A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide

Guia de Passagem para FIFA 15 Ultimate Team: irá manter as suas cartas, coins e FIFA Points ? Porque tem de começar de novo ? O que poderá manter ?


Welcome to our FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide. If you’re thinking about getting the new EA Sports FIFA game we recommend that you read this first. It is for those of you who are excited, worried or otherwise. What will be going on when you change to FIFA 15 Ultimate Team ? Well this is the guide that will give you answers. This has been put together so you avoid unpleasant surprises and unnecessary spending. Prepare yourself properly for the new FUT!


If you are looking for FIFA 16 Carryover details, please click here

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Introduction to the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide


We thought that creating a guide like this wouldn’t be really necessary since most players already know what they’ll be able to carry over to FUT 15. However, we started receiving several help requests concerning this theme. A lot of our followers have started playing FUT this year, so this is completely understandable. Even we ourselves have been in this position five years ago when we first started playing and looking for the same answers. We have been receiving these questions so frequently that we felt the need to look all over the internet and see if there are really that many people in the same situation… and yes there are. The bad thing is that amongst all the answers given by the most experienced players of the community, there are many, many inaccuracies and contradictions.

Whoever is familiar with us knows that we don’t like to leave the slightest questions unanswered. That is why we’ll be exploring everything there is to know about the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team carrying over: what you’ll keep from the previous game, what happens if you switch consoles, why you have to start from the bottom, what you need to do to switch to FUT 15 and how FIFA points transaction works. If your a FUT 14 regular gamer or fresh to the game, keep up with us as we clear things up. As always we will swot up your knowledge and bring you right up to date with what is going on!


A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide



What’s carried over to FIFA 15 Ultimate Team ?


This is the most important question. Will I keep my coins and players from FUT 14 ? What can I bring to FUT 15 ? We’ll be as clear as we possibly can:


These ARE NOT carried over to FUT 15:
– Coins;
– Cards;
– EASFC Catalogue Items;
– Match History;
– Current Division;
– Trophies;
– Xbox Achievements or PSN Trophies.


– XP;
– FC Credits;
– One-time changeable club name;
– FIFA Points (1).




If you didn’t know coins can’t be transferred to FUT 15, then you must be disappointed. We’ve all been there so don’t worry, you eventually get over it. Plus buying cards won’t help since they can’t be transferred as well. Don’t know what to do with the coins you’ve been arduously collecting for a year? We can help you with that.




If you’ve got Messi in your team and you’re buying FIFA 15, it’s time to say goodbye. None of the cards you currently have in your club will be transferred to FUT 15: not the players, staff, consumables or even your club items. Nothing.


EASFC Catalogue items


The EASFC Catalogue is kind of a store where players can exchange FC Credits for hundreds of items. For Ultimate Team it’s possible to increase the targets and transfer lists, receive coin bonuses, change the club’s name, increase the maximum number of squads and even buy “super” 99 contracts for your players. Since this catalogue varies from FIFA to FIFA, you won’t be able to bring items you purchased on previous games.


A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide

If you want to know more about the EASFC Catalogue, click on the image above


Match History


Are you that one who’s accomplished 10 thousand wins? Congratulations. Time to take a screenshot, otherwise this awesome deed will be easily forgotten, left behind to ashes. Your Wins/Draws/Losses history will be lost when you stop playing FIFA 14. It won’t count towards FIFA 15. And even if you decide to keep playing it, EA will put an end to it in less than 2 years because, well, they’d just rather not keep spending money on servers few people will playing at. In their words, they do this so they’re able to “enhance the user’s experience”. Better just go take a screenshot then, huh ?


Current Division


Reaching division 1 has never been so hard as in FUT 14. If you’ve done it, you’re probably constantly struggling not to get relegated to division 2. What if you get relegated to division 10? This is what will happen when you start FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. If you think you’ll just humiliate your opponents, just forget it. Everyone starts at division 10: the good and the bad players.




The list of things you’re going to lose for FUT 15 is just endless, isn’t it ? Just like the 2006-2007 Juventus team, you will lose all your tournament and season titles if you start a new FIFA. Except for the fact that you haven’t done anything wrong.


Xbox 360 Achievements or PSN Trophies


Achieving objectives that each console grants you will not be related to FIFA 15, naturally, because they’re specific for each game. Waiting for a TOTW card from a pack? EA thanks your effort. Or not.




XP leveling is a system that a measures how experienced you are in the FIFA universe. It doesn’t matter the game mode, platform or the game on its own, basically you’re going to maintain on FIFA 15 the XP you have at the time. You can even go back to FIFA 14 and still earn XP. It’s shown on the superior right corner of the screen, placed below your ID. Maintaining your XP will give you some advantage over the beginners because you’ll have access to several EASFC Catalogue items they don’t.


FC Credits


FC Credits (Football Club Credits; FCC) is the coin used on EA Sports Football Club. Works exactly like the XP, being linked to your Origin account and not directly related to the FIFA you’re playing. It’s basically used to purchase EASFC Catalogue items and it’s shown immediately in front of the XP.


One-time changeable club name


One of the things EA Sports allows you to keep on FUT 15 is your club name. When you start it for the first time you’ll be asked if you wish to change it or just leave it the same. If you choose yes, you’ve got the right to keep it. You can only change it later buying the club name changing EASFC Catalogue item. If you choose no, you’ll be creating a new name and the old one will be available for other people to choose.


FIFA Points (1)


FIFA Points are an alternate to coins that are used to buy packs. If you don’t intend to spend all your FIFA Points on FUT 14, you can transfer them to FUT 15. You can even buy some by the end of FUT 14 so you can use in the FUT 15 released date, since it won’t be purchasable at the time. However, this is a one-time transfer, so you’ve got to be careful when you start the game for the first time.

FIFA Points can be shared only between same platforms, so if you buy them on Xbox 360 for FUT 15 you can’t use them on Playstation 4, but you can on Xbox One.


A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide

If you want to know more about FIFA Points, click on the image above



Why start from the bottom ?


Your FUT 14 players and coins are useless in FUT 15

So much effort for nothing. A whole year trying to get the best players for your team. So many hours spent setting up auctions and then you lose everything. This is probably what’s going on inside your head now… Everyone who’s been through this knows the feeling. But believe it or not, the truth is it just goes away as soon as you start a new FIFA and you go back to chasing that perfect team once again. You’ll see…

But why do we really have to start from the bottom and not be able to keep our cards and coins? It’s basically for three reasons:

    Playing the same game all over again may not be very stimulating. It’s true that you might already have a good team and all, but going back to square one can be much more interesting than it seems to be, especially when everyone is doing the same. This year you’ve probably made a few mistakes and now it’s time to take advantage of what you’ve learned. It’s an opportunity to do it the right way to reach perfection. You can buy several managers right at the start and this will help you save tons of coins throughout the year, for example; you can buy that great player before his price starts to rise madly. Soon you’ll be conformed and will be telling yourself “I’m going to follow this awesome site’s tips and this time I will get Messi”.

    Let’s not be hypocrites. As, players, there’s the motivation of building a whole new team and that’s quite enough, EA Sports’s only true reason to carry on would be the money. As soon as they “vanish” all those cards and coins assuming FUT 15 is a completely new game, they’re about to get some ridiculously high profit. It’s not only about forcing players to go for the new packs. It’s a complete new world for the FUT gaming community, everything loses its value from a moment to another; all the old cards and coins go to waste. Don’t think we’re talking small shares of the business. FIFA digital game sales’ annual growth rates have increased up to 80% and EA Sports already makes more money selling FUT packs than the actual game.

    Logistics Problems
    If people would keep in FUT 15 everything they had back in FUT 14, there would be other problems concerning the game’s mechanics. It wouldn’t be the end of it, but that would certainly make the game more confusing and unfair. What’s the logic on having several different rated cards of the same player just because the season has ended? Is it fair to have your players underrated just because they’ve had a worse season? Where’s the fair play when you start the game having millions of coins while others have nothing? This would make the game unsustainable for beginners since all prices would be ridiculously high. In a way, it’s really necessary that the coin flow is managed so we can have a fair, competitive and sustainable game. And this can only be done once we start a new game.



What to do with all the cards and coins ?


Now that you know you’ll be having useless cards and coins, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do with them. Most players try and enjoy them until the very end. There are also people that decide to spend them all on packs – fair enough.

If you buy a PS4 or a XBox One, don’t forget to use the same PSN ID or Gamertag

The truth is that those coins could be converted to real money, but right now this isn’t really a brilliant deal. In two months before the release of the new game you won’t be getting more than 5-6 euros for each million of coins, and for another month past this is reduced to half. So here’s a lesson: if you want to be best rewarded for your effort you’re going to have to think about starting your business sooner next time.

If you’re a generous friend, find someone who’s not getting FIFA 15 and offer them you coins. They will certainly be very thankful. If you don’t know anyone in this situation, let us know so we can forward them to someone who needs. Bear in mind that very few people go back to playing an old FIFA after they’ve started playing a new one, so don’t worry about regretting a possible donation.



Starting FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


After so many disadvantages you might be wondering if it’s worth it or not getting the new FIFA 15. If you’re a fan of the series, it’s safe to say that we recommend it. Besides the renewed experience inside the pitch, you’ll be able to build your team based on what’s going on in the real life football. The transfer market will allow new combinations of players and their ratings will be updated. Before you know you’ll forget what was left behind.

In order to start playing FUT 15 you obviously need to buy FIFA 15. Use the same Origin account you’ve been using so that the system recognizes all your data: FCC, XP, club name and FIFA Points. The older players’ fidelity will be rewarded with early access to the Web App around 3 weeks before the official game release date; all that followed by free starter packs.


A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide

If you want to know more about FIFA 15 sales, click on the image above



FIFA 15 Ultimate Team on a new console


Many players will use FIFA 15 as a reason to upgrade to the new consoles generation. If that’s your case, get to know what you have to do so that everything’s fine. This theme is a little more complicated than it seems, so we’ll divide it in three possible situations:

    Switching platforms
    If you’re going from Xbox 360 to Playstation 4 or from Playstation 3 to Xbox One, you’ll only keep what’s linked to your Origin account. That is your XP and FCC. This may be nothing new regarding what we’ve already said in this guide, but still equally valid to those who are already playing FUT 15 and are going to switch platforms.

    FUT 14 to FUT 15 on the new generation
    Switching consoles doesn’t mean any disadvantages since you use the same platform (Playstation or Xbox) and Origin account. We’ve talked about what’s being lost and kept earlier in this article.

    FUT 15 to FUT 15 on the new generation
    Whoever plays FUT 15 on a console will be able to keep absolutely everything when they switch to another console of the same platform. Won’t see a difference. Just use the same Origin account and you’ll be able to see the system recognizing your XP, for example. However, you’ll be requested to restart Ultimate Team if you’re not logged in with your PSN ID or Gamertag. Don’t ignore this simple step.

    The process for transferring FIFA Points from FUT 14 to FUT 15 was confirmed by EA Sports to us.


222 thoughts on “A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Carryover Guide”

  1. I don’t plan on buying FIFA 16 anytime soon. If anybody is looking to not keep their FIFA 15 coins, I will gladly take them. I only started playing Ultimate team 2 months ago and have a pretty good BPL team put together. I only have gold cards, it’s what I only can afford right now. I don’t have a lot of extra money to buy FIFA points right now. So if anybody is looking to dump their FIFA 15 coins to move on to ’16, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I would be very thankful. I really don’t know how to transfer coins though so if anybody knows just comment and let me know.

    1. To transfer coins from one account to another just find a card that is selling by the lowest price range and sell it by the highest price possible.
      Anyone here can help Neil ?

  2. vijay lohitsa

    Hi Rodrigo,

    Good day. I wanted to check if my Pro Career player and the career progress can be moved to PS4 Fifa15 from PS3 Fifa15. I have moved rest of the UT stuff. Thanks in advance.


  3. hi how I can sell my FIFA 15 coins from phone I can generate 1million per week

    1. It is against the terms of use to sell coins. However, if you really want to do it, you will need to find someone to sell them.

  4. If I don’t download FIFA 16 from the App Store, will I still be able to play the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team version that I have currently installed on my iOS device?

  5. How about FIFA 15 UT Transfer Market enabling for android by EA Sport? any idea?

  6. Hey! I have a question. What if I am still playing FUT 14, and i would really love to skip FUT 15, and start again with FUT 16 when its released. Can I get while starting FUT16 some compensation for my FUT14 team? Thanks for answer)

    1. Usually EA doesn’t give any compensation in that case. However, you can keep with your club’s name, XP level and FC credits.

  7. Hey..I just got a new ps4 and I tried to set up key Fifa 15.. And without knowing I used my origin account with a different game tag to sign in.. But now all my players.. Coins are gone. . N I am required to start new.. …are all my players and coins gone or can I log into my old psn I used for my ps3 to log in n have everything back?

    1. Hi.
      You mentioned ‘gamer tag’ but you were probably talking about ‘PSN ID’.
      If that was the case, you need to create a new user in your PS4. Link it to your old PSN ID. That’s all you need to get your players and coins back.

  8. Oi Rodrigo, bom dia, sabes dizer se, no Fifa 15, é possível que eu repasse Fifa points para o meu irmão. Não jogo o FUT, não tenho interesse, mas ele é fanático pelo FUT. Seria bom poder dar os Fifa points de presente para ele. Ou moedas, se for o caso. Ou mesmo os jogadores. Eu compraria os packs e repassaria a ele as cartas.

    1. Olá.
      FIFA Points só mesmo dando a sua conta ao seu irmão. Ou então, usando os FIFA Points para comprar pacotes e passar o conteúdo a ele.
      Quanto a moedas e a jogadores é questão de ele pôr uma carta dem valor à venda e voê comprá-la com as suas coins por um valor muito inflacionado.

  9. I have FUT 15 for iOS and now i bought it for play4, is there any way to transfer my coins, or sell them and go buy new ones for play4?

  10. any idea if you can use the same FUT players/coins/contracts on a PC edition of fifa 15?

    Ive already made the change from ps3 to ps4, just seems like it should be just as easy as that? but EA are dicks so probably not.

      1. if i try to setup a fifa 15 account on PC would I have to use the same origin account and risk losing all my players etc?

  11. Hey I got over 2mill in FUT coins anyone wanna buy, got fifa 15 and need to make up for the coins saved
    PSNL FerrariBeezy

  12. Anyone want to trade 670k coins in fifa 14 for fifa 15 coins on xbox 360 if so let me know my gamertag is silencekiller45

  13. I bought $24.99 on Fifa points on FIFA 15 on my iPad and it said the purchase was successful but since then my game has been crashing and I haven’t got my points. Is there anything I can do?

  14. I have an Xbox one team with alot of players.

    Will all the players be there with my account, if I buy/play the PC version?

  15. Hi Rodrigo
    I’m switching from Xbox 360 to PS4 this Xmas.

    I’m have 2 teams and 250K on UT, will I have that when I get onto my PS4?

  16. i have a fut account on android wich is connected to facebook
    is there some way to have the account played on ps3?

  17. plz how can I log in to fifa 15 through facebook as I hv log in through erong id. plz tell me how to replace that id.

  18. Actually I hv put wrong id on fifa 15 of my sister by logging through Facebook but now I want to change that id and convert tht login to my id. so how can I replace ghe new id og mine. plzzzz help me

  19. Hey Rodrigo,
    Sorry if I missed this post if it is here!
    I play FUT 15 on the PC and recently got a PS4, if I go and buy the game for PS4 will i be able to use my FUT 15 team on it?
    My PSN and Origin accounts are linked.
    Best Regards,

    1. Unfortunately not. FIFA 15 for PC is a different game from FIFA 15 for consoles, and you can not share your players and coins.

  20. I’m getting the XBox One and I have fifa 15 on XBox 360 but I can’t get an Origin Account because my profile age is set on teen. Do I need Xbox Live Gold to create an Origon Account and transfer all squad data from the 360 to the One? Or do I even need an Origin Account to transfer all the data?

    1. Are you able to create a new user in your new console with the same Gamertag you used in your XBox 360 ? That’s the only thing you need to do…

  21. dear lopes

    i bought yestrday FIFA 15 for ps4 and everything was good till i get this error ( Your club name or abbreviation contains a censored word, please change it. i try to but alot of names , changing abbreviation also i change the origin user name and password but still i can’t get access to the FUT even by my mobail . could you please guide me to someone or any idea because my frinde was setting beside me and he was able to play FUT by his own ps4

    Thanks for your coopration

  22. Hi, i play on ipad through facebook(email on facebook is same as my origin ID) , if i i play on PC or PS4/PS3 will my team be the same?

    note: on fifa 14(ipad) log in is origin , but fifa 15(ipad) its facebook.

    thanks a lot.

  23. Hi Rodrigo.

    I have searched all around the internet for an answer to my question, but I stopped when I cam across this article. Just to confirm, it is NOT possible to transfer Fut 14 (Everything, not just points) on PS3 to Fut 15 on PS4. Is this statement correct?

  24. Hi Rodrigo,

    FIFA 15 was confused us.. we can’t have what we pay about a year.. and wasting a lot…

    What happen when fifa 16 will come out? We need to buy again?

    So maybe I just play FIFA14..

  25. Hi Rodgrigo, I play FUT on my IPad. Will there be anymore TOTW updates for FIFA 14 or anymore Gold Pack Specials? Basically will there be anymore FIFA 14 updates?

      1. Thanks Rodrigo. I plan on staying on FIFA 14. If anyone has any coins or cards they will no longer usew on 14 and they’d like to donate I’d be interested. Thanks!

  26. Kolawole Campbell

    I currently have FIFA 15 on PC if I get it on ps 4 will my ultimate team squads.

  27. If anyone is feeling generous you could give me some fifa 14 coins for the PS4 if you’s aren’t going to use them again

  28. Hi Rodrigo!
    You said that in less than 2 years, EA will put an end to fifa 14. Does that mean we can never play fifa 14 again? Btw, Rodrigo, you are so handsome. *run away*

    1. Yes, usually the servers are disconnected after 2 years. But it doesn’t mean that you can not play FIFA 14 any more after that. You will be able to play offline / single player.

  29. I read all the comments but i want to be 100% sure guys.
    I am switching from xbox 360 to ps4. Does my easfc level will be the same on ps4 if I log in using my old origin account (account that I used on xbox 360)?

  30. Can you transfer all your items across different devices for the mobile app (FUT 15 to FUT 15)? I’m getting a new phone soon so i want to know if i can using the same account.

  31. Hi Rodrigo
    Nice article 🙂

    Im newbie in this fut thing, Im just wondering how people can get ronaldo or messy in very earlier game if cards and coins are not able for transfer from fut 14?
    Is there any possible way to get million coins in a couple of weeks?


    1. Yes. Some of our followers have followed our tips and have right now more than 2 million coins. It is possible, yes.
      Start by taking a look here.

  32. Maybe a stupid question. I’ve got around 1.500.000 of fifa14 coins. Any posibility to change theses for points?

    1. No, it is not possible. The best you can do is to find someone with FIFA 15 coins still playing FIFA 14. But the rates are very low.

  33. jordan edmonds

    So Ive got an English Ps4 and bought a Canadian version of fifa 15. Can I go back to my english Fifa 14 buy points and then transfer them to my Canadian fifa 15? bearing in mind I’ve already started a Fifa 15 ultimate team

  34. For the fifa 15 mobile app, I play on my Android phone. If I buy Fifa points on my ipad while logged into the same account (so i can use up an iTunes giftcard) , can i then access those Fifa points back on my android phone?

  35. no idea why but my team name did not carry over, it’s Bonn Borussia now, and that was not the name I had… what’s up with that anyone else have this happen? it has the year my club was established correct though…

  36. hello i have bought the ea season ticket last year and havnt purchased the new1 as i have a ps4 and obvs it isnt out on that platform, can u tell me why when i logged into the new web app i still got my free packs of last years season ticket???

  37. hey man 🙁 im worried whether you can transfer the players on 14 – 15 . cause i spent 60 million coins on my starting 11 alone.. and i dont want to waste it 🙁

  38. I have a problem with the ultimate team option, it doesn’t accept the name of my club, insists it has a bad word in the name or initials, I don’t know if you can help me or someone else who can. Thank you

    1. From EA:
      We have received reports that players are getting a censored word error when naming their Ultimate Team even when using seemingly non-offensive words: “Your club name or abbreviation contains a censored word, please change it.”
      We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Our team is investigating this issue and hope to resolve it as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you are able to log into the FUT Web App, you can name your Ultimate Team from there. Please check back for more information and updates.

  39. Clint buckerfield

    I’m trying to change my founder name on Fifa 14 and won’t let me! Any suggestions

      1. Clint buckerfield

        Changed all that through catalog but the founder name keeps resetting back to the old name

  40. Ok, i’ve been reading through the comments here a lot, but I’m not 100% sure yet
    I’ve been trading a lot on the web app since it was released earlier. Thing is, I’m gonna switch from x360 to ps4.
    This probably means I’m still on the “xbox market” and I dont get anything of it when I start FUT15 on the ps4.
    If so, is it possible to change your system in the app?

  41. hey Rodrigo its me again just wondering when upgrading from fifa 14 xbox 360 to fifa 15 xbox one can u still get your loyalty packs and i got an email about a returning player bonus can u give me a bit of info on this as i am unclear about it

  42. I don’t have a lot of coins, ‘cuz I never played Ultimate and since I can’t use them in Fifa 15, I wanna get rid of them, probably to a guy who doesn’t have many coins and who won’t get fifa 15. How do I give them away? I’ve never done this, but I heard a couple of friends that are selling theirs, not fair IMO.

      1. Please, and I don’t know how to donate those coins. Maybe the steps or a guide to give them away will help a lot too. Thanks.

  43. Hi, since FIFA 11 I have played on the Xbox 360. I recently changed to PS4 and was wandering what will happen to the team I just bought on the web app. I use the same origin account for both consoles and I have only played the demo on PS4. Will my team be active on the Xbox, PS4 or both?

  44. Hello, I moved from ps3 to xbox one, I used the same email address to register my ea account so I was able to carry over my game level in fifa and also my fcc points. However I can’t login to the fifa 15 web app, do you guys know why this is happening? in origin I see both ps3 and xbox accounts connected.

        1. thanks Rodrigo, last one, will I be able to access the web app after the game is released?

  45. Hello 🙂
    My fifa account is currently into the xbox360 part, when i login to the webapp. Is it possible to use the webapp (fifa 15) now, getting cards, coins and stuff, and then when the real game comes out buy a playstation 4 and fifa 15, then get all my traded coins, cards to my new playstation 4?

    Really hope that you can help answer my question – thanks.

  46. Quick question. I have always played ultimate team on playstation. this year i am switching to PC and fifa 15 is already pre ordered. when i created my origin for PC I used the same email as previous fifas and UT.

    If I used the web app before release, will this carry over to my pre orederd PC version of fifa 15?
    when i logged in I had the team name from last years edition which was on console
    thanks heaps.

  47. hi erm this wil sound confusing but

    i had fifa 12 on ps3 but then some how i dont know i changed the orgin accont to xbox so i was able to use it on xbox but then now i have a ps4 but on the web app it still says my gammer tagg so recognises it as xbox still is there a way to make it relisese iam on ps network again like before cheers

    1. You can go to your Origin settings and linked again to your PS4. However I don’t know if you will have access to the Web App early access.

  48. I currently play FUT on the 360, but am upgrading to a PS4; and plan to play Fifa 15 on that. Am I right in guessing that in this case there is no advantage in using the fut 15 webapp (before the actual game comes out), as any cards (from loyalty packs et.) that I get will be tied to my 360 account and cannot be transferred to the PS4?
    Would I even get loyalty packs in this case, as that is now being determined by fifa 14 playtime and EA may not be able to correlate that cross platform?

    1. Hey Nev,

      I had exactly the same problem. On my ps4 I could fill in what my origin account is.
      I filled in the same account as on my Xbox, and I am hoping it will work.
      Maybe you could try the same? Because I don’t even know if it will work, I don’t know about the loyalty packs either.

      1. Thanks for the reply. I created a test account and played a few games with that. I will see what happens when I sign into to web app later on today with that account – before I try with my real account.

  49. Hello, I have Fifa 14 on ps3 and I’ve just got a ps4 and I’m ordering Fifa 15 for ps4. If I buy fifa points on Fifa 14 ON PS3 will I be able to transfer them to Fifa 15 ON PS4? (It’s the same origin account I’m just kinda doing a double upgrade) Or can you only go from old-gen to current-gen on the same game?
    Also will this transfer of fifa points be available when the web app comes out or not until I get the actual game?

  50. Can you buy coins from sites? If not then how well you be able to buy good players when you can either get lucky in a gold pack of have a lot of coins? I still don’t have enough coins and I’m in 3rd division in fut 14. How do people get do much coins where my team is cheap? I win games only because I have to play well. I’m asking this because I want to get amazing players on fut 15

  51. Around how much do you anticipate the prices of fifa 14 players will drop and during what time frame?

    1. They are already falling. Most of the prices will be higher than during the TOTS. After FIFA 15 comes out, FIFA 14 prices don’t have huge changes.

  52. dennis den haan

    If you buy fifa points on fifa 14, will they carry over to the fifa 15 web app? Or just to the full release?

  53. hi,
    i want to switch from ps3 to pc.
    i want to use the web app.
    But is that possible for me ( the web app before real game has been realeased ) ?
    Because if i log in in easports football club how should it know that i want to use pc.
    So if i would reguarly log in i just would be joining ps3 market and ps3 FUT again, wouldn´t i ?
    what do i have to do to avoid this

  54. Hey there,

    I heard from a friend on fifa that he makes coins by posting his FUT matches online… Is this true?

  55. Hi. Lets say my psn ID email is [email protected]. I played fifa 14 on pc on origin account [email protected]. I have played other origin games on ps4 using [email protected]. if I start using the early trading web app, will whatever players I pull be available to me when I play fifa 15 on ps4? If not, what steps do I take to ensure I can use early trading web app and have progress on my ps4?

      1. Thanks. So essentially, the first platform you sign into origin and play FIFA 15 on would get your web app “progress” – i.e packs etc? Do I need to do anything when I log into the web app to link it to my PSN?

  56. Hi, if I start using the early release webapp (I currently have fifa14 on Xbox 360 and then buy fifa 15 for ps4 will my team I’ve created from the web app transfer to ps4 fifa 15? Cheers

  57. Hi, what if I bought FIFA15 for xbox and claimed the legends and stuffs, will I be able to use the cards on PC ?

  58. What if I redeem a ultimate edition code for xbox 360 will that carry over to xbox1

    1. No. You will need to open your XBox360 to get the free packs and discounts and then open the XBox One to make use of it.

  59. I have both EA Access on the One and Season Pass on the 360. Season pass offers a more tempting pre release option. If i use Season Pass’ pre release will I be able to transfer my progress when I buy the game on the One?

      1. If I buy a ultimate edition for 360 will I keep the packs and historical badges and kits if I got to xb1? Would I still get weekly paks

  60. If I get fifa points now on 14, can i transfer them over to the web app for fifa 15, before the game is released?

  61. Hey Rodrigo, just to make sure.. if I switch from ps3 to xbox one on fifa 15… do I keep the fcc and xp I have in fifa 14 (ps3)?

  62. hi Rodrigo,

    Let’s say i buy some fifa coins today for fut14, can i use them when the wep-app is coming out this friday? or can i use them when the game is coming out the 25th?

    1. No, no, no! FUT 14 coins can only be used in FUT 14. FUT 15 coins can only be used in FUT 15.
      By the way, the web app date is only a estimated date. It is not official.

      If you were asking about FIFA Points, in that case you can buy now to transfer to FIFA 15 when the retail game comes out.

  63. Hi, i was wondering if fifa points will be carried over from my playstation from fifa 14 to the fifa 15 web app when it comes out. Thanks.

    1. No. It will be carried over from FUT 14 to FUT 15 when you play the retail disc for the first time. it is not available in Web App.

  64. hey Rodrigo .if im changing from fifa 14 on xbox 360 to fifa 15 on xbox one what will carry over.

    1. FUT 15 is a different game from FIFA 14, so the only thing you will bring with you is XP level, FC credits and name preference.

      1. cheers its been bugging me since i preordered it . i know u get a token and legends pack in the xbox one bundle do u know if there’s anything else in it and if i preorder the ultimate edition can i use the bonus redeem code for messi on loan .don’t worry im going 2 trade the game back in 4 ms credit and get alot of fifa points im not going 2 keep 2 copy i know it might but i spend at least 2000 euro a year on fut and hardly play any other games .

        1. Was on my phone 2 EA and they said that u get 1 Legends pack in fifa 15 xbox one bundle and the token gives u a better chance of getting top rated players as well as legends .very happy with and 2 be living in europe .very empressed by the web site I hav been checking it out the last few days .As fellow gamer been playing fifa since international soccer on the snes could u imagine fut with 2days modern tech back in the nintys with the players we had CLASSIC cant wait 4 Roy Keane 🙂

  65. Canadianonline

    If I have right now my UT14 (ps3) with 10k fifapoints … Will I be able to transfer them to my new UT15(ps4) ? If so, what do I have to do?

    1. Yes. Just use the same PSN ID and Origin account. The first time you play the retail version of FIFA 15, it will be asked if you want to transfer your FUT 14 FIFA Points. Just be sure that you answeer ‘yes’ because it is a one-time transfer.

  66. Hi, all my fifa history is on the x box 360, recently bought a PS4 and will be investing in FIFA 15, if I access the early web app through my origin account will all my trading show up once I start play fut 15 on the ps4?

    1. I personally moved last year from PC to Xbox One. The trick is basically that all system IDs (Orgin und PSN in your case) are the same email address. If you access Fifa with the same email (Origin) then Fifa will transfer your Fifa Level and your EAS FC Points (the one to redeem items in the EA FC store) to the new system

  67. German Grinberg

    So, for what it will be good , i mean early access, if i can’t use my fifa14’s coins for buying? Where the money will come from?

    1. Sadly like in every new Fifa/FUT installment you have to start from scratch. This makes sense somehow, because after one or two installments everybody what have millions of coins. At this stage your coins can/will only come from trading and later on from playing games. I recommend to learn some basics of trading. Follow us, we will cover this topic frequently.

  68. Hi, is there an official switch over date where the web app will go from fifa 14 to fifa 15? Seem to remember last year it was a couple of weeks before the release date.

  69. Steven Stewart

    If I buy fifa 15 on xbox 360 and I buy a xbox one, will I be able to upgrade the game, and if so how much?

    1. You will need to buy FIFA 15 for both consoles. In that case, you may carry over your progress from XBox 360 to XBox One.

  70. Hi I do not plan on buying FIFA 15. I have a valuable team worth about 5million should I sell the players and then buy them back later? Will the prices crash soon?


  71. I recently bought my ps4 and i haven´t played fifa 14 on either my ps4 or my ps3 but i have played fifa 13 on my ps3.
    For getting early access to the web app, could i borrow my friends fifa 14 and create an ultimate team on my oldest ps3 account that was created way before august 1st and then just log onto my psn account for my ps4 to get all the things from my old ps3 account ?
    Or is it that I need a fifa 14 account active and not my origin account created earlier than august 1st ? 🙂

  72. Hey,

    I’m just wondering what the requirements are to use the FUT15 web app before the release of the game?

    (I have a fut14 account)

  73. Hey.
    When will the fifa 14 demo come out and with EA season ticket will i get early access even if i don’t have gold membership and when will people be able to buy fifa coins or fifa points and yes i do know the rule about fifa coins but ill buy them once but a lot so i get a warning and then that will be it.

    1. That’s a lot of questions.
      FIFA 15 demo (not FIFA 14 as you said) will be out at 9/10 September.
      FIFA 15 early access details were not confirmed yet.
      FIFA Points will be available only on game release date.
      It is not allowed to buy FIFA coins. They will be available on the first week of the game.

      1. Whoops Didn’t realise I said fifa 14. Thanks for the answers . And as i said that they are not allowed you get warning then a reset then a perm ban. Ill take the risk once but then not again.

  74. Hey Rodrigo Lopes, if I have loads of fifa 14 coins and I’m not buying fifa 15, will I still keep that money? And if I were to get a head start on fifa 15 through the web app will that get rid of my fifa 14 coins? Thank you

    1. Hi. How do you do ?
      The FIFA Points are yours. If you do not plan to play FIFA 15, you will keep your FIFA Points on FUT 14. You can go to the Web App because it will not affect your FIFA Points.

      1. Even if I don’t play fifa 15 I will still lose my coins? I’m not worried about my fifa points as I don’t have any.

        1. Sorry. I thought you had questioned me about FIFA Points. My mistake.
          Yes, you can not carry over your coins for FUT 14 to FUT 15, so you are safe. You will keep your coins on FUT 14.
          You can go to the Web App because it will not affect your FUT14 coins.

  75. Could you give an estimate to when the fifa 14 ut prices will drop?
    Or can you tell me when the fifa 13 ut prices dropped last year?

  76. hi. i play fut14 on pc. i want go get an PS4. is there a way to link my PC XP level with the new PS4 account?

  77. Hi im gonna get fifa for xbox 1 at xmas so untill then ill be playing on xbox 360…….will i be able to switch my team over to the next generation like last year as its still switching from xbox to xbox

  78. Can you please confirm again that Fifa Points will carry over from 14 to 15 like they did last year. It says EA confirmed it to you but is this 100%?

    1. It was confirmed by the support of EA Sports and obviously I have a proof with me. However, we can not be responsible by what EA say. So, we can not guarantee you that your FIFA Points will carry over. Almost sure they will.

  79. Well first of thanks for the info. I wondered about this and google search led me here.
    But i gotta say, how i am disappointed with this system. How much more fun it would be if you were to select a limited number of cards and if for example players you bought while they were young with less points, would get better when the years passed.

    That would make the transfer system interesting and somehow alive. Right now its just bullshit to put effort in a team or buying young players since they get deleted after a year anyways. So far for investing in FUT.

  80. Hi rodrigo I have at least 3 mil in coins and players is there any suggestions that u can give me to help me save some money please or anything that can make me better off for the new fifa please mate nice guide mate

    1. Hi.
      If you want we can share a couple of contacts that can pay you for your coins. But they will only give you a few dollars…

    2. add me on ps4 ill buy you the coin through pay pal or waterer meted transaction you want since i dont think that i am going to get the fifa 15

      1. I was playing FUT 15 on iOS and now have an xbox1. Can I get my built up team on iOS over to the Xbox?

        1. Hello just a quick question so I have been playin Fifa 15 on iOS but also on a tablet that uses Windows and when I login to Facebook through both apps for the game I have my built up team I’m thinking of gettin an Xbox and gettin Fifa 15 will I still be able to get my built up team if my Fifa windows account is connected to origins ?

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