Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


Buying packs is something that most of the community does at least once. But it is not as simple as it seems. You have to know which packs to buy and when to time buying. If you want to go deeper, you also should know if buying packs is the right decision and what you can do to pay less for them. All these questions and much more are answered in our buying packs guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team..


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Introduction to Packs in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


FUT 15 is a very popular FIFA game mode where we try to get the right cards to build the best team possible. Packs are one of the most important things in this game since they make it possible to introduce the cards into the game. Without them, there would be no cards and without cards FUT 15 would not exist. It is as simple as that.

All the cards are introduced in FUT 15 through packs by one of the following four ways:

    – when you create a new club, from the Starter Pack;
    – when you purchase them on the store;
    – when you win tournaments or seasons that include packs as reward;
    – or when you receive Daily Gifts, Welcome Back packs and other prizes.


99% of the cards are introduced in the game by the store, when players buy packs. This is what makes this game mode so special for EA Sports. It is a gold mine. Only in FIFA digital sales, which includes Ultimate Team packs, EA has profits higher than $300 million every year. FIFA digital net revenue is growing every year and microtransactions are now the core business of the game.

Follow us in this guide to get to know how, where and when to buy packs.



It Is Worth it Buying Packs ?


Before you do it, you should ask yourself if you should buy packs or not. This is probably the most common question about FUT 15. And we are here to clarify you.


Should I buy packs or not ?

When you make a purchase, you are giving something to get another thing in exchange. If you bought it, it is because in your opinion the thing you are giving is less important than the one you are purchasing. The problem in Ultimate Team is that you do not know what is inside the pack you are buying. There is no way to know if the exchange will be profitable to you. You have expectations in relation to the purchase but you do not know if they will be met.

It is possible to pay packs with coins or with FIFA Points. In the first scenario, your expectation is to pull cards whose market value exceeds the price of the packs. In other words, you want to make profit. This rarely happens. That’s why buying packs with coins is an awful idea.

When you buy packs with FIFA Points, the chances of getting good cards are exactly the same, but instead of investing your coins, you are using real money. It’s like you were buying FIFA coins but you don’t know how much you will have to pay for them. In these cases, only you can say if it is worth to buy packs or not, depending of how much real money you are willing to spend.


Is there any study about this subject ?

It isn’t easy to make a reliable study about this subject because it only works with a huge sample. Imagine, for example, that you open packs worth 3 million coins. If you open an extra pack and pull a Ronaldo IF card, your conclusions will be completely distorted. It is not possible for a single person to open enough packs to conclude if it is worth to buy packs or not. We did it but we combined our results with the community experience to conclude that, in a general way, you get back 60% of what you have paid by the packs. The other 40% are EA’s profit, ie, your loss. The same happens in the famous bookmakers sports scores where part of what you bet reverts automatically to the house, regardless of the result. Usually, they keep with something between 10 and 15%, but EA is not satisfied with less than 40%.

This first conclusion allows us to be sure about how bad a strategy it is to buy packs with coins, except if you are someone really lucky. This study also helps us to calculate how much you will get back when you open packs bought with FIFA Points.

So how do we make this calculation ? First we use the packs prices. In average, the packs you buy with 1000 FIFA Points can also be bought with 50 thousand coins. Since you only get back 60% of your investment, in fact you will be buying 30k coins with those FIFA Points. We also know the average prices of FIFA Points which means that it is not difficult to conclude that 100 thousand coins can be indirectly purchased with £26 or 31 €. It’s up to you to decide if this is an high price or not to strengthen your team and your FUT account.

Obviously, when you decide to buy a pack you do it because you are dreaming with pulling a few amazing cards. You don’t do it because of profit. There is always a hope. However, if you make a study like we did you will realize that your chances of getting good cards are low. Since you can buy cards directly in the market, the importance to this study is to know how much the packs are worth. That’s the only way to compare with your investment.


Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


It seems that many people are getting success with packs. Right ?

Wrong. The most experienced Ultimate Team players agree with us about how bad of a strategy it is to buy packs. But there are still many less experienced players with another opinions. They are asking right now why are there so many people showing of the fantastic cards they have got in packs ? Maybe because no one likes to show off rubbish and useless packs. If only good packs are shared, it gives the idea that all the packs have good cards. Nothing less true.

Buying packs with coins is not a good strategy to build a good team

Many players also think that the only way to be millionaire is buying packs. They find other players on the market that are selling several very expensive cards and they think they got the money buying packs. They don’t. They probably are really good traders or have used scam techniques.


Is EA Sports forcing me to buy packs ?

Yes. Don’t forget that this is the FIFA core business for EA Sports. Think about it. To sell more packs, they try everything. They use a very aggressive marketing strategy, trying to give the impression that it is easy to pull good cards in packs, using their social networks to show players that got a good card or supporting the most lucky YouTubers that publish videos opening packs with the greatest players. On the other hand, they don’t add good cards to packs, forcing players to try their luck again and again hoping to get the same good cards that other players and youtubers got. The Happy Hours are strategically chosen and they even created an extra chemistry point – loyalty bonus – to force you to buy more packs.

Are you seeing how it works ? Youtubers want to be famous and to be supported by EA Sports, so they produce videos showing how easy is to get good cards in packs. Those who have the luck of getting good cards in packs also want to share it with the world, to show their happiness or simply to make others jealous. They share it with EA Sports and the company share it with the world. All we see is good cards in packs, so why don’t we do the same. We buy one, two, three, four packs. ‘Maybe in the next one’, we think. Most of the times, players spend part of their coins or a good amount of money and they don’t get a single good card.


Are you saying that I should not buy packs ?

We are not saying to not buy packs any more. It is important that people keep buying packs. First because they are paying the Ultimate Team mode (in the first year it was paid). Then, because the game only works if cards keep being inserted into the game and the only good way to do it is through the store.

If players want to use real money to buy packs, they should know that they will need to spend a good amount of money to get a good squad. We are not saying that it is not a good strategy, we are just saying that it is not a cheap option. For who don’t cares with money, it is a decent decision.


If buying packs is a bad strategy, which other options do I have ?

There are other ways to get good players, but none of them are perfect. You can save the coins you earned in games, and use them to buy the cards you want in the market, but it will take a long time until you collect all the coins you need. Another good option is to make trading, which may be very profitable but it is also very time-consuming. Finally, you can also buy coins directly to a coins store but there is a risk of ban since this is not allowed by EA Sports.


Why are there so many experienced players are still buying packs ?

Obviously, there are many players that already know that buying packs is not a good strategy. But that doesn’t mean that they give up from buying packs. Why ? First because our brain is always trying to find the path of least resistance and finding ways to give as less effort as possible. Then, because the need of being better, more popular and integrated in a group. This may seems a weird answer but the specialist Gonçalo Cunha explains this very well in this fantastic article.


Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

The odds of getting Messi in a pack are like 1 to 60,000 for each card player you open in a pack.


How difficult is to pull a good card from a pack ?

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team has more than 15,000 players. Which player do you want ? Probably the most expensive one, Ronaldo. Let’s see what the odds are of getting him in a pack. First we must know how many players cards have the pack you are opening. Let’s say that you are opening a pack with 4 players. It means that your chances of getting Ronaldo are something like 1 to 3,750, right ? Wrong! There are players with more cards in packs than others.

Cardweight is a metric used to estimate how often a particular card is traded on the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team transfer market. The higher the cardweight number, the higher likely this card is traded on the marketplace. It gives an indication of how rare cards are. The cardweight of Ronaldo is 2, the lowest in the game. It means, for example, that he is 100 times less common than David Luiz which cardweight is 200. We know that cardweight does not measure the chance of finding a specific card in a pack since cards that are likely to be kept or quick sold by the original owner will not have an accurate weight. However, through complex calculations we have found a way to find the odds of getting a specific player in a pack using his cardweight, the number of quick sells of that card and the number of cards stored in clubs.

In this case, as Ronaldo is one of the players that when someone buys they do not try to sell again, the chances of getting him in a pack are 10 times lower than the average of gold players which cardweight is 150. In other words, the chance of getting him are something like 1 to 150,000 for each card player you open in a pack.

What do you think about this ? Do these odds create a good opportunity ? Let’s see. Pick a number between 1 and 150,000 and keep it to yourself. Now, ask someone to try to guess which number you are thinking of. How many times did that person try to guess it ? Thousands, for sure. If you want to know how much money you will have to spend, just multiply the price of each player card in a pack by the number of tries. Now is that a lot of Money ?!

You probably would be happy getting other good players besides Ronaldo. However, all the good cards are very rare. In the top 10 players with best overalls, none have a cardweight higher than 40. For your information, every time someone get a player card in a pack, the odds of getting one of these players are only 1 to 1,400. As you can see, it is very difficult to get good cards in packs.


Final note: if you want fun, choose opening packs. If you want success, avoid them, unless you don’t care about spending real money. In that case, EA Sports will thank you.



The Packs of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


There are three types of packs:

    Regular Packs
    Always available on the store.
    Promo Packs
    Available only on specific periods of time, like the Happy Hours.
    Free Packs
    Not available to purchase on the store. They are assigned to you in the beginning of the game, as daily gifts and as tournament and seasons rewards.


Regular Packs



Category: Bronze
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: 400 coins

Great value for increasing club depth. A mix of 12 items, including players, club items and consumables, at least 10 Bronze with 1 rare.



Category: Bronze
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 750 coins

Triple the rares of a standard bronze pack. A mix of 12 items, including players, club items and consumables, at least 10 Bronze with 3 rare.



Category: Silver
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: 2,500 coins or 50 FIFA Points

Great value for building mid-tiered squads. A mix of 12 items, including players, club items and consumables, at least 10 Silver with 1 rare.



Category: Silver
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 3,750 coins or 75 FIFA Points

Triple the rares of a standard silver pack. A mix of 12 items, including players and consumables, at least 10 Silver with 3 rare.



Category: Gold
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: 5,000 coins or 100 FIFA Points

Great value for finding top-rate players. A mix of 12 items, including players and consumables, at least 10 Gold with 1 rare.



Category: Gold
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 7,500 coins or 150 FIFA Points

Triple the rares of a standard gold pack. A mix of 12 items, including players and consumables, at least 10 Gold with 3 rare.


Promo Packs



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 1,800 coins

Nothing but players to build out your ultimate squads! Includes 12 players, at least 10 bronze with 3 rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 7,000 coins or 150 FIFA Points

Nothing but players to build out your ultimate squads! Includes 12 players, at least 11 silver with 3 rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: –
Price: 15,000 coins or 50 FIFA Points

You one-time chance to upgrade to a silver team. Includes 12 common silver items, with 11 players and 1 manager.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Consumables
Number of Cards: 4
Number of Rare Cards: –
Price: 800 coins

Maintain your top-rated squad for a rock bottom price. Includes 4 gold contracts



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: 3,000 coins or 50 FIFA Points

All the consumables in a single pack! Includes 12 consumables, one rare.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Consumables
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 12
Price: 20,000 coins or 400 FIFA Points

The most unique consumables, all in a single pack! Includes 12 consumables, all gold, all rare.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: –
Price: 30,000 coins or 75 FIFA Points

You one-time chance to upgrade to a gold team. Includes 12 common gold items, with 11 players and 1 manager.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 24
Number of Rare Cards: 7
Price: 1,500 coins or 75 FIFA Points

Double the size of a premium bronze pack with an extra rare. A mix of 24 items, including players and consumables, at least 20 Bronze with 7 rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 24
Number of Rare Cards: 7
Price: 7,500 coins or 150 FIFA Points

Double the size of a premium silver pack with an extra rare. A mix of 24 items, including players and consumables, at least 20 Silver with 7 rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 24
Number of Rare Cards: 7
Price: 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points

Double the size of a premium gold pack with an extra rare. A mix of 24 items, including players and consumables, at least 20 Gold with 7 rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 12
Price: 25,000 coins or 500 FIFA Points

The most unique gold items all in a single pack. A mix of 12 items, including players and consumables, all gold, all rare.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 3
Price: 25,000 coins or 350 FIFA Points

Nothing but players to build out your ultimate squads. Includes 12 players, at least 10 gold with 3 rare.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players and Consumables
Number of Cards: 30
Number of Rare Cards: 18
Price: 35,000 coins or 700 FIFA Points

The biggest pack yet with a whopping 30, yes thirty, items! A mix of players and consumable, at least 26 Gold with 18 Rares.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 12
Price: 50,000 coins or 1,000 FIFA Points

The most unique top-rated players, all in a single pack. Includes 12 items, all players, all gold, all rare.



Category: Promo
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 24
Number of Rare Cards: 24
Price: 100,000 coins or 2,000 FIFA Points

The most unique top-rated players, all in a single pack. Includes 24 items, all players, all gold, all rare.


Free Packs



Category: Free
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 34
Number of Rare Cards: 0
Price: Free (you only get it once)

Your one-time pack with everything you need to start playing.



Category: Free
Cards’ Type: Players
Number of Cards: 12
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: Free (you only get it at the beginning)

This pack includes 12 players, 4 each of Bronze, Silver and Gold, with at least one rare.



Category: Free
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 4
Number of Rare Cards: 0
Price: Free

Smaller than a standard Gold Pack, and going fast. A mix of 4 items, all gold with at least one player.



Category: Free
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 4
Number of Rare Cards: 0
Price: Free

Smaller than a standard Silver Pack, and going fast. A mix of 4 items, all silver with at least one player.



Category: Free
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 4
Number of Rare Cards: 0
Price: Free

Smaller than a standard Bronze Pack, and going fast. A mix of 4 items, all bronze with at least one player.



Category: Free (exclusive for XBox)
Cards’ Type: Players, Consumables and Items
Number of Cards: 8
Number of Rare Cards: 1
Price: Free

A special pack, with at least one gold card, and with an increased chance of a legend.


Some of these packs are ‘untradeable’, which means that the content can not be sold in the market or discarded with a price. The starting pack and the manager tasks pack are two of the most popular untradeable packs.


In order to make it easier to compare packs, check out the following table, where you can also see which other packs may be included in the game:


NAME OF THE PACK [Coins] [FP] Players Consumables Items Total Rare
Bronze Pack 400 Yes Yes Yes 12 1
Premium Bronze Pack 750 Yes Yes Yes 12 3
Silver Pack 2 500 50 Yes Yes No 12 1
Premium Silver Pack 3 750 75 Yes Yes No 12 3
Gold Pack 5 000 100 Yes Yes No 12 1
Premium Gold Pack 7 500 150 Yes Yes No 12 3
Gold Contracts Pack 800 No Yes No 4 2
Jumbo Premium Bronze Pack 1 500 75 Yes Yes No 24 7
Prem. Bronze Players Pack 1 800 Yes No No 12 3
Consumables Pack 3 000 50 No Yes No 12 1
Gold 13 Pack 5 000 100 Yes Yes No 13 1
Prem. Silver Players Pack 7 000 150 Yes No No 12 3
Jumbo Premium Silver Pack 7 500 150 Yes Yes No 24 7
Premium Gold 13 Pack 7 500 150 Yes Yes No 13 3
Silver Upgrade Pack 15 000 50 Yes No No 12 0
Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 15 000 300 Yes Yes No 24 7
Rare Consumables Pack 20 000 400 No Yes No 12 12
Prem. Gold Players Pack 25 000 350 Yes No No 12 3
Rare Gold Pack 25 000 500 Yes Yes Yes 12 12
Gold Upgrade Pack 30 000 75 Yes No No 12 0
Mega Pack 35 000 700 Yes Yes No 30 18
Rare Players Pack 50 000 1 000 Yes No No 12 12
Jumbo Rare Players Pack 100 000 2 000 Yes No No 24 24
Starting Pack Free Free Yes Yes Yes 34 0
All Players Pack Free Free Yes No No 12 1
Gold Gift Pack Free Free Yes Yes Yes 4 0
Silver Gift Pack Free Free Yes Yes Yes 4 0
Bronze Gift Pack Free Free Yes Yes Yes 4 0
Legends Shot Pack Free Free Yes Yes Yes 8 1



The Best Packs to Buy


During Happy Hours the regular packs are exactly the same: there are no discounts and the chances of pulling a good card don’t change

Another question that the community asks us almost every day is ‘which pack to buy’. Obviously it depends on what you want. If you want to build a bronze squad, you should buy a bronze pack. If you want to get more contracts and other consumables, you should try the consumables packs. However, most of the players want to put their hands on the best and most expensive cards in the game. In that case, they will need to buy Gold packs. But which one ?

Our advice is very simple: purchase the available gold pack with the lowest price per rare player card. These are the only cards that can make some one rich. The other cards are almost worthless. To know which packs have the lowest price per rare card, we only need to divide the price by the number of rare cards. It is easy to do it, following the table above. However, we should pay attention to the category of the pack and if there are other cards besides players. The best packs are the ones with guaranteed rare gold players cards. Into this group, the Premium Gold Players Pack is two times more expensive than the Rare Players Pack or the Jumbo Rare Players Pack. This difference is not so high if we use FIFA Points to pay instead of coins. It may be weird but EA Sports doesn’t use a proportional relation between coins and FIFA Points. For example: Jumbo Premium Gold pack and Silver Upgrade pack cost both 15,000 coins but the first one may be purchased with 300 FIFA Points while for the second we only need 50 FIFA Points. Players should also pay attention to this aspect.

100k and 50k packs are the best packs to buy for those who are looking for top players or profit

Forget the calculator. We did that job for you. We analysed how many gold rare players cards (GRP) each pack brings, in average, and we built the following table showing the rating of the best packs to buy. As you probably expected 50k and 100k packs are the best ones, because you only have to spend 4000 coins for each gold rare player. However, those of you who thought that 25k were good, well you are wrong. It is cheaper to buy 15k and 7.5k packs.


#1 Rare Players Pack 50 000 1 000 12 4167 83
#2 Jumbo Rare Players Pack 100 000 2 000 24 4167 83
#3 Mega Pack 35 000 700 6 5833 117
#4 Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 15 000 300 2 7500 150
#5 Premium Gold Pack 7 500 150 1 7500 150
#6 Prem. Gold Players Pack 25 000 350 3 8333 117
#7 Gold Pack 5 000 100 0,3 16667 333

(1) GRP means Gold Rare Player
Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team



How to Buy


If you want to buy packs, you need to go to the FUT store. You can access to the store through the console or through the FUT Web App / Companion App.

It is possible to browse them in the store until you find the right pack. Details of each pack are also provided, including the number of rare cards each pack has. The store has also a folder ‘My Packs’ where you can claim any packs that you have earned but not yet opened.

There are two ways to pay: with coins or with FIFA Points. To know more about FIFA Points, click here.

To buy a pack you just need to select it in the store and choose the payment method. If you need more details about it, just watch the video we have published in this page.


Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

How the FUT Store looks like in the Web App



Best Times to Buy Packs


It is impossible to talk about the best times to buy packs without referring to Happy Hours.

There are several misunderstandings about what Happy Hour is and how it works. Some players insist to say that Happy Hour is a period of one hour in which the chances of getting better cards are higher. This is not absolutely true. We will try to clarify this to those people.

A happy hour is a period of time with promo packs available in the store. It may be just one hour but it may also be a full day or even a weekend. Besides the regular packs, during happy hours other packs also exists. They are usually more attractive than the regular ones, because they have a lower cost per rare card. The chances of getting a good card during a happy hour are exactly the same. The only difference is that, most of the times, there are cheaper packs during Happy Hours.

There are a very rare kind of HH in which the chances of getting a good card are higher. These special Happy Hours are announced as ‘2x Chances’, which means that the chances of getting an IF card during this period are two times higher than usual. However, these special Happy Hours are very rare. They only happen two or three times in a year.

The Happy Hours are not announced in advance. You may know if there is any Happy Hour in the main page of the FUT Web App or the consoles while it is active, or here.

The Happy Hours are more common at the end of the game. It is impossible to know when will be the next Happy Hour but they are very common in these moments:

    at Wednesdays, between 4pm and 5pm, just before the release of the new TOTW;
    – at most of the weekends, usually during large periods of time;
    – after a MOTM card release;
    – and during the Christmas period (last ten days of December and first two of January).


Something that should be avoided is to buy packs between 5:30pm and 6pm of Wednesdays because it is impossible to get IF cards in these periods. In other way, it is a good strategy to buy packs during good TOTW weeks or on TOTY/TOTS weeks. In the case of success, the profit will be much higher. Remember that when a player gets his IF cards in packs, it is impossible to find his regular card there. Your odds of pulling an IF card from a pack are exactly the same of pulling the regular card of that player during that period.

There are rumours that EA uses some extreme tactics to sell more packs. People say, for example, that there are better cards inside packs paid with FIFA Points and packs bought after new IF cards being released. Both make sense. In the first one, they are promoting the buying with FIFA Points. Fresh money. In the second one, they are creating the snow ball effect of ‘if they got it, I also have good chances’. We can’t prove if they are only rumours or not but in other times it seemed to us that there were better cards in packs mentioned. The manager tasks rewards are a good example. It also makes sense since it was created for beginners, we think that all the packs have good cards inside. Anyway, the only time that we have been sure about good times to buy packs are in the Happy Hours.



How to get Better Prices


There are many players confused about what they should do: buying packs on the store, subscribing the Season Ticket / EA Access or buying the Ultimate Edition. We will try to give a help.

Let’s start by the Ultimate Edition. It is true that the packs purchased on the store are more expensive than the ones that Ultimate Edition offers. However, we strongly recommend to not buy this special edition since it only gives one pack per week. Which means that players need to wait 24 weeks to get all the packs. No one wants this.

About the Season Ticket the things are a bit different. As it happens with the Ultimate Edition, subscribers only get one pack per week but it is also true that Season Ticket holders pay 20% less to buy packs on the store with real money (FIFA Points). For who buys many packs, this may be something very useful. The one year subscription gets paid after buying packs that is worth 10k FIFA Points. EA Access is not so interesting because you don’t get free packs and because the discount is only 10%.



If you play in XBox 360 or Playstation 3 and you plan to buy many FUT 15 packs, subscribe EA Season Ticket as soon as possible. EA will stop selling Season Ticket Subscriptions in March of 2015 and they are replacing it by EA Access that only gives 10% discount.


Price [£] Price [€ or $]
FIFA Points Included Bonus Normal Season Ticket EA Access Normal Season Ticket EA Access
100 0 0,79 0,65 0,71 0,99 0,89 0,89
250 0 1,99 1,59 1,79 2,49 2,09 2,24
500 0 3,99 3,19 3,59 4,99 4,19 4,49
750 0 5,49 4,79 4,99 6,99 5,89 6,29
1050 50 7,99 6,49 7,19 9,99 8,39 8,99
1575 75 11,99 9,69 10,79 14,99 12,49 13,49
2200 200 23,99 15,99 21,59 19,99 16,69 17,99
4600 600 31,99 23,99 28,79 39,99 33,39 35,99
12000 2000 79,99 63,99 71,99 99,99 83,39 89,99

The prices and the currency can be different according to gamer’s region

Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

To know more about Season Ticket and EA Access click in the image





If you don’t know how to buy a pack, watch this video:




New Stuff


For experienced Ultimate Team gamers, most of what we have published here isn’t new. In that way, we have created this very short chapter to show what has changed with packs:


FUT 14 >> FUT 15

  • Introduced the Legends Shot Pack



Frequently Asked Questions about Packs


Q: Should I Invest in Packs ?
A: In our opinion, no. Only if you don’t care about spend real money to get a good team.

Q: What is the Card weight ?
A: Card weight is a metric used to estimate how often a particular card is traded on the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team transfer market.

Q: Which Packs Should I Buy ?
A: Always look to the available gold packs with the lowest price per rare player card. Check our choices here.

Q: Where do I need to go to buy packs ?
A: To the store. You can do it through the console, the FUT Web App or the Companion App.

Q: What is a Happy Hour ?
A: A happy hour is a period of time with promo packs available on the store.

Q: It is easier to get better Cards on Happy Hours ?
A: No. Only in the Happy Hours announced as ‘2x Chance’.

Q: When is the next Happy Hour ?
A: Nobody knows. The HH are announced on the console when they start. You can also check them here.

Q: Should I buy Ultimate Edition or Season Ticket/EA Access subscription or should I use that money to buy packs ?
A: If you buy packs too often, subscribe the Season Ticket. Otherwise, invest in packs and forget these services.


90 thoughts on “Buying Packs Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team”

  1. Hey Rodrigo, I am Fairly new to this Game. I bought a Pack Yesterday for 15K. I am looking now and there are only 2 Gold Packs. Is there a set time, or day the Better Packs come out?

    1. Hi.
      Yes, there is. The pack you bough is a standard pack. It is always available in the store. You need to check this page to see when new featured packs are available. They are better than the standard packs. Be aware that, in our opinion, buying packs is not a good way to build a good squad.

  2. are the chances to get messi and ronaldo in a 15k pack higher or lower than in two 7,5k packs?

  3. For some reason all the cards I need got ridiculously expensive. Most of the time I was able to purchase my players for 200-500k, now for example Reus 88 is 2 mil or more, many of my other cards have 90+ rating and I bought them as cheap as 250k. So I have 2 questions, why players got so expensive? And where can I buy the coins to afford paying 2-4 million for a player.

    1. Hi.
      The best players are now more expensive because everyone is looking for them.
      You can buy coins, clicking in one of coins sellers banners you can find in this page.

  4. Ahmed Mo'men

    the IF player are “rare players” .. i.e. the IF players cards can be found only in the packs containing rare cards ?

    1. That was the question of the day. Good one!
      We are not 200% sure but we think that in fact IF players are ‘rare players’, yes.

  5. Rodrigo,i want to ask about your reply to mau. Does it mean that all the players that i’ve bought will be lost and i have to start from the starter pack?

  6. I bought all 3 $100k packs yesterday. I packed TOTS Kroos, but everything else was lousy. Kroos is going for around $300k so it was basically a wash. I then bought 1 $15k pack and out popped TOTS Messi.

  7. To be honest, i spend almost a thousand of dollars buying fifa points and never get something good. Now i got an amazing bundesliga team but get it buying players with coins.

    Great article.

    One off topic question: My team will be available on fifa 16 ut or i will start again from zero?

  8. Hey Rodrigo
    I didnt understand why is the 50k pack is better than the 100k pack when the chances are 2 times better in the jumbo rare players pack. Also, ive bought 4600 points yesterday and spent 2000 in a jumbo rare players pack and got a bundesliga tots player that is worth 20000min. and 40000max. , my FUT team is based on Liga BBVA players so it is better to sell the tots player ive got? Thirdly , i have now 2600 points so i should wait for the liga tots releasing ? Whats the best way to spend my points?
    Thank you in advance and your article was really brilliant and so detailed and iv got a lot of information that changed my vue to the FUT 😀 .

    1. Hi. Thank you so much.
      1) 100k packs are 2 times better in rare cards but they are also two times more expensive. 50k packs may be better because you can choose if you want to buy one or two.
      2) think you should keep with your BBVA squad.
      3) Yes, wait for the BBVA TOTS but try to buy the packs while there are also other TOTS.

  9. Hakimi Roslan

    “Your odds of pulling an IF card from a pack are exactly the same of pulling the regular card of that player during that period”.IS this quote here is true ? Let’s say when you consecutively open packs no matter what you get Ferdinand normal card you will always see him 6 out of 10.So if Ferdinand gets a TOTY(example not real) so will i able to pack Ferdinand TOTY version as i always pack him when i open packs and EA or you guys said you have the exactly same chance of pulling the regular card of the Special version.So if this is true so will i able to pack him?

  10. Surprisingly, I’ve made profit off of 400 Bronze packs. Not because the cards are good, but because I list everything outside of contracts and, easily, sell at least 4 cards per pack. Typically it’s more like 6-7 at the lowest BO price (200). I’ve never lost coins on a 400 Bronze pack. Everything other pack has not been profitable.

    I only use coins and have yet to spend real money for points. Between this and buying low on some rare gold players (anything I can vendor for more) and try to resell. I can easily make a few thousand coins a day that way. I can only put in a couple hours a day doing it.

  11. With the tots coming out soon how expensive will the packs be that the you tubers get

  12. How do you know when it’s a happy hour? And what are the chances of getting an inform in a 7.5k premium gold pack?

  13. Good job Rodrigo! You’ve really given us a new outlook regarding buying packs. I,for one, never buy packs but I just bought the 25k one for the first time just for the heck of it and I got IF Skrtel and some good players. I bought a lot after that but never got anything worthwhile. And then I played a featured tournament and got an IF Christian Tello. I guess it’s all down to luck and there’s no definite mmethod to employ to get the most out of cards. Thanks nevertheless…kudos!

  14. Hi rodrigo another question. Every Wednesday 6pm uk time totw release im always buying packs starts 6pm and never get IF cards when do u think is the best day and time???

  15. Hi It would mean a lot if you could downgrade the rarity of the cards even if it was only by 0.5% it would help because I’ve spent a lot of money trying to get good players and the best one I’ve got is an 84 rated please help

  16. ” They don’t. They probably are really good traders or have used scam techniques. ”

    ” Scam Techniques ” – > And as you open the website , a huge banner about buying Coins which is , ironically, a scam technique.

    The only 2 legal ways of earning the Coins in FIFA is by playing the game and trading the cards . Buying Coins is not allowed . That’s how 95 % of the players get their Super Teams.

    1. Hi Ricardo.
      Coins selling is not a scam technique. It may not be allowed but it has nothing to do with scammers. You can find hundreds of scammers in twitter and facebook comments section page of EA Sports.
      Our banners are provided by a third party (Google) and we are not responsible for what they insert there. It shows ads according to the users preferences.

  17. Hi Rodrigo
    a big thank you for your work with that website it helped me a lot to understand ultimate team and how about buying packs, i really appreciate your service

  18. Im buyin 2 mega packs… N 1 rare gold what are my chances of getting 85+ players or totw or toty?

  19. Hi Rodrigo!
    What are my chances of pulling a 100K+ player in either 1 100K pack or 2 50K packs?

  20. Is it a higher chance to get a TOTY when they are all out?So its better to open packs in the weekend?

  21. Is the manager method for earning coins really that profitable? Also, what are the best odds for packing a 85+ player?

      1. Where you buy a manager from BBVA for around 950 and sell him for 4k? I’ve seen videos around. The packs would be 35k,50k, and 100k.

        1. Manager’s method is profitable but with players you can make higher profits.
          In 100k packs you have more than 50%. In 50k packs the chances are half of the 100k packs chances.

  22. Hello, I have spent more than 1400euros on fifa points. And the best I got is neuer worth 200k coins. What is the ods of getting Ronaldo, ex messi??
    Im sick of this addiction spending all my money on this shitty game when I dont get anything for it…
    kind regards

    1. Hi Markus,
      As Rodrigo says the odds are really low. Also remember that this only a game. If you do not have a very stable economy or really enjoys opening these packs (I mean like yojr primary recreation or sumtin), you must stop spending the money. Just step back and enjoy the game or maybe take (a long) break from it.
      Take care.

  23. Why is there such a huge disparity in value between player cards of roughly equal ratings? For example, why is an Edinson Cavani card rated 86 worth only about 4K on the transfer market, while a fellow striker like Diego Costa, or Aguero who have lower ratings can go from anywhere between 40K-200K? I understand that certain aspects such as the players pace rating, skill moves, the league they play in, and just general popularity play a large part in determining their sell value, but even these things don’t fully explain the size of disparity. I mean, in some cases you have to expect it like in the case of the truly top rated cards like Messi and Ronaldo. 3 million coins for one card is ridiculous, but since it is the best card it is understandable. But an 87 rated Bale or an 89 rated Suarez going for more than 500K, while an 88 rated Falcao or 90 rated Van Persie going for around 30K, makes little practical sense. Any thoughts?

    1. Hi Greg.
      As you know, Ultimate Team is based in chemistry. When you make a squad, you need to choose the right players to connect with the team mates. In our opinion, this is the reason why here are so huge value disparities.

  24. I plan on using 900k coins to buy packs for fun when toty is released what chances do you think i have of packing someone worth over 100k even if its not a toty

  25. I’ve spent £25 to buy fifa points during the toty period in a few days, I’ve worked that the maximum amount of points I can purchase with the £25 is 3350, in all honesty what is the probability of me getting a toty?
    Thanks again, appreciate the advice

  26. Hi,
    I have invested some money into fifa points for the release of toty cards next week,.
    Is there are better chance of packing one by purchasing 2 50k packs or is there a better chance of getting a toty by purchasing 1 100k pack?

  27. hey rodrigo does it make a difference when i open many packs in a row then buying them individually with time intervals? is my chance to get a better player bigger if i open the packs in a row?

  28. If i get a pack now and do not open it, and i open it during TOTY weeks, is it possible i get a TOTY player?

  29. i get only 500 coins when i win the game…and my DNF doesn’t go more than 0.63…is this normal or am i facing some problem??

    let me know plz

  30. hi rodrigo can you tell me if its better to skip a pack or to leave it to flow till it show you the best player in the pack, or this is just a superstition?

  31. Hey Rodrigo, nice guide

    I was just wondering, how much is the jumbo gold pack actually worth? How profitable is it? I see that i will get a JG pack as reward for winning div. 1 but that way i only get around 1.2k coins/match. I have found another way to get 1.4-1.5k/match but no pack. Which one is more profitable?

  32. Hi Rodrigo,
    Does the 25k pack worth it? afraid to spend so many coins on useless players

  33. Hi Rodrigo,
    these days i saw the 50K rare players pack was available but i couldn’t afford it?do you know if it will be again on the store?

    1. I don’t know if it will be available in the store before Xmas. However, I’m sure that this pack will be in the store between December 16th and January 2nd. Probably more than once.

  34. Hi Rodrigo,

    I have a thought on buying packs… your opinion please.
    Is it true that if you want to buy packs, the best pack to buy is the “mega pack”?
    18 rares and at least 26 Gold for 35,000 coins… so if there are no spectacular rare cards in it, than it shouldn’t be a problem to sell these cards again for around 35,000 in total. An average price per card of 1167 coins is not too much I guess?

  35. hi Rodrigo, what are the chances of getting a toty player in January if I spend 12k fifa points including 2 100k packs and great website by the way big thanks from Saudi Arabia

    1. Hi.
      The chances are the same of pulling the regular card of the 11 TOTY players in another weeks. The same is to say: your chances are low.

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