EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


EASFC Catalogue is back with great items to your FIFA experience. Find out what is new in EASFC Catalogue for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team in this complete guide.


    February 21st, 2014
    Coins Boost are back to the EAS FC Catalogue.
    October 23th, 2013
    EA Sports have temporarily disabled FUT Coin Reward Boosts in the EAS FC Catalogue while they investigate an issue that affects the FUT economy. There is no date to get Coins Boost back.


What is the EAS FC


EA Sports Football Club is FIFA’s social network.

This year, the heartbeat of FIFA, becomes more connected and more social. It connects gamers to all of their FIFA friends and shares their successes and accomplishments with one another via an in-game News and Alerts feed. New this year is the ability to send gifts or messages to one another and the ability to go directly to different areas of the game directly from News and Alerts feed. This means that everyone is connected to friends in FIFA like never before. It also tracks progress through the game by awarding players with XP and Football Club Credits, which allow them to redeem hundreds of in-game unlockables to enhance their FIFA experience.

The EA Sports Football Club experience doesn’t just start and end on player’s console though. When they’re not playing the game, they have the ability to stay connected to all of their friends FIFA activity on the EA Sports Football Club companion app and on the EA Sports Football Club website. This means their FIFA experience can stay with them wherever they are.


What is the EAS FC Catalogue


Now that you already know what is the EA Sports Football Club, we will focus on the EAS FC Catalogue. It is a kind of store where players can trade the FCC (Football Club Credits) they earned by hundreds of items.

The EAS FC Catalogue houses hundreds of different in-game unlockable items that help improve player’s FIFA experience. Their EA Sports Football Club Level determines what is available for them to redeem. As a Level 20 gamer, they’ll only have access to items categorized from Level 1 – 20. So, the more they play and level up will give them access to more unlockable items. They then use the FCC they’ve earned through their play to redeem the items for use. Items include things like goal celebrations, historic kits, extra matches in Seasons and coin boosts in Ultimate Team.

This year, EAS FC Catalogue has a great new feature: it allows you to send gifts to friends. It is so great that EA Sports has not done much publicity fearing a massified use of it. In fact, you can send a item for half price for as many friends you want and still be able to redeem it for yourself. Imagine what happen if you join your friends and all of them send gifts to each other…


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

There are hundreds of items waiting for you on the EASFC Catalogue


How EAS FC Catalogue works in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


As we have said, players need two things to redeem items from the EAS FC Catalogue on FIFA 14 Ultimate Team: EAS FC Level and FC Credits.

  • EAS FC Level
  • No matter what game mode they’re in, there are numerous things they can do to automatically award them with XP (Experience Points). Once they complete one of these events they’ll be notified that they’ve earned XP via an in-game pop-up. It will also appear in their personal news feed and be blasted out to all of their friends’ news feeds to showcase what they’ve just done. Their XP total will be seen in the EA Sports Football Club widget in the corner of most screens. Each time they reach a certain XP threshold, showcased in a meter that fills up, they’ll reach a new level. Players can also compare their Level with all of their FIFA friends within the Leaderboards panel from the EA Sports Football Club hub.

  • FC Credits
  • FCC is the abbreviation of Football Club Credits, the EA Sports Football Club currency. In the exact same way players earn XP, they’ll earn FCC. Their FCC total can be seen in the EAS FC widget seen in the corner of most screens, highlighted with a bronze icon beside it. Players use their FCC to redeem unlockable items that can enhance their FIFA experience in the EAS FC Catalogue.

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players may earn XP and FCC playing matches, winning tournaments, getting promoted or leveling up their EAS FC level. Outside Ultimate Team mode, they may also earn XP and FCC completing challenges in highlights of the week, getting promoted in seasons head to head or in Co-Op and winning awards or cups in career.


EAS FC Catalogue Menu in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


To access to EAS FC Catalogue, players just need to select ‘Football Club’ from the main FIFA 14 menu and then ‘Catalogue’. It is not possible to access the EAS FC Catalogue from the FUT Web App.

Inside the EAS FC Catalogue, the items are organized by level of experience and by game mode. It is possible, for example, to filter the items that are exclusively for Ultimate Team mode.

Players can not trade items of a higher level and are not allowed to buy a item more than once. The purchased items are marked with a green tick and the inactive items are marked in gray until the player reaches the respective level.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

It’s very easy to find the EAS FC Catalogue in FIFA 14


EAS FC Catalogue Items for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


The EAS FC Catalogue has hundreds of items but we will focus on the Ultimate Team ones. We will explain one by one, the role of each item:


  • FUT Increased Transfer Targets Pile Size
  • FUT 14 transfer targets list has, by default, 30 slots. This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to manually add more items into their transfer target.
    This increase take places automatically the next time they go to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team after purchasing the item.

    We strongly recommend this item, specially for who feels like a trader. A large transfer target pile size is really useful for who want to study the market.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


  • FUT Increased Transfer List Size
  • FUT 14 transfer list has, by default, 30 slots. This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to increase their transfer list.
    This increase takes place automatically the next time they go to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team after purchasing the item.

    This is a must-have. The good traders can improve their profits thanks to a larger transfer list. They will be able to place to sell more items, which means that they will sell more. The players with highest levels have the chance to increase the transfer list size from 30 to 100 slots (!).


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


  • FUT Coin Reward Boost
  • This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to receive some additional FUT Coins for each match that the item is active.
    The bonus is added at the end of each match, along with the coins resulting from player’s performance.
    For example: a FUT Coin Reward Boost 1000×5 means that players will receive 1000 additional FUT Coins at the end of each of the 5 next matches they complete.

    This is the most wanted EAS FC Catalogue item for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. Depending of the matches that players play and their level, they can get up to 82,000 coins. It is a huge gift for any club. Players should get these items as soon as possible, because they are more valuable on the beginning of the game when players want to start building their squad.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


  • FUT Extra Squad Slot
  • FUT 14 clubs have, by default, 15 squads. This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to create a extra squad to their clubs.
    This increase takes place automatically the next time they go to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team after purchasing the item.

    Most of gamers do not need this item. It is only for who loves to build several squads and has reached the limit.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


  • FUT Match Player Contract
  • This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to receive one contract item which can be applied to any player, increasing their contract length to 99 matches.
    This is awarded automatically the next time they go to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team after purchasing the item.

    This item is a new addition in FUT 14. Everyone should buy it. Contracts may be very expensive and it is a good way to help paying them. Gamers should apply this item to good final players of their squads when they are running out of contracts.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


  • FUT Change Club Name
  • This EAS FC Catalogue item allow players to change their club’s name in FUT.
    They are automatically prompted with the name change option the next time they go to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team after purchasing the item.

    The club name is set when it is created. To the FUT 13 players, it is given the chance to change it when they start FUT 14 for the first time. This item is the only way to change it again after that. Most of gamers do not need this item, but for the ones they need, it can be really precious.


EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


EAS FC Catalogue List for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


To know which level you need to get and how many FC Credits you will have to pay for each one of the EAS FC Catalogue Items for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, check the following table:

20 500 FC C +20
11 1,000 FC C +10
35 1,250 FC C +10
53 2,750 FC C +30
83 2,000 FC C +20
1 300 FC C 200×10
8 450 FC C 200×5
24 1,000 FC C 200×10
28 2,000 FC C 1000×15
32 800 FC C 1000×5
36 750 FC C 200×5
45 1,500 FC C 200×15
51 2,500 FC C 1000×10
53 1,600 FC C 1000×5
56 1,250 FC C 1000×10
73 2,500 FC C 1000×10
96 4,000 FC C 1000×15
118 5,000 FC C 200×15
5 600 FC C +1
12 700 FC C +1
29 900 FC C +1
25 800 FC C +1
40 1,000 FC C +1
49 1,100 FC C +1
59 1,200 FC C +1
63 1,300 FC C +1
70 1,400 FC C +1
89 1,500 FC C +1
15 1,000 FC C +99
31 1,800 FC C +99
67 3,000 FC C +99
80 4,000 FC C +99
99 6,000 FC C +99
22 3,000 FC C +1


EAS FC Catalogue Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How can I access to the EASFC Catalogue ?
A: Select ‘Football Club’ from the main FIFA 14 menu and then ‘Catalogue’.

Q: Which items can I buy ?
A: You can buy all the items for which you have enough credits and which are not marked in gray. The items of a higher level than yours are not available for you until you reach these levels.

Q: Is there a limited number of times you can buy an item ?
A: Yes. You can only buy each item once, except to offer to your friends.

Q: Where is the item to increase the Consumables Pile size ?
A: It doesn’t exist. In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, the consumable pile has no limit.

Q: I already used the FUT Change Club Name item but I want to change it again. What can I do ?
A: Nothing. There is no other time.

Q: How many FUT coins reward boost can I use ? They are accumulating ?
A: You can and you should use all the FUT coins bonus that your level allows you. However, only one bonus will be active at a time. You can buy them all at once and everytime a item expires the following turns active.

Q: I can not find the FUT coins reward boost. Why ?
A: FUT Coin Reward Boosts have been temporarily disabled in the EAS FC Catalogue while EA Sports investigate an issue that affects the FUT economy.

Q: Will my FC Credits and XP level be transferred from FIFA 13 to to FIFA 14 ?
A: Yes. Both.

Q: The EAS FC Catalogue items can be transferred between current and next gen consoles ?
A: Yes. The same happens with XP level and FC Credits. This is valid only for the same platform (example: PS3-PS4 or XBox360-XBone).

Q: How can I send a gift to a friend ?
A: New to EAS FC is the ability to send a Catalogue item to a friend as a gift. Simply select the item in the Catalogue, choose to redeem it, and you’ll be given an option to gift it to a friend. It only costs 50% of the regular price to send a gift and you can gift an item to a friend that hasn’t reached the level that the item is from.

Q: If I send a gift to a friend, still I be able to redeem it for myself ?
A: Yes! You can gift the item to as many people as you want, and still be able to redeem it for yourself.

Q: Every time I buy a item on the EAS FC Catalogue, my friends are notified. How do I disable it ?
A: You can modify your privacy settings to share or not share your news with your FIFA friends through EA Sports Football Club. Simply go to: ‘Customise’ – ‘Online Settings’ – ‘Privace Settings’.


136 thoughts on “EAS FC Catalogue Complete Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team”

  1. Hey Rodrigo, I’m currently in division 1 of seasons with 3 matches left and a total of 15 points. I need 23 points to win division one in fifa 15; I have not used any of my eafc “extra season match” or “season wins”, therefore I have 2 wins and 5 extra matches unused. Is there a limit to how many of these I can use per division, or can I use all of them to secure the championship? Thanks in advance.

  2. Rodrigo – have you heard of anyone having an issue with their transfer pile being limited to 80 items even though they have redeemed the +10, +30, and +20 items from the catalogue? I’m still stuck at 80 even though I just redeemed the +20 item.

      1. not true – when my 80 auction items expire and I click on the Re-list All button any unsold items regardless of how many (even more than 30) automatically relist.

  3. Great site 🙂 Love it! The question it’s late season of FIFA 14 FUT. I was wondering how much “FC coins” you recommend to save for FIFA 15? I have at the moment 40k. I started to play FIFA 14 FUT last week. So I am wondering if I should “spend” the coins for the coin boosts or not. What do you think?

    1. Thank you.
      40k is more than enough for FIFA 15.
      Pay attention to our website this weekend. We will publish a great article about the transition between FUT 14 and FUT 15.

      1. You are doing wonderful work, and I think I am one of few newcomers in FIFA 14 FUT, who stops the pace abusers succesfully with your recommendation of formation and consumables 🙂
        I will keep my eyes up, you are bookmarked 🙂

  4. my friend is trying to send me the bonus coins and it says it’s not possible to send it and to try again later which he has been doing for the last 24 hours.
    He can send all the gifts except that one and we both play on ps3.

    1. That’s true.
      EA has put the coins boost back in the catalogue but the feature to send it to friends is still unavailable. It will be not possible.

      1. I have sent the Coin booster thing to my brother , but unfortunately he’s not allowed to send it to me. why is that?

        1. EA has put the coins boost back in the catalogue but the feature to send it to friends is still unavailable. It will be not possible.

  5. Fagr Al-Afif

    Please help me, Thanks in advance.
    my problem is with the Coin Boosts on PS4
    I have bought all of my coin boosts up to level 30 at once and now i don’t get the rewards anymore, i know I’ve played no more than 15 matches, i think the others got cancelled as I’m sure i unlocked at least 40 game match worth of coin boosters… i know you don’t receive them all at once, but i was hoping they will just be giving me rewards for the next 40+ games since i unlocked a number of game boosts, some at 200 x10 and other at 200 x15, FUT Coin Boost.
    did anyone else get this issue????

    1. First time someone give us this kind of feedback.
      The coins boosts should work as you have said. I always buy the items all at once and get the coins every time I play.
      The first thing you should do is to go to the EASFC Catalogue and check the ‘Bought Items’ window to check if you have bought those items or not.

      1. thanks for getting back to me, very kind of you.

        i have checked the EASFC Catalogue on the ‘Bought Items’ ( its called Owned, think thats what your talking about) and it does say that i have bought them. any ideas now?

  6. Hey! How do i redeem a gifted item? I found the alert that said go to catalogue but there was no option to redeem it

  7. I play o windows 8 rt tablet. How can I acces the catalogue from there wen I don’t have a console?

  8. hi i bought two +10 transfer list things but my transfer list only went to 40 instead of 50
    please help

      1. i bought the 11 and the 35 once each and it says i bought both of them but i only have 40 transfer list spaces

        1. OK. First go to the FIFA 14 main menu and click to go to the EASFC menu. Check if there is nothing there to confirm.
          If you have no success with this tip, contact the EA Sports Support please. See HERE how to do it.

        2. haha thanks for the tip i was on the phone for exactly 57 minutes trying to contact them will check tomorrow

  9. I purchased 2 financial takeovers at once but recieved one in my first season and never recieved the second is there a way I an reddem the item

  10. My friend is trying to send me an increased trade pile but won’t allow him to, he is in 90s level and I’m level 47,

  11. Does the items from catalouge affects online game play? Does it improve skills of the players?

  12. Cedric Mueller

    I used a “scout a future star” feature from the catalogue to my team. It worked and everything seemed perfect but then my ps3 crashed and the item i bought from the catalogue could not be redeemed anymore. Can i change this?

  13. I need your help!! Iv used my first financial package but i got sacked so i started again with a different team but its not allowing me to use it again until i move up another NINE levels which will take months – is there a way around this?

  14. Isn’t the catalogue available on ios platforms? I only use my phone when playing and i’ve always been wondering what the XP points can be used for?

    1. Your level XP and FC Credits are linked to your Origin account, and not to your platform. If tomorrow you start playing FUT 14 on PS3, for example, the FC Credits and XP level will carry over and you would be able to use them on the console’s catalogue.

      1. Thanks for your answer!
        Belive it or not, but i dont own any ps or Xbox. So i have to buy either a ps or Xbox to use the catalogue? :/

        1. correct – the catalog is NOT available on iOS. You can earn XP only (not FCC) on iOS but can only spend them on console / PC.

        2. Thank you so much for your help. Now we can help other players when they ask us the same thing.
          We will try to get a device to publish content about FIFA 15 mobile.

  15. Where can i find all the boots i have purchased on the catalogur and can i use them in career?

  16. Rodrigo – I think that the list for Increased Transfer List is inaccurate. You show that +30 Transfer List size is at Level 61 but i’m pretty sure that I can get it at Level 53. You might want to double check those items.

    1. Thank you very much!
      There was three levels wrong that we have fixed. One of them was the +30 Transfer List size at Level 53.
      Sorry for any inconvenience.

  17. My friend sent me a Financial Takeover lvl 39 and it appears in the catalogue but it didn’t appear in my career mode. “my friend name” gifted the Financial Takeover unlockable in the Football Club Catalouge. plz help -.-

  18. Dear Rodrigo,

    Thank you for the informative post, and for actively replying to queries? Do you play the game on Sony or MicrosofT?

  19. I received seasons win from a friend but i can’t use or buy it. I’ve never accepted a gift or bought anything yet. Why can’t i use gift or buy it?

    1. Hi/ Olá.
      You can not use those items on Ultimate Team mode. First, you have to accept the gift. Then, there will be an extra option on the end of each match giving you the chance to select ‘win the match’.
      Be sure that you have enough FC credits and a high level.

  20. If someone gifts me an online pro boost and i already bought it, can i still get it from him? Thanks

  21. hey rodrigo i bought from catalogue the edit player option i used it for a while but now i can’t access it.
    N.B: i sign out from ea server does it affect this option?

  22. The easiest way to increase your xp level is by playing penalty shoot outs in Fifa 14 on the ipad – choose World class. This will get you 125 xp per shoot out and the full daily ratio of 2000 in just about half an hour. Top this up by completing the match day challenges in Fifa 14 on your console/pc as this will increase the daily cap by whatever points you make. The games of the weekend won’t do this, so leve them.

  23. Hello,

    I actually own all the items for transfert list to 100 but i’ve only 80 in FUT?
    It’s the same for both on PS3 and Web App…
    Do you know how I can do to get the 100?

    Thank You

    1. There is a bug in the game – could be it. I have gifted transfer list upgrades multiple times and the recipient do se the gift but it is never implemented on his account.

    2. I just got on a chat session with EA and they told me that even though the +20 item is in the catalogue you can only max out at 80 items. What a crock of shit. There is no warning at all if you are currently at 80 and redeem the +20 item. Why is that item even in the catalogue?

  24. hello im in division 2 and i need 3 more points to go to division 1 and i only have 1 more match so on my little brothers account i gave myself as a gift an extra match but it didnt work so a friend also send me a extra match for season what is the problem and what can i do

  25. hi ,
    recently i gifted my friend various classc kits and a feww 99 contracts and after that he has logged in/out 4 times over a period of 8 hours and still hasnt recieved anything …

    pls suggest a solution …

    thanks in advance .

  26. I bought FUT Increased Transfer Targets Pile Size, rejoin to the game, a lot, but nothing happened? Can you help me?

    1. It is automatic. You don’t need to do nothing. Are you sure that your transfer targets pile isn’t bigger now ? In that case, go to EAS FC Catalogue and browse until bought items. Check if you have bought it or not.

  27. Dear Jose,

    I would be very grateful for your help. I am trying to gift my friend items for the catalogue in PS3. When i try to send the gift, I receive the error message:
    Your friend’s inbox is full and they can not receive gift right now.
    Do you know how he can access his inbox to delete messages.

    N.B. I already contacted EA origin live chat help, but unfortunately they did not seem to understand what i was trying to tell them and sent me a link to your website. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. sorry i just realized i got your name wrong rodrigo
      apologies for error, was thinking about jose mourinho lol

    2. Hi.
      I understood the problem but it never happened to me, so I don’t know how to do it. Are you sure he deleted a couple of messages from his PSN or XBox account ?

      1. thanks for your help. yes the normal ps3 messages have been deleted.
        we have been using the message function inside ultimate team a lot. The one were you press start in the menu and you see a list of your friends show up. Then you get an option to send message. These messages are appearing in the alerts/news section within FIFA, but not in the normal PS3 inbox. We were wondering whether they are causing the problem but we are unsure how to delete them?

  28. HELP I’ve spent on items in catalogue ie future stars but I want to re start again is there any way I can reset my catalogue???

    1. I’ve deleted all the game out of my system but when it re installs it puts back in I’ve spent on them can I delete my fifa 14 catalogue to re start want all the fifa 14 stats wiped so can start fresh

    1. Easy. First make sure you have added them to your friend list.
      Then, place on the market the card you want to send. Set a high price to avoid someone buy it. Give the details of your card to your friend. He just need to find that card on the market, using the filters and click on ‘Transfer Offer’. You will accept his offer (a bronze card, for example) and that’s it. In this way no one pay taxes. Your friend should check the name of your PSN ID / Gamer Tag to be sure that it is your card.

  29. Why can’t I redeem a gift from a friend? Example He bought me a Financial Takeover item and I didn’t get it.

  30. if I have redeemed a seasons win in the catalogue, can a friend gift me the exact seasons win I bought back to me so I get 2 of them, because I got gifted the same lvl4 seasons win I redeemed earlier and I cant get it or it hasn’t registered, any help will be appreciated.

    1. Hi!
      Our focus is Ultimate Team but we can say to you that you may get a EAS FC catalogue item only once, no matter if you bought it or if it was offered to you.
      You can buy a item more than once but you can only get it to you once.

  31. Hey guys.

    Im looking for somebody whos got easfc lvl 83 and higher(xbox360) to share with me +20 trade pile achievement(its available when uve got lvl 83). I’ll pay u 25k fut coins for that favour:) Contact me on xbox or mail if u want to help.

    My gamertag: Graflolz00rd
    My email: [email protected]


  32. I have the Android version of the game, and even though it says “levelled up” I cannot see any catalogue, or any prizes. Can you help me out?

    1. Hi Stevie
      The catalogue doesn’t exist in android version. Its just for PC and consoles.

  33. i just logged in and it was changed suddenly ?!!!

    I just want to thank you for all the effort you are doing..and for your support.

    Best Regards,

  34. To where shall I send the screenshot?

    But anyway..when u load the game in PS3 and entering ultimate team

    U have one logo in the top left (where indicates the coins,Fifa Points and Record)

    and at the top right you have another logo and beside it (the level count and the coins you use in the catalogue)
    like in my situation its written 37 4561/6500 XP – 41280 coin

    My left logo is MAN City and right logo FCB (which i want to change)

    I think it should be changed from the catalogue ..but couldn’t find where..


    1. OK, now I understood.
      The top right logo is from ‘Support your Club’.
      Press square to go to EAS FC. Scroll down to support your club, then press X then press Square change your club. You only have 3 club changes

  35. I already changed both..but it still there..to be precisely ,

    The one am asking for..When you log in to webapp,You see the logo on the upper right corner,between the word “Forums” and “the account id and the level indication”

    The one on the right (beside the word FIFA14 ultimate team and the establishment date of the account ) has been changed.


    1. Something strange. My FUT Web App doesn’t have any ‘forum’ or ‘account id’. Can you send us a screenshot ?

  36. Hi Rodrigo,

    Is there a way to change the club logo..the one created the first time?

    i changed the logo from club support (down to the left) but the one first created still there.

    Every time i play a match..it appears beside the feeds.

    Thanking you in adavnce

    1. Hi again.
      One thing is the logo of ‘support your team’. The other one is the logo from Ultimate Team. When you begin a UT match the logo you see is from your UT club. To change it you need to go to ‘My Club’ – ‘Club Items’ – select a different badge and click ‘Make it active’. If you don’t have any other badge there, buy one on the market transfer.

  37. I have the android version of the game. Not the android app linked to a consol or pc game but the actual fifa 14 game on android. When I level up It says new items unlocked in the catalogue but I can’t for the life of me find the catalogue! I cam access EAS FC but theres no catalogue! If anyone can help id really appreciate it as it’s driving me crazy!

  38. I’ve read some of the questions and answers in this section of the article, ive been following this page since i started fifa 13 UT, i just want to say thank you for a great an resourcefull page.

    And thank you for pay atention of all the questions no matter how simple they are.

    Great work!

      1. Hi don’t know if this is a problem when I play ut am only getting 400 coins and 85 xp does that seem right if not what can I do to fix it thanks

  39. Hey Rodrigo, thanks for the site.

    Firstly, I just wanted to mention in relation to an earlier comment that I can confirm that items such as balls and uniforms redeemed in EAS FC Catalogue become immediately available in FUT.

    Secondly, I was wondering if the staff modifier for contracts affects the 99 contract redeemable item? I haven’t tried yet, since I want to be sparing with the 99 contract item since there are so few.

    1. Thank you Sean.
      It is wonderfull when the community help us in this way. We didn’t know that items such as balls and uniforms redeemed in EAS FC Catalogue become immediately available in FUT. It is something new to us. Thank you. We will try to update the article when we get some time available.
      About your second question: managers don’t affect the 99 contract redeemable item in the same way they don’t affect when you apply a contract card which gives to your player more than 99 contracts or in the same way the staff modifier effect exceeds the 99 contracts. 99 is the limit. We will add this question to FAQ section too. It is a good question.

  40. I need help.I send a gift to a friend .a level 13 gift.his in level 9 . I.cnt redeem it again thought to myself .why?

  41. Please help ! I`m in div 6 with only 2 matches left to play and 13 points .. I`ve just bought some season wins from the catalogue but i don`t know how to redeem them … I went back to FUT and the situation was the same .. still 13 points .. please help !

    1. Hi.
      You bought a item form Seasons mode, not for Ultimate Team mode. It doesn’t work for FUT 14.
      The items for Ultimate Team are the ones that we explain in this guide. The other items are for another game modes.

  42. Thanks so much for the info!I was starting to wonder where the coin rewards boost had gone.Keep up the goodwork!

  43. hello,my game level is 39 but i can’t find any game boosts in my EAS FC Catalogue can u please tell me why?

    1. Noboby can.
      We explain why in the FAQ section of this article:
      “Q: I can not find the FUT coins reward boost. Why ?
      A: FUT Coin Reward Boosts have been temporarily disabled in the EAS FC Catalogue while EA Sports investigate an issue that affects the FUT economy.”

  44. Raul Civiski

    You are not going to talk about the uniforms ? I tought that the classic uniforms were one the most funny changes in this FUT version

    1. Raul Civiski

      But when you buy the classic uniforms they becomes avaliable in your Ultimate Team, at least with me worked like this. Even with the balls happens the same

      1. That’s new for us but we will take a look. We only analyse the items of Ultimate Team filter and that one isn’t there.

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