FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


How to buy FIFA Points ? What is the price ? Will I carry over my FIFA Points ? Why I can’t buy it ? This is the place where you will find all the answers. Welcome to the FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team.


If you are looking for FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 16, please click here



April 22nd, 2015
FIFA Points are now available for sale on the Playstation Store.
Click here to read more details about it.

Quick Access



What is FIFA Points ?


FIFA Points are the FIFA currency used on FUT 15 Store exclusively to purchase packs.

It is considered a virtual currency as it meets the requirements of the European Central Bank definition (type of unregulated, digital money, which is issued and usually controlled by its developers, and used and accepted among the members of a specific virtual community) and of the US Treasury definition (medium of exchange that operates like a currency in some environments, but does not have all the attributes of real currency). In the case of FIFA 15, gamers use real money to buy FIFA Points and with them they purchase in-game items (packs).

FIFA Points were introduced on FIFA 12 Ultimate Team, exclusively for PC users. One year later, EA Sports added this currency to the other platforms – Playstation, XBox, iOS e Android – causing all the platforms use the same payment system. Before FIFA Points existed gamers bought packs paying with Microsoft Points or with Playstation Network credits.

A huge part of EA profit is made thanks to FIFA Points sales.

You can check how many FIFA Points you have, looking to the top right hand corner of any Ultimate Team menu. If you never have bought FIFA Points, you will see a ‘0’.



How to Buy FIFA Points ?


The only way to buy FIFA Points is through the game’s store. They are not sold in the FUT Web App (except for PC gamers) or in the EAS FC Companion App. If you play on PC, there is an option in the Web App (‘get more‘) for FIFA Points that will take you to so that you can make your purchase in the Origin Store. If you play on Xbox or PlayStation, you can only buy your FIFA Points on your console.

It is possible to buy FIFA Points in the EA Access early access

You can purchase FIFA Points for FIFA 15 starting from launch day, except if you play in PC or if you are an EA Access subscriber. You will not be able to transfer your old FIFA Points until the FIFA 15 release date, unless you have early access.

To buy FIFA Points, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Open your console’s Ultimate Team, browse to ‘Store’ and then select ‘FIFA Points’.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Step 2

FIFA Points are sold in bundles. Choose how many FIFA Points you want to buy. You will be redirected to Origin store, Playstation store or Microsoft Marketplace according to your platform. Purchasing larger FIFA Point bundles gives you a bigger discount and more bonus points. This offers great value to users who buy several packs in Ultimate Team. For example: buying a 2,000 FIFA Point bundle will give you 200 bonus FIFA Points, which is enough to buy two extra Gold packs.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Step 3

If you do have enough funds, you will be able to proceed with the payment and your download will start immediately. As soon as it ends, the FIFA Points will be added to your balance. However, if you do not have enough funds, you will have to add some money to your console’s account. The payment methods available are: credit and debit card, Skirll Wallet and Boku SMS (PC); credit card, PayPal and pre-paid (Playstation and XBox).

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team



FIFA Points Prices


The Season Ticket subscribers get an additional discount of 20% when they are buying FIFA Points and the EA Access subscribers get only 10%.

Here are the FIFA Points prices (subject to change without notice):


Price [£] Price [€ or $]
FIFA Points Included Bonus Normal Season Ticket EA Access Normal Season Ticket EA Access
100 0 0,79 0,65 0,71 0,99 0,89 0,89
250 0 1,99 1,59 1,79 2,49 2,09 2,24
500 0 3,99 3,19 3,59 4,99 4,19 4,49
750 0 5,49 4,79 4,99 6,99 5,89 6,29
1050 50 7,99 6,49 7,19 9,99 8,39 8,99
1575 75 11,99 9,69 10,79 14,99 12,49 13,49
2200 200 23,99 15,99 21,59 19,99 16,69 17,99
4600 600 31,99 23,99 28,79 39,99 33,39 35,99
12000 2000 79,99 63,99 71,99 99,99 83,39 89,99

The prices and the currency can be different according to gamer’s region

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Click over the image to maximize it



How to Use FIFA Points ?


It is not possible to buy FIFA Points to your console on the Web App

After buying FIFA Points on the console, they will be immediately available to spend on the full Ultimate Team ecosystem, which includes the console, the FUT 15 Web App and companion app (for iOS and Android devices).

You have two ways to pay FIFA 15 Ultimate Team packs: using coins or FIFA Points.

To buy packs using FIFA Points, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Go to your console’s Ultimate Team, browse to ‘Store’ and choose which one pack you want to buy.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Step 2

After you select the pack you want to buy, you will have to choose if you want to do it with coins or with FIFA Points. If you do not have enough funds, you will be redirected to the FIFA Points buying menu.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


The following table shows how many FIFA Points you have to pay for each pack:

Bronze Pack 400 12 1
Premium Bronze Pack 750 12 3
Silver Pack 2 500 50 12 1
Premium Silver Pack 3 750 75 12 3
Gold Pack 5 000 100 12 1
Premium Gold Pack 7 500 150 12 3
Consumables Pack 3000 50 12 1
Silver Upgrade Pack 15 000 50 12
Rare Consumables Pack 20 000 400 12 12
Gold Upgrade Pack 30 000 75 12
Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 15 000 300 24 7
Prem. Gold Players Pack 25 000 350 12 3
Mega Pack 35 000 700 30 18
Rare Players Pack 50 000 1 000 12 12
Jumbo Rare Players Pack 100 000 2 000 24 24



As you can see from the table, there is no proportional relationship between packs paid with FIFA Points and packs paid with coins. The realism is that packs are cheaper with FIFA Points and others with coins. Always analyze if you are not paying too much for your pack.



Common Problems


It is not always easy to buy FIFA Points and FUT 15 packs. Let’s analyse the most common problems:


There is no option to buy packs with FIFA Points. Only with coins.

Be sure that you are not trying to buy a Bronze Pack or a Premium Bronze Pack. These packs can only be purchased with coins because they are very cheap.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


My FIFA Points are not being transferred to FIFA 15.

The message that appears about being able to transfer FIFA Points from FIFA 14 to FIFA 15 is a one-time only transfer offer. If you’ve gone back into FIFA 14 to purchase FIFA Points after seeing this message, your points will not transfer over to FIFA 15.


When I go to the FUT store to buy FIFA Points, I get the message ‘The Store is not available at this time. Try again later‘.

Check if there is no maintenance happening and try two more times. Most of times it works. Otherwise, you will have to wait and try later.

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


I can’t purchase packs using FIFA Points and coins in the EAS FC Companion App.

To purchase packs using your FIFA Points and coins in the EASFC Companion App, you will need to purchase FIFA Points on your console. However, FIFA Points will only be visible on the Android and not on iOS. Additionally, iOS players are restricted to Coins and will not be able to see their current balance in the app.


My FIFA Points haven’t been credited or are missing.

Neither the FIFA Team nor EA Support will ever request your account information through the Xbox or PlayStation messaging system.

If you bought FIFA Points and you haven’t received it, check if your balance has changed. If they are missing, ensure that you have secured your account completely (changing your FUT, Origin, email password, or FUT Secret Question).

If you are based in the US, UK or Canada, you should click here. Otherwise, use the country selector on the top left hand corner of the page. Select the platform that you use to play FUT 15 and then click ‘Next‘. Click on the ‘Select a topic‘ drop-down menu, then choose ‘Billing / Purchasing‘ as your topic, type in details about your topic under ‘Please tell us a little more about your issue‘ and click ‘Next‘. You may be asked to log in with your Origin account email address and password, if you are not signed in. For last, you will have to select the contact method that works best for you from the ones that are available in your region. Don’t forget to keep your reference number that can be used in future contacts. General rule, Electronic Arts will answer you up to 15 days.

To increase your chances of success, be sure to have the following information available before contacting your Game Advisor:

    Your proof of purchase
    Affected persona name (Origin ID, PSN ID, Xbox Gamertag)
    Date the FIFA Points went missing
    How the points were lost
    Missing Points Description (How many?)
    Any additional details that may be important to your issue

FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


I can’t buy FIFA Points because it doesn’t accept credit cards.

It probably doesn’t have to do with Origin, Sony or Microsoft. In some regions, it is not allowed to use credit cards to buy on the internet. It is the case of Brazil, for example.


I can’t buy FIFA Points because I receive a message saying that my region doesn’t match.

To buy FIFA Points, three regions have to match: game region (disc or downloaded file), Sony / Microsoft region and DLC region (downloadable content). You can create a new account to match with the game region but you should pay attention to the FIFA Points region. The DLC is locked by the region of the game, not the system. So, for example, if you’re buying EU disks/downloads, you need EU DLC.



If you can’t use your credit card to buy FIFA Points, purchase a pre-paid card may be a good option.



FIFA Points Carry Over


You will not be able to transfer FIFA Points or FUT items across platforms.

FIFA Points may be transferred between Playstation systems (PS3-PS4) and XBox systems (XBox 360-XBox One) as many times as you want. It works like coins and cards in which you can transfer in the two ways. However, it is not possible to share FIFA Points between different platforms. So if you buy them on Xbox 360 for FUT 15 you can’t use them on Playstation 4, but you can on Xbox One.

You are allowed to transfer your FIFA Points from FUT 14 to FUT 15. But you can only do it once. You can even buy some by the end of FUT 14 so you can use om the FUT 15 release date. When you connect to FIFA 15 for the first time ever, with the same account, the system recognizes you and asks you if you want to transfer your old FIFA Points or if you want delay that operation. From the moment you perform this transfer, you no longer will receive this message again and FIFA Points purchased in FUT 14 will not be transferred to FIFA 15 Ultimate Team any more.

It is possible to transfer FIFA Points during the early access period but only on FIFA 15 between Xbox 360 to Xbox 360 or from PS3 to PS3.


FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team




FIFA Points Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: When FIFA Points will be available ?
A: FIFA Points will be available for you to purchase as soon as you play FIFA 15 from a retail disc / downloaded game. If you are a PC gamer, FIFA Points are available since the FUT 15 Web App release date (‘get more‘ in the top right corner).

Q: Where can I see how many FIFA Points I have ?
A: On the top right corner of your FUT dashboard, next to your coins.

Q: Is there any other way to buy FIFA Points besides do it through the console ?
A: Except for PC users that can do it in the FUT 15 Web App, there is no other way.

Q: When it will be possible to transfer FIFA Points from FUT 14 to FUT 15 ?
A: In the release date or in the early access. Don’t forget that it is an one-time transfer.

Q: It is possible to buy FIFA Points in the Early Access version ?
A: Yes, but only for EA Access.

Q: Which advantage Season Ticket and EA Access programs give me when I buy FIFA Points ?
A: 20% and 10% discount, respectively.

Q: Where can I find the FIFA Points prices ?
A: We have published in this guide the FIFA Point prices. However, if you use a different currency check the FUT 15 Store on your game retail.

Q: How much FIFA Points should I buy ?
A: It depends on the number of packs you want to buy. For comparison, 1 FIFA Point corresponds to 50 coins when buying packs.

Q: There is any other way to buy packs besides using FIFA Points ?
A: Sure. Coins are accepted as a payment method to buy packs.

Q: I have bought 2,200 coins but I didn’t get the bonus. Why ?
A: You did. What you actually have bought was 2,000 FIFA Points. The other 200 were the bonus.

Q: There is any advantage to buy bigger bundles ?
A: Yes. The bigger the bundle, the higher is your bonus. You have to buy, at least, 1,000 FIFA Points to be rewarded with a bonus.

Q: It is possible to use FIFA Points to buy coins ?
A: No. FIFA Points can only be used to buy packs in FUT 15 store.

Q: How can I see the FIFA Points purchases history ?
A: Follow this path for Playstation gamers: PSN – Accounts Management – Transactions Managements – Transaction History.
Follow this path for XBox gamers: Log-in to your account on – Click ‘My Account‘ – Go to ‘Download History


150 thoughts on “FIFA Points Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team”

  1. Hi I’ve input the 25 digit code for Fifa on Xbox one but my son hasnt received the packs / points automatically – does anyone know how they are credited pls

  2. I apologize for not understanding much of this, but I get a pass for being old. My grandson wants to purchase a particular player for his team in FIFA 15. He tells me there are two ways to get players. One is to buy a package that randomly selects a number of players for you (kind of like buying baseball cards when I was a kid). Secondly, he says that you can buy coins and then use the coins to buy a particular player through an auction or buy it now process. We can’t find it anywhere. Granted, his is not yet a teenager and I have not been one for fifty years.

    Short version is this. Is there a way I can buy a particular player for my grandson?

    1. Hi.
      Nice to meet you.
      Your grandson is right but…
      1) the chances of getting good players from packs are really low.
      2) buying coins works but it is not allowed. It is against the terms of service.

      Anyway, if you still want to buy coins, just click on the top banner of this page, please. You will be redirected to a safe and cheap seller.

  3. I have just purchased the Fifa cash pack worth rs 250…but it hasn’t been added to the game…please help

  4. Why i cant buy fifa 15 coins from the UAE-Dubai, there is only option to buy from the US, asking for a state to continue with the purchase?

  5. I have 2200 fifa points every time I try to buy promo pack a message shows up saying you don’t have enough coins???i have more than it needed,what should I do pls?

  6. Steve claydon

    How do you get Fifa points on A child’s Fifa 15 account. His account can’t do online purchases, but mine can. Can I purchase and transfer? he is pretty upset with it all, so hopefully you can help. Thanks, Steve

  7. My fifa 15 says region is not the same specified in sony entertainment account and is not allowing me to buy FP

  8. Hey,

    Nice article. I happend to be resetted yesterday for buying coins, because I never noticed the email they send me. Apparently they send it to an account I wasn’t using anymore. Anyways first I am going to try to get the coins back somehow. If that doesn’t work out, I will use a new account, but do you think it is safe to buy 15m at once on a new account which has no record at all?

  9. Robert denham

    For two and a half days I’ve been trying to buy Fifa points with no success so for you to say try after two attempts is total crap fix the issue and don’t flog us off

  10. I have accidentally deleted my ultimate team is there anyway to get it back? I have Fifa 15 on Xbox one. I looked everywhere online and EA support isn’t available on weekends. Also since then I don’t have the tab in the store to purchase Fifa points (I do have credit available)

  11. Miguel Carrillo

    Im from peru, and there you can’t enter to psn store, so i create a new usa account, so if i enter to fifa 15 to buy fifa points in my usa account, the fifa points are valid also to my normal amount (peruvian account)?

  12. My son would like to purchase the points on his Surface using his XBOX Live credentials. An error is given that child and teen accounts are not allowed to purchase this content. How can I allow him to purchase? Also we have multiple platforms, PC, Surface (RT), Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows Phone. Are the same credentials used across each?

  13. I downloaded the points but it won’t show in FUT my console is xbox 360 what should i do

  14. Hi love your articles, this one is especially informative, quick question: if I buy fifa points via origin online then can I use them on my account on the web app, even if it is on ps4? Cheers.

  15. Sean McMenamin

    If I buy an Xbox gift card instead of Microsoft Points, will I still be able to purchase FIFA points with the Xbox Gift Card

    1. The payment methods depends of your region. The best thing to do is to go to the FUT store in your console, and then select the FP you want to buy. It will show you the options you have to pay.

  16. hi there

    I’ve been reading your articles for some time now. They’re excellent btw and full of great tips so maybe you can help me.

    since i bought fifa 15 and i can’t buy fifa points, whenever i try to access the fig appoints in the store i get a message that says “there is no content it might not be for sale yet or might no longer be for sale”
    i don’t know what to do anymore.

    I use a CD on a PS4 and the region is “ALL” where my pan account in registered to the UK and my EA origin account is also registered to the UK.

    thanks a lot in advance for any help

  17. Hi,
    I am playing Fifa 15 UT on PS4 with PSN from Hongkong. Last year, with Fifa 14 I was still able to buy fifa points. But, not this time, every time I go to te store for fifa points, it say “the feature is no longer available” ? I do not know if there is some way to buy them. I tried to create another account (US), then I can see the points for buying, but my FUT team is not the one I currently playing from HK account.
    Do you have any solution for this case ?

  18. Ciao ho comprato dei fifa points da game stop e mi hanno dato un codice pero non so cone funziona

  19. I bought fifa points but didn’t received them. And the money I put in to buy them is gone. I lost the money and the fifa points I bought.

    1. Mega Packs are released a dozen of times per year. You can get them only during Happy Hours. It comes with 30 cards (players + consumables), 18 of them rares.
      We will publish a guide about these packs on Sunday.

  20. I want to buy my boyfriend fifa coins for his birthday, is there a way to do a gift card or buy them online? Or do i need to actually get on his console?

    1. Hi Taylor. Thank you for getting in touch with us. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy. 🙂
      About your question, there is not a way to do it without buying on the console.
      However, you have the option to buy a pre-paid card (PSN or MSN depends of your console). You can buy it in the bigger retail stores. It brings a code that he can use to buy FIFA Points.
      Do you need any more help ?

  21. I’ve 55 euro on my ps3 and i cannot buy fifa points, when I click on 4600 points says it wait til we succeed your order and than it dissapears no points en I stil have my money. Why can’t I buy it?

  22. I play FIFA 15 on PC and am having trouble buying FIFA points. I think it may be a region matching issue? When I try to buy them in game I get a different price list (the US one I believe) from when I try to buy them from my origin store (the Australian one where I downloaded the game from). Is there any way I can change the game to recognise that it’s in an Australian version in the registry or something? I would ask EA but they don’t have email support as an option in my region and I am not available to call when they have phone support.

    Many thanks for your great web-site!

  23. I cant access the fifa point store on my ps4. I bought a disc from the UK but my account is registered in Singapore. Help!

  24. There doesn’t seem to be a Paypal option for me.
    Just credit and PSN card, both of which I can’t use.

  25. i was playing fifa14 on my cell phone…. but now i have shifted to fifa 15… i was having more than 1 million coins at fifa 14…. but those coins are not being shifted to fifa 15 whereas m using the same origin account for fifa15 which i was using for fifa 14……
    kindly reply soon

  26. Each time i go to buy fifa points , a message come up saying :”there is no content. it may not be for sale or no linger be for sale ,,,” something like that ! plzzz help i left messages everywhere !

  27. Just found out from my bank statement that my son has accidently bought over £120 (sterling) of FIFA points as the original purchase of £7.99 took too long to “confirm” and he thought it hadn’t worked so kept re-trying. How can I get this rectified as an obvious mistake and the 2nd time it has happened?

    This is a warning to other users out there as well to be patient when ordering if taking a while to load.

    1. It is a very important warning ! Everyday we receive mails like this one, showing how easy is a child to spend money in this game and obviously EA don’t want to know anything about it.

    1. Yes. But before buying it, check if that option is available in your region. Just go to FUT store – Buy FIFA Points and cancel before the payment.

  28. I have bought £20 vouchers and redeemed them onto my sons Xbox so credit is there. For 3 days now been trying to buy FIFA points and after saying processing transaction it says there is a problem with the store please try later? Any help please!

  29. hello
    i have a problem with the ultimate team 15
    i bought for 20$ the fifa points but i never recieved any of them!
    now if i want to buy a nother pack it says:
    “please wait for complete your transaction”

  30. I have an xbox one and I bought 30 gold packs in the Xbox store for Fifa 15. It showed I bought them and then I hit confirm. When I go back to the game it doesn’t show them. How do I find these?

    1. Hi.
      Something is wrong.
      FUT packs are bought in FUT store, not in microsoft store. Have you bought packs or FIFA Points ?

  31. mohammed beder

    My PSN account is American but my FIFA is European so if i want to buy FIFA points which card should I get.

    1. To buy FIFA Points, three regions have to match: game region (disc or downloaded file), Sony / Microsoft region and DLC region (downloadable content). You can create a new account to match with the game region but you should pay attention to the FIFA Points region. The DLC is locked by the region of the game, not the system. So, for example, if you’re buying EU disks/downloads, you need EU DLC.

  32. Hey there, just cannot buy fifa points on pc. There is always an error when i make the payment. I’ve tried both credit card and paypal, shouldn’t be my problem. Do you know what is going on? Cheers.

  33. Quick question,sorry if this has been asked already.. I have ps4,and being a EA pass holder it seems I only get a gold pack a week,I don’t get my discount for points on the ps4,but do on my PS3,can I purchase points from PS3 fifa 15 for my 20% discount,and then transfer my points to my ps4 fifa 15? And is that the only one time transfer? Or can I continue to do it?.. Thank you

    1. You can do it only once. But you can open the packs in PS3 and the cards will also be available in your PS4 account if you own the same game for both consoles.

  34. I cant buy fifa points im from india and use a ps4 have the full game it says its not avialable for slae something like that plzzz help

  35. Zohdy Nasser

    If i purchased the EA season ticket on FUT 14 will it be available on fifa 15 like example will the 20% still be applied to FUT 15 Points?

    1. Hi.
      There is not a Season Ticket for FUT 14 and another for FUT 15. As long as you have your subscription active you will get your packs (in FUT 15 in this case).
      Now more about it here, please.

  36. So, on a PS3, playing fifa 15, the only way to buy fifa points is by using your creditcard or using a PSN Card?
    If so, where do i buy these PSN cards?

  37. Kristian Thorsen

    Funny FIFA Point problem – when i Enter the Store / PS3 / FUT15 and pick out the amount of FIFA Point I would like to buy – PS3 says – What a moment for payment – after 10 sec the loading stops and brings me back to the Store.
    I never enter PSN Store to buy the Points and nothing are charged or given – unfortunately.

    Any other experience this error/problem

  38. ive just put £5 credit on my xbox1 but there’s no option on FUT to convert to Fifa points

  39. I had a nice account with bastian scweintstieger on my phone, and when i was in the middle of the game, the connection was lost. I restarted fifa and then the pick a nation page appeared. i picked spain, beat the game, and lost my good account. Infact, instead of getting sik gold packs, i got one mini gold pack. Is there any way I can get my account back???

  40. Does anybody know what dates of the week Fifa Releases Special Packs / Jumbo Packs ?
    Is there a calendar that I can follow?


  41. Hi there… i want to buy fifa points for my FUT15 PS3… Its my first time trying.. okay here is the thing i would really like to know..can i buy fifa points using PSN Store instead of using credit card because i dont have them.. too young to have a credit card..

    1. Hi.
      This is not a chat. You have to wait for an answer. 🙂
      You can use PayPal, PSN pre-paid credit… But always buying in FUT store.

  42. Hrllo I’ve been playing ultimate teams and the last two days there not letting me go into my transfers or when I win games I don’t get coins and same for when I sell players

  43. Hi. I tried to buy fifa points 2 days ago. When i clicked purchase some error occured. My money disappeared, but i never got the fifa points. Now when i try to buy fifa points all i see is “Please wait while we complete the transaction”. This message stays there for about 10 seconds until it disappears. This massage pops up everytime i try to buy points. I click purchase – it pops up – goes down again, and then all over again. Do you know what i can do to fix this? I really want to be able to buy fifa points 😛

  44. Hi
    I bought £10 points and put them on my xbox how do I make them fifa points?
    There isnt an optipn

  45. Hey I got a problem, when i got Fifa yesterday i bought fifa point without any problem. But the when I tried again the next time, its said problem with the transaction but but it wasnt so much money so i dont care. The problem I have now is when i press at fifa point butten on the store it doesnt appear like bank account information, its just load and say ”Please wait while we finish the transaction” when its finished nothing happend so i cant buy fifa point, can you help me. My console is ps3, and sorry for my bad english.

  46. Hello i try t buy packs with fifa points but it always says something like there was an error with your purchase. please try again later. but ive been trying for 2 days already.

  47. Hello! I want to buy fifa points on my xbox one, and the only option I have is to pay with credit card. How can I pay with a voucher?

    1. Are you sure it hasn’t another option. Last time we checked there was credit card, PayPal and pre-paid. If available in your country you can also add a provisory credit card. It is much safer.

  48. are prices for fifa points the same on both the xbox one and ps4??? or are they different depending on country

  49. I bought fifa points using Paypal earlier today, but i have not recieved any points yet. Is it possible that paying trough Paypal takes time, or should it happen right away?

  50. Hi, my friend bought 30 euro’s worth of fifa points yesterday. When trying to load them onto fifa 15 it says: ‘wait while we process your purchase’ or something along these lines. It’s been 24 hours and still the points aren’t on his account. Any recommendations?

  51. Hi,
    I played FUT 14 on Xbox 360 and now purchased the Fifa 15 on the Xbox one.
    I did not get any prompt to transfer coins or teams/players ?
    How can I do that ? Is there a way I can manually navigate and have the Fifa 15 prompt me on Xbox One to transfer my FUT14 from Xbox 360…

    Let me know

  52. Hey man, do you know if it would be possible once the game comes out to purchase FIFA points on FUT 14 and have them transfer to FUT 15 Web app? Have just been scammed out of an xbox one and am desperate to open some packs 🙂

  53. How do you get Team of the Week players? are there special packs or are the random as part of the other packs?

  54. When i first start fifa 15 and I dont Transfer the points because i dont have them can i then go back to fifa 14 and buy them and then Transfer them?

  55. hey there, when i try to buy fifa points on my ps4 it tells me that ”it might not be for sale yet or may never be” what should i do ????
    please help

  56. hey frd help me in fifa14 login by origin account but in fifa15 ultimate not requird why?

  57. Is it possible to buy fifa points on the fifa15 release day on ps4? Please answer quickly 🙂

  58. Hey there, I have just downloaded the fifa 15 early access due to having the season ticket. I know I cannot purchase FIFA points on the early access however is it possible to buy FIFA points on FIFA 14 then swap them over and use them on the early access?

  59. Hello, is it possible to buy a 50 US dollars gift card at my local gamestop and then applie it to the xbox for to buy fifa points for the gift card? I dont wanna use my credit card on the xbox it´s to complicated for me… Please just answer the question…

  60. the message that is given to convert points from FIFA 14 to FIFA 15 is ONLY shown on the console when loading FIFA 15?

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