FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 – Release Date, Access and More

FUT Web App Details for FIFA 17 - Release Date, Access and More


FIFA 17 Web App will be available soon. But what is the release date? How can you access it? We are here to clarify these and many other details about the FUT 17 Web App.


The FUT Web App was taken down for maintenance on September 16.

Quick Access
Release Date


FIFA 17 Web App Release Date

When FUT 17 Web App will be launched?

FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 - Release Date, Access and More


When will be launched the FIFA 17 Web App? Except EA, no one can confirms the FUT 17 Web App release date. However, according to our past experience, the most likely date is Tuesday, September 20th, 2016.

It is very hard to find out in which date the FIFA 17 Web App will be launched because EA Sports never launch in the announced date to avoid servers overloaded. They will probably announce it a week before its release but you should try to login one or two days before the official date.

In FIFA 14, they turned off the web app on September 11th and announced it to 15th. However, EA Sports anticipated in three days. In FIFA 15, the web app was pulled down on September 12th and back up on 18th. It was supposed to be on 17th, but a few problems have delayed it. Last year, the FIFA Web App was under maintenance from September 11th and was released worldwide from September 15tth at 6pm UK, two days before the announced date.


You can see the release dates of the last five years in the following table:

Game Launch Announcement Web App EA Access Origin Access
FIFA 13 25/09/2012 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 n.a. n.a.
FIFA 14 24/09/2013 15/09/2013 13/09/2013 20/09/2013 n.a.
FIFA 15 23/09/2014 17/09/2014 18/09/2014 18/09/2014 n.a.
FIFA 16 22/09/2015 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 16/09/2015 n.a.
FIFA 17 27/09/2016 20/09/2016* 22/09/2016 22/09/2016


The expected release dates for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team are:

    FUT Web App taken down for maintenance
    From 12am ??, Friday, September 16th, 2016 CONFIRMED
    FUT Web App
    From 6:45pm ??, Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 CONFIRMED
    Companion App
    From 6pm ??, Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 CONFIRMED
    Origin Access
    From 8pm ??, Thursday, September 21st, 2016 CONFIRMED
    EA Access
    From 8pm ??, Thursday, September 21st, 2016 CONFIRMED


How to Get Access to the FIFA 17 Web App

What you need to do to access FUT Web App early access

FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 - Release Date, Access and More


FIFA 17 Web App early access, also know by Webstart, is only available for returned players. It means that only players who have created a security question/answer before August 1st 2016 will be able to use it. If it is not your case, you will see a picture like this one and you will need to play in the console first before you can access to the App. In other hand, if you played FIFA 16 you will have to buy and play FIFA 17 in your console until midnight of October 1st (UK time) to keep using the FUT Web App for FIFA 17.


To access the FIFA 17 Web App, just follow this link. Please note that it will currently be live for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, until it’s under maintenance for FIFA 17. Once it goes online again, it is not possible anymore to access the FUT Web App for FIFA 16.

Login Verification is a mandatory step before you can access the FIFA 17 Web App. If you never activated, just go to your Origin account here and enable it. Then, just confirm the email or sms they have sent to you, verify your FIFA Ultimate Team Secret question and answer and store your codes in a safe place. As simple as that. If you already did it in the past, all will need is your EA account email address, password and answer to your secret question.


FIFA 17 Web App Offers

Why FIFA 17 Web App early access is so important

FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 - Release Date, Access and More


FIFA 17 Web App early access is not a great time to make the first coins. As usual, you can buy low and sell higher but, since no one is playing it for the first time, it will be very difficult to make much coins with trading. Hopefully, there are offers you can use to boost your game:

    Starter Pack
    The Starter Pack includes 34 cards, mostly bronze (29 more 2 silver and 3 gold). This pack, besides enough players to start playing, where silver and gold are included with 45 contracts each one, possesses also everything your club needs to start. In other words, the club item cards which will be part of the pack will be: at least one stadium, one ball, one badge and two kits (home and away). All the cards of this first pack are untradeable, which means that you can not sell it.
    Welcome Back Packs
    The Welcome Back Packs reward returning users for their loyalty – their FUT 16 gaming activity . Most of the 12 cards in each pack will be gold, for which these offers assume particular importance in the start of your club. You’ll be rewarded too with two all players packs, each one with 4 bronze players cards, 4 silver players cards and 4 gold players cards (at least one rare).
    Daily Gifts
    During the first days Daily Gifts will also be offered, so the sooner you start the more you can win. Don’t forget to access your Apps every day. Each day you miss, it is one pack less you get. In the beginning you’ll need all the cards you can get to start your first investments. The first daily gift will be available until midnight (UK time) of FUT Web App release date and the last one until midnight (UK time) of Monday, October 3rd. Cards are more expensive in the early days, meaning daily gifts are relatively worth significantly more. Don’t forget to redeem your daily gift if you want to have a good start. For more Daily Gifts details, including when they will be available and what you can receive, please click here.


FIFA 17 Web App – Frequently Asked Questions

The most important questions about the FIFA 17 Web App

FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 - Release Date, Access and More


Q: What is the FUT Web App?
A: The Web App, also known as FUT Web, is an online extension where we can manage our FUT club. Both names are abbreviations for FIFA Ultimate Team Web App.
The FUT 17 Web App is the central for all FIFA 17 Ultimate Team enthusiastic. You can do almost everything you do on the platform (Playstation, XBox or PC). Obviously, playing matches is one of the few exceptions.

Q: Why should I use the FUT Web App for FIFA 17?
A: The big advantage of using the FUT Web App is that it is a faster and more comfortable way to managing one’s club. Most traders use it for searching, selling and buying cards because these actions imply frequent quick visits to the market during the day.

Q: Is FUT Web App free?
A: Sure. You just need a PC with an internet connection and the last version of Flash installed.

Q: What can I do with the FUT Web App?
A: Searching, selling and trading cards;
Organizing and testing the chemistry of the squads;
Sharing your squads with your friends;
Buying and opening packs;
Checking the Team of the Week;
Consulting and interacting with all the cards you have on the club;
Consulting the leader boards.

Q: Should I use the FUT Web App or the Companion App?
A: The FIFA Web App is available on web browsers while companion app is available on iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices. The first one is more popular and have more features. However, the companion app offers the functionality of entering a FUT Draft. If possible, use both.

Q: How often does the FIFA web app goes down for maintenance?
A: Not very often. You can follow all the FIFA 17 maintenance down times in this page.

Q: How can I take advantage of early access?
A: Follow the tips we have in our FIFA 17 Starting Guide.

Q: Why I can’t buy FIFA Points in the Web App?
A: FIFA Points are only available before the game release date in the early access of EA & Origin Access subscribers.


18 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Web App Details for FUT 17 – Release Date, Access and More”

  1. Hi, have played fifa ultimate team since 2012, i played fifa 16 on xbox one before 1st August and my account is est march 2012 but when i try to get on to the fifa 17 web app i get this,

    “Sorry you were not invited to participate in early web start in FUT 17. You will be able to use the Web App once FIFA 17 is released. You will need to have first logged in to FIFA 17 on your preferred platform, and created you FUT 17 Club.”

    1. It is an error that is happening to thousands of players. EA is working on it. You should be able to access the Web App in the coming hours.

  2. Sorry I stuffed up that comment. I meant that I bought a ps4 just for Fifa 17 after playing on PS3 for a while. Will I still be able to use the web app?

    1. If you played FUT 16, then you will have early access. However, we don’t know if this year they will give you the chance to select the platform when web app starts.

      1. What about like me? i havent played fifa 16 but did play the fifa 16 web app before that was closed to none fifa 16 owners. I have played fifa 14 and 15 though. Thanks Matt

  3. i’ve been in fut since fifa 13 but in ps3, this summer i bought a ps4 can i still go to the web app?

    1. If you played FUT 16, then you will have early access. However, we don’t know if this year they will give you the chance to select the platform when web app starts.

  4. I havent got fifa 16 but i did play the web app before release last year. Does this mean i will be able to use the web app or is it purely for thise who have played the actual hard copy of the game?

  5. If i buy Fifa16 and i play FUT16 in these week Could I get acces to the web App for Fifa17 ?
    I am wonderin this cause im thinking about getting the Origin access this week that includes Fifa 15 and Fifa 16, but i m not sure if you have to have played before August 1 or something like that.
    Thank you Rodrigo.

    1. Hi Antonio.
      It will not work. You must have played FUT 16 before August 1st 2016 to be eligible to the early access.

  6. how i access to the web app if i havent got fifa 16 and my fifa 17 comes the 29August?
    Another question: if i buy fifa 16 tomorrow i will have the bonuses for the web app?

    1. Bad news: if you haven’t played FIFA 16, then you are not eligible to the Webstart.
      Web App will only be available when you play FIFA 17 in your console.

  7. If i buy fifa points on fifa 16, and then if i start up the web app for fifa 17 before the actual game is released… will my points be there?

    1. No, they won’t. It only works if you have EA Access (XBox One). In that case you probably can carryover your FP and use them as you wish.

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