FIFA 19 Demo Community First Impressions

FIFA 19 Demo Community First Impressions


FIFA 19 Demo is available since September 11 for all platforms, all around the world. It’s time to know the community first impressions of the game.


FIFA 19 Demo Community First Impressions

You have the word!

If you are a true fan of EA Sports FIFA franchise, you probably already have downloaded the new FIFA 19 demo. We know that you are busy playing the game, but we are also sure that you can pause it a bit and share with us your first impressions of the game. Take this chance to know the opinion of other players like you.

If you don’t know what to say about the FIFA 19 demo, we may help you suggesting you a few topics that we believe will be interesting for most of the community.

✔️ Global opinion: better or worse than FIFA 18?
✔️ Menus Design
✔️ Installation Issues
✔️ Another issues like freezings and lags
✔️ Bugs
✔️ Difficulty level: easier or more difficult?
✔️ Game Speed
✔️ AI
✔️ Goalkeeper Improvements
✔️ New Animations
✔️ Players Faces
✔️ The Journey game mode
✔️ Champions League: Does it look real?
✔️ New sound effects and commentaries
✔️ Favourite Player on the Demo
✔️ Favourite Team on the Demo
✔️ Major negative and positive points
✔️ Global Opinion
✔️ Score (from 0 to 10)


Use the comments section to share your opinion and don’t forget to respect the opinion of other players. Remember that this is a demonstration version and some problems may be fixed before the release of the final game.

If you haven’t play it yet, you can know more about the FIFA 19 demo in this compact but accurate guide that we have published a few months ago. The demo is available for free to any gamer with XBox One, Playstation 4 or PC and with an internet connection (XBox Live Silver subscribers will be available only one week later).

Please, share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is precious for everyone.

8 thoughts on “FIFA 19 Demo Community First Impressions”

  1. I pre order fifa 19 champions edition digital on ps4 and I only got one code for the game … but it show that the game will be playable in 10 days that’s the 28/9
    how can I get to play the 3 days early by the 25 ? I should be because the champions edition right?

    1. You will be able to start downloading before September 25. On that day, you will be able to play the trial (10 hours) and then without any restriction on Sep 28.

  2. Breno Adriano Machado

    Rodrigo, bom dia.

    No FUT, vc indica montar 2 elencos? assim enquanto 1 time joga o outro descansa..
    Qual sua opinião sobre o assunto?

    Abraços e parabéns pelo site.

    1. Aeh Breno. No Fifa 17 eu usei essa tática. Não é ruim, porém fica muito caro e demora muito para você montar 2 elencos bacanas e competitivos(sem falar na demora para trocas dos 11 jogadores e na diferença de nível dos players dos 2 elencos, adaptabilidade e tals). Eu recomendaria usar 1 time top e usar os PREPAROS FÍSICOS DE ELENCO 20(prata) ou 30(ouro). A cada 2 jogos eu aplico 1 PREP. Tem players que jogam até 3 partidas seguidas sem colocar um PREP. No FIFA 18 eu usei essa tática e sempre tinha um time muito bom e competitivo.
      Qualquer coisa dá uma olhada no youtube. Vários youtubers explicam aí. Boa sorte no game, irmão!

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