FIFA 15 Demo Guide – Release Date, Teams, Download and More

FIFA 15 Demo Guide - Release Date, Teams, Download and More


We know everything about the FIFA 15 Demo and we will share with you. It is time to know the FIFA 15 Demo release dates, teams, stadium, ratings, platforms, download instructions, screenshots, game modes and other useful details.



September 11th, 2014
[4am GTM] FIFA 15 demo is available now for PS4 in North America.

September 10th, 2014
[12pm GTM] FIFA 15 demo is available now for PS3 and PS4 in Europe.

September 9th, 2014
[8pm GTM] FIFA 15 demo is available now for PS3 in US.
[6pm GTM] FIFA 15 demo is available now for PC in Origin. Learn more about it here.
[8am GTM] Live Silver XBox gamers will be able to play the demo at September 16th
[2am GTM] FIFA 15 demo is available now for XBox One and XBox 360 on the Marketplace. The file has 3.07 Gb. Learn more about it here and here.

September 8th, 2014
Versions of FIFA 15 demo for Playstation 3 and XBox 360 consoles were officially confirmed.

August 24th, 2014
FIFA 15 Demo was also confirmed for Playstation 3 and XBox 360 consoles.


FIFA 15 Demo Release Date and Platforms


The FIFA 15 Demo will be released on September 9th, 2014.

The exactly FIFA 15 Demo release date depends of your region and your platform:

    September 9th, 2014 (Tuesday)
    – PC and Live Gold XBox gamers
    – North America Playstation gamers (7:30pm)
    September 10th, 2014 (Wednesday)
    – European Playstation gamers (5pm)
    September 16th, 2014 (Tuesday)
    – Live Silver XBox gamers


FIFA 15 Demo will be released for XBox 360, Playstation 3, PC, XBox One and Playstation 4.

Last year, FIFA 14 Demo was available on September 10th.


FIFA 15 Demo Game Modes


There are two game modes available in the FIFA 15 Demo: Kick-Off and Ultimate Team.

On Kick-Off mode, you can play in the Anfield Road, Liverpool, a 3 minutes halves “Match Day”. You can play alone or against a friend. Take to the pitch with some of the best clubs in the world. There are eight teams available to play. It is possible to send to EA Sports Football Club the goals scored on the demo.

On Ultimate Team mode, you can use a few sample teams to try out some of the squad’s you will be able to create on full game. Swap between the demo teams at any time using the squad selector. Experiment with different formations and line-ups to maximize chemistry and find the team that works best with your style. Single match is the only mode available into Ultimate Team in this demo. It is the second year that Ultimate Team mode makes part of the demo.

The FIFA 15 demo also has a menu that describes the new features of the game and another one that gives you the chance to buy the full game.


FIFA 15 Demo Guide - Release Date, Teams, Download and More


FIFA 15 Demo Teams


As we already said, there are eight teams on the FIFA 15 Demo. Let’s see who they are and what are their ratings.


Stars Attack Midfield Defence
Barcelona Spain 5 87 83 82
Boca Juniors Argentina 3,5 74 72 72
Borussia Dortmund Germany 5 79 80 82
Chelsea UK 5 82 82 81
Liverpool UK 4,5 79 79 78
Manchester City UK 5 84 84 80
Napoli Italy 4,5 80 80 76
Paris Saint-Germain France 5 84 79 80

FIFA 15 Demo Guide - Release Date, Teams, Download and More


How to Install FIFA 15 Demo


FIFA 15 Demo is only available for PC, XBox One, Playstation 4, XBox 360 and Playstation 3 gamers.

If you play on PC, you should go to this page and download the demo from there. If you haven’t find the demo on this page it is because it is not available yet. You will have to wait until de FIFA 15 release date.

If you usually play FIFA on a console, you should go to XBox Marketplace or PSN Store and look for the demo there. You just need to download, install and you will be ready to go.


This article will be updated as soon as more FIFA 15 Demo news are announced.


67 thoughts on “FIFA 15 Demo Guide – Release Date, Teams, Download and More”

  1. We’ll you said fifa 15 demo for ps will be released today at 7:30 but it dint so when is it coming

  2. Is Fifa 15 demo out in the US tonight on PlayStation 4? thanks for your info mate

    1. Why ? Because you probably are from Faroe Islands and Playstation store of Europe only update their catalogue at Wednesdays. You will have to wait one more day.

  3. I check on my playstation store and there is no fifa 15 demo. Will it come out tmrw on the 10th of September for ps3

  4. Wil the Fifa 15 demo be out on PlayStation 4 tomorrow mate? do you know? thanks for your info mate

  5. So is the Fifa 15 demo to tomorrow 9th of September fro the US and 10th of September for Europe ?

  6. Hey, Rodrigo, I dont actually have any quesions, but thanks for everything! i had about 15 questions before i saw this page. You are friggin awesome. thanks man!

  7. yo Rodrigo, i dont have any questions or anything… but like, youre really doing a great job! thanks for helping us out.

  8. Sean Dougherty

    Hello! Great article, very informative, thank you.
    I have a question. If I sell all of the players on my Ultimate Team now, will my coins transfer over to FIFA 15 FUT? Thank you!

  9. Hey do I still get to keep all my FUT players, my history such as: level, coins, and also my created pro. Oh! and do I need to re-unlock everything on my pro all over again? How about FUT. If I have a 5 star squad and I play vs a 3 star squad. Is my squad gonna play as bad as 3 star squad or worst? that’s my complain about FUT. It really sucks, because I’ve been buying fifa games since 1999, and the only games worth of buying were 10 and 12 version for the online accion. 99 and 2002 world cup had a lot of real good features. I’m not mad just unsatisfied.

  10. I would love to see legends on play station and I would love to get something good in packs and stop wasting my MONEY because I have been playing FIFA since fifa 09 and I have never hot and inform or not even a good card the best card I have ever got in all these fifa s has been David Silva in fifa14 it’s shit!!!

  11. Hi Rodrigo!
    Nice to see “old” guys like myself (born 1979) still plays video games, especially FIFA 🙂 🙂
    For PS4 (Europe area) players would it be possible to purchase game online from PSN on same day it comes out?

    1. Hi. You are from the same year of me. In our team we a few people older than us.
      Yes, the pre-order from PSN Europe has started last week. The game will be available for download in the release date. It is a bit more expensive, I think.

    1. We don’t have any information about Real Madrid in the demo. A few sources say that there are two extra teams: Real Madrid and Manchester United but we don’t know anything about it. If you look to the video of Gamescom, it is possible to check the name of these eight teams.

  12. Can I buy FIFA 15 points during the September 23 launch or should I buy my FIFA 14 points now and tranfer the points over?
    , Thank you for your response

    1. Last year, FIFA Points were not availavle to buy in the early access and probably in the first two days (don’t remember exactly).
      EA Sports already confirmed to us that FIFA Points carry over from FUT 14 to FUT 15 in a one-time transfer. If I was you I would buy them now.

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