Chemistry Guide for FIFA 13 Ultimate Team

The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Having a good chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team is extremely important.

Almost everybody knows that.

Although, there isn’t much information about how it works.
We went in a deep search and found everything there is to be discussed about this theme: what is chemistry, how you calculate it, what effect it has on the game, the managers’ role, what chemistry the substitutes have, etc.

In this vast guide we hope to clarify every player’s doubts and uncertainties. Experienced players or not.


Quick Access

  • What is Chemistry ?
  • Basic Concepts
  • The Chemistry Effect on the Game
  • What Influences the Chemistry
  • How to Improve the Chemistry
  • How the Chemistry is Calculated
  • The Substitutes’ Chemistry
  • Myth or Reality
  • Common Errors
  • Basic tips
  • Advanced Tips
  • The Chemistry and the EA
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


    What is Chemistry in FIFA Ultimate Team ?


    The efficiency of our players on the pitch and of the team in general depends directly on several factors:

    • The player’s level, attributes and characteristics;
    • Chemistry;
    • The Player’s Fitness;
    • The Player’s Morale

    The Chemistry takes a fundamental role on your team’s performance, so it can never be despised.

    It evaluates the health of every relation in a club. In other words, the chemistry is a factor that helps the game play by interacting with the familiarity of the players with the club’s formation, positioning, the relation with the other players and the manager.

    It’s easy to tell that a goalkeeper won’t play well if he’s put in the midfield. Also, it is comprehensible that a winger will not play at his best if there is one less team mate beside him than how he is adapted to play. It’s even easier to understand that a player’s performance will be superior if he is integrated in a squad full of team mates that he knows well, and with a good manager that has the same nationality as his.

    In the end, that is what the chemistry does. Take all these situations, weigh how much they can benefit the performance of a team and transfer them to the four lines of this evaluation.

    In general, the introduction for chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team is there to give more logic to the game and to make the building of a team more complex, challenging and diverse.


    Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team – Basic Concepts


    The first idea that has to be present is that the chemistry is extremely important for the success of any team. In previous editions, EA have announced that “a bronze team with chemistry 100 can win without great difficulties a gold team without chemistry”. That is why it has to be taken seriously when you plan to start a new team. The team should be built around chemistry and not the opposite.

    Another important concept, which is not always present, is that there are two kinds of chemistry: each player’s individual chemistry and the chemistry of the team.

    Both influence the performance of the players on the pitch. The first one varies between 0 and 9 and the second between 0 and 100. The chemistry values can be viewed on the active squad menu, just like the image below demonstrates.


    FUT 13 Chemistry Guide

    1- Chemistry of the Team; 2- Individual Chemistry


    Any player should have as an objective building a team with the highest chemistry possible. The higher is the value, the better. The priority should be given to an individual chemistry close to or equal 9. If you can also get a team chemistry of 100, then you’ll be experiencing the best performance of your players.

    The chemistry of the team depends exclusively of your choices. It’s higher or lower depending on the players you choose for the starting eleven, the manager you choose for the bench and the positioning and tactics of each one of the players. That way, it varies from match to match. It’s not possible to alter the chemistry of a player with time, for playing a certain number of matches or even for having performed several objectives.


    What effect does the Chemistry have on the game ?


    Now that you already know what the chemistry is, it’s time to know what it does in practice.

    Most players know what to do to have a good chemistry and recognize its importance. But can’t explain what influence it has on the game. Some will say that the team’s performance is improved but it’s interesting to know what really changes when the ball is touched for the first time.

    The chemistry interferes directly on the potential efficiency of the team during the match. More precisely, on the players’ attributes. That way, in the beginning of each match, the players’ attributes are directly affected by their individual chemistry and also the team’s.

    Logically, a player doesn’t instantly have his speed doubled just because he’s surrounded by team mates that provide high chemistry. The chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team affects mainly the non-physical attributes.

    Take a look at the list of the attributes that are slightly and more affected by the chemistry:

    Agression Acceleration
    Composure Agility
    Positioning Reactions
    Tactic Conscience Sprint Speed
    Vision Balance
    Ball Control Jumping
    Dribbling Stamina
    Heading Accuracy Strength
    Goalkeeper Attributes

    You can take a look at all the attributes here.


    Maybe now you recognize better what effect the chemistry has. It’s not worth to spend thousands of coins to buy Ronaldo if his chemistry is zero. You will never experience his 90 finishing attribute.

    The players’ attributes are corrected by the chemistry before the beginning of each match. It’s actually what happens in real life. A player’s performance will always be poor if he doesn’t get along with his team mates, if he plays out of his natural position or in a formation that may not be usual to him.


    What influences the Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team


    The Chemistry measures several factors that are considered enough important to affect the performance of a player.

    Here is what influences the Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team:

    • The Team’s Formation
    • The Player’s preferred Formation
    • The Positioning of a Player on the Team
    • The Player’s natural Position
    • The Nationality of the Players
    • The Leagues where the Players play
    • The Clubs where the Players play
    • The Manager’s Nationality
    • The Manager’s preferred Formation
    • The Manager’s Level


    It’s up to you to try to minimize the aspects that influence the chemistry negatively.

    In order for us to comprehend better how all of this works, let’s group these factors in three big categories:

    • The Players’ Preferences
    • The Relation between the Players
    • The Manager’s Characteristics


    The Players’ Preferences


    Normally, the players are habituated to play on a determined position and according to a pre-defined tactic. While many others can adapt themselves to similar positions and tactics. That is also what happens in FUT 13.


    FUT 13 Chemistry Guide - Formations and Positions

    1- The player’s positioning on the team; 2- The player’s preferred position; 3 – The formation of the team; 4- The player’s preferred formation. (Click on the image in order to maximize it)


    According to his positioning, a player may be in one of the following situations:

    • Playing in his natural position
    • Playing in a position that is very similar to his natural position
    • Playing in a position that has some similarities to the natural position
    • Playing in a position that is very different from the natural position

    The natural position of a player is shown on his card. The position where he’s about to play is shown on the active squad menu. The first situation refers to when both positions are the same. That is the greatest situation to benefit the chemistry.
    When a player is assigned to play in a strange position for himself, the chemistry is strongly affected. The goalkeepers is a good example of that. They can only play well on the goal, and are the only players that can’t get adapted to another position.

    In order to know what positions a player can get adapted to, consult the tables from the FIFA 13 Ultimate Team calculation chapter.


    FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Guide - Positions

    The good or bad positioning of a player on the pitch is graphically shown on his card through the boot’s color: green indicates playing on his natural position, orange indicates adaptation and red indicates that he’s playing on a position that is very different from the natural position.


    According to his preferred formation, a player may be in one of the following situations:

    • Playing with the same formation as his preferred formation
    • Playing with a formation that is very similar to his preferred formation
    • Playing with a formation that has some similarities to his preferred formation
    • Playing with a formation that is very different from his preferred formation

    The formation that the player is adapted to is shown on the card. The formation that he’s about to play with is shown on the active squad menu. The first situation refers to when both formations are the same. That is the greatest situation to benefit the chemistry.
    When a player is assigned to play with a formation that is totally strange for him, the chemistry is strongly affected.

    In order to know what formations a player can get adapted to, consult the tables from the FIFA 13 Ultimate Team calculation chapter.


    FUT 13 Chemistry Guide - Formations

    The good or bad formation for a player on the pitch is graphically shown on his card through the colour of the rectangle: green indicates playing with his preferred formation, orange indicates adaptation and red indicates that he’s playing with a formation that is very different from his preferred formation.


    The Relation between the Players


    When a club hires a player, it’s normal for him to have some adaptation issues. He doesn’t know his team mates, probably doesn’t even speak the same language as theirs and might not be familiar with the league. In FUT 13, that happens as well. The relation a player has with the team mates that surround him is strongly evaluated by the chemistry.

    Each formation provides a defined connection that the players have between themselves. For example, it’s natural that a goalkeeper needs a stronger connection with the defenders than with the attackers.
    These relations can be classified according to their intensity in:

    • Absent
      If the connection is between two players with different nationalities, different clubs and different leagues (Rooney and Messi, for example);
    • Weak
      If the connection is between two players with the same nationality OR if they are from the same league but different clubs (Rooney and Aguero, for example);
    • Strong
      If the connection is between two players with the same nationality and league but different clubs OR if it’s between two players from the same club (Rooney and Valencia, for example);
    • Hyper
      If the connection is between two players with the same nationality and club (Rooney and Ashley Young, for example).


    FUT 13 Chemistry Guide - Connections

    Graphic indication for the intensity of the connections. From top to bottom: hyper (green), strong (green), weak (orange) and absent (red).


    The absent connections are the weakest ones and consequently the most penalising for the chemistry. The hyper ones are the strongest and the most rewarding connections for the chemistry.

    Independently for the tactic of the team, a player must be linked to 2, 3, 4 or 5 team mates. The stronger these connections are, the higher will be the player’s individual chemistry.

    That’s why most FUT 13 teams are built based in a league or in a nationality. This way it’s possible to eliminate the absent connections and guarantee a high chemistry.


    FUT 13 Chemistry Guide - Connections

    Taking the 4-1-2-1-2 tactic for an example, it’s possible to observe that the GK, the RB and the LB have only two players connected to themselves, the ST’s have three, the CB’s, the RM and the LM have four and the CDM and the CAM have five.


    The Manager’s Characteristics


    A manager is not just for choosing a tactic. He is the main piece for the maximization of the players’ potential. In FUT 13, the manager doesn’t influence the players’ individual chemistry, but he contributes a lot for the team’s chemistry.

    There are three manager’s characteristics that will vary the team’s chemistry:

    • His nationality
    • His preferred formation
    • His level


    A manager that can be well comprehended has more success probabilities than one with worse relationships with the players. That’s why the chemistry is improved if the manager’s nationality is the same as most players’.

    The nationalities of the players and managers are shown on the front of their cards.

    Since it’s normally the manager the one who chooses the formation, it would make no sense that you’d want to choose a different formation for your team. If you do that, your chemistry will be damaged, of course.

    According to his formation, a manager may be in one of the following situations:

    • Chosen a familiar formation
    • Chosen a different formation from the one he’s familiar to

    The formation a manager is familiar to is shown on his card. The formation you chose for your team is shown on the active squad menu.

    In the case of the managers, formation adaptation tables are not necessary because, unlike players, they can’t adapt themselves to other formations.


    FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide - Manager's Formations

    The correct or incorrect manager’s formation is graphically shown on his card through the rectangle’s colour: green if you’ve chosen the formation he’s familiar to and red if you’ve chosen a different formation.


    A reputed manager has more chances to lead a team towards success than an unknown manager who coaches a lower division team. In FIFA 13 Ultimate Team this happens through the chemistry.

    The higher is the manager’s level (gold, silver or bronze), the bigger will be his contribution for the team’s chemistry. And it doesn’t matter if he’s a rare manager or a normal one.


    How to improve the Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team


    Fortunately it is possible to improve your team’s and your players’ chemistry.

    In order to change the the players’ preferences, there is something that can be done to improve their individual chemistry: applying training cards, although this may cost big amounts of coins sometimes.


    A formation modifier card, when applied to a player, changes his preferred formation. This means that, if a player doesn’t have the same formation as your squad’s, you can simply apply one of those consumables so that both have the same formation, improving your chemistry a lot.


    FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide - Training Formation Cards

    Supposing a 4-4-2 formation in this example, the appliance of the training card in the middle made the player change his preferred formation from 3-4-1-2 (red) to 4-4-2 (green).


    In that same way, if a player’s preferred position doesn’t match with the position he’s about to play, it’s possible to correct this situation with a position modifier card. These cards can only be applied with success if they indicate the current preferred position of the player and the one we want to change to.


    FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide - Training Position Cards

    Supposing in this example that this specific formation doesn’t allow a CF, the appliance of the training card in the middle made the player change his position from CF (red) to ST (green).


    It’s also possible to improve the relation between the players, but, in order to do that, it’s necessary to adjust our team.

    Before we buy the players for our team, we should verify the intensity of the relations we will get. If they are sufficiently weak at a point that they can affect the chemistry, we should find players that can be well combined according to their nationality, league or club.

    The intensity of the connection between two players is merely a graphic representation. It doesn’t mean that these players, in particular, play well with each other if their connection is green. What really counts for the individual chemistry is the summation of the intensities of the connections that a specific player has. Each player’s attributes are affected and not necessarily his relation with the team mates. So, any player plays the same way among all his team mates independently that he has different coloured connections.


    A manager’s contribution for the chemistry can be maximized in the following ways:

    • adding a gold manager to the team;
    • synchronizing the manager’s formation with the squad’s formation, even if in order to do that you have to apply a specific manager training card, the same way you do with the players;
    • choosing a manager whom nationality is predominant in the starting eleven.

      In the rest of this article, we’re going to show the advanced methods for improving the chemistry.


      How the Chemistry is calculated in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team


      The way the chemistry is calculated is probably the most well guarded secret in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team.

      We came up with the idea of uncovering it.


      The Chemistry Effect on the Game


      In the first place it is important to know that the chemistry value that is used on the game is the weighted average of the individual chemistry (75%) and the squad’s chemistry (25%).

      Unlike many people think, having individual chemistry values of nine is much more important than having a value of 100 on the squad’s chemistry display.
      Even because the individual chemistry doesn’t only weights three quarters of the chemistry utilized on the game, but it also affects directly the chemistry of the squad, as we’re going to see next.

      In other words, you can say that the attributes that each player starts a match with depend directly on the individual chemistry and partially on the squad’s chemistry.


      Squad’s Chemistry Calculation


      The squad’s chemistry varies between 0 and 100 and can be calculated with the following formula:

      SC = IC + MC
      SC is the squad’s chemistry
      IC is the players’ individual chemistry (to be seen further)
      MC is the manager’s contribution for the chemistry.

      This formula allows the team’s chemistry to exceed 100. Although, in practical terms, any value that is superior to 100 has the same effect as 100.

      On the other hand, the value the manager contributes for the chemistry varies between 0 and 21 and is calculate this way:

      MC = F x L + N
      F = 0 if the manager’s preferred formation and the squad’s do not match
      F = 1 if the manager’s preferred formation and the squad’s match
      L = 2 if he’s a bronze manager
      L = 5 if he’s a silver manager
      L = 10 if he’s a gold manager
      N is the number of the starting eleven that have the same nationality as the manager.


      Individual Chemistry Calculation


      The player’s individual chemistry calculation method is very complex. We’ve tried to synthesize it in a simpler formula but there are some exceptions that deny its generalization.

      In order to calculate a player’s individual chemistry you need to know:

      • the squad’s formation
      • the player’s preferred formation
      • the player’s position
      • the player’s preferred position
      • the number of absent, weak, strong and hyper connections


      Being aware of these informations, just follow these steps to discover a player’s individual chemistry value:

      • Step 1
      • Look for the individual chemistry value on the first table. In order to do that you should choose how many connections the player has on the first column and the line that corresponds to the intensity of these connections. The chemistry value can be found when you cross that line with the column that corresponds to the specific formation and positioning situation.
        A player in right formation and right position, with no links, has individual chemistry 6.

        FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Calculator

        Table 1

      • Step 2
      • If you had difficulties on selecting the position column on table 1, you can consult the second table. This one indicates in which position a player likes to play, if he can get adapted to another position or if he is playing with great difficulties. Just select the position line that is recorded on the player card and look at the position column in which the player was assigned to play.

        FUT 13 Chemistry Calculator - Positions

        Table 2

      • Step 3
      • If you had difficulties selecting the formation column on table 1, you can consult the third table. This one indicates which formation a player likes to play with, if he can play adapted or with great difficulties. Just select the formation line that is recorded on the player card and look the formation column in which the player was assigned to play. Notice that this table is divided in four sections: goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and attackers. It is that way because the players adapt themselves better to other formations according to their position. For example, a defender with a 4-4-2 preferred formation adapts himself better in a 4-3-3 formation than an attacker because the new formations maintains the 4 defenders playing style but not the 2 attackers.

      FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Calculator - Positions

      Table 3


      FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Chemistry Calculation Example


      In order leave no doubts, we’ll calculate a hypothetical squad’s chemistry.


      FIFA 13 Chemistry Calculation Example

      Click to maximize


      Shall we start with the easiest part: the manager’s contribution for the chemistry.
      We know that MC = T x L + N = 1 x 10 + 2 = 12
      once T=1 because the manager’s preferred formation is the squad’s formation, L = 10 since it’s a gold manager and N = 2 because there are 2 Spanish players between the starting eleven.

      About the individual chemistries, shall we limit ourselves to the Garteh Barry calculation.

      Just by taking a look at the team we can see that Barry has a preferred formation that won’t get adapted to the squad’s. On the other hand, a CDM can play adapted as a CM since the boot’s colour is orange. Now we still need to know if the new position is very similar or if it has only a few similarities to his natural position. In order to do that we consulted the result of the cross between CDM (line) and CM (column) on table 2, which indicates that Barry can be very well adapted to the new position. About the intensity of the relations, Barry has 3 strong connections assigned as green (none of them is hyper since there is no English team mate from the same club as his) and one weak connection assigned as orange. By consulting the first table, you easily verify that Barry’s chemistry value is 7 (the third last column of the 4 connections 3-1-0 line).
      If we do the math for the rest of the players we’re going to get the following individual chemistries: 7-5-9-7-9-3-9-7-9-6-9.

      This way, the SC = (7 + 5 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 3 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 9) + 1 x 10 + 2 = 92.
      This means that in general all of them will be able to play well, except for Pepe, Dani Alves and Falcão, whose individual chemistry values are below 7.


      More importantly than knowing how to do the math in order to discover the chemistry is knowing how to take advantage of what is on table 1. If you carefully analyse it you can become an expert at this subject that is so important for a FUT 13 club’s success. Either at the team construction stage or at its improvement, it’s very important that we know what we need to do to maintain a high chemistry. Instead of reaching the chemistry we want with several tries, we can find out rigorously the pieces we should move to reach our objectives. It’s extremely important to know what weighs more on the chemistry calculation. Many times lots of coins are unnecessarily spent or are invested in players that we just wanted for an extra space on the team and not to bring benefits for the chemistry.

      On a quick analysis to the table, it is concluded that:

      • Inside the players’ preferences, the positioning weighs more on the chemistry than the formation
      • The weight of a hyper connection surpasses three times the weight of a weak one
      • The weight of a strong connection surpasses two times the weight of a weak one
      • It’s almost always worth the investment for making the player be with the same position and formation as the squad’s

        These tables are also very useful in other situations, such as, for example, if you want to quickly know what happens if you buy a determined player for your team or how the chemistry will be affected if you change your squad’s formation.

        If you take a good look, there are values on the table that are superior to 9. That happens because the individual chemistry calculation formula allows results between 0 and 11. In practice, a player with an individual chemistry value of 10 or 11 will play like one with 9, since graphically values that are superior to 9 are not presented. Also about the squad’s chemistry calculation, the values that are superior to 9 should be considered as being 9.

        So why are there values that are superior to 9? The answer is simple. This way it’s possible that there are other ways to reach the maximum chemistry. If it weren’t like this, the combinations would be much lower and the diversity of squads with good chemistry would be poor.


        The Substitutes’ Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team


        If you were alert to the previous chapter you should have noticed that the substitutes aren’t considered in the chemistry calculation. And much less the reserves.
        The squad’s chemistry counts the summation of the starting eleven’s individual chemistries. Besides that, being on the bench, the substitutes don’t participate in the relations between the players. This means that the substitutes’ individual chemistry is zero and that their contribution for the squad’s chemistry is merely null.

        Until now we’ve judged that this is very easy to understand. Although, a very important question arises: If we make a substitution, what will be the chemistry of the player who goes in and how is it going to affect the team’s chemistry ?

        The answer is simpler than what some people would think. When we make a substitution, the player who goes in acquires the chemistry of the player who goes out and this way the team’s chemistry remains the same. The decisive moment for the chemistry definition is the starting eleven set-up. This means that, once the match has started, the chemistry values never change no matter what.

        This is valid for all cases. Even if we put in a player that doesn’t have any relation with the others, if his preferred formation isn’t the same as the squad’s and even if he’s put to play in a completely different position.

        For some people this can be seen as an opportunity. It becomes possible to use that player we always wanted but couldn’t use because he didn’t fit in our squad at all. We can also adapt players to other positions that usually don’t have quality choices.

        It’s your chance to use Ronaldo as a centre forward, Ramires as a centre back or Bale side by side to Hazard without losing any chemistry points at all.
        It’s also an opportunity to put Thiago Silva among a Barclays PL or a BBVA defence or to use Iker Casillas on the goal without having specific team mates that would increase his chemistry.

        Although, everything has a cost. In this case, contracts will be spent. Besides that you’ll have to interrupt the match, preferably in the beginning, to make these substitutions, which would be quite boring.


        The Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team – Myth or Reality ?


        If we thought that the chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team was just a myth, we wouldn’t have spent weeks investigating all this to bring you this article. Still, we thought it would be convenient to make a chapter about this theme since there is a considerable number of people who insist that there is no such thing as the chemistry in the game.

        The best way for us to be certified about the influence of the chemistry on the game is playing several matches, ideally in the same condition, commanding a team with a high chemistry and another with a very low chemistry. We did this dozens of times and concluded that the chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team is actually real. Mathematically analysing the results we obtained, we concluded that when we played with a higher chemistry our development was very superior.

        Many of the people who say there’s no such thing justify themselves with the fact that they have won several tournaments playing with teams with a very low chemistry. That’s not a justification. There are FIFA players that are good enough to win even with inferior teams, and so with low chemistries.

        There are also the ones who consider that the chemistry should be abolished from FUT 13. We respect their opinion but consider that these people don’t comprehend how FUT works at all. Part of the joke of this game mode is the opportunity for us to create a team we can get identified with. If there was no chemistry, the challenge of building a team would be smaller and the diversity of teams would be reduced.


        Common Errors on the Construction of a team with good Chemistry


        There are three basic kinds of errors on the construction of a team with good chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team:

        • The players underrate the importance of the chemistry
        • The players overrate the chemistry
        • he players don’t give the chemistry its correct balance

          In the first situation, some players seem not to know the effect of the chemistry on the game or simply judge that it’s nothing but a myth. They’d rather build a team with the players they like independently for the chemistry.
          What they don’t know is that their development can be superior if they slightly modify the team substituting a few players. There’s no need to give up on all their preferences.
          Unless they are just starting FUT 13, those players can be easily identified for showing up with a chemistry that is lower than 60 (it’s not possible to see the opponent’s individual chemistry).

          There are also those who put the chemistry ahead of everything. Extremisms are not necessary. If you follow all of our basic tips (see on next chapter) you can be in this group. In fact, everyone who has all the starting eleven with an individual chemistry of 9 and the team’s chemistry of 100 can be in this situation.
          FUT 13 allows you to reach max chemistry in a bunch of ways. If we apply all these methods to reach a chemistry above the maximum value, we are certainly overrating this concept. The problem about this is that we can prejudice the quality or diversity of our team without taking any advantage of it.
          That’s why it’s important to know how the chemistry works in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team. With this knowledge you can build teams that have only what’s really necessary to reach maximum chemistry. There’s no sense on trying to find more connections for a player that is connected to other four that already have a hyper connection.
          This connection is already enough for a individual chemistry of 9. This management is not easy to be done but with practice you can build very interesting teams.
          Follow our advanced tips in order to notice where you can optimize and how you can build hybrid teams.
          The teams that are made up of exclusively players from the same league, club or nationality are almost always typical cases of “chemistry waste”.

          The third group is probably the most common one: the ones who commit errors when building a team because of the lack of knowledge about how to do it.
          This happens because many times most sources of information are not clear enough or even incorrect about what they say of this theme.
          It’s a common sense between FUT players that having a good chemistry is having a chemistry of 100. Wrong. We can have a team chemistry of 100 in which two or three players have an individual chemistry of zero. This is not really a desired chemistry.
          The idea that circulates is that the chemistry of the team is the main thing and the individual chemistry, that many don’t know about, has little importance. This is severely false. The individual chemistry is actually the one that weighs more on the attributes set up during the matches.
          These players usually have team chemistries of 100 but unbalanced individual chemistries. Some with 9 and others less than 7.

          So if we have individual chemistries of 9 for all the players, why would we worry about having a good manager if we already have a team chemistry of 99 and maximum individual chemistries? The question makes a lot of sense. It’s up to each one of us to decide if it’s worth spending manager contracts for a reward that is so insignificant. For us it is. We may have eleven players with brilliant chemistries but, once the squad’s rotation is the main piece for the success of any team that doesn’t want to be dependent to buying development cards, if we regularly need to put the reserves to play, it would be good to have a manager that gives us some chemistry points so we can have more player choices.


          Basic tips on how to build a team with good Chemistry


          If you’ve read what we wrote in this article, then you already know what to do to build a team with good chemistry. Just analyze the tables that calculate the chemistry to know what is really important.

          For those who still feel a little disorientated, we’ll give a few tips about how to build a team with good chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team.

          In the first place, it’s convenient for us to define what is this “good chemistry” thing. For us, a team with a very good chemistry is one that has all individual chemistries of 9 and a team chemistry of 100. It’s obvious that it’s not always possible to build our dream team full of individual chemistries of 9 but we should try to make them never lower than 7.

          Unless you’re already an expert on this, the first step is to define what the players will have in common. We need them to have at least weak connections, since the most normal is for us to be based in a nationality or in a league to build our team.
          A team that has players from the same league will have a very good chemistry, since the players are in their natural positions and have a preferred formation that is the same as the squad’s. In the same conditions, a team that has all players with the same nationality will have an even stronger potential chemistry because you can assign a manager with this same nationality that will give a +21 bonus to the chemistry of the team.

          Don’t forget to save coins to invest on the chemistry. As it was already said, the individual chemistry component about the player’s preferences can be corrected if you have a budget for that. Having all players with the same tactic as the squad’s and playing in their natural positions represents half way gone.

          One of the tricks for being able to build this team is knowing how to plan it before you start. Just having a general idea is not quite enough because you can start buying players and realize at the end that you don’t have enough connections
          So, if you already chose what your players will have in common, it’s time to visualize what you intend to do for your team. Use our tables or a squad builder kind of application.

          Beware that the tactic makes the way how the chemistry works vary. If you don’t have any preference you can even choose one for how it will fit in the chemistry of the team that you’re about to build.
          Although it won’t affect the individual chemistries, you should always apply a manager to the team. Preferably a gold one with the squad’s tactic and the nationality of most players.

          If you did everything we said here then we guarantee you that the chemistry of your team will be the maximum possible.


          Advanced tips on how to build a good Chemistry


          You may have already understood how everything works but an extra help is always welcome at the point that we idealize our team.
          We give here a few tips for you to enjoy.


          The hybrid squads are the most perfect we know. They allow us to go to other leagues and look for players to complete the positions we need. If built well, a hybrid team can join a good chemistry to a bigger variety of quality players. The one we built at MY FUT 13 is a good example of that.

          But building a hybrid team with good chemistry may not be easy. The trick is to find specific key players that make the transition from one league to another or from a nationality to another.
          One of the methods that can be used consists, if the formation allows us, in cutting the team on half. Each side is filled with players from one league or different nationalities.

          To show you how well this method works, we tested a hybrid Serie A / BPL team. As you can see on the image below, only the central connections are absent. This won’t be a problem if there are strong connections among the other players.


          FIFA 13 UT Chemistry - BPL / Serie A

          Hybrid Serie A/BPL team with a team chemistry of 100 and all individual chemistries of 9


          There are some formations that are more favourable for building a hybrid team. It’s the case of the 3-5-2 and 4-3-2-1 formations, for having the key element that allows the separation of the players with different characteristics.

          To show you how these tactics can be used for this, we built a team based on the BBVA League. Although, since Messi and Ronaldo are too expensive for most players, we decided to put a BPL attacking threesome that is full of qualities, too. In this case we chose David Silva to make the connection between the two leagues, but even if we chose another player for this, like Tévez for example, the only chemistry affected would be his own (from 9 to 7). The result is this fantastic team you can see on the image below.


          FUT13 Chemistry

          Hybrid BBVA/BPL team with a team chemistry of 100 and all individual chemistries of 9


          The most experienced players can build a team that apparently presents few things in common between the players. In order to do that they have to know how to manage the chemistry perfectly. The easiest way to do that is investing for some hyper connections. In other words, most players will be full of absent connections except for one that, for being hyper, will guarantee the 9 points for the individual chemistry (this is valid for all players that have 4 or less connections).

          In order to illustrate this technique, we built the team you can see on the image below. Despite most connections are absent, we were able to get the maximum chemistry possible. It is very easy to be done but rarely someone uses this technique. Just identify some players that are from the same club or have the same nationality and group them together two by two.
          In this example, five leagues are represented. One of the advantages of this trick is that it allows us to recruit the most capable players without having to be restricted to one league or nationality.


          FUT 13 Chemistry- Hybrid

          Varied Team with a team chemistry of 100 and all individual chemistries of 9


          At last, we want to leave one tip for who likes to put players in their right position and tactic and want to know that, in an expedited way, if certain connections are enough to reach the 9 points of individual chemistry.

          For any player to have the maximum chemistry he’ll just need to have a number of points equal or superior to the number of connections they have with their team mates. These points are counted by the following way: 1.0 for each weak connection, 2.5 for each strong connection and 4.0 for each hyper connection.
          For example, on the last image, Pepe has 3 absent connections and 1 hyper. Since the summation of the points equals 4 and 4 is the number of connections he has, we easily conclude that Pepe has a maximum individual chemistry.


          The EA and the Chemistry in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team


          We’re completely independent and this is great for us to be able to compliment or criticize what we think is good or bad.

          In a general way we think that EA makes a very good job. It’s true that there are server problems, items that get stuck on the trade pile, constant updates, etc… But when it comes to rules, FUT was a well made and implemented game. The chemistry system is a good example of that. It works and it has results.

          But not everything makes sense on the chemistry of FIFA 13 Ultimate Team. We don’t get why EA makes it so much secrecy. Most part of the information we published in this article was based on intensive tests we made. It is not available for the common player that doesn’t want to spend hours trying to learn how the chemistry works.

          The best example of what we’re saying is the way how the player’s preferences are assigned according to the colours that indicate intensity. The hyper and strong connections are both green-coloured which doesn’t allow the distinction between each one. Also the player’s position and tactic status is indicated by only one colour, orange, which doesn’t allow the distinction between those that a player will be able to get adapted to. It would be enough just to introduce one more colour, then we would be able to calculate the chemistry just by looking at two of the three tables in this article. We can only think that this was done intentionally so they could keep the chemistry secrets away from the players.

          With this article we hope we were able to clarify everything about how the Chemistry works in FUT 13 and also unmasked myths and false ideas that circulate all over the FIFA players community.


          The Chemistry in FUT 13 – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


          Q: What is Chemistry?
          A: Chemistry is the factor that reverberates on the game the familiarity of the players with the club’s tactic, the positioning, their relation with the team mates and the manager. You can learn more about it here

          Q: Does the Chemistry really exist or is it just a myth?
          A: The Chemistry really exists. You can learn more about it here.

          Q: Is it worth building a team with a high Chemistry?
          A: It certainly is. A high chemistry means potential and a better performance for your players.

          Q: What changes if my team has high or low chemistry?
          A: Your team’s chemistry changes directly the players’s attributes on the pitch. Learn more here.

          Q: I already have a chemistry of 100. That’s all that matters, right?
          A: No. The players’ attributes on the pitch are modified by a component in which these 100 weigh 25% and the individual chemistry weighs 75%. Because of that, more than guaranteeing the 100 points for the team’s chemistry, it’s important to get the best individual chemistry (9) for the maximum number of players possible.

          Q: I can’t get maximum chemistry for my team. What’s the minimum you recommend for me?
          A: If for some reason you can’t get the maximum chemistry, you should try at least having 7 points of individual chemistry and 90 for the team’s chemistry.

          Q: Can a player’s individual chemistry be superior to 9?
          A: In theory, yes. Mathematically the individual chemistry varies between 0 and 11. In practice, the effect a superior value does is the same as 9.

          Q: How does a manager influence the chemistry?
          A: A manager only influences the team’s chemistry. And for that, his formation, nationality and level are important. Learn more here.

          Q: What does the chemistry depend on?
          A: In a general way the chemistry depends on the player’s preferences (formation and positioning), his relations with his team mates (nationality, league and club) and the manager’s characteristics (nationality, league, formation). Learn more here.

          Q: Does a player that has bad connections with some team mates and good connections with others play differently with them?
          A: No. The red connections are merely graphic indications. The way each player plays depends exclusively on his individual chemistry and the team’s chemistry. He’ll play the same way with everyone.

          P: How is the chemistry calculated in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team?
          R: The chemistry calculation method is not simple. Learn how it’s done here.

          P: What’s the chemistry of a substitute?
          R: Only the players that are assigned to play (the starting eleven) have chemistry. If a substitute comes in, his chemistry will be the same as the other player’s. Once the match starts, the team’s chemistry will not change. Learn more here.


          Thanks to Pedro Henriques Coelho for the translation.


    125 thoughts on “Chemistry Guide for FIFA 13 Ultimate Team”

    1. Not sure if this was on the guide but how much does chemistry actually affect the stats, Eg. would sneijder 87 with 7 chemistry be better or worse than van der vaart 85 with 9 chemistry, and also how much is chemistry actually worth, is the difference between 5 and 9 worth 85 vs 88 ovr

        1. Hi.
          It is difficult to answer to these questions since EA Sports never show details about it.
          Stay connected to us. We will publish a Chemistry Guide for FUT 14 soon.

          1. Alright thanks, you would think ea would’ve have released a little more information on how chemistry works, without this guide I would have no idea on how to use chemistry, great work

          2. Basically you can get up to 7 points with right connections (same league, nationality or club from your team mates), up to 3 points with right position and two extra points from nationality OR league manager and from loyalty.
            We are writing our guide with everything you should know.

    2. Hi, this is an amazing guide!!!!thanks, it helped me a lot, before this i didnt think individual chemistry mattered. and i have a question. Is it worth swapping sneijder with 2 chemistry with a play with a lower overall rating but higher che mistry (3-9)even though my overall chemistry is 100 anyway

      1. Yes! He will not play very well with individual chemistry 2. If you have the chance to change him for someone with individual chemistry 7 or higher, you should do it (if that player has at least overall 85).

    3. Hi, I have a question:

      I have a RB playing as a CB in my Italian team, he is surrounded by players from the same league,team and country, he gets 7 chem .

      I put a RB in my argentinian team playing as a CB he only gets 5 chem (he only is sorrounded by players from the same country) .Why that happens,he doesn’t have enough strong links?
      Also if you play someone with 5 chem ,he will play as good as 7 chem or not?

    4. so if one of my players is at a 6 or 7 chemistry and I give him a manager from his nation,he should go up at least one correct?

      1. No. In FUT 14 it will be like you said. But in FUT 13 it isn’t true.
        The manager only contributes to team chemistry. Not to individual chemistry. OK?

    5. Even though I already knew a lot about the chemistry, it was interesting to read. Great job!

    6. Is there any reason to grow team chemistry after reached 100?
      I’ve got full green and only 9’s but now my star rating is getting low.

      Thanks for your help.

      1. Hi.
        Star Rating doesn’t have anything to do with chemistry. It depends of the overall of your team.
        There is no reason to grow team chemistry after reached 100.

        1. Thanks. I felt stupid because I read the answer after I asked for it, but this is a great add-on.

          1. We are here to help you. But this table is a great add-on. We will publish a better guide on the FUT 14 release with easy and better calculation formula.

        1. You mean that if i change the formation during the match, will all the players play without loosing chemistry even if they are not in their ´right´ position?
          are you sure? 🙂

          1. And how about fifa 14 fut?
            i heard that substitution chemistry is different now.
            If you change during the match it will change the chemistry too.
            is that right?

          2. Hi.
            We are writing a chemistry guide for FUT 14 right now. It will be published in late October or early November.
            It is not true. Where did you heard that ?

          3. Thank you for sharing it.
            We already have read this guide. It is a nice job but we have found some mistakes.
            About the chemistry on substitutes, we have not finished our tests and we can not guarantee if it is true or not. We will ask to EA Sports but we don’t know if they will answer us or not.

    7. Jaakko Lehtonen

      If I put in david luiz whit slightly correct formation right position and players aaround being rubin kazan carlos eduardo cech boussofa rafael and kaboul, will david luiz then get 9 chem

    8. hii
      iam using 4-1-2-1-2 formation for la liga team i have st like benzema ,falcao ,martins and hugian and in cam iam using either modrich or ozil
      in rm i have angel dimaria and jesus navas and lm i hav gurdado for cdm i have khedira ,alonso aand busquets and in defence i have pique ,puyol,pepe,jordi alaba and fabio,janufram and perera ,,,,what u think would be the best starting eleven ???and what necessary changes should i make for my team i have around i lake coins ??? iam good at defence but lack in attacking ,,,,iam generally oscillate betwn division 1 and 2

      1. Hi!
        Usually gamers are good at attack but weak on defence. You are one of us: good on defence but weak on the attack.
        You can try: Diego, Pereira, Pepe, Piqué, Alba, Alonso, Di Maria, Guardado, Ozil, Benzema and Falcão. We think that this team is fine. You don’t need anyone else.

        1. hii 1 more que do i use alves as a goal keeper or victor valdes or shall i purchase lopez

          1. hey 1 last que -if i change the formation after the match gets start ,then is the chemistry of the team or players individual suffers respectively

    9. Hi just wondering will a player that has all green links and 9 chemistry play better than when he has a few orange/red links but still 9 chemistry? Brilliant guide by the way, great to see people helping others 🙂

    10. I want to put di Maria at cam on a 4-2-3-1 liga bvaa squad. Do you think that is a good idea

        1. Do u think he will be a 7 chemistry because I need some speed on the wing if not what should I do.

          My lineup is Valdes in goal
          alba piqué Ramos perera in back
          Alonso and khedira at cdm
          Fabregas/ isco and ozil on wing cam
          Modric cf
          Benzema striker

    11. Thank you for saving me and my roommate many, many hours of tedious tinkering and BS. This guide is great!

    12. Ollie Maddison

      Hey, great site and thanks for all the info. I need to ask 2 questions though. Firstly… i have a hybrid but Campagnaro isn’t on 9 chem even though he links with Inler from the same club and a RB from the same league. Surely that should be enough to get him to 9. And also can you explain to me the importance of GK chemistry. I have IF Handanovic but he’s on 7 chem.
      Oh and btw my formation is 4-4-2 if that helps answering the question. Left side is prem, right is Serie A.
      A reply would be awesome, cheers.

      1. Hi.
        Thanks for reading our guides.
        1) we didn’t understand why you said that “it should be enough to get him to 9”. Assuming that he is in the correct position and has the right formation, you can follow this rule: “For any player to have the maximum chemistry he’ll just need to have a number of points equal or superior to the number of connections they have with their team mates. These points are counted by the following way: 1.0 for each weak connection, 2.5 for each strong connection and 4.0 for each hyper connection”. Since he has 2 bad links, 1 weak link and 1 strong link, the total is 3.5 which is lower than the 4 connections that he has.
        2) getting a individual chemistry 7 is not so bad. That goalkeeper will play a bit worse because his attributes will be slightly affected: less reflexes, slower, etc…

        1. Ollie Maddison

          Thanks for quick response. So each minus chem point decreases the stats? I paused the game and even with my GK at 7 chem, his stats are still as they are on the card.

          1. Hi.
            The stats of the card will not change even if you got individual chemistry 0. They only change if you apply a training card to that player and it only last for a match.
            It means that your player performance will be affected by any chemistry decrease.

          2. Ollie Maddison

            Ok, one more thing. How much do the stats decrease by per negative chem point and is that the only thing that happens if a player has low chem to have stats decreased or does he also find himself out of position a lot?

    13. Awesome article, but I made a team on futhead and looked at your charts and both say iniesta and hazard both in the right formation of 4231, both at LM but playing CAM, and I think the correct amount of links for 7 chemistry but they are shown in game as less than 7 chemistry. Any advice would be great.
      (Link to squad

      1. Hi.
        Let’s see if we can help you…
        Firstly, LM playing as CAM means, according to our table 2, that you get a yellow (1). In our table 1 we don’t have all the scenarios. We don’t have this one: a player with 4 links, two of them strong and other hyper. But is is a 7. There are some minor differences between FUT Web App, squad creators and in-game.

    14. Whoa! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a completely

      different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Superb choice of colors!

    15. Good guide but I didn’t see any mention of chemistry effect on moving a player to a different position after the match begins. I.E. moving Neymar from LM to ST at the beginning of a match.

      1. It doesn’t affect your chemistry.
        The guide is a quite long but it has something about that:
        “The decisive moment for the chemistry definition is the starting eleven setup. This means that, once the match has started, the chemistry values never change no matter what. This is valid for all cases. Even if we put in a player (…) in a completely different position. (…) It’s your chance to use Ronaldo as a centre forward (…) without losing any chemistry points at all.”

    16. Does it really matter to have subs that are related to the starting players? I have a bbva team but when my forward gets tired I sub him out like at halftime for lewandowski does that affect lewandowski chemistry nd the teams?

      1. No. It doesn’t affect.
        When we make a substitution, the player who goes in acquires the chemistry of the player who goes out and this way the team’s chemistry remains the same. The decisive moment for the chemistry definition is the starting eleven setup. This means that, once the match has started, the chemistry values never change no matter what.

    17. Carl Winslow

      coolest beans article on FUT ive seen, i have been using orange boots that still have 9 chemistry since fifa 12, i don’t know why for some tactical purpose i guess, for example a rwb in rm in a 352 still with 9 chem. I believe in chemistry but totally believe there are people with play styles that have nothing to do with passing, defending , or chemistry who can still win when based on some other hidden type of “handicap” I almost don’t want to know what happens when you lower the rating of your team with a silver or bronze bench because quite frankly i thought it made it 90 percent easier to win. When i used my proven teams and slapped my silver team on the bench i turn vicious and i cant tell if its a placebo or not truly because i have now been beat with a silver bench a few times and even revenged one of the losses by bringing bale of the bench whos gold. What happens when your team rating goes down? Lets here this cause shit i swear i cant tell if im nuts or not if i used totti in 433 as cf not st still with 9 chem and put down a bronze bench would i become god?
      from a logical standpoint if i have a club of 23 players i would start my best players likely gold ones and leave the lesser players likely silver on the bench, but for the longest time i just wanted to rest my other gold team on the bench and now im not sure if there is something to having a 23 player squad of mixed levels of talent and ages

      1. Handicap and chemistry are both very difficult to prove.
        We tested a lot the chemistry in order to publish this article. And we are almost sure that a player with individual chemistry lower than 7 will play worse.
        It is not easy to show it as it is not easy to show what you ask. We still believe that we should play with the best players.

    18. Great article, helped me build a pretty tidy hybrid defence to deal with those pesky pace teams. However, I’m trying to play Iniesta at CAM in a 3-5-2, so he has 6 links; 2 hyper, 1 strong, 2 weak, 1 absent. But his chemistry is coming out at 5 when I’m pretty sure it should be 7. Any chance there’s more to table 1 that’d help me out? Thanks a lot

      1. Hi Steve.
        Thanks for your comment. It’s nice to see that there are people who use the tables. 🙂
        You are right. The table should have more options but we tried to be simple. Next time, we will fix it.
        About your “problem” it seems that he get individual chemistry 5 as LW but get 7 as LM. We will try to introduce this information o the next time.

        1. Thanks for the quick reply, unfortunately I did have him as a left mid and still no luck. It’s alright though, he’s getting 7 at RM so I can play him more than just the one in four when I’m resting thiago silva & lavezzi, felt like a waste of money otherwise. Once again fantastic article!

    19. The chemistry should be good if you buy the players with the country Brazil for example.. so you get more chemistry if you buy the players from the same country? One of my player gives 9 chemistry and the rest give 6 😮

      1. Players from the same country is a good strategy because they will have good links between them and you get the chance to improve the team chemistry thanks to a manager from the same country.

    20. Do the injured players ruin the chemistry? Should I swap them with someone on the bench? Btw great article, Thankss!!

      1. Hi!
        First of all, thanks.
        The injured players do not affect the chemistry. But they will not play as well because they are injured. Swapping them with someone on the bench seems to us a good decision but not because of the chemistry.

    21. Hi
      First off, very nice article.! Have been testing the chemistry a lot myself and was curious if you had some bonus info, you did. 🙂

      However I would like to add something to your chemistry bonuses in the links. A weak link can both be league and nation, but there is a difference in how much they contribute. League: 1 point towards the links and nation:1,5. So if a player needs 3 link, it is possible to have 2 of the same country rather than 3 from the same league.

      Just thought you might find it interesting.! And thanks again for the article.

    22. I put di natalie and cavanni in my team as substitutes in the second half to test your theory that putting players in that dont connect with team still play good if substituted, and it was very clear that they played awful, i could not believe how bad they played, i have not seen how bad a player can play if there are no connections untill now!

      1. Hi.
        It isn’t a theory. It is a fact. We don’t know why they played so badly but it wasn’t for sure by their chemistry (if the players that they substitute had good individual chemistry).
        We have made lots of tests before published our work. In fact, EA already confirmed this on EA forum.

        1. wow, thanks for the speedy reply, i only tried substitutes once, i will keep trying substitutes with no connection to team and see if it works, the team i put them in had full 9 chemistry for each player and 100 chemistry for team, also, i built another team with mostly italian players from serie A and the rest from italian serie a, they all had 9 chemistry and 100 team chemistry but didnt play well, how can this be if all have great chemistry? and i built a team that played absolutely awsome, i think my worst result with them was only winning by 3 goals instead of 8 or nine haha, but after a lot of games they suddenly started playing less good, when you build a great team, do you only get so many games before there greatness drops? one last thing i want to say, it seems to me that winning trophys is fixed, i always get to the final then get beat, not due to better player but because my team go slow and unresponsive, this isnt competition, this is a fix! fifa obviously dont want you to win too many cups and get coins, what is the good in that,? it means that i have no chance of winning when get in final so is it actually worth playing?, i get to final and know that the game will make sure i dont win, so there is no competition between me and my opponent, i forgot to thank you for this great page you made the effort in making, so thankyou,

          1. Hi Alan.
            First of all, thank you for your comment and for reading our posts.
            You are not alone in your complains. Many gamers say the same thing. It isn’t easy to prove that but we understand your words.

          2. Jumped in late again, apologies! Subs pick up chemistry for their stats, but players also have ‘connection’ disabilities, such as pass completion % and the like which they do not inherit from the former player which is why I only ever use lightning quick subs who don’t need the perfect ball (Emenike never let’s me down. I know that’s sweaty, but I only do it against other sweats!). It is actually far more complicated than it seems. And I got this confirmed by a developer who I bumped into in a hotel!

    23. Hi,Can i ask how do i further improve my bpl team in a 4-2-3-1 formation?

      I have cech as gk(saving up for lloris),vermaelen and kompany,jose enrique and richards(might be saving for maicon).Subs are julio cesar,clichy,luiz,kaboul,walker.

      Yaya toure and tiote.Subs are fellaini,wilshere and ramires.

      CAMS are silva and cazorla while CF is nasri.Subs are gerrard,arteta and mata.

      Striker is podolski and sub is bent.(saving up for aguero)

      Is there any way to make the team better or add better players from different leagues to my squad as i am not able to find a good player to fit into my squad from another league.

      Thanks very much.

      1. Hi.
        First of all, you already have a good team.
        Have you sure that Enrique is better to you than Clichy?
        Which positions you are looking to improve with players of other leagues?

        1. Im looking for a quick but still solid defnder.Vermaelen is good but he is not very quick.Im also wondering if there are any better CAMs who are as good as passing like silva and cazorla but are quicker and can play like a winger too while still being a good passer.I have tried tarrabt and sessegnon,both CAMs who can play as wingers but are not very effective.Thank you very much for looking into my question.

          1. You have Luiz. He is not what you are looking for?
            You can also try moving Nasri to CAM and buying Tévez to CF.
            It isn’t easy to find players of other leagues that links well with yours.

          2. Ok thank you very much.However,i find nasri very effective in the CF position as he is my clubs top scorer.Might try tevez.Thank you very much again.

    24. in the last team up in 4222 it says lavezzi is ST and robinho is CAM. It isn’t possible to convert these players into those positions… have you Photoshoped it?

      1. You are right. it is not possible. But we didn’t photoshoped it. At least we don’t remember to do it. 🙂
        But the most important is to understand how to keep chemistry high joining players of same country and club.

    25. great article, one of the most complex, i was in the category of having only green lines, now I have more options . thanks

    26. Hey, Im quite experienced with chemistry and such but I was making a hybrid at futhead and everybody is on 9 chem. So I made the team at FUT and it tells me one player is at 7 chem. It’s the LCM in a 433 formation. He has 4 links in total which 2 of them are strong (nation and league) and he’s in correct formation and position. Why is he still on 7 chem?! This is the link to the squad:
      Btw loved ur guide could help a lot of people!

      1. Hi Camil. Nice to have you here with us. You have a really good question.
        You are totally right. He should have individual chemistry 9 as FUT show and as our tables show too. However it did not happen on your console. Why? Because FUT 13 has some errors. EA already admitted that. For example: in one formation (433 ?) the chemistry of the striker doesn’t count to team chemistry. We don’t know if it is the case, but some times the chemistry on the console and on the FUT Web App don’t match. It’s very annoying because we don’t know how it works on gameplay: your player will play as 7 or as 9? It is a good question that we have no answer.

        1. Ahhh okay good to know it is an error. Hope it will be fixed soon because it doesn’t look as great as 99 chem, thanks anyways.

        2. A little late I know, but I found this problem myself. Sub the player out of your starting 11 and replace him straight away, 99 times out of 100 it self corrects. Apologies if this is already pointed out somewhere else, but a new reader may benefit!
          Excellent work by the way!

          1. Thank you Cjay.
            What you have said is absolutely right. You need to do that to see the right chemistry. However, we were talking about another thing: in some cases, the individual chemistry on the console and on the FUT Web App is different. EA Sports already fixed it to FUT 14.

    27. Thank you very much for this detailed article, it answered all my questions. Especially because im finally convinced that Chemistry is more important than pure player stats. As well as im reassured, thats its not too bad, that my Monreal (who is normally a LB, i play him as CB) just has 7 Chemistry in my 5 backformation: Jordi Alba – Monreal – Ramos – Pepe – Dani Alves (very sweaty)

    28. Hi, one question if use a st in bad formation(ex. A 442 player in a 41212 squad) but he links with everybody else, do i keep 9 chem. I want to use aguero in a 442 formation and make a 41212 argentinian team, everybody will be in good formation and position except for agueros formation

      1. The answer to your question is in this article. But we can help you anyway. If he is 4-4-2 and the team is 4-1-2-1-2, the formation isn’t incorrect. It is slighly correct. That mens that he will keep individual chemistry 9.

    29. This is possibly the best most comprehensive well-researched article on the FIFA game in general that I have ever read in my entire life. And I have been playing FIFA for close to 15 years now. You guys are amazing and this website offers such useful tips and advice. Im doing great with my team with a win record of 15 in 18 games after taking in your pointers on constructing a team with best chemistry (less emphasis on player ratings on their cards).

      Thanks guys. Keep up the great work.

    30. I have a nice BPl squad with Kompany as cb…all my players are 9 chemistry…but i would like 2 put in Chiellini beside Kompany 2 minutes after the Fut game started…Will chiellini be 9 chemistry if he comes in as a sub?
      Thanks a lot…Great article.

    31. Hi.can i ask a question not related to chemistry but trading?

      I am very confused as to why im losing money although im selling the players higher than what i buy them.For example,i bought mata for 18000 and sold him for 19000 but instead of receiving a profit,my money decreased.Is there a catch to the trqding system.Please help me as i am so confused…

      As another try i bought a player for 18500 and sold him for 18750.Instead of receiving 250,i lost around 700.For both the players,i paid for them using bidding while i sold them at buy now prices

      1. Hi.
        This is a very easy question. The answer is: you need to read more articles of our website. Specially, those in the rules section. 🙂
        In FUT 13 market there is a tax for ever sell you make: 5%.
        For example: you bought a player by 18.500c and you sold him by 18.750c. But you don’t received 18.750c for that player. You got only 17.800c (18.750*0,95=17.800). So, 17.800-18.500=-700.
        To get profit you need to sell your cards, at least, 5% more expensive that the price you paid for them.

    32. Man, this is the best site for help and tips,
      so high quality posts
      This site helped me alot to get better 🙂
      thank you very much

    33. I read your guide and i think it’s the greatest i’ve evere read about this topic! Great work!
      I have a question to you thou. I have a 352 serie a formation with
      Di Natale (CAM 4-2-3-1) in COC
      Miccoli (CF 4-2-3-1) in ST
      Cavani (ST 3-5-2) or Balotelli (Man city ST 3-4-2-1) in ST
      According to you the Individual chemistry o Miccoli should be 5 in both case (uncorrect formation – slightly correct position and one weak and one strong connection). What I observe insted is the Miccoli’s chemistry is 5 with Cavani and 7 with Man. city Balotelli.
      Does that mean that nationality is stronger then leage connections?

    34. Can i ask wat is the chemistry for a player who is in his right position and formation but with no links at all?thanks a lot.

      1. And i realised that hybrid teams are hard to handle as when the players get tired and have to be replaced,it will be very difficult to find players who are still able to have a strong connection with the others.Is there any way to overcome this problem.thanks…

        1. Hi. It’s absolutely true. It is very hard to replace tired/injuried players with other that also benefit the chemistry.
          If you are talking about replacing players in the beginning of the match, you are right. But if you are talking about replacing players during the match, you can choose anyone. They don’t affect your chemistry.

      2. Thanks for asking this question. In fact, in our chemistry guide, you show you almost all the possibilities but we forgot to say that a player in right position, right formation and with no links has individual chemistry 6.
        We think that it is a important information. We already updated the guide with this.

    35. Sorry just came about the article recently. i was always wondering why Silva in a BBVA squad only gave me 7 chemistry and not 9. No I know why….. great article and found many questions to some of my problems here…..
      Now a question that i have to you guys is since he is a 7 and everyone else is a 9 team chemistry is 100, would he be affected the way in-game play is? in other words i have him on a 4-3-1-2 where he is the CF and i have Falcao and Bensema as ST’s….

      Thanks again for such wonderful article….. Also Thank you Pedro for the English translation……

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