FIFA 17 Black Friday Guide & Updated Offers

FIFA 17 Black Friday Guide & Updated Offers for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team


Black Friday is a FUT promotion which takes place once a year, in late November or early December. It offers something new every hour, like multiple pack offers and flash squad building challenges. In this guide you can know everything about the FIFA 17 Black Friday, including how it affects the market, how it was in previous years and an updated promotional offers list.

Short cut


More FIFA 17 Events | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? |

FIFA 17 Black Friday Introduction

What is Black Friday?

FIFA Black Friday, which takes place in November / December on the day following Thanksgiving in the United States, is the day regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In this day, the prices are lower making it the one with more sales in the year. As usual, Electronic Arts do not miss this chance to boost their sales and releases a variety of offers.

During FIFA 17 Black Friday, Electronic Arts releases something new every hour for 24 hours. These offers include multiple happy hours and lightning rounds in the FUT store and flash squad building challenges. But the offers don’t stop here. FIFA 17 Black Friday will run for three days and will end just at Cyber Monday is starting.

Black Friday is a big deal for the FUT community since it is the first big promotion of the season and it takes place just before other important events like FUTMAS and TOTY release.

Details on FIFA 17 Black Friday offers will be updated below.



FIFA 17 Black Friday Date

When Black Friday promotion will be released?

The Black Friday promotion has been going since FIFA 14 and is now longer than ever. Note that the main offers are released during the first day only (Friday).

For FIFA 17 Ultimate Team, the Black Friday date is:

FIFA 17 Black Friday
25 November (Friday) to 27 November 2016 (Sunday)


In the following table you can see the Black Friday release dates of previous years:

Promotions Date
FIFA 17 25-27 November 2016
FIFA 16 27-29 November 2015
FIFA 15 28 November 2014
FIFA 14 29 November 2013



FIFA 17 Black Friday Offers

What can you win with the FIFA 17 Black Friday?


Lightning rounds – A new pack available in the FUT 17 store every hour
25/11/2016 2pm UK??
25/11/2016 6am PST??
26/11/2016 1am AEST??
45k Prime Gold Players Pack | Global Limit

25/11/2016 3pm UK??
25/11/2016 7am PST??
26/11/2016 2am AEST??
55k Rare Mega Packs | Limit: 3

25/11/2016 4pm UK??
25/11/2016 8am PST??
26/11/2016 3am AEST??
50k Rare Players Pack | Global Limit

25/11/2016 5pm UK??
25/11/2016 9am PST??
26/11/2016 4am AEST??
35k Mega Pack | Global Limit

25/11/2016 6pm UK??
25/11/2016 10am PST??
26/11/2016 5am AEST??
100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack | Global Limit

25/11/2016 7pm UK??
25/11/2016 11am PST??
26/11/2016 6am AEST??
55k Rare Mega Packs | Limit: Global Limit

25/11/2016 8pm UK??
25/11/2016 12pm PST??
26/11/2016 7am AEST??
125k Ultimate Packs | Limit: Global Limit

25/11/2016 9pm UK??
25/11/2016 1pm PST??
26/11/2016 8am AEST??
125k Ultimate Packs | Limit: 2

25/11/2016 10pm UK??
25/11/2016 2pm PST??
26/11/2016 9am AEST??
45k Prime Gold Players Pack | Limit: 5

25/11/2016 11pm UK??
25/11/2016 3pm PST??
26/11/2016 10am AEST??
35k Mega Pack | Limit: 5

26/11/2016 12am UK??
25/11/2016 4pm PST??
26/11/2016 11am AEST??
50k Rare Players Pack | Global Limit

26/11/2016 1am UK??
25/11/2016 5pm PST??
26/11/2016 12pm AEST??
55k Rare Mega Packs | Limit: 5

26/11/2016 2am UK??
25/11/2016 6pm PST??
26/11/2016 1pm AEST??
45k Prime Gold Players Pack | Limit: Global Limit

26/11/2016 3am UK??
25/11/2016 7pm PST??
26/11/2016 2pm AEST??
125k Ultimate Packs | Limit: Global Limit

26/11/2016 4am UK??
25/11/2016 8pm PST??
26/11/2016 3pm AEST??
125k Ultimate Packs | Limit: 2

26/11/2016 5am UK??
25/11/2016 9pm PST??
26/11/2016 4pm AEST??
25k Premium Gold Players Pack | Limit: 10

26/11/2016 6am UK??
25/11/2016 10pm PST??
26/11/2016 5pm AEST??
25k Rare Gold Pack | Limit: 10

26/11/2016 7am UK??
25/11/2016 11pm PST??
26/11/2016 6pm AEST??
45k Prime Gold Players Pack | Limit: Global Limit

26/11/2016 8am UK??
26/11/2016 12am PST??
26/11/2016 7pm AEST??
35k Mega Pack | Limit: 5

26/11/2016 9am UK??
26/11/2016 1am PST??
26/11/2016 8pm AEST??
45k Prime Gold Players Pack | Limit: 10

26/11/2016 10am UK??
26/11/2016 2am PST??
26/11/2016 9pm AEST??
50k Rare Players Pack | Global Limit

26/11/2016 11am UK??
26/11/2016 3am PST??
26/11/2016 10pm AEST??
55k Rare Mega Packs | Limit: Global Limit

26/11/2016 12pm UK??
26/11/2016 4am PST??
26/11/2016 11pm AEST??
100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack | Global Limit

26/11/2016 1pm UK??
26/11/2016 5am PST??
27/11/2016 12am AEST??
125k Ultimate Packs | Limit: Global Limit


Flash Squad Building Challenges – New SBC to be completed in a short time

25/11/2016 2:30pm UK??
25/11/2016 6:30am PST??
26/11/2016 1:30am AEST??
#1 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 1.5 Hours
Clubs: Exactly 2.
Players from one club: Max. 3.
Leagues: Exactly 2.
Gold Players: Exactly 4.
Rare Players: Min. 4.
Team Chemistry: Min. 55.
Rewards: 1x Rare Gold Pack


25/11/2016 6:30pm UK??
25/11/2016 10:30am PST??
26/11/2016 5:30am AEST??
#2 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 1 Hour
Bronze Players: Exactly 3.
Silver Players: Exactly 3.
Gold Players: Exactly 4.
Players from the same league: Max. 6.
Nationalities: Exactly 10.
Team Chemistry: Min. 80.
Rewards: Unicorn Kit


25/11/2016 9:30pm UK??
25/11/2016 1:30pm PST??
26/11/2016 8:30am AEST??
#3 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 2 Hours
Exactly 11 Nationalities in Squad
Exactly 3 Silver Players
Exactly 1 Bronze Players
Max 6 Players from the same League
Min. Team Rating: 79
Min. Team Chemistry: 90
Number of Players in the Squad: 11
Rewards: 1x Mega Pack


26/11/2016 12:30am UK??
25/11/2016 4:30pm PST??
26/11/2016 11:30am AEST??
#4 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 1.5 Hours
Exactly 4 Clubs in Squad
Max 4 Players from the same Club
Exactly 2 Leagues in Squad
Exactly 6 Gold Players
Exactly 3 Rare Players
Min. Team Chemistry: 65
Number of Players in the Squad: 7
Rewards: 1x Rare Gold Pack


26/11/2016 3:30am UK??
25/11/2016 7:30pm PST??
26/11/2016 2:30pm AEST??
#5 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 1 Hour
Exactly 3 Bronze Players
Exactly 3 Silver Players
Exactly 4 Gold Players
Max 6 Players from the same Nation
Exactly 10 Leagues in Squad
Min. Team Chemistry: 73
Numbers of Players in the Squad: 10
Rewards: Unicorn Kit


26/11/2016 5:30am UK??
25/11/2016 9:30pm PST??
26/11/2016 4:30pm AEST??
#6 Flash Squad Building Challenge Time Available: 2 Hours
Exactly 11 Nationalities in Squad
Exactly 6 Gold Players
Min. Leagues in Squad: 3
Min. Team Rating: 79
Min. Team Chemistry: 90
Number of Players in the Squad: 11
Rewards: 1x Mega Pack



Card’s Type: Players, consumables and club’s items
Cards: 12 (All Gold)
Rare Cards: 12

Start: 24/11/2016 6pm UK??
24/11/2016 11am PT??
End: 25/11/2016 2pm UK??
25/11/2016 7amPT??

20 hours

Packs Limit

25.000 coins | 500 FIFA Points

IF cards available in packs
Movember cards



Card’s Type: Players and consumables
Cards: 24 (20 Gold + 4 Silver)
Rare Cards: 7

Start: 23/11/2016 6pm UK??
23/11/2016 11am NY??
End: 29/11/2016 7am UK??
29/11/2016 2am NY??

5 days

Packs Limit

15.000 coins | 300 FIFA Points

IF cards available in packs
Movember cards



Start: 24/11/2016 6pm UK??
24/11/2016 1pm NY??
End: 28/11/2016 8am UK??
28/11/2016 3am NY??

4 days (limit of 10 hours)

Playstation 4 and XBox One



FIFA 17 Black Friday Offers of Previous Years

How was the Black Friday in FIFA 16?

These were the offers available during Black Friday last year.


FIFA 17 Black Friday Guide & Updated Offers for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team

In FIFA 16, there was something new every hour for 24 hours.

FUT Packs Offers
Premium Gold Players Packs, Rare Gold Pack, Mega Packs, Rare Player Pack, Jumbo Rare Players Packs

Increased Chances of Pulling Specific Players
Increased Chance on the whole TOTW 11, Increased Chance on 87+ rated Forwards, Increased Chance on 84+ rated Goalkeepers, Increased Chance on 85+ rated Defenders, Increased Chance on 87+ rated Midfielders

Free FUT Packs
Free Ultimate Loan Player Reward Pack

FUT Featured Tournaments
Single Player and Online Tournaments

Daily Gifts
Available before and during the promotion period through the Companion and Web App



How the Market is Affected by Black Friday

What happens to the cards’ prices during Black Friday?

During the Black Friday most of the prices will go down, especially during the 100k FUT 17 packs offers. In fact, the expected huge market crash waited by the community for the Black Friday, starts much earlier. As Black Friday approach, the trend is prices begin to gradually fall. After the Cyber Monday, prices will go up again but not to the levels before the Black Friday. If you really want to maximise your coins, you should sell your teams before Black Friday and buying back during the TOTY.

Contrary to what happens at FUT United, the community knows well when the Black Friday will occur and anticipates the cards’ price drops. The recognition that this event has in previous years of being one of those that make prices drop the most makes it inevitable that the same happens year after year. Even when offers aren’t even that much appellative, the market drops in such a vertiginous way because no one wants to take the risk of losing their purchase power.

DAY -10 -1 1 2 3 4 +1 +2 +15
% ↑ 0% ↓ 25% ↑ 5% ↑ 2% ↑ 0% ↑ 0% ↑ 0% ↑ 0% ↑ 3%


Different to what many people think, the Black Friday isn’t known by having a huge Market Crash. The biggest devaluation occurs before it even starts. In the ten days before the Black Friday start, the market drops around 25%. It reaches the critical minimum on this day. From there, prices start rising again. It’s a slow and slight recovery but the truth is that only two weeks later this tendency inverts itself and it’s due to FUTmas and TOTY getting close.

This behaviour we’ve described is also followed by the IF cards, in a weaker rhythm of course. The best day to buy them is also the Thursday before Black Friday, when they’ve accumulated a devaluation of almost 20%, so that then they can slightly recover on the next days.

FIFA 17 Players Prices Beahviour and Market Crash GuideClick in the image to maximize it



FIFA 17 Black Friday Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to know about FIFA 17 Black Friday

Q: What is Black Friday?
A: Black Friday is the day regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In this day, the prices are lower making it the one with more sales in the year.

Q: What is the FIFA 17 Black Friday?
A: FIFA 17 Black Friday is an event that Electronic Arts organises for the FIFA 17 community. It includes new offers every hour for 24 hours.

Q: When is the FIFA 17 Black Friday?
A: The most important day is November 25, 2016.

Q: What can we expect from FIFA 17 Black Friday?
A: Many Happy Hours and squad bulding challenges.

Q: Is FIFA 17 Black Friday only a day?
A: No. It extends until Cyber Monday.

Q: Which Happy Hours can we expect on these days?
A: 25k or 35k packs will probably be permanently available on the store all day on Friday. Additionally, all the other most popular packs will also be available but for a limited time or limited quantity (lightning rounds).

Q: What are Lightning Rounds?
A: Lightning Rounds are new rounds of happy hours every three hours in which promo packs are available on the store until they run out. On Lightning Rounds there are a global limited amount of packs to be sold. The first to come are the first to be served. On other hand, without a limit of packs for each user, you are free to buy how many promo packs you want as long as they are not sold out.

Q: When Lightning Rounds will take place?
A: Lightning rounds will be assigned to the most popular FUT 17 packs released on Friday.

Q: Can we expect 100k Jumbo Rare Players Packs ?
A: Yes. These packs are usually released during the Black Friday promotions.

Q: What does ‘Increased Chance’ actually mean?
A: At certain intervals throughout the lightning rounds, will be available increased chance windows. All packs opened within that hour will have a higher likelihood of containing whatever has been increased. EA haven’t released it during the Black friday.

Q: Will EA Sports release free packs to everyone during FIFA 17 Black Friday?
A: Probably yes, but only unpopular packs. However, Daily Gifts will be available during the event to be redeemed in the Companion and Web App.


Black Friday History


10 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Black Friday Guide & Updated Offers”

  1. João Martins

    This year we have the “Increased Chances of Pulling Specific Players” like in Fifa 2016? And this is for all packs or only Black Friday promo packs?

    Best regards

    1. Sorry but it looks that they haven’t release it in Black Friday.
      Maybe they are saving it for the Cyber Monday…
      You will know when they release it.

  2. Hey Rodrigo when is the best time that the market crash will be at its lowest ?Can you also tell the hour and day this will happen?

  3. Robbe Coorevits

    When is it the best time to buy your ultimate team? When are the players the cheapest of all?

      1. Rodrigo, os horários de Nova York estão errados, não? 2 PM Londres não seriam 9 AM em NY?

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