FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction


Do you know what is TOTY, right ? But do you know who will make part of the most important team of the game ? Well, we have an idea. Take a look to our FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction.


FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction


Team of the Year is probably the biggest event in FUT 16. And it’s coming…

Every year since FUT 12, in early January, EA Sports build a team of players based on their real life performance on the previous year. The players of this TOTY are selected from the voting of FIFPro, the world wide professional footballers association, and announced in the FIFA Ballon d’Or Gala. They are supposed to be the best players in the world. They are upgraded with a blue TOTY card which becomes available in packs for a week (two days for each position and a final day with all players together).

This year, the blue cards will be announced at January 11th. We made a FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction and now we want to share it with you. This prediction doesn’t reflect our preferences. It is based on the players performances but also in the other years selections.


Here it is our prediction:

    GK: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich – Germany) CORRECT
    RB: Daniel Alves (FC Barcelona – Brazil) CORRECT
    CB: Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid – Spain) CORRECT
    CB: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich – Germany) WRONG
    CB: Thiago Silva (Paris Saint Germain – Brazil) CORRECT
    CM: Toni Kroos (Real Madrid – Germany) WRONG
    CM: Andres Iniesta (FC Barcelona – Spain) CORRECT
    CAM: James Rodriguez (Real Madrid – Colombia) WRONG
    RW: Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona – Argentina) CORRECT
    LW: Neymar (FC Barcelona – Brazil) CORRECT
    LW: Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid – Portugal) CORRECT

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction

And you, what’s your prediction ?

Find out the final TOTY eleven here on January 11th.


28 thoughts on “FIFA 16 Ultimate Team TOTY Prediction”

  1. Hi Rodrigo. Since fifa 15 is going to get second time toty so, do you have any idea that will fifa 15 also get second time tots ?

  2. Nice Prediction Rodrigo. Could you please give me your view that will the price of these new toty be the same like previous year (15) toty ? [I mean toty Ronaldo 4 million, toty Messi 5 million etc.] I am talking about fifa 15 new season android. I know that not a single fifa 15 toty Ronaldo or toty Messi are available now, but they were around 9 months ago for 4 to 5 million. So, if I am right then when they will reach this price point ?
    I just want to build my best team, so I need your help.

  3. Hi Rodrigo…Thanks for your article. I have just two question to you.
    1. Are those fifa 16 toty release will be the same for fifa 15 new season (android) ? [Since there is pop up message is visible in the game(fifa 15 new season)….that “prepare yourself for team of the year].
    2. I already have some tots of fifa 15. Should I sell it right now to make coins for buying a few new toty ? (I want to know the right time to sell those tots)
    eagerly waiting for your answer.

      1. Thanks for your reply Rodrigo. Just one more thing to know from you. What will be the best time (according to the lowest price) to buy new toty (for example : toty Messi) ? just after the release ? (or) one or two weeks after release ?

  4. Does anyone have any experience of what happened with Legends last year? I am going to get a few hours this weekend to play Fifa and wondered if there were any legends I could buy and hopefully suffer minimal losses with…

    Examples of players I am thinking of are:

    Bergkamp (around 880k at the moment)
    Pires (if I can pick him up for under 240k)
    Shearer (I am a Shearer fan, but will only buy for 350k or so).
    Owen (has good stats, and is clinical finisher with pace, but will cost around 350k)

    Any ideas how much they will drop?

    Most of the above have dropped 150k or so in the past couple of weeks.



  5. What day is the best day to buy players for the cheapest prices possible during this?

  6. Hello, this is my prediction

    Dani Alves
    Thiago Silva

    Paul Pogba


    Please don’t think I’m being biased towards Barca players but I think neymar really shone this year with messi being injured he stepped up and killed it. Ronaldo was also ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT but I think Neymar has as well as Pogba carrying Juventus, both youngsters killed it this year and considering they’re only under 24.

    1. I respect all opinions. In fact, the only player you picked that I think will not have any chance is Lewandowski. Let’s see…

  7. When is the best time to buy players? First day of toty, attackers or whole team?

      1. and out of those two? Or both as cheap?
        One more question, Are there trading tips coming? for like if trading like last year.

  8. Good Morning Folks,

    Nice article and predication as always.

    There seem to be many mixed feelings about this year.

    As the formation/number in each position appears to be fixed (4DEF, 3MID, 3ATT) it is awkward for Suarez.

    Messi/Ronaldo/Neymar are obviously all Ballon’Dor nominees and usually the nominees ALWAYS get into TOTY, so Suarez will surely miss out, despite him probably deserving to be in it somewhere. Competition in the forward line is simply remarkable and is the only reason he is missing out.

    Also, Messi/Ronaldo always have the best stats and are simply incredible, so I don’t think either of them will miss out for another two years or so (maybe Ronaldo depending on his form). Neymar stepped up when messi was injured and has shot up in the rankings and opinions and is still pretty young considering, so can’t really argue with that (I have been surprised how good he was while Messi was injured).

    The votes usually go on how much a player is liked by other players/staff and their popularity, which is why some players get into TOTY.

    On this basis I completely agree with:

    GK: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich – Germany)
    RB: Daniel Alves (FC Barcelona – Brazil)
    CB: Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid – Spain)
    CB: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich – Germany)
    CB: Thiago Silva (Paris Saint Germain – Brazil)
    CM: Andres Iniesta (FC Barcelona – Spain)

    (Boatend has become one of the best defenders in the world, if not THE best, as his rating increase in this year’s Fifa suggests – he still has room/time for improvement too).

    The front three pick themselves.

    Performances in Europe also seem to play a part (and due to England’s poor showing in Champions league for past couple of seasons, is why we don’t get players in TOTY).

    Alves, despite being questioned in last year’s TOTY has come back very storng and has been a pitvotal part of the Barcelona treble winning team with his link up play with Messi on the right.
    Alaba has been good, but has had lots of injuries, there is not too much other competition at Alves level.

    If it wasn’t based on reputation, I don’t think Thiago Silva would get in there, surely Pique could be in the running as he helped Barcelona to a ‘treble winning season’ – Same with Mascherano?

    1. (sorry, my post wouldn’t fit into one comment box as it exceeded 2500 characters).

      This leaves these:

      CM: Toni Kroos (Real Madrid – Germany)
      CAM: James Rodriguez (Real Madrid – Colombia)

      One of the above will definitely get in, if not both, which is probable.

      Otherwise who else is there……

      Busquets (never seems to get quite the level of recognition he maybe should do).
      Vidal (Juventus had domestic success and only Barcelona stopped them winning the Champions League). Also made a high profile and expensive move to Bayern
      Pogba (Same as Vidal, but maybe not quite as high reputation, as he hasn’t been performing at the same level for quite as long).

      Both Pogba and Vidal had good international tournaments though during the last World Cup (as did James Rodriguez) so I feel they are unlucky to miss out.

      I don’t think there should be a ‘subs bench’ for TOTY, as it is a special team of ‘the best’. Fifa World XI should not become more than XI in my opinion.

      PS – Don’t feel I disrespect Thiago Silva, he is a world class defender, but he has now been playing in French legue for a number of years, the league is ok, but I don’t rate it quite the same as the others…. Liga BBVA/Bundesliga/BPL/Serie A.

      Reminds me of an article about Portugese League and French League, which was hugely interesting that was on here…. French league produces less world class players and performs worse in Europe than Portugal.
      I found that article very interesting and it still comes to mind when people talk about the ‘French League’ being a good league, the stadia in the French league is also poor compared to other leagues.

      Silva, Ibrahimovich and a few other players don’t make the league great, even though you have the riches of PSG, Monaco etc there.

      Lyon and Marsielle used to do reasonablly well in Europe years ago.

      Anyway, this is all my opinion, not sure if people agree or not, but wanted to leave some feedback as part of the excitement of TOTY.



    2. Hi.
      I agree with you about Suarez. I deserves more than most of the midfielders. I also believe that Pique has chances to be there.

  9. Nice prediction there and heres my prediction:

    Manuel Neur

    Jerome Boateng
    Sergo Ramos
    Gerald Pique
    Dani Alves

    Sergio Busquets
    James Rodriguez
    Andres Iniesta

    Lionel Messi
    Luis Suarez
    Neymar Jr

    i think that the trio of msn might be selected ahead of cr7 even though i think cr7 really deserves the spot.
    as for the centre backs alaba and thiago silva is debatable for pique’s spot.

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