)
A more attacking wider variation of the 4-2-3-1, that converted the wide CAM’s into natural wingers.


Top 5 Best FIFA 18 Formations for Possession

FIFA isn’t played the same way by everyone. If you prefer a passing and possession style, keeping the ball with you and building up your game patiently, you should look to the following TOP 5 formations:

1 4-5-1
Formation that puts 5 players in midfield, two of them supporting the striker. For many years, it was the favourite formation of many European teams.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 4-5-1 (2)
The 4-5-1 variation adds more midfield steel. The three center midfielders make it harder to break down on the counter and leaves less gaps for the attack.

3 4-1-2-1-2 (2)
Variation of the very popular 4-1-2-1-2 that let players control the midfield. It is even more narrow than the original, giving them a much tighter diamond.

4 4-2-2-2
It is one of the most balanced formations. Similar to 4-4-2 but with players more qualified to defend and others to attack.

5 4-3-3 (5)
The final 4-3-3 variant offers a deeper-lying center forward position to hold possession and help build-up the attacking play.


Top 5 Best FIFA 18 Formations for Crossing

FIFA isn’t played in the same way by everyone. If you prefer a crossing style, taking advantage of the wings, you should look to the following TOP 5 formations:

1 3-4-3
Similar to 3-4-2-1, with the change of forwards to wingers.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 4-4-2
The classic formation. Widely used in the world of football and the second most used in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team. Organised structure of defenders and midfielders moving as a lineup and down the pitch.

3 4-4-2 (2)
A more defensive variation of the classic 4-4-2 with two defensive midfielders in place of the usual centre midfielders.

4 4-3-3
One of most famous FIFA 18 formations. Earned greater notoriety for having been adapted by Guardiola.

5 3-4-1-2
One of the less popular FIFA 18 formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.


Our Top 5 FIFA 18 Formations

You already have chosen your formation, right ? Maybe not. Most of the time, even if you have your very own playing style, the best formation is not the most attacking or defensive one but the most balanced one. Take a look to our personal selection of the best five formations to be used in this game:

1 5-3-2
The most solid and balanced formation of 5 defenders. Although seemingly defensive formation can become a very offensive.

The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team

2 4-1-2-1-2
The most popular of all FUT formations. This formation in diamond shape has the CAM as key element.

3 4-3-3
One of most famous FIFA 18 formations. Earned greater notoriety for having been adapted by Guardiola.

4 4-4-2
The classic formation. Widely used in the world of football and the second most used in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team. Organised structure of defenders and midfielders moving as a lineup and down the pitch.

5 3-5-2
One of the most solid formations. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.


We shared with you the required know-how to choose the best formations. Now, it’s up to you.


4 thoughts on “The Best FIFA 18 Formation for FIFA Ultimate Team”

  1. Hey I do not understand why this site does not refer to online games for league teams?

  2. Olá Rodrigo, como você faria a configuração da equipe em 5-3-2? Quero dizer, que instruções você daria aos jogadores e como fazer o melhor set up. Obrigado

    1. Olá Eduardo. Cada caso é um caso. Ou seja, varia consoante vários fatores, como os jogadores em causa e o seu estilo de jogo.

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