FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting Guide

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting Guide


Do you want to start playing FUT 17 but you can’t because there is something wrong with the Web App? Follow our FIFA 17 Web App troubleshooting guide to the most common issues and start the new season now.


FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting Guide


I don’t know how to enter in FUT 17 Web App.
It’s easier than you think. Just follow these simple steps:
1) Type “” in the address bar of your internet browser or click in the link.
2) Choose the main console where you will play.
3) Enter the answer to the security question.
4) Confirm the club name and its abbreviation.
5) You are ready to go !

FIFA 17 Web App TroubleshootingFIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I am registered in Origin but I can’t get into the FIFA 17 Web App.
The FUT 17 Web App early access is only for who have created a security question/answer before August 1st 2016. If you are a new player, you will need to play in the console first before you can access to the Companion and FUT Web App. Creating a brand new FUT 17 account in EA Access will not give you access to the Web App. You will need to purchase a full copy of FIFA 17 to access the FUT Web App.

However, if are eligible and still get this message then you should know that you are not alone. Many thousands of players are having this issue to. Electronic Arts is working on it and you probably will access the app in the coming hours. Most of the players have now full access to the game. Here are the official updates.


September 21 at 8pm ??
Early Web Start for #FUT 17 is now LIVE! ” by EA Twitter

September 21 at 6pm ??
The vast majority of you should now be able to access the web app & use the transfer market.” by Rod Hodson

September 21 at 7am ??
Appreciate you’re all eager to get on the web app so thanks for your patience. Work continues.” by Rod Hodson

September 21 at 1am ??
We continue to work on the rollout of Webstart invites. Our next Tweet regarding this will be at 11PM PT” by Rod Hodson

September 21 at 12am ??
The FIFA 17 Web App will become available on a rolling basis, so some users may not be able to login at the moment. We will announce when it is open and available for everyone invited to FUT Webstart. Thanks for your patience.” by EA Website

September 20 at 8pm ??
Working on the invite app issue. Hold on” by Rod Hodson


FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I can’t get into the FIFA 17 Web App. It’s says to try later.
Clean the cache of your browser, try to access through other browsers, make sure your flash player is up to date and turn off your browser extensions. If it still doesn’t work, that’s because the servers are overloaded and you will have to wait.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I can access to the FIFA 17 Web App but the market is unavailable.
If you haven’t played FUT 16 in the console where you plan to play FUT 17, the Companion and the Web App will not make available the market’s earlier access. You need to validate first your FIFA 17 account in the new console to unlock the market. Access to trading won’t be immediate and could take several days. Some accounts with previous FUT 16 history will be allowed to trade, while others will not. This is also true for accounts with multiple personas, as all persona data is treated separately in FUT 17. Playing FUT 16 will not give your FUT 17 account access to the Transfer Market.
There is an icon on the top right corner of the Web App window that lets you change your persona. However, this icon is only showed if you have played FUT 16 in at least two different consoles. Otherwise, you will not see it and your Webstart progress will be tied to the console that is showed.

Many players also received this error message without any reason. We believe that it had to do with servers overloaded. For most of the gamers it is working fine now.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I can’t maximize the FIFA 17 Web App screen.
If you are seeing this picture, you have to resize your window. Use CTRL- to zoom out until you see the whole screen.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I can’t get into the FIFA 17 Web App on my mobile.
The App to mobile devices is the Companion App and it will be available only after you access the FIFA 17 Web App.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I can’t buy FIFA Points in the Web App
FIFA Points are only available before the game release in the early access of EA Access subscribers. To be able to buy FIFA Points you will need to access the full game through the console first. PC accounts share FIFA Points between all versions of FUT. Any points purchased on a PC Account will be usable on the web app in FUT 17.


Where is my daily gift?
Daily Gifts are available in the FIFA 17 Web App starting on September 20th. It is limited to one per day. In the days you don’t open the Web App, you will loose the daily gift of that day. Pick yours up each day at 12am (UK time).


I can access the FIFA 17 Web App but in the wrong platform.
If you have multiple personas, you will see an icon in the top right to change between them. The persona selector will default to the persona you are not currently logged into.
Because of the split between console generations, all returning users have the option of creating a PS3/Xbox 360 or a PS4/Xbox One FUT 17 team, depending on which platforms they played on in FUT 16. Once your account is created, it will be tied to that platform, with no shared data between the two.


It doesn’t accept my club’s name.
Some words are filtered and won’t be able to be used as a club name. Because FUT is a global game, some words have a different context in other languages. If you receive the profanity error when creating your FUT 17 Club, please try another name.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


EA Access players can’t access the FIFA 17 Web App
Many EA Access subscribers are receiving the following message when trying to access the Web App: “EA Access Trial users do not have access to the FUT Web App. Purchase a full copy of FIFA 17 today in order to use the FUT Web App.”. In fact, this is not something new since it already happened last year. If you are one of these players, all you can do is to wait until EA fixes it. This is also happening to the players who try to access the Companion App.

FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting


I’m not receiving the confirmation codes
EA is requesting new confirmation codes in order to access the Web App but many of them are taking too long to be received. If it is your case, check if it isn’t in your spam box. If it’s not change to mobile confirmation. The codes are sent immediately and you can access the Web App.


My est. date is wrong
The est. date of many returning players is showing ‘September 2016’ instead of the correct date. However, XP level and FFC are right. It means that the only thing that it is not matching is the date. Electronic Arts is working on a fix to this issue.


I no longer can access the FIFA 17 Web App
If you had access to the FUT 17 Web App but no longer have, even if you haven’t made any change, you should know that EA Sports is blocking App access to all players that haven’t played FIFA 17 in the console until midnight of October 9 (UK time). To keep using this App, you will need to buy the game and play it.


If this FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting guide didn’t fixed your problem, you should ask for help to the EA Support.

If your problem isn’t listed in this page, please use the comments to inform us and, if we find a solution, we will updated this FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting Guide with it.


95 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Web App Troubleshooting Guide”

  1. tried to log onto companion app and it says ”there was a problem connecting to EA Account Servers. Please check your internet connection and try again.” My connection is great so i don’t know what’s going on, please help.

  2. hi… i have a kinda let down situation with ea… i wanted to run app companion… i logged in using verification app but ea needs to verify my outlook account and i i have tried like 50 times but there isn’t any verification link in my inbox… and not even in junk or anywhere else… can anyone find any solutions for that?

  3. Evolutiongamersy

    I’m having troubles whit the web app if being playing fifa al day but stil can’t juse the transfer markt and it getting anoying that i can’t trade my players

  4. ive just started this october 2016 on fifa 17 how can i get the web app cos no email is coming through i need the companion app

  5. Downloaded the app when i had a xbox 360 ready to get fifa 17 on it for my birthday but ended up getting it on xbox one with the console, using the same account, now whenever i try logging in on my account on the app it says i need to buy the game to access it. I assume on my 360 fifa 17 which i dont have but i want to access my xbox one version. Any help would be greatful thanks.

  6. I cannot login to the webapp companion anymore because the apps says I did not buy the game (but i have) and then it tells me that I have to login on my console, create a fut club and security question and I already did but I still do not have any access to the companion app. What can I do EA???

    1. Bazil_Roy_Brush

      Same…did you get this sorted out? If so how did you do it? :/


  7. Hi, I have a FUT17 team op PS4, with name and security question etc. but if I want to use the FUT app it says 1. create a fut team. 2. set a security question. 3. refresh. but I can’t find where I can do that in the app. what do I have to do? Thnx!

  8. Hey Rodrigo,

    Ive got a problem, ive sold som players on the transfer market and i dont get my coins, could ea give them back to me?

    Thank you

  9. I am playing my game on Xbox one but while using companion app recently while putting bids on players it gave me an error AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED and after numerous attempts it gave me another TOO MANY REQUESTS TOO MANY ACTIONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND USE OF THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY DISABLED Can you please help me with this

    1. You probably are an intensive trader. You you were banned by EA because they though you were not human but it is temporary. After 7 or 8 hours you will be able to bid and buy again.

  10. I used to get a free daily gift everyday from logging into the mobile app on my phone. For the past week I have logged in but I am not recieving any daily gifts anymore. Can anyone explain or help me out

  11. Hello,

    I have been playing Fifa 17 on xbox one for awhile now, yet on the companion app, it still won’t allow me to access the transfer market. I am given the message “Continue playing FUT 17 on Xbox One to unlock access to the Transfer Market.” How can I fix this issue?

    1. Hi.
      Have you tried to use the Web App? That’s because the Companion App doesn’t work if you don’t use the Web App first.

  12. Hey guys .I have a problem with web app .Sometimes ,when i tried to bid or buy for some item i cant .I receive message for outbid or no longer available item ,that is ok ,but when i try to bid other item i cant ,no mather witch ,just receive same message .I try different browsers ,Google chrome ,mozzila ,delete cookies ,same problem. After 30 min ,problem solved ,but this is goin me crazy .Any ideas

    1. It is happening to me too and I believe that it is happening to most of the players. However, if I move to next page and undo again I can bid/buy.

  13. Valdir Waltrick

    I can not open Web APP, the application is “LOADING” and does not enter. What to do?
    Thank you!

  14. Brian villavicencio

    I have been trying since release but still get the “not invited” message. I play on ps4 and have been playing fut since 2015. I have one created this year also but i am not able to get onto the web app or companion app.

  15. I have that message where it says keep playing fifa 17 to unlock the transfer market any idea when this is gonna be fixed

  16. I have the game, created a club, did the security question, but still can’t login to the app as it says the game has not launched yet. What do I do?

    1. I’m in the same boat. Played 15, 16 and have been on 17 since the go live on the 27th. I still can’t get into the web or companion app after receiving the “Your Not invited” message. Any advice would be much appreciated.

  17. I played FUT 16 on PS3 but I am getting FIFA 17 on PS4. I have been trading heavily using the web app and the companion apps since their launch. Will my coins earned and players bought be available in my PS4 automatically when I start playing the game? Please note that I was never presented with a console selection when I first logged to the web app and I have no icon on the top right corner of the app. I have invested alot of time, finished the majority of the squad challenges and I can’t imagine seeing it all gone.

    1. Don’t kill the messenger (us), please. We have bad news for you: it won’t. Persona changer is only visible for who played FUT 16 in both consoles before August 2016. Sorry.

  18. Just got kicked out of the trial while opening packs. Now can’t access the webb app as says I’m logged in elsewhere. My copy won’t turn up till later today, I want to open my packs! Any wirkaround?

  19. I got my security question wrong the the first 4 times and my account locked but now ive changed my question and answer and it still says locked therefore i still can go on the web app, do you know how i can ?

  20. I’m on #4 saying I need to play more but it’s after launch in North America and I have 8 games from EA Access and 2 from the purchased version. I was able to trade for a week and now the web app and companion app are down. It’s usually the “need to play more” message but I’ve even seen one saying that the market is down for me because I breached ToS. Yet it all still works fine on the console as I logged in, relisted, bought, and sold, and played a match this morning.

    1. That’s really weird. Have you tried to clean the browser cache, another browser or device? If nothing changes, you should contact the EA Support.

  21. Hi there,

    I already logged in on the web app but still cant use my companion app. It says that I have a connection error but my internet works well. I’ve no idea how to fix it, could anyone help me?

    Thanks a lot

  22. Oscar Baxendale

    I am on early access but my fifa 16 club hasnt carried over from before and it says established september 2016 when i have in fact been playing for like 6 years. All my XP is there PLEASE HELP

  23. This happens to me too. 4 days in a row when i try to login from work the email verification code gets sent hours later to my mail (hotmail)

  24. Evry time i try to get into the web app there comes an advertisement for companion app..evry time

    On samsung galaxy s6

    1. Hi. Web App is to be used in PC’s. For mobile devices you need to use the companion app. That’s why you are seeing that advertisement.

  25. Same here Gareth. The new companion app does provide a switch persona option, but for me even that doesn’t show my active PS4 account ?

  26. I have no switch persona button on web app it only loads my xbox one ultimate team not my ps4 which is the one i play any help

  27. i have played since fifa 15 yet my account is still not letting me in, it says i was not invited andi have checked everywhere in every email and im really fustrated. any help?

  28. Eu jogo fifa desde o 14 mas o 16 não joguei na mesma consola que os outros. Mas pedi a um amigo meu o jogo emprestado e criei o clube do ultima team para ver se era disso. Mas mesmo assim não consigo entrar a web app do fifa 17. Alguém consegue ajudar-me ?

  29. Hi I’ve download the FIFA 17 web app and logged in with no problems. My only issue is with the squad building challenges. I’m doing the mls challenge. It looks like there could be a glitch on the mls LA Galaxy and Toronto challenges. I’ve completed all the requirements,4/5 in both challenges and even have the min requirement for the gold players. 1 minimun player for Toronto, I have 2 and 2 minimun players for LA Galaxy, I have 3,but its still showing that I don’t have the gold players and its not allowing me to submit the teams for the packs.

  30. hello, a screen appears saying i need to verify my email, however, no email verification code has been sent to me. i have tried resending the email about 10 times but i still do not recieve anything,

  31. I played fifa 16 on 360. This year was planning on playing on PS4. I downloaded the demo on PS4 and connected my EA account in te demo. I logged in to the webapp thinking I would get a option to choose platform. Thought wrong!! It just choose xbox for me, no option tot change to PS4. So my packs are for 360 and therefore useless for me. Anyway to change?

  32. (Our servers are temporarily down while we work on making things better.

    Please come back later.)this is what ea show me!

  33. Hi, I started playing Fifa 16 on PS4 in January, switched from PS3. I have played around 200 games on ultimate team, but i can’t access the tranfer market. why not?

  34. I had fifa 16 for the xbox 360 and the xbox one after i got the xbox one for Christmas. I played probably around 20-30 games on the 360 and over 200 on the xbox one. Yet for some reason i can’t access the market from my xbox one account on the fifa 17 web app and i can on my 360 account, can someone please help?

  35. I had fifa 16 for the xbox 360 and the xbox one after i got the xbox one for Christmas. I played probably around 20-30 games on the 360 and over 200 on the xbox one. Yet for some reason i can’t access the market from my xbox one account on the fifa 17 web app and i can on my 360 account, can someone please help?

    1. In fact there is but not for everyone. If the system recognises that you played FUT 16 in more than one console, it will show you the icon. Otherwise, it won’t.

  36. hello, a screen appears saying i need to verify my email, however, no email verification code has been sent to me. i have tried resending the email about 10 times but i still do not recieve anything,

      1. I’ve done all the set up of the Companion app but I’m not receiving the Verification email I have tried several times.

        Help please!?

    1. EA is wrong. They are working on it. Probably, you will be able to access in a couple of hours, when less people are trying to do the same.

  37. Hi, I have played fut on ps4 for two years and pre ordered fifa17, but still not able to get in to tje web app. It says I’m not invited to the early web start. Why is that?

  38. Hi, it says I was not invited for the early access to the web app. I started in FUT in june of 2016. What is wrong?

    1. EA is wrong. They are working on it. Probably, you will be able to access in a couple of hours, when less people are trying to do the same.

  39. Hi, So my current Fifa 16 account is on a PS3 but I have ordered a new PS4 that comes with Fifa 17. It sounds like I won’t be able to do anything in the web app until my new PS4 is delivered on Sept 29 and I validate my new console and game? Does this mean I will also miss out on daily gifts for the first 9 days and the benefits of being a returning player eg the welcome packs based on my FUT 16 gaming activity?

    1. You will have access to the Webstart but probably your progress will be for PS3. However, last year it was possible to change the ‘persona’ in the Web App. You should try.

  40. hey rodrigo, bdw very helpful posts thx. how many fut account can i have in one ps4? and can i use my fifa 16 points when the web app is realesd?

    1. Thank you.
      It is 99% confirmed that you have a one time transfer to use your FIFA 16 Points in FIFA 17.
      I think there is not a limit for the accounts you can have in your console. all you need is to create different users with different Origin accounts.

  41. Is this access already available? Have you seen this screen after logging in? I ask this because when I did, my FUT16 club appeard, nothing like those screens above. Tks.

    1. No, the web app for FIFA 17 is not available yet. You can get an update about the Web App status here.
      These screenshots are similar to what you will see when they release it. Bookmark this page because there are good chances you will need it.

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