FIFA 18 Position Change Cards Guide

FIFA 18 Position Change Cards Guide


Learn everything about FIFA 18 Position Change Cards, including how they work, a list with all these cards and a guide to help you decide if you should use them or not.




What FIFA 18 position change cards do?

One of the most important factors in team chemistry is if players are playing in their preferred positions or not. Although they could play in any position, the team’s chemistry and the individual chemistry are strengthened if they are placed in the position printed on their cards or, at least, in a similar position. You can learn more about this subject here.

As it is not always possible to make these positions match, there are position cards that help you to solve this problem. These cards are equivalent to training to adapt players to a new position on the field.

The position cards allow you to change the preferred position of a player to the one that is printed on the card. For each card that you use, you can change a single player’s position only once. Using several cards, you can change the player’s position as many times as you want. Before applying a position card to a player to fix his position on the field, make sure that he already doesn’t have maximum individual chemistry. If he does, you don’t have to apply the position card

However, it is necessary to have in mind that the position’s cards contain information about the old and the new position. If a player’s favourite position doesn’t match with the old position printed on the card, we cannot apply that card to him. It means, for example that you will never transform a right back into a right winger.

Each position card can only be applied to a player and the effect lasts until you apply a new position card on him. Sometimes, you need to apply several position cards to get the position you want. For example: to transform a CAM into a ST, you need to apply a CAM-CF card and then a CF-ST card.

The position cards can not be boosted by any staff.


FIFA 18 Position Change Cards GuideFollow this path to buy position change cards: transfers – consumables – position


List of FIFA 18 Position Change Cards

Every single position card included in FIFA 18

Here are the sequences that you can make to change the preferred position of a player:



All the position cards are shown in the following table:


FIFA 18 Position Change Cards Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate Team



Should I buy FIFA 18 Position Change Cards?

When a player is assigned to play in a strange position to himself, the chemistry is strongly affected. Independently of his connections with team mates, he will never have more than an individual chemistry of 4, which is very bad. However, it will also affect team chemistry.

If you bought or received a player with a different position from the one that he will play, apply him a position card in order to at least adapt him to a similar position (see the table of similar positions).

On the other hand, if your players already have an individual chemistry of 10, you should not waste coins with position cards. In these cases, they can play in the wrong position that it will not affect their performance.

If you want to apply a card or a sequence of position cards to a player you own, check which option is cheaper: buy the position card(s) and apply it on him; or go to the transfer market to sell your player card and buy another card of the same player but already in the desired position.

The CAM-CM, CM-CDM and ST-CF cards are usually the most popular ones.


FIFA 18 Position Change Cards Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate TeamClick over the image to maximize it


38 thoughts on “FIFA 18 Position Change Cards Guide”

  1. enriqueyangyang

    they should allow gk to other position, some of the keeper stats are so impressive XD

    1. You can’t do it with position change cards but the side midfielder chemistry will not be as affected if he moves to the opposite side as if he moves to another position.

  2. Thanks for posting! I find myself with too many strikers. Do you know why they don’t make position change cards such as ST -> RF or ST -> LW? Is there any reasoning behind that I don’t see?

    I would have liked to turn SBC Griezmann into a RF/RW or LF/LW, and don’t see the logic in FIFA allowing me to turn him into a CDM…

  3. Hi. If i apply CAM-CM-CDM cards to Hagi and i put him at CDM position, could this reduce or improve his acceleration or any other of his stats and if you know how much? And a difficult question. So, i applied CAM-CM-CDM cards and he plays as CDM, is he going to be in the CDM playing territory as usually as an original CDM?

    1. He will play at best of his capacities because his chemistry will be the maximum possible. However, he will keep his attributes that could not be the best to play as CDM

    1. ST -> RM? No, it is not possible. However, you can make a ST-CF-CAM-CM and in that case, chemistry will not be so affected as keeping him an ST.

  4. Jorge De La Torre

    Hi Rodrigo

    If I have a player with full player chem (10) with full loyalty by coach and 10 matches played, the position change cards could affects the performance?, in example: Fernandinho CDM with full loyalty playing on CM position with 10 chem and then apply card CDM-》CM to fit CM position of squad formation?

    Excelente Blog!! Felicitaciones.

    1. Hi Jorge.
      If the position of his card matches the position where he is playing, then it will not be affected. Otherwise, he will lose a few points of individual chemistry. You can learn more about it here.

  5. Does changing a players position have any affect on their ratings, for example, changing a RM to a RW improve their shooting or reduce their defending or does this only affect their chemistry?

  6. Are we aloud to apply position changes (if they meet the correct criteria like RM to RW) to special cards like informs or man of the match for example.

  7. Dimitris Paliaros

    Excuse me when i change a RW to a ST the stats of the player change? For example if a player has a 95 pace will it be reduced or increase etc? Thank you!

    1. Hi. First, there is no way to transform a RW into a ST. There is no card to do that. The best you can do is to transform a RW into a RF and then use him as a ST. In that case, his chemistry will be affected and his stats will be lower.

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