If you really plan to build the best FUT 14 team possible, you cannot forget to hire some staff for your club. Why? We will show you why in our FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff Guide.
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Learn everything about FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff in our complete guide.
Short cut
- October 1st 2013
Added the complete lists of managers, coaches and physios.
Introduction to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff
In FUT 14, the strengthening of the technical team is made by purchasing staff’s cards. The role of these cards is to boost the effect of consumables cards
Here are the five categories of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff Cards:
- Managers
- Head Coaches
- Goalkeeper Coaches
- Fitness Coaches
- Physios
You can use the transfer market to buy staff cards
In a very general way, we can say that managers increase the effect of the contract cards, that head coaches increase the effect of the players’ training cards, that goalkeeper coaches increase the effect of the goalkeepers’ training cards, fitness coaches increase the effect of the fitness cards and physios increase the effect of the healing cards.
For this reason, it may be a good option to bet on a good and large technical staff when setting up your club.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Managers
Managers’ Role
The manager’s role is the more complex within the staff category. These cards have two basic functions:
- Contribute to the individual player chemistry;
- Help to extend the player’s contracts.
First of all, every team should have, at least, one manager. He contributes to the individual chemistry by his nationality and his league. A manager can give one extra chemistry point to a player if he has the same nationality or league. He cannot give more than one point to each player even if he has the same nationality AND league. Each manager comes with one league but you can change it whenever you want by applying a league card.
Your clubs managers affect the players’ contracts in a positive manner. Each manager’s card shows the percentage bonus in contracts that the manager provides.
By applying a contract card, its effect is multiplied by the sum of the managers’ coefficients that the club has. For more managers that you have, the sum of these coefficients can never be higher than 50%.
The only manager that needs contracts in order to help his team, is the one that sits on the bench.
The managers contribute to boost the contract card effect with a bonus between 1% and 3%. This value is stated on the manager card, such as his nationality, his league and his number of contracts.
If the five managers in the image above are in your staff, you will get a bonus of 13% when you apply a contract card. In this case, and following the example of the image below, if you have a gold player with 7 contracts and you apply him a gold contract card with 13 contracts, then you will receive a bonus of 1 contract (7 + 13 x 1.13 = 21).
Managers’ Cards
GOLD | RARE | 3% |
NORMAL | 1% | |
SILVER | RARE | 2% |
NORMAL | 0% | |
BRONZE | RARE | 1% |
NORMAL | 0% |
To know the effect that managers have on the individual chemistry, please see our FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide.
Which Managers should we buy ?
The first question that should be asked is: should we buy Managers? For us the answer is yes. In the long run they can make us save many thousands of coins. The exception are those managers that don’t increase the effect of contract cards. The purchasing of managers is only disapproved for those players who do not think they will play more than 100 FUT 14 matches. In such cases, the investment in the managers’ cards may be higher than what they earn with them.
The second question is: what managers should we buy? Basically we should buy enough to reach the 50% effect at the lowest possible price, regardless of their nationality, their league and their number of contracts.
It is here that we need to do math. For this purpose, it makes no sense to buy, for example, Mourinho and Joachim Low because these two managers cost several thousands of coins that can be used to purchase a higher number of other gold managers that will boost more contracts. Check if there is silver rare managers, for example, cheaper than gold non-rare managers.
Among these managers we should have one that has the same league and the same nationality of the most players of our starting eleven.
Managers Complete List
To see all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Managers, click HERE.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Head Coaches
Head Coaches’ Role
The head coaches are responsible for the development of players’ technical attributes. Each coach’s card shows, in addition to the attribute name, the bonus percentage which this coach provides.
By applying a player’s training card, its effect is multiplied by the sum of the coaches’ coefficients that the club has. If you gather all the coach cards of a specific attribute, when you apply the corresponding training card, you will get a 50% bonus.
Each Head Coaches contributes to boost the training card effect with a bonus between 5% and 15%. This value is written in the head coach card.
If you have the five head coaches of the image above, you will get a bonus of 30% when you apply a pace training card. In this case, and following the example of the image below, if you have a player with pace 92 and you apply him a pace training card +10, then you will receive a bonus of 3 points (92 + 10 x 1.35 > 99). The maths for other attributes training cards are exactly the same.
Head Coaches Cards
GOLD | RARE | 15% |
NORMAL | 10% | |
SILVER | RARE | 10% |
NORMAL | 5% | |
BRONZE | RARE | 5% |
NORMAL | 5% |
Which Head Coaches Should We Buy ?
The first question that should be asked is: should we buy Head Coaches? We don’t think so. They only have value to those who use training cards. The often use of this kind of consumable is too expensive because they expire after one match.
For the gamers that improve the players attributes in the most important times, such as tournaments finals, hiring all head coaches for a specific attribute means a bonus of 50% on the training card. For these players, our advice is to not buy the rare silver cards because their prices are ridiculously expensive for the 10% that they represent.
Head Coaches Complete List
To see all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Head Coaches, click HERE.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Goalkeeper Coaches
Goalkeeper Coaches’ Role
The goalkeeper coaches are responsible for the development of goalkeepers’ technical attributes. Each goalkeeper coach’s card shows, in addition to the attribute name, the bonus percentage which this coach provides.
By applying a goalkeeper’s training card, its effect is multiplied by the sum of the goalkeeper coaches’ coefficients that the club has. If you gather all the goalkeeper coaches’ cards of a specific attribute, when you apply the corresponding training card, you will get a 50% bonus.
Each Goalkeeper Coach contributes to boost the training card effect with a bonus between 5% and 15%. This value is written in the goalkeeper coach card.
If you have the five goalkeeper coaches of the image above, you will get a bonus of 30% when you apply a diving training card. In this case, and following the example of the image below, if you have a goalkeeper with reflexes 90, and you apply him a diving training card +10, you will receive a bonus of 3 points (90 + 10 x 1.30 > 99). The maths for other attributes training cards are exactly the same.
Goalkeeper Coaches Cards
GOLD | RARE | 15% |
NORMAL | 10% | |
SILVER | RARE | 10% |
NORMAL | 5% | |
BRONZE | RARE | 5% |
NORMAL | 5% |
Which Goalkeepers Coaches Should we buy ?
The first question that should be asked is: should we buy Goalkeepers Coaches? We don’t think so. They only have value to those who use training cards. The often use of this kind of consumable is too expensive because they expire after one match.
For the gamers that improve the goalkeepers attributes in the most important times, such as tournaments finals, hiring all goalkeepers coaches for a specific attribute means a bonus of 50% on the training card. For these players, our advice is to not buy the rare silver cards because their prices are too expensive for the 10% that they represent.
Goalkeeper Coaches Complete List
To see all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team GK Coaches, click HERE.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Fitness Coaches
Fitness Coaches’ Role
The role of a fitness coach is to help players to recover the desired physical conditions. Any fitness coach’s card has written the bonus percentage to the player’s physical condition. By applying a fitness card, the number of points that will benefit the player is multiplied by the sum of the coefficients of all the fitness coaches that the club own.
For more fitness coaches that you have, the sum of these coefficients can never be higher than 50%
Each Fitness Coach contributes to boost the training card effect with a bonus between 1% and 5%. This value is written in the fitness coach card.
If you have the five fitness coaches of the image above, you will get a bonus of 18% when you apply a fitness card for the whole squad or just to one player. In this case, and following the example of the image below, if you have a player with fitness 70, and you apply him a fitness card +20, you will receive a bonus of 4 points (70 + 20 x 1.18 = 94).
Fitness Coaches Cards
RARE | 5% | |
NORMAL | 3% | |
SILVER | RARE | 3% |
NORMAL | 2% | |
BRONZE | RARE | 2% |
NORMAL | 1% |
Which Fitness Coaches should we buy ?
The first question that should be asked is: should we buy Fitness Coaches? We don’t think so. They only have value to those who use fitness cards. The often use of this kind of consumable is too expensive because they expire after one match. Having a squad rotation is a better option.
For those who intensively use fitness cards, we recommend the purchase of fitness coaches, especially the gold rare cards because they are best value for money.
Fitness Coaches Complete List
To see all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Fitness Coaches, click HERE.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Physios
Physios’ Role
Owning one or more physios in your club gives you the chance to speed up the recovery of your injured players. Similarly to the head coaches and the players’ training cards, to the goalkeeper coaches and the goalkeepers’ training cards, and to the fitness coaches and the fitness cards, physios also boost the healing cards effect.
By applying a healing card, its effect is multiplied by the sum of all the physios’ coefficients specialists in that injury that your club own.
If you gather all the physios’ cards of a specific injury, when you apply the corresponding healing card, you will get a 50% bonus.
Each Physio contributes to boost the healing card effect with a bonus between 5% and 15%. This value is written in the physio card.
If you have the five physios of the image above, you will get a bonus of 10% when you apply any healing card of this kind. For example, if you have a injuried player on the back out for 4 matches, and you apply him a healing card +2 for all injuries, the player will be out for two matches (4 – 2 x 1,10 = 2). It means that it is useless to have physios in your team that provide less than 20% effect.
Physios Cards
GOLD | RARE | 15% |
NORMAL | 10% | |
SILVER | RARE | 10% |
NORMAL | 5% | |
BRONZE | RARE | 5% |
NORMAL | 5% |
Which physios should we buy ?
The first question that should be asked is: should we buy Physios? We don’t think so. They only have value to those who use healing cards. The often use of this kind of consumable is too expensive because they expire after one match. Having a squad rotation is a better option.
For those who intensively use healing cards, we recommend the purchase of physios, especially the gold rare cards because they are best value for money.
Physios Complete List
To see all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Physios, click HERE.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How many staff cards can I own in my club ?
A: The only limit is that you can’t have a duplicate card.
Q: What should I do in order for the staff take effect ?
A: Nothing. You just need to hire them and store them on your club.
Q: There is any limit to the staff effect ?
A: Yes. Usually 50%.
Q: Where can I see how my staff affects training and development cards ?
A: You can go to Active Squad – Apply Consumables and then select the consumable card which you want to know the staff effect of.
Q: How can I buy Staff cards ?
A: In the transfer market, using the filter staff, or in packs.
Q: Where can I find the staff that I have hired ?
A: In My Club.
Q: The head coaches also affects the all training cards or just the specific training cards ?
A: Both. The same happens to GK coaches, fitness coaches and physios.
Q: Can I change the league of a manager ?
A: Yes. Just apply him a league card.
Q: Can I change the nationality of a manager ?
A: No.
Q: What is the difference of having a gold manager or a bronze manager ?
A: To the chemistry, gold managers are as valuable as silver or bronze ones. The only difference is about the contract percentage boost.
Q: Do I need contracts for the staff of my club ?
A: Only the managers that sit on the bench. The others that are stored on your club don’t need contracts.
Q: Can I choose to have no staff at my club ?
A: Yes. However, it is highly recommended to have at least one manager to put on the bench.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff List
There are lot of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Staff cards. We will help you to find the right ones to you.
Managers List
In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are 163 managers: 19 bronze, 92 silver and 52 gold. Check out the full list of managers sorted by their nationality, to make it easier the search for the manager who most contributes to the chemistry of our players.
Name | Category | Rating | Contracts Boost |
Argentina | |||
Carlos Bianchi | Gold | 77 | 1% |
Jorge Almiron | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Mauricio Pochettino | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Omar Asad | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
C. Bernegger | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
C. Bustos | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Australia | |||
Alistair Edwards | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Ange Postecoglou | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Frank Farina | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Gary van Egmond | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Graham Arnold | Silver | 66 | 0% |
John Aloisi | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Tony Popovic | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Austria | |||
Heimo Pfeifenberger | Bronze Rare | 63 | 1% |
A. Hutter | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
M. Angerschm | Bronze Rare | 63 | 1% |
Z. Barisic | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Belgium | |||
Ariel Jacobs | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Felice Mazzu | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Francky Dury | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Frederik Vanderbiest | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Glen De Boeck | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Harm Van Veldhoven | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Hein Vanhaezebrouck | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Lorenzo Staelens | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Peter Maes | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Ronny Van Geneugden | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Vincenzo Scifo | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Brazil | |||
Ricardo Antonio Ferretti Oliveira | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Chile | |||
Jorge Pellicer | Silver | 68 | 0% |
Manuel Pellegrini | Gold Rare | 87 | 3% |
Marco Antonio Figueroa | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
E. Astorga | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Colombia | |||
Hernan Torres | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Juan Carlos Osorio | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Leonel Alvarez | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
A. Gamero | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Czech Republic | |||
P. Hapal | Bronze Rare | 63 | 1% |
Denmark | |||
Kasper Hjulmand | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Kent Nielsen | Silver | 68 | 0% |
Lars Sondergaard | Bronze Rare | 64 | 1% |
Michael Laudrup | Gold | 80 | 3% |
Morten Olsen | Gold | 78 | 1% |
England | |||
Alan Pardew | Gold Rare | 81 | 3% |
Brian Deane | Bronze Rare | 64 | 1% |
Colin Todd | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Ian Baraclough | Bronze | 63 | 0% |
Ian Holloway | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Sam Allardyce | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Steve Bruce | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Stuart Baxter | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Terry Butcher | Silver | 65 | 0% |
France | |||
Arsene Wenger | Gold Rare | 84 | 3% |
Laurent Roussey | Bronze Rare | 64 | 1% |
Germany | |||
Joachim Low | Gold Rare | 88 | 3% |
Michael Skibbe | Silver | 70 | 0% |
R. Schmidt | Silver Rare | 72 | 1% |
Greece | |||
G Anastasiou | Silver Rare | 72 | 1% |
Israel | |||
Guy Luzon | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Italy | |||
Andrea Mandorlini | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Francesco Guidolin | Gold | 80 | 1% |
Giuseppe Sannino | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Luciano Spalletti | Gold Rare | 82 | 3% |
Massimiliano Allegri | Gold Rare | 83 | 3% |
Paolo Di Canio | Gold | 79 | 1% |
Vincenzo Montella | Gold Rare | 84 | 3% |
Mexico | |||
Benjamin Galindo | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Gabriel Caballero | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Guillermo Vazquez | Silver Rare | 73 | 2% |
Ignacio Ambriz | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Juan Antonio Luna | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Manuel Lapuente | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Sergio Bueno | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Victor Manuel Vucetich | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Netherlands | |||
Alex Pastoor | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Erwin Koeman | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Foeke Booy | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Frank de Boer | Gold | 79 | 1% |
Gertjan Verbeek | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Huub Stevens | Gold | 76 | 1% |
Jan de Jonge | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Jan Wouters | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
John van den Brom | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Marco van Basten | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Mario Been | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Martin Jol | Gold Rare | 81 | 3% |
Maurice Steijn | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Michel Jansen | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Peter Bosz | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Phillip Cocu | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Ron Jans | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Ronald Koeman | Gold | 76 | 1% |
Ruud Brood | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Stanley Menzo | Silver | 68 | 0% |
D. Lodeweges | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Northern Ireland | |||
Brendan Rodgers | Gold Rare | 83 | 3% |
Michael O’Neill | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Neil Lennon | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Tommy Wright | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Norway | |||
Kjetil Rekdal | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Per Joar Hansen | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Per-Mathias Hogmo | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Paraguay | |||
Jose Saturnino Cardozo | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Poland | |||
Franciszek Smuda | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Jan Urban | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Portugal | |||
Fernando Manuel F. da Costa Santos | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Jose Albano Ferreira da Mota | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Jose Mario dos Santos Mourinho | Gold Rare | 86 | 3% |
Manuel Jesualdo Ferreira | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Manuel Machado | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Nuno Herlander Espirito Santo | Silver Rare | 73 | 2% |
Paulo Jorge Gomes Bento | Gold Rare | 85 | 3% |
Rui Carlos Pinho da Vitoria | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Sergio Paulo da Conceicao | Silver Rare | 72 | 2% |
Republic of Ireland | |||
Chris Hughton | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Liam Buckley | Bronze | 62 | 0% |
Mick Cooke | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Pat Fenlon | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Stephen Kenny | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Trevor Croly | Bronze | 63 | 0% |
Romania | |||
Dan Petrescu | Gold | 77 | 1% |
Russia | |||
Kurban Berdyev | Gold | 77 | 1% |
Leonid Slutskiy | Gold | 80 | 1% |
Stanislav Cherchesov | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Valeriy Karpin | Gold | 80 | 1% |
Y. Krasnozhan | Silver Rare | 72 | 1% |
Scotland | |||
Alan Archibald | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Allan Johnston | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Danny Lennon | Silver | 67 | 0% |
David Moyes | Gold Rare | 86 | 3% |
Derek Adams | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Derek McInnes | Silver | 68 | 0% |
Ernie Merrick | Silver | 65 | 0% |
Gary Locke | Bronze Rare | 64 | 1% |
Gordon Strachan | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Jackie McNamara | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Malky Mackay | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Paul Lambert | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Steve Clarke | Gold | 79 | 1% |
Stuart McCall | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Stuart Taylor | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
A. McCoist | Bronze | 60 | 0% |
Serbia | |||
Nebojsa Gudelj | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Slovenia | |||
Darko Milanic | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Spain | |||
Josep Gombau Balague | Silver | 66 | 0% |
Juan Carlos Garrido | Gold | 75 | 1% |
Roberto Martinez | Gold Rare | 81 | 3% |
Victor Fernandez | Silver Rare | 73 | 2% |
Sweden | |||
Andreas Alm | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Jorgen Lennartsson | Silver | 71 | 0% |
Kjell Jonevret | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Magnus Haglund | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Mikael Stahre | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Nanne Bergstrand | Silver | 67 | 0% |
Peter Gerhardsson | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Rikard Norling | Silver | 70 | 0% |
Switzerland | |||
M. Decastel | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Marcel Koller | Gold | 78 | 1% |
Murat Yakin | Silver Rare | 74 | 2% |
Turkey | |||
Abdullah Avci | Gold Rare | 82 | 3% |
Fatih Terim | Gold Rare | 82 | 3% |
Ukraine | |||
Yuriy Kalitvintsev | Silver | 69 | 0% |
Martin Lasarte | Silver | 68 | 0% |
Wilson Graniolatti | Silver Rare | 71 | 2% |
Wales | |||
C. Coleman | Gold Rare | 81 | 3% |
Mark Hughes | Gold | 79 | 1% |
Head Coaches List
In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are 36 head coaches: 12 bronze, 12 silver and 12 gold. Check out the full list of head coaches sorted by their category.
GOLD | |||
Defending | J. Maxwell | S. Kitchen | |
Dribbling | G. Ivancic | M. Perrotti | |
Heading | J. Cerny | A. Veysey | |
Pace | I. Griffith | D. Pan | |
Passing | S. Bodak | P. Yashin | |
Shooting | D. Barker | P. Astin | |
SILVER | |||
Defending | G. Wellings | H. Ekstrom | |
Dribbling | C. Smith | S. Andersson | |
Heading | P. Wadhams | D. Gelsbrecht | |
Pace | P. Pannu | P. Blecowe | |
Passing | M. Rowley | D. Doherty | |
Shooting | N. ustinov | G. Hoffman | |
BRONZE | |||
Defending | M. Daish | H. Browse | |
Dribbling | C. Santiago | M. Inglemarr | |
Heading | D. Borrowski | J. Wang | |
Pace | G. Pirola | C. Facett | |
Passing | M. Gustaffson | J. Siggins | |
Shooting | L. Lorn | R. Archibald |
In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are 36 GK coaches: 12 bronze, 12 silver and 12 gold. Check out the full list of Goalkeeper coaches sorted by their category.
GOLD | |||
Diving | T. Reid | A. Van Dijk | |
Handling | A. Rolfe | B. Larsen | |
Kicking | S. Rempel | N. Garis | |
Positioning | M. Leighton | D. Tioseco | |
Reflexes | M. Ridlen | P. Stockdale | |
Speed | C. Sawatsky | S. Spinkter | |
SILVER | |||
Diving | M. Perry | H. Mittelstaedt | |
Handling | D. Holme | M. David | |
Kicking | M. Dittmar | T. Morrison | |
Positioning | M. Sakiani | V. Pang | |
Reflexes | D. Bramall | V. Neville | |
Speed | E. Kronner | X. Parker | |
BRONZE | |||
Diving | S. Subramania | G. Yuen | |
Handling | D. Smith | I. Japuncic | |
Kicking | M. Dimpler | E. Klammer | |
Positioning | J. Tortorello | D. Goetzke | |
Reflexes | D. Gustafo | G. Voros | |
Speed | W. Fedranko | A. Rodrigues |
Fitness Coaches List
In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are 36 fitness coaches: 12 bronze, 12 silver and 12 gold. Check out the full list of fitness coaches sorted by their category.
A. Neufeld | A. Adams | C. Belle | A. Dacosta | C. Tenhaaf | A. Bachmann |
D. Graff | F. Tsang | C. Evans | B. Kuhn | D. Sawel | F. Baratta |
E. Lee | L. Sakiani | D. Edmondson | D. Klassen | D. Vanderwolf | L. Stewart |
J. Baerg | S. Koo | M. Warkentin | F. Dickenson | E. Finlay | R. Backgaard |
M. Arneill | S. Thomson | T. Dutzi | J. Erickson | J. Bornn | S. Chang |
R. Lehman | T. Shepherd | T. Palmer | J. Forsyth | S. Yeo | T. Behl |
Physios List
In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are 42 physios coaches: 14 bronze, 14 silver and 14 gold. Check out the full list of physios sorted by their category.
GOLD | |||
Arm | S. Slanski | V. Jackson | |
Back | D. Schneider | D. Bowen | |
Foot | T. Lee | J. Kalinski | |
Head | L. De Goosman | J. Newton | |
Knee | M. Cree | J. McCarthy | |
Leg | Y. Blais | B. Kilford | |
Upper Body | D. Crowe | C. McKee | |
SILVER | |||
Arm | P. Newbury | R. Cho | |
Back | M. Chen | Y. Santos | |
Foot | S. Pang | Y. Tomas | |
Head | M. Pressley | A. Outing | |
Knee | P. Beetham | S. Bissel | |
Leg | M. Hood | H. Dent | |
Upper Body | A. Patient | L. Carluccio | |
BRONZE | |||
Arm | J. Bradford | D. Colomb | |
Back | I. Yeung | D. Yoo | |
Foot | C. Ramsey | S. Parkin | |
Head | C. Bailey | J. Farr | |
Knee | L. Hazell | N. Pandev | |
Leg | R. Fletcher | S. Gardner | |
Upper Body | C. Berry | P. Jones |
How to increase the players stats permanently? I just saw some of the player’s stats in the transfer market look very different, it seems increasing with a dark brown card. I dont know how they make it into dark brown card. I thought gold type is the highest one.
We will publish a great guide very soon that explains it very well.
Until there, you can take a look to this.
does the player have to be injured in order for the coaches to be used
, and how do I put the team fitness coaches to use
As you do with any other staff, you just need to store them in your club.
Head coaches and fitness coaches have nothing to do with injured players. Physios do.
When you a player a fitness card (team or player) the fitness coaches you have stored in your club, will affect the bonuses the team or the player gets.
Hi Rodrigo…i aprreciate very much your work and i hope you can help me…my question is:
what happening if i buy managers from the same nation?
for example from Spain: Roberto Martinez 3% and Victor Fernandez 2 %….i will get 5 %???
i read a lot of questions and i not see nothing about this. i have to buy a lot of managers to try to make closer to 50 %, but can i buy also from the same nation, same league???
thank you and have a nice day 🙂
Thank you very much.
You can do it. The nation and the league of a manager is only important to the players’ chemistry.
Every manager will give you contract bonus no matter which nationality they are.
how can i use staff in fifa 14 android???
You just need to store them in your club.
Hi Rodrigo. I have a problem…at the beginning of the page where you discribe managers you talk about 3% contracts but when I play FUT and search for managers all of them have negotiation 3%. Is that the same thing? Thank you very much
Yes, it is the same thing.
Hi rodrigo I have squad rotatation method play 2 games then switch teams is there a need for fitness coaches also I have never bought an attribute’s for a player but I have every head coach do I need to have them if I dont buy attribute cards. Ty gr8 site really helped me understand fut just want clarification from yourself.
Great question.
If you do not use training cards, ther is no point to have head coaches.
In the same way, fitness coaches only help to boost fitness cards.
Ty keep up de gr8 wrk not as if Ea wil help
I cannot find Neil Lennon on ultimate team please help
Yes, we are not finding him too.
Okay, can anyone please answer quick.. how can I use my club consumables. specifically staff because I have duplicates!
Staff is not a consumable. How to use them ? Just store on your club.
If you have a duplicated staff card you need to send one to the transfer list or discard it.
hi i want to know if my players contract expire how can i renew them?
It’s easy. Just go to your active squad menu, click on your player and select ‘apply consumable’. Then you just need to apply the contract card to him.
Hi Rodrigo,
a quick question. When using the manager league cards, do they change the the league of the manager permanently or just for a time?
Permanently. Until you apply another manager league card.
Thank you so much for the great website, I am a big fan from Saudi Arabia. I’ve been a call of duty addict since COD 3, but now I got really bored and switched back to FIFA. I remember playing FIFA when it first was on PC like ages ago. I am 28 so… Anyways, I have a quick question regarding the managers “i only found managers with “Negotiations +1,+2, +3” I couldun’t find ones with “Contracts +1, +2, +3) I am just wondering if Negotiations and Contracts are interchangeable.
HI. Nice to meet you. You are thinking well: negotiations and contracts are the same thing.
hi i have the manager spalletti and when i give my RB, Abate, a 13 match contract, it doesn’t give me extra contract. please help! thank you
Spaletti gives 3%. 3% of 13 matches is something like 0.39. It less than one contract. You need to get more managers.
How do you you make players that aren’t, active? Also, how do you renew contracts? This is for IOS. I have been trying to solve it for days. PLEASE HELP
You haven’t submitted all the head bronze head coaches here as they are 17-18 in reality and you posted only 12 names. is that the same with silver and gold ones too?
Are you sure about that. We think you may be wrong. We have check it again and did not find any new head coach. Can you give us names, please ?
I’m playing fifa 14 on my android phone, was wondering if the list here differs from the android version. I noted that i can’t find Massimiliano Allegri and Abdullah Avci in android version.
Sorry but we haven’t tested it. We know that mobile DB is different from console DB but we thought that FIFA 14 for android and for iOS shared the same DB. Maybe you are right, we don’t know.
can’t apply contracts no consumables I have player contracts but not for managers need help
Hi Ricardo.
Just go to Transfer – Transfer Market – Consumables Search – Contracts. There you have players and managers contracts.
Hi Rodrigo,Nice Info Here.One Question,In Ultimate team Player’s condition is getting very poor and poor.How to improve condition?
Condition = Fitness, right ?
You need to give a rest to your players. Place them on the bench or on the reserves every 3-4 matches and you will see how easy is to keep their fitness 90+.
The condition and fitness are shown separately in details menu. I know how to improve the fitness but the condition is getting worse. Kindly Help me out. How can I improve the condition of my Players.
Sorry, but I don’t have ‘condition’ on my menu. Maybe we have different languages. I believe that it could be ‘injury’. In that case you can give him a rest (up to five matches) or apply him a healing card. Find more about it HERE.
Hi Rodrigo, nice work and useful info on here.
Quick question, what is the impact on managers and team if for eg. the manager is silver, and the starting 11 are all gold? Would it be better to have them the same all silver or all gold? I have found a manager with the same nationality, same league (more or less).
Hi. Thank you for your words.
The manager’s quality (gold, silver or bronze) doesn’t affect your team. It only matters if you want a bonus when applying contract cards.
Don’t forget that the managers also contribute to individual chemistries of the players with same nationality or same league. Know more HERE.
how do i apply a contract to my manager
You can do it on FUT Web App or on your console.
On FT Web App just go to your active squad menu, click over the manager and select ‘Apply Consumable’. Then, you just need to apply him a contract.
I have found 4 managers not on the list and I am still searching for 16 on the list it seems not all are in game , if you would like the 4 extra i’ve found let me know
It is hard to find all the managers and there are a couple, like the Brazilian one, that it is not on the game yet.
About the four managers, can you please tell us who they are ?
Thank you very much
Of course they are
Z. Barisic Austria silver A. Budesliga
R. Schmidt Germany Silver Rare A. Bundesliga
G Anastasiou Greece Silver Rare Hellas league
Y. Krasnozhan Russia Silver Rare Russia league 1
I have 299 staff now I think there may be 300 or may just be the missing Brazilian
Thank you very much. We already have updated.
I find this site very helpful. Thanks for your hard work.
Here is my question. I have several squads. Full german bundesliga squad, non spanish BBVA squad, full brazil squad from all over the world. For all three of my squads the chemistry is 100. WHat difference does the manager make in this case? I dont see a difference having a german bundesliga manager on my german squad, than having any other, chemistry is going to be 100 anyway. Is my team going to play better with a relevant manager eventhough chemistry is 100? If not, what is the feckin point of finding the relevant manager league card? 🙂
How scrpited do you think FIFA is in your honest opinion?
Oh, and Laudrup is a non-rare, as oppose to the spreadsheet in this article.
Appreciate your effort!
Hi David.
Thank you for your words.
The problem is that you are looking for team chemistry and forgetting the individual chemistry that is much more important. If you already have a team’s chemistry 100 and individual chemistry 10 for all your players, you don’t need a manager. Otherwise, he can give an extra individual chemistry point.
We explain this very well in our new Chemistry Guide. Check it HERE and feel free to ask us again for anything you need.
About the momentum, scripting or handicap I already give my opinion more than once. I know that there are many people that don’t agree with me, but I do not believe in handicap, scriptum, etc… I can not prove that it does not exist but nobody can prove that it exist. What’s the point to EA to have this ? It’s bad to them. They want to see people spending money on packs to get the best players.
Thank you for allerting us about Laudrup.
Can you get Neil Lennon the Celtic manager on the ultimate team if you can. How do you get him can you email me please
Neil Lennon is a gold non-rare managers that bost contracts cards in 1%. You can go to transfer market – staff and buy him.
Hi Rodrigo, I have a question for you, I have built a Brazilian team and there is no Brazil managers at all, not one which is poor by EA, so what do I do about a manager ???
Hi David! Nice to meet you.
Brazilian gamers are getting very upset with EA Sports because of it. First they will have to pay to Sony the most expensive PS4 of the world (something like 1500 US$). They also want to build a Brazilian squad and there is no Brazil manager in the game.
There is one Brazilian manager in FUT 14 database but he isn’t being released in cards.
If you are making a Brazilian team with players of the same league it isn’t a problem. If not, your chemistry will be harmed. Try to buy a manager (or apply a league card) with the same league of most of your players.
i have the same problem….i use a chilean manager pellegrini and put a bpl league card on him…and i have oscar, fernandinho, ramires, paulinho, willian, rafael, coutinho and david luiz….not sure why EA would want to alienate all the brazillian FUT players and brazillian fans like myself (im canadian)……WAKE UP EA THIS IS BULLSH*T ……put some brazillian managers in there AND NOT JUST ONE EITHER 5 or 6 of them….NOW!!!! …..i was using ramalho in FUT 13
Hi again whats the best managers to get to 50% staff modifier (i mean best by price)
Every rare gold manager you get for under 450 coins is a good deal. Right now it is easy to get 7 or 8 of these managers, which means 21-24%. Then, you can try to find rare bronze managers by 150 coins. It is easy too. Silver rare are usually more expensive.
Do u think i should get non rare gold managers as well ciz they go 4 150 coin
Absolutely !
I don’t know if you believe but yesterday when I went to sleep I was thinking that I forgot to talk about the non rare managers.
You should buy all gold non-rare managers you get up to 200 coins each. Forget the silver and bronze non-rare since they don’t boost contracts.
We are almost sure that it is possible to get the 50% by 10k coins which means getting each 1% by 200 coins.
Do managers influence the team rating at all? Because if I get someone like Mourinho, I would rather sell him for profit and get 3 bronze managers to increase my contract bonus. If Mourinho does influence squad rating because he is gold, I should keep him though.
Thank you.
In previous FUT’s the category of the manager affected the squad chemistry. Not any more. It is exactly the same having a good or a bad manager in the bench. The important thing is to match their nationality and league with the start eleven players. Just it.
Thanks for the help. Just wanna say a real thank you for the help. Every time I have a small question I always get a reply within 24hours. So helpful I really thank you for taking the time to help fifa players !
Thank you.
It’s good to see our effort recognized.
Nice, I’ll have to go buy a bunch. I don’t often use fitness cards unless my rotations gone abit outta line. But it’s nice to have a bonus for when I do use them. I take it that the up to 50% bonus counts for all the coach cards, including managers ?
Yes. The boost limit is 50% for any staff.
Hey. I have bought all 5 fitness coaches and have 18% bonus, iv I keep buying other fitness coaches will my 18% bonus go up ??
Sure. Up to 50%.
Be aware that they only give you a bonus to fitness cards.
Hi, i have a 3% manager in my team now but my staff modifier is zero. But i also have a few staff in ‘my club’. how do i put them to use? i see that if u have one or more manager it will help increase players contracts but mine appears to be 0 for staff modifier. pls help
You don’t have to do nothing. Just store them in ‘my club‘, as you did.
Look at this pictures, please: https://staging.fifauteam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/A213-3.jpg
In this example, the staff modifier is “1 (13%)”. What is in yours ? Probably it is something like “0 (5%)”. It means that the staff thing is working but the percentage boost is not enough for the contract card you are trying to apply.
Give us feedback, please.
hey so i have the 0 and 5% how do i make it to 13 so that i use my manager 3% boost on contracts? i changed him to mls league becuase all of them are from mls and still 5% only no matter if the contract is gold silver or bronze
You need to buy more managers and store them in your club. If possible, try to reache 50%. Rare gold managers give you 3%, so find a couple of them by 300-350 coins. Just it…
Thank you so much , just wondering do you play on xbox or playstation .. and one last question does my chemistry get affected when i make substitutions ive heard it gets locked in at the start of the match not sure how true that is ? thank you for your time.
I play on PS4.
Yes, chemistry seems to be locked in th start of the match but it was not official confirmed.
Hi for me all the managers say negotiations instead of contracts is it the same thanks
Yes. It is exactly the same thing.