How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry

How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry


By definition, a hybrid team is a squad built with players of different leagues and nationalities. They are difficult to build and unless you already have some experience, you will spend lots of time trying to make a hybrid squad with high chemistry. In this article we will try to help you with hybrid squads. We will share three tricks with you that will speed up the process.


How to Build a Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry


You may already know how everything works but extra help and tips ‘n’ tricks are always welcome.
We show you here three advanced techniques to build hybrid squads with good chemistry.


Squad’s Split Technique


The hybrid squads are the most perfect. They allow us to go to other leagues and look for players to complete the positions we need. If built well, a hybrid team can join good chemistry via a bigger variety of quality players. Building a hybrid team with good chemistry may not be easy. This technique consists, if the formation allows us, in cutting the team in half. Each side is filled with players from one league or one nationality. That is enough to get high chemistry, because there will be no player with more than one dead link.

To show you how well this technique works, we have built a Serie A / Barclays PL hybrid. The right side of the team is filled with players of the Italian league and the left side is filled with players of the English league. As you can see on the image below, all players have individual chemistry of 10. Every player that has a dead link, needs a strong or a hyper link to reaches the maximum chemistry.


How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry
How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry

It may also be applied, splitting the team transversely, ie between the defence and the midfield.
Very easy technique.Cons
It is not possible to split teams into two parts for all the formations.
The players who connect with the other half may need a strong link to reaches the maximum chemistry.

Key Players Technique


There are some formations that are more favourable for building a hybrid team with high chemistry. It’s the case of the 4-2-3-1 formation, for having two key elements that allows split the team in two. These players should have characteristics that connect well with any of the two parts. In that way, it is possible to do something similar to the Squad’s Split Technique but the formation doesn’t need to be divisible and without the chemistry problems of the players that make the connection between the two leagues and/or two nationalities.

To show you how well this technique works, we have built a hybrid squad with German and Spanish players. The key players in this 4-2-3-1 formation are the two CDM’s. To choose a German BBVA player and a Spanish Bundesliga player it is enough to get the maximum chemistry to all the German players in the attacking side and all the Spanish players in the defending side. It was not even necessary to place a manager.


How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry
How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry

If the key players are well chosen, weak links will be enough in each one of the sides.
There are just a few formations suitable for this technique.

Perfect Links Technique


The most experienced players can build a team that apparently presents just few things in common between the players. Unlike others, the perfect links technique is not based on a league or nationality but on hyper links. The same is to say that each player needs to be connected, at least, with a team mate from the same country and same club. For players with three or less connections, it is enough to get a strong link. The squads of this technique is the most fantastic since it is possible to have more than 6 leagues and nationalities in the same single team.

To show you how well this technique works, we have built a hybrid squad with players from three leagues. Although most of the connections are dead links (red), we got the maximum chemistry for every player. If it was not your case, you should focus the manager bonus on the players with lower chemistry. For players with only two connections, the hyper link may be replaceable by a strong link, without damaging the chemistry. It was what happened with the wings. This technique allows us to choose the players we feel more capable without thinking about their leagues and their nationalities.


How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry
How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry

This technique allows the building of truly unique teams.Cons
The number of players with hyper links is limited.
For players with four or more connections, the maximum chemistry can only be reached with other links and bonuses.

Now you have no excuse to not build a hybrid team in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. Let’s do it !


115 thoughts on “How to Build a FUT 15 Hybrid Squad with High Chemistry”

  1. hi rodrigo….My team
    CDM:Toure yaya

    Subs:strelling,shaw,mkhitarilya,kane,Bentek.Team Rating 85;Chemistry 98
    Now this team is a hybrid team???(asking U)
    if the team dn’t hybrid team.Wht are the hybrid team????? And how I could team rating 87(+) up and how I build hybrid team in my squad Like BPL,Bundesliga,La -liga
    Can u looking my team and plzz correctino my squad wht are the changing position in my player.. if new best palyer adding my team plzz suggest me..And this team is be good????????
    And wht are the best formantaion in my squad 4-1-2-1-2
    4-4-2….wht are the best formantion.plzzz tell me Rodrigo…..And last qun how I increasing enoung coins..All ready I finish all seson and tournaments…….plzzz..tell me…

    1. In my opinion it is NOT a hybrid team. You would need more one or two players from a different league.
      Your team and formation are OK but Lewandowski has very low chemistry. You should replace him.
      We will publish a few guides about how to make coins.

  2. I built a really good hybrid 4141 with 100 chemistry and 86 rating..a combination of epl forwards and liga defence..every player have an individual chemistry of 10…but still it doesnt work out for me for some reason…i end up with 0-0 draws in ultimate season…i find the league wise teams better to play with…what am i doing wrong…?i have a great understanding of the game and play very well…

      1. i had the lm’s rm’s and cm’s..just bought 4 extra pacy defenders and switched to 3412 …goals left right and center…and i won the ultimate league…with 4141 if i missed even a single clear cut oppurtunity it would eventually end with a 0-0 draw..but with 3412 we get atleast 3 or 4 clear cut chances to score…thats the difference…thanks for ur input…keep guiding…keep playing…bye..

        1. with 4141 we have to be extra extra careful with our passes…and of course shooting….now i aim and shoot more while playing 4141…also using the finess shoot more…testing the gk again and again and again is important too imo while playing 4141…results are beggining to show…now i vow to win the ultimate league with 4141…

  3. Here’s my fifa 15 ut new season hybrid squad.
    My formation is 4-4-2

    ST: Van Persie / Diego Costa , Thomas Mueller
    LM: David Silva
    CM: Juan Mata , Gotze
    RM: Mkhitaryan / Shaqiri
    LB: Gael Clichy
    CB: Kompany, Hummels
    RB: Using Benatia due to lack of Good quality RM’s
    GK; Courtois

    SUBS: Cahill, Huntelaar, Otamendi, Torres, Harry Kane, Forster, Dante

    Team Rating: 85 Chemistry: 100

    Any suggestions for improving my squad and rating?

    1. Don’t focus in your rating. It looks that you may have problems with chemistry.
      RVP is not god enough for this team.

      1. I recently bought Schweinstieger as CM.

        With whom should I replace van Perse?
        Which other players u think I should replace?
        Can u mention some good quality RB’S (right back) who will fit nicely in my squad?

        1. Hi again.
          If Aguero is too expensive to you, try Rooney or Sturridge (or even Lewandowski).
          Lukasz Piszczek is not a bad RB. You should try him.
          Once again, team chemistry 100 is not good enough. You should check if all your players have, at least, individual chemistry 8.

  4. Akinfenwa :D :D

    I play fifa 15 New Season so i can get player both from fifa 15 and 16
    This is my 4321 hybrid
    GK: 86 IF – Ruffier
    RB: 81 IF – Aurier
    RCB : Thiago Silva (2015) + LCB 84 IF Koscelny
    LB: 81 IF Kurzawa (i know have better LBs from BPL/ France but i packed him from untradable pack)
    RCM: IF 87 Muller + CCM: 88 Bayern Schweinsteiger + LCM 85 Southampton TOTS Schneiderlin
    LF: Tots Bolasie
    ST: If 89 Lewandowski (2016)
    RF: Robben (2015)
    Thiago silva and Bolasie is not on full chem but they play so good
    Any suggestion (saving up for TOTS Hazard instead of Bolasie, Orange De bruyne Instead of Schweini and TOTS Matic instead of Schneiderlin)

      1. there is no price range at fifa 15 NS and bought Bolasie for 90k, and he is best at that price, ruffier 20k. IF Aurier and IF koscielny both 25k. Lewa is best striker at 160k. I also bought TOTS Nikolou at 75k. and is much better than ramos for example who cost same money….In my PS i never buy IF cz of price range but in NS they are good value for money 🙂

  5. Main squad 4312:
    GK: IF Neuer
    RB: Alves
    CBs: IF Boateng, Ramos
    LB: Alba
    CMs: Iniesta, Busquets, Kroos
    CAM: IF Kagawa
    STs: IF Aubameyang and IF Reus on 7 CHM
    86 Rating and 100CHM
    Fitness squad again 4312
    GK: Trapp
    RB: Aurier
    CBs: Marquinhos, David Luiz
    LB: Alex Sandro
    CMs: Pereyra, Bender, Gundogan
    CAMs: Kagawa
    STs: Aubameyang, Dibala
    Any Suggestion here?

  6. My 352 squad Fifa 16
    GK: Neuer
    CBs: Ramos, Boateng, Hummels
    CDMs: Kroos, Scweinsteiger
    RM: Bale
    LM: Hazard
    CAM: De Bruyne
    STs: Suarez, Aguero
    Any suggestions?

      1. I have unlimited budget, last year I had both Toty Messi and Ronaldo, my squad worth 30.000.000 coins .
        This year trading again is easy and again I start building best team but I don’t know what to upgrade first …deffence, midfield, forward? I wan ‘t to keep formation 352 cuz this is most balanced formation every year…Every playstyle work..And. In your opinion do you have better striker than Suarez, cuz I feel him slower? But most of 85 pace striker have no good finishing and physic. Suarez is amazing in every stats but is not fast like Aguero who this year is the best….I planing to put any wing as RF or LF but can’t find wing with st atributes…Any suggestion from you?

  7. So i love to do hybrids and i can make to anyone who want, just say what formation want, what leagues and players to include 🙂 My two hybrids in fifa 16 is with 433 5 formation
    GK: De Gea
    RB: Piszcek
    LB: Alba
    RCB: Otamendi
    LCB: Kompany
    CDM: Matic (Fernandinho also is good choice)
    RCM: Gundogan
    LCM: Modric
    CF: James Rodriguez
    LW: Neymar
    RW: Robben

    GK: Buffon
    RB: Danilo
    RCB: Barzagli
    LCB: Chiellini
    LB: Alex Sandro or Evra if you want more defensive minded LB
    CDM: Verrati
    RCM: Rakitic
    LCM: Matuidi
    CF: Rafinha
    RW: Vela, Feghouli or if don’t need pace Turan (I can’t choose between Vela and Feghouli)
    LW: Ntep (i tried Sharaawy and Lavezzi but Ntep is much better)

  8. I have 2 hybrids in fifa 16
    Main 41212:
    Muller/Neymar (i have luck to pack him)
    James Rodriguez
    Benzema (Jasckson Martinez)/Lewa
    Manager German/Bundesliga
    Have 85 Rating + 100 CHM, all players have full individual CHM exclude Lewa who have 8
    Any Suggestion?I’m good at trading and i can get arround 300-400k. for new players 🙂 I planning to buy Suarez, Neuer and Robben soon, any other suggestions
    And fitness squad 4321:
    Ter Stegen
    I have luck to pack most of players in fitness squad 🙂

    1. Hi.
      We can not give our opinion about players we haven’t tested yet. Until now, we only released the BBVA and BPL squad guides.

  9. GK: Manuel neuer
    LB: Alba
    CDM:Xabi alonso
    CAM:Cazorla(DI MARIA)
    ST:Robin van


  10. that’s fair enough, given my playing style described previously which one would you have thought would suit best? note: i have just swapped neymar 86 for 87.


    1. also was toying with the idea of using IF ribery over reus so that i can swap gotze for SIF de bruyne and bender for gustavo to keep good chem. but how do you think rues compares to IF ribery for me its a payoff between shooting and dribbling!

  11. Hi rodrigo,

    Iv been trialing swapping sides over on by bundesliga/liga bbva squad and still cant decide! iv been using 433-2 but think maybe the 1st sqaud would suit 433-5

    1st sqaud:
    tots neuer
    benatia IF (chem 8 thinking of getting toty lahm to boost chem but quite expensive)
    busguets IF
    rakitic TIF
    gotze IF
    neymar 86
    muller SIF

    2nd squad
    tots neuer
    benatia IF
    boateng SIF
    isco SIF
    gotze IF
    benzema SIF

    my style of play generally consists of 1-2 passing to draw out there defenders (especially when people abuse rb) before slotting through balls into either of the three forwards, I have also found crossing (from outside the box) to be more effective than previously thought. your thoughts are welcome and if you feel changes could be made i would be more than welcome to dieas especially if you could think of a way to include de bruyne i was thinking of gustavo at cdm and schurlle IF at lw but his mm workrate makes me think that would not be worth bringing de bruyne in.

    1. Hi.
      Really nice squads. Can’t see a way to improve them much more without spending many coins.
      Keep with Benatia IF. Individual chemistry 8 is not a big problem.

  12. Classsy Post!! Great work i have no words about your site…
    I made my favorite Hybrid team in FIFA 15 after two years of hardwork

    Neuer (GK)
    Van Persie
    Luis Suarez
    Zlatan Ibrahimovich (C)
    Wayne Rooney
    Eden Hazard
    Greath Bale
    Sergio Ramos

    Rating (87+)
    Chemistry (100)
    Formation (3-5-2)

    This is my favorite XI

    Bench: Courtois (GK), Juan Mata, Karim Benzema, Diego Costa, Cesc Febregas, Iniesta, Xavi
    Reserves: James Rodriguez, Ozil, Yaya Toure, Sergio Aguero, David Villa, Di Maria

    Question For Tutorial: Please add skill moves tutorials with XBOX ONE consoles controllers, Please


  13. Hey Rodrigo,

    1- what do you think of this team?

    LIoris, Zabaleta, Kompany, Boateng, Schmelzer

    Schwensteiger, Reus, Cuadrado, James, Falcao, Ramos

    Planning to replace Lioris with Courtois and want to get a better fit than Ramos in attack.

    2- my squad now is 50 players. How many players you got? I love to create squads – this is why I have a pool of players for hybrid series/bundesliga, bbva.

    I need to sell some though to ensure that I have enough coins.


  14. Cuadrado is the best Right winger IMO in FIFA 15. Thanks for that Rodrigo.

    Now my best 11 that I play well and get results with:


    Zabaleta Kompany Kosicleny Clichy/Evra


    Cuadrado James Pogba/Iniesta/Silva

    Falcao Tevez

    Chemistry is 98-99

    Now, how would I improve this squad? I have the likes of Schwensteiger (best CDM) IMO but I don t want to affect the chemistry, Kroos, Iniesta, Sturridge, RVP, Hummels, Piecesek, Boateng, Griezmann and many others

    I always put Schwensteiger as a sub Cz he is such a beast, Iniesta also . Rodriguez is the best CAM IMO and I also have Hernanes who is just a sniper. Who is the best other striker than Higuain in Serie A? Don’t. Say Doumbia or Ibarbo cz I don t like either.


  15. Hi Rodrigo, I am planning on making a Bpl Bundesliga Hybrid, do you have any suggestions on how to improve it?
    GK: Courtois
    RB: Zabaleta
    LB: Alaba
    CB: Kompany, Boateng
    CM: Schweinsteiger, Di Maria
    RM: Alexis Sanchez
    LM: Reus or IF Schurrle
    ST: Lewandowski, Costa
    Also I really need help on how to save up money cause I am never able to get more than 20 k

    1. Hi.
      I like it very much. Obviously, there are good players that are missing, like Neuer and Aguero but I presume you don’t have enough coins to buy them.
      In my opinion, Reus is better than IF Schurrle and Cuadrado is better than Alexis Sanchez. Just that.
      About the coins thing, it is always the same answer ‘buy low, sell higher’.

  16. That s not right! The back slash means as a sub. So 2-3 squads within one.

    To clarify:

    This is my lineup;

    LIoris, Zabaleta, Kompany, Koscienly, Clichy

    Cuadrado, De Rossi, Pogba, Gervinho

    falcao Tevez

    Then 2nd squad:

    Lioris, Zabaleta, Kompany, Hummels, Moreno

    silva/Cuadrado, James, Kroos, Iniesta

    falcao Chicarito and so on.

    1. Hi.
      Have you tried Doumbia or Ibarbo instead of Falcao on your first team? Do you have Individual chemistry for all your players ?

  17. Just to let you know – I love developing squads and especially when my teams in real are in crisis (love to discuss which players to get and let go) Liverpool and Inter for instance.

    Now, I opted instead for Pogba so as to get the hyper link with Tevez ( my most important striker). I just bought him for 11 k today. Couldn’t t believe it! Sounds like the market is going down for players. I know choosing lineups is v time consuming. I tweak mine every now and then for Fun and for Fitness. Plus I like to rotate players. So now the question is shall I sell Cuadrado or buy Reus? Cuadrado will link well with BPL as well as James and Ramos. Reus, on the other hand is very fast and will link well with Kroos and Schwenstielger and Ramos.

    Note, I prefer to get wings who cut inside. That s why I love playing with Silva on the right or Shaqiri. So Reus will be the best one on the left with his stats since I only have Gervinho now. But, Cuadrado as well as candle a with their stats and skills made me think otherwise at times.

    So sell Cuadrado for Reus or keep Cuadrado and wait till Reus price go down?

    Plus what do u think of this lineup;

    Zabaleta, Kompany, Koscileny/Hummels, Clichy/Moreno

    Cuadrado/Silva, De Rossi/Kroos, Pogba/Schewen/James, Iniesta/Candreva/Gervinho

    Falcao/Sturridge Tevez/Ramos

    Leno, chiellini, Fabregas, Erikssen, Mattuidi, lavezzi, Paulinho, Gerrard, Pirlo, RVP and Chicarito.

    Please let me know or tell me what would the best lineup in regards choice and chemistry


    1. If you love to shoot outside the box, Reus is answome. He is a better option if he doesn’t damage the chemistry.
      Lloris, Zabaleta, Kompany, chiellini, Clichy, Silva… I quit! you are trying to build an hybrid picking lots of players from several leagues and not following none of the methods we explained in this guide. That’s not how you should build it.

  18. Yeah but the only problem is how to integrate my hybrid lineup to get the full chemistry or at least not to be affected negatively!

    That s why I am thinking of getting Schmelzer as well.

    In your opinion – what would be the best lineup so as not to get the chemistry affected? I want Tevez, Reus, Dchwensteiger, Rodriguez and Kompany to be present in this starting lineup.

  19. Rodrigo, I would be appreciated if you got back to me,

    I decided to sell most of the players that I am not using from my squad above (Alonso, Ozil etc…) and bought the likes of James and Kroos. Now, I want to integrate those players especially James into my squad without affecting chemistry. I am also thinking of buying Reus instead of Cuadrado. What do you think of this move? Cuadrado is a beast but Reus is just appealing.

    I want my lineup to be:
    4-4-2 (2) or 4-1-2-1-2


    Zabaleta/Walker Hummels/Koscielny Kompany/Boateng Schmelzer/Bernat/Moreno/Clichy

    Schwensteiger as cdm

    silva James. Reus

    Falcao Tebet/Ramos/Sturridge.

    I like to cut inside. This why using Silva on the right. Regarding pace, Walker can do the business on the right. Now I don t want to affect Chemistry. This why I am trying to go for the hyperlink choice of players.

    Can you please advise? Or rather shall I keep Cuadrado on the right and Iniesta on the left and not buy Reus?


  20. Updates Rodrigo,

    Apology if I hijacked ur post.

    Got Sturridge, Eriksson and Ramos.

    Tell me then what will be the best lineup from this squad in 4-4-2 or 4-1-2-1-2

  21. Like who Eriksson – I believe the one that s better than him according to my opinion is Di Maria only.

  22. Hi Rodrigo.

    I got Cuadrado and as you like you say – he is a real beast!! Only problem is I paid all I have for him and now I only have 800 coins. I am putting the likes of Cavani, Walcott, Sterling, Verrati, Campbell, Mignolet on sale- still don t why they aren’t sold yet. Any tips?

    Also, I will need to get another RB as a sub for Zabaleta from the BPL – I am thinking of Clyne or Debuchy. Any advice – looking for someone who is relatively cheap.

    What do you think of Ozil? Why his name is never mentioned? He s pretty good, isn t he?


    1. Try to resell every hour.
      To see our favourites, click here.
      Ozil was not mentioned because there are better players than him for the same price.

  23. Just a minor edit to my squad and I would like to hear your thoughts regarding it:
    GK: Leno/De Gea/Alves (improved his positioning by 10+)

    Q1 Shall I trade De Gea with LIoris?

    RB: Pieczek /Grosskeurtz/Zabaleta/Richards/Lichestanier/Perira

    Q2 Any suggestions here?

    CD: Hummels /Subotic/Howeides/Skrtel/Vidic/ I have added Koscielny
    CD: Kompany /Miranda/Chiellini/
    LB: Moreno /Clichy/Bernat

    RM: Shaqiri (Maestro- added 10+ attributes to his card) /Salah/Candreva//Walcott/Pedro

    Q3 Shall I trade Walcott with Cuadrado?

    CM/CDM: De Rossi /Gerrard/Alonso/Gundigan/Ozil/Paulinho/Nainngolan/Mattuidi/
    CM/CAM:Fabregas /Iniesta/Pirlo/Verrati/Mertens/Totti/Correya
    LM: Silva /Gervinho/Elia/

    ST: Tevez /Lavezzi/RVP/Hernandez/
    ST: Falcao /Higuain/

    I have cut out my squad a little and improved the chemistry and now I am kind of
    playing with a lot of BPL players. What do you think of Paulinho as CDM and I am using now mostly 4-1-2-1-2, 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 if I am attaching though it leave me exposed back at defense.

    let me hear your thoughts regarding my 3 questions embedded in the post and if there are any additions to that
    whether by selling some players or adding others?


  24. Plus-

    My new version Shaq and Salah are both better than cuadrado in game and they have scored many goals. Do u think I should still go for Cuadrado?

    De Rossi also is a beast and wins a lot of balls in the midfield for me. Let me hear ur thoughts about Nainngolan and Paulinho!


  25. my team now which got me a lot of results is: 4-1-2-1-2

    De Gea

    Zabaleta – Koscielny – Kompany – Clichy


    Walcott – Ozil – Silva

    Falcao – Tevez

    I would purchase cuadrado if I got the money. nice team. how is pirlo in the 4-4-2 since he is very weak defensively .

  26. Thanks a lot for the swift response. I didn’t expect it that soon. I will take a peek at the link you provided.

    I also wanted to mention that I just purchased De Gea instead of the crappy Mignolet.

    Can you tell me why did you suggest Sirigu? He’s a good keeper but he plays in france. I don’t have a lot of french players or ligue 1 players.

    Also, what is the best formation and lineup you suggest from my squad. what about Kroos or James or Mashcerano. I believe that the edgar davids player is the most important for me (De Rossi) and needs to be high in defending and pace work rates—any suggestions?

    Lastly, who do you think I shall get rid of?

    Please advise.


    1. I recommended you Sirigu because you have Serie A Italian defenders who can link well with him but it was my mistake because it seems that you only use Chiellini (not Barzagli as I thought).
      It isn’t easy to me because it is a hybrid squad but if you want a Serie A / BPL squad you may try Gea – Pereira – Chiellini – Kompany – Clichy – De Rossi – Fabregas – Candreva (or a must buy Cuadrado)- Silva – Tevez – Remy. Make a second squad and sell everyone else.

  27. Amazing website! I used to play PES a lot which was so much better back then. Moreover, I played FIFA 14 but never played or understood FUT. Boy, I missed a lot of entertainment. Now, with this version, I understand everything quite well, and having a passion for soccer all my life, playing, analysis, watching my favorite teams (Inter/.Liverpool and REAL M) I can’t stop playing FUT 15 and visiting this best website ever for gamers like me not stupid videos on you tube that nerds put. I have been playing a lot lately, and this is really affecting a lot of aspects of my life.

    I can’t let it affect my career or life as I found myself going to review this marvelous website with absolutely thorough tips/analysis that I need. Thanks a ton and keep up the good work!

    Now I would like to hear your thoughts Rodrigo on my team. I don’t like boring squads (from 1 league/ 1 country etc..) I always go for the hybrid. being a Serie A fan for almost 15+ years as well as BPL. I just can’t rule out my team from coming from Serie A, but I do hate juve (Vidal especially and Marchisio)

    In conclusion, and after reading the chemistry guide you graciously provided. I tweaked up my squad to reach the maximum chemistry level

    My favorite plan was 4-2-2-2, I also tried 4-1-2-1-2 and its second version. the latter is very balanced but if i am playing against opponents who pressurize me or have congested MF. I can’t play and it becomes so boring and very tight; the former is great in attack but my risky and I get exposed on the back. After reading your formation guide article which was so informative and great. I decided to try 4-4-2. it worked great! thanks a lot. I like to pass, open up play and mostly to break the defense by artistic through passes by my CAM/CM. and also to counter attack or add another midfielder 4-5-1 if I have 1 or 2 goals advantage. As you know in real life soccer, formations should change all through the match depending on the result and the performance, with that being said:

    Here is my hybrid team:

    I play 4-4-2 or 4-3-3

    GK: Leno/Mignolet/Alves (improved his positioning by 10+)

    RB: Pieczek /Grosskeurtz/Zabaleta/Richards/Lichestanier/Perira
    CD: Hummels /Subotic/Howeides/Skrtel/Vidic
    CD: Kompany /Miranda/Chiellini/
    LB: Moreno /Clichy/Bernat

    RM: Shaqiri (Maestro- added 10+ attributes to his card) /Salah/Candreva/Ballarabi/Walcott/Pedro
    CM/CDM: De Rossi /Gerrard/Alonso/Gundingan/Ozil/Paulinho/Nainngolan/Mattuidi/
    CM/CAM:Fabregas /Iniesta/Pirlo/Verrati/Mertens/Totti/Correya
    LM: Silva /Gervinho/Elia/Kagawa(don’t like him but found him in a gift pack)

    ST: Tevez /Lavezzi/Remy/Hernandez/
    ST: Falcao /Higuain/Vietto

    I can’t wait to get Aguero or Reus or Bastain Schwensteiger.—they are all expensive.

    the likes of Correya, Vietto, Kagawa etc.. was all gifts from FUT (6th anniversary)

    Please let me know your thoughts. Best formation to get the best out of those players –whether I should cut out some of these players and sell them – best number for a squad (25-30?)

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi. First of all, thank you so much for your kindly words.
      In real life formations should change all through the match depending on the result and the performance but in FUT 15 it is not easy to change formations. It is easier to get used to a single formation and it will be easier to keep chemistry high too. The number of players depends of your strategy to lead with fitness. I don’t know if you have read our fitness guide, but the last chapter give you all the explanations you need.
      About your squads, it requires to you a lot of work to build a new team in each game. You have decent players but maybe Sirigu and Cuadrado could be useful to you.
      Good games!

  28. Hi Rodrigo,

    My squad has 100 chem with loyalty toggled, and I use a 4-3-3.

    GK: Courtois
    LB: Filipe Luís
    LCB: Sergio Ramos
    RCB: Kompany
    RB: Zabaleta
    CM(l): Hazard (Out of position, but it still works fine)
    CM(m): Touré
    CM(r): Agüero (Position Change)
    LW: Ribéry (Position Change)
    ST: IF Müller
    RW: Robben (Position Change)

    Any Suggestions?

    Thanks a ton!

  29. This is a 4 League Hybrid Squad that I made with 100 chemistry. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also, would you be able to estimate the cost of this side for me?


    GK – Cesar
    LCB – Luiz
    CB – Silva
    RCB – Gabriel
    LM – Assamoah
    CM – Pogba
    CM – Hernanes
    RM – Valencia
    CAM – Guarin
    ST – Falcao
    ST – Ibarbo


  30. Hi there. Great site. I’m looking to make a great hybrid side with 10-15 million coins

    Can you help me please. I want to try incorporate Neymar Aguero and Robben in the team.


  31. What would be the best technique to use for a 4-1-2-1-2? I have a liga bbva squad I’m also unsure what other league to link up with?

  32. So I have a serie a/bpl hybrid and I was wondering if I should change it at all. I have 200k.
    GK: Lloris
    CB: Koscielny, Kompany
    RB: Zabaleta
    CM: Pogba, Cabella, and Özil
    CAM: Di Maria
    ST: Tevez, Aguero
    I want to save some coins for the upgrade that I think Pogba is going to get at the upgrades.
    (BTW I call this team the counter attack kings)

    1. Man- cool squad! Very close to mine as I am a fan of eerie serie a as well. I just can’t wait to get Aguero! He s v expensive!

  33. Ayush Thakrar

    Hey Rodrigo, i’ve always had ambitions to make hybrid teams, mainly by using hyper links however i still don’t completely understand how player chemistry works. I was hoping you could help me with this as one of the concept squads i created i really fancy trying out.
    I always play a 4-3-3 (and it’s variations) as i really like wingers with three central midfielders as i like to play a lot of short pass.
    This squad i play the 4-3-3
    GK – Courtois
    RB – Ivanovic
    CB – Vertonghen
    CB – Mangala
    LB – Clichy
    CML – Matuidi
    CMR – Matic
    CM – Cabaye
    LW – Griezmann
    ST – Benzema
    RW – Sanchez

    Sanchez is the only person with 8 chemistry while everyone else has 10. I placed arsene wenger with the Barclays PL league so that his chemistry went up from a 7 and that benzene and Griezmann achieved maximum chemistry. I’ve toyed with a lot of hybrid where a lot of the times the teams haven’t played out the way i expected them to. Could you just let me know what you think of this squad and that whether there could be any improvements to this? Also if having just 8 individual chemistry makes much of a difference on pitch? Thank you for this and thank you for your guide as that is what really helped me plan hybrids.

    1. Hi.
      First of all, thank you for your comment.
      Everything you need to know about chemistry is here. So you have no excuse to not know how things work.
      Your team looks nice. I prefer Kosicleny/Kompany and Pogba but I know it will be much more expensive too.
      Individual chemistry 8 is not a problem.

      1. Ayush Thakrar

        Thanks Rodrigo, I kept Mangala for the Hyperlink with Clichy however i have realised that Kosicleny does the job just fine as no other players chemistry is affected. Pogba drops to an 8 individual chemistry when i put his concept card in however i will certainly try playing with him too.

  34. My “final hybrid squad”
    I tried many leagues by now, but I think I found a nice hybrid squad with BPL and Bundesliga.
    I also have a BPL and Bundesliga team with all the best players possible (only Neuer is missing)

    GK – Courtois
    CBL – Kompany
    CB – Martinez
    CBR – Boateng
    LM – David Silva
    CML – Juan Mata
    CMR – Schweinsteiger
    RM – Muller
    LF – Hazard
    ST – Costa
    RF – Robben
    Bench: Lloris – Hummels – Lahm – Ribery – Reus – Lewandowski – Aguëro
    All individual 10 Chem, except Courtois who has 8 Chem.
    I play with a 3-4-2-1 system.

    I really don’t know how to improve, but if you have any thoughts I would appreciate it.

  35. 4312

    GK: De Gea
    RB: Alves CV: Ramos CV: Kompany: LB: Clichy
    CM(r): Iniesta CM(c): Silva if CM(l) Toure
    CAM”: Di Maria
    CF(r) Messi CF(l) Aguero

  36. Hello love your posts could you suggest good hybrids like Barclays and Liga BBVA or Serie A and Ligue 1 so on…

  37. Hey Rodrigo, I LOVE your articles and the other contributes too. Could you make some suggestions about my Hybrid squad.
    GK – Sirigu
    LWB – Filipe lius
    LCB – david liuz
    CCB – thiago silva
    RCB – marquinhos
    RWB – serge aurier
    CM- ramires
    CM – maybe Matuidi
    CF – cesc fabregas
    ST – Diego costa
    ST – loic remy
    who do you think would be a better cm considering chemistry, formation, and maybe price, matuidi, fernandinho, fernando, or some one else (very open)?
    Also any other suggestions?
    Thank you so much for your articles and opinions, i love them so much 🙂

  38. Hello there… Is CHM will change positively match by match.. because my CM Blind only 8 CHM with yours same “Perfect Links Technique” team ??

    by the way thanks for this superb web page !

    1. Hi. Thank you.
      The chemistry doesn’t change match by match. However there are one individual chemistry point, the ‘loyalty’ point, that is assigned to a player you pull from a pack or when he plays 10 matches for your club.
      You can learn more about it here.

  39. Hey check out my team:

    GK: Lloris (Sirigu)
    RB: Walker
    CB: Vertoghen (Mangala) + Thiago Silva (David Luiz)
    LB: Marcelo (Filipe Luiz)
    CM: Ramires + Fernandinho (Paulinho)
    CAM: Óscar (Coutinho)
    RW: Alexis Sánchez (Willian)
    LW: Neymar (Schurrle)
    ST: Sturridge (Remy)

  40. Do you think later in the year prices on “star players” will drop? Maybe after the TOTY come out?
    I can say I’m a pretty good trader, but the cheapest Messi I’v found is around 6,000,000

    1. Yes, we believe. But it is not guaranteed for the best players. For low and average players it is a fact that prices will drop. For the top players we never have sure.

  41. BBVA – BARCLAYS hybrid team – 4-1-2-1-2 Formation
    GK – Casillas
    LB – Jordi Alba
    CB – Ramos + Pepe
    RB – Dani Alves
    LM – Hazard
    CDM – Fabregas
    RM – Navas
    CAM – Di Maria
    STL – Aguero
    STR – Falcao
    Bench: Courtois – Kompany – Modric – Iniesta – James – Diego Costa – Rooney
    Reserves: LLoris – Busquets – Yaya Touré – Javi Martinez – Benzema
    100 chem + 86 rating

    I can also switch to a more offensive team (3-4-1-2) and keep the 100 chem and 86 rating with my available players. Even have enough players to build a BBVA or BPL team. Yesterday reached Division 1 with this team.
    Messi would fit in just fine with Di Maria as a CAM and Aguero as a striker… but I’m afraid it won’t be possible. In Fifa 14 I had Messi for around 1,000,000 and that was possible with trading. Now the amounts are just too high in Fifa 15

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