FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions – Vote for your Team of the Year

FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions - Vote on your Team of the Year


Who are the best football players in the world? Who will receive a prestigious blue FUT Team of the Year inform card for 2016? Vote here for your favourites and help us to build the best community’s FIFA 17 TOTY predictions!

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FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions

What are the FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions?

Every year, FIFPro invites professional footballers worldwide to select their best team of the calendar year. Players are asked to pick one goalkeeper, four defenders, three midfielders and three forwards. In this page you can vote for your favourites. With you help, we will build the best community’s FIFA 17 TOTY predictions.

You can vote for your best eleven only once and you must to do it before January 2. You should also know that is only made a distinction between the four lines, not between each position. For example, instead of having full backs, your team can have four centre backs. The final FIFA 17 Team of the Year will be announced on January 9.




Five Goalkeepers shortlisted for the FIFA 17 Team of the Year
Select one for the FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions


FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions - Vote for your Team of the Year

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Twenty Defenders shortlisted for the FIFA 17 Team of the Year
Select four for the FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions


FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions - Vote for your Team of the Year

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Fifteen Midfielders shortlisted for the FIFA 17 Team of the Year
Select three for the FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions


FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions - Vote for your Team of the Year

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Fifteen Fowards shortlisted for the FIFA 17 Team of the Year
Select three for the FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions


FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions - Vote for your Team of the Year

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You can check the results after you submit your votes. If you feel confident about who will be the best eleven football players in the world, you can also write in the comments your full prediction.


15 thoughts on “FIFA 17 TOTY Predictions – Vote for your Team of the Year”

        1. I think his price will go up, yes. On PS4, I would try the 86 rated card. It’s only 3k more expensive than his 84 rated card, so the risk of losing coins is low.

  1. Hey,
    do you think toty is worth spending money on toty cause I didn’t do it last year and people’s pack luck was fairly good but some of my friends were bad, can someone help me with my descision

  2. Hey rodrigo, excuse me for my out of topic question, but is an extremely important aspect of the game. I would like to know if we should buy some of the possible IF cards of the player which are more likely to be upgraded this february. E.g: Mane, Kante or Modeste. And if we should do this, we should do it now or wait till toty market crash? Thank you very much, Santiagoo

        1. Hi.
          This is the first year with scream cards, so no one can be sure about that. I believe that they will not count as first IF.

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