FUT 15 Web App is finally up !

FUT 15 Web App is finally up !


The wait was long but FUT 15 Web App is finally up. Take two minutes to read our short advices about what is expecting you.


If you need help with the FUT 15 Web App, click here



The FUT 15 Web App is now up.
It was supposed to be released yesterday when we published this article. Due to some technical issues it was released only on September 18th at 8pm (UK time).


FUT 15 Web App is finally up !


This year EA Sports has not released the Web App in the announced date: September 17 (Wednesday). They did it one day later. Now you can access https://www.easports.com/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app and start your season. Before you do it, we suggest you to take a look to our advices about what is expecting you. It doesn’t take more than 2 minutes and it will be important to you be more prepared, especially if it is your first Web App early access.


Where is the Web App ?

    If you are one of those that can’t get in the Web App, check the URL again, try to use another browser or clean the cache of the one you are using. Remember that many thousands of gamers are trying to access. If you can’t enter, try later.


Turn on Login Verification

    In the near future, Login Verification will be a mandatory step before you can access the FUT 15 Web App. It is very easy to do it. Just enter on your Origin account here and enable it. Then, just confirm the email or sms they have sent to you, verify your FIFA Ultimate Team Secret question and answer and store your codes in a safe place.


I’m new to FUT !

    Sorry but if you are new to FUT, Web App early access is not for you. Only gamers who have created a security question/answer on their consoles before August 1st 2014, are eligible to start the Web App now.


How many packs ?

    Besides the starter pack, you will get at least one welcome back pack. The amount of packs you get depends of your FUT 14 activity. If you played EA Sports FIFA World Cup Brazi 2014, you will get a bonus.


Bad luck ?

    No, it is not bad luck. It is like this with every one. To pull a Messi or any other great player in the starter pack is virtually impossible. Don’t dream with great cards because you will be disappointed. Welcome back packs are a slightly better but keep your expectations low.


More packs

    If you want to buy packs you will need to use your few coins. You can only transfer FIFA Points on a console with EA Access or the retail version of FIFA 15. If you have EA Season Ticket for Xbox 360/PS3, you will be able to transfer your FIFA 14 Points to FIFA 15 Points during the early access period for EA Season Ticket.


I can’t make profit !

    Buy low, sell higher is more difficult in the first days than in the rest of the game because the cash flow in the market is very low. Be patient. As soon as the game is launched everything will change.


Need help !

    If you feel lost, follow our guides to start FUT 15. Click here, here and here.


It’s in the game!

    Don’t forget that it is just a game. Eat, drink and sleep as you usually do in any other day. There are other things more important in life.


Share with us your first impressions of the game. Did you got a decent player ? Are you going fine ?

Most important than everything, have fun!


FUT 15 Web App is up

Click in the image to be redirected to our FUT 15 starting guide


165 thoughts on “FUT 15 Web App is finally up !”

  1. where is my fut 14 team? i now have updated the app/companion i got a new fut 15 team (i dont even have the game!!) only 14.. but my 14 team is gone???!

  2. Jordi Ladenius

    Hello guys,

    I’m kinda new to the Ultimate team stuff and I came across a little problem.
    When I entered the code for the 15 free gold packages, only 1 opened. Is this normal?
    Like, do you get those packages every week or something? Or all in 1 time?
    Any help should be nice.


  3. Hi, when I log into the web app it says because I have not bought the game yet I can create my team early on easports.com if I am a FUT 14 user (which I am). I clicked on the link and can’t create it. Any ideas?

  4. This is so unfair they should launch it in all regions at once ! So lame and unfair on others why give one region an advantage ?

  5. Still no web app for iOS in the norwegion store ? When is it launching it id just out in the Canadian store come on EA.

  6. I have been playing ultimate team since 2010 but when I started the web app I didnt recieve any free packs can anyone help me?

        1. That’s the problem. For security reasons, you need to have created a Security Question and Answer on FUT 14 console before August 1, 2014.

        2. I think I did but im not sure if it was before the 1st of August
          Oh well I just lost my free packs :'(

  7. why cant I never sign in with my second origin account? only my main account work while other one says servers always down???

  8. Ive got one question… I played FIFA 14 on PC and now I got myself PS4 and I preorder FIFA 15 PS4… How Iam suppose to use Web app?

  9. I still have coming soon on companion app tried to download app and then screen moves to blank page,what’s going on

    1. If you’re getting information about the companion app when you try and visit the web app please do the following:

      Go to your desktop
      Right click the desktop
      Click Screen Resolution
      Change the Resolution to a higher value (ideally the one it says is recommended)

      This will mean your window is now large enough to display the app.

  10. When I click on the web app all i get is this screen does anyone know what it means? Thanks

    Ea sports community:
    Fifa 15 player ratings-top 50.
    Fifa 15 official commercial etc.

    1. If you’re getting information about the companion app when you try and visit the web app please do the following:

      Go to your desktop
      Right click the desktop
      Click Screen Resolution
      Change the Resolution to a higher value (ideally the one it says is recommended)

      This will mean your window is now large enough to display the app.

  11. Hey just a quick question, can i i transfer my fifa 14 fifa coins to my fut 15 app on ps4? ive already started the web app so just wondering if this is possible?

  12. can someone help me? im new in web app, i opened my pack but idk what to do to continue? enter? space? idk thanks

  13. I can only see information about the upcoming application on smartphones if I enter the “web app”

    1. If you’re getting information about the companion app when you try and visit the web app please do the following:

      Go to your desktop
      Right click the desktop
      Click Screen Resolution
      Change the Resolution to a higher value (ideally the one it says is recommended)

      This will mean your window is now large enough to display the app.

  14. You guys should just stop complaining about EA…if they suck so bad i don’t see why you bother playing their game…

    I saw some guys with over 70k coins already after only an hour of the web app available. How is that possible? I mean since there aren’t so many coins around one (meaning over 15 players) would have to receive a lot of packs and be pretty lucky. Also how can it be that there are also squads of 91 rating after so little time???

    1. You see, this is were EA manipulate people, I have seen sources which suggest that some coin selling sites belong to EA. Also they set the market price of some of the rarer players to make you buy coins, and after all how would you know if they inject coins into their own accounts.

      1. or maybe they tested the ultimate team out for their own benefit. key developer probably played alot… why do you care unless it ends up causing real problems rather than creating a ‘market’…

    1. “We’re aware not everyone is able to get onto the web app right now, we’re working to get that fixed for you ASAP. Web app will give you the coming soon message for the moment whilst the team works on it. Will let you know when it changes” , by Community Manager for EA SPORTS FIFA Series Rob Hodson

      1. All i getting is a loading…… message when i click on the FUT web app tab.
        Any ideas whats wrong?

  15. really pissed of

    EA is the worst thing i have ever seen…… you got your website about 30 hours late and then it was up in 30 min then it is down again??? wtf are you guys doing? your work is to do this shit but you cant even get something right?

  16. Craig Bellamy

    your lucky, got 10 free packs and no player rated over 74 yet there are over 20 ronaldo’s on the market

    1. We’re aware not everyone is able to get onto the web app right now, we’re working to get that fixed for you ASAP. Web app will give you the coming soon message for the moment whilst the team works on it. Will let you know when it changes” , by Community Manager for EA SPORTS FIFA Series Rob Hodson

  17. they are some proper jokers, my best pull has been Alex (brazil cb) what a joke

  18. Nearly 2 hours since it was released and ive got to the loading fifa 15 ultimate team then it says it crashed what a joke EA are!

  19. Craig Bellamy

    rodrigo mate, when i transfer my fifa points during early access will i be able to open packs with them during early release?

  20. If u can get on it! Been patiently waiting for days an now it’s over run again.
    Oh well keep trying I guess.

  21. scott wainman

    Web app is up however due to the number of people trying to get on it won’t load for me.

  22. i have had an origin account since fifa 13. i played fut in fifa 14 but i did not verify my account until yesterday. will i still be able to access the web app

  23. Matthew Tierney

    Update: The FUT 15 Web App will be released at 8 AM GMT, Friday September 19.

    EA has been experiencing a bug in the app which prevented the timely release of the app yesterday. That bug continues to exist in the software and the release will be delayed until tomorrow morning (September 19).


    Matthew Tierney

      1. Matthew Tierney

        Hi Rodrigo,

        Over at the EA FIFA community forums an EA developer, David Davidson has said the web app will be released Friday, September 19, in the early morning (GMT).

        I know that it’s hard for you and others who want so badly to play the new FIFA game, but EA has been experiencing some difficulties with the new game. I’ll do my best to keep everyone updated.

        Matthew Tierney

  24. Lucas Silva de Medeiros

    Hi There,

    I Played FIFA 14 on PS3, now I bought PS4 and didn’t played FIFA yet on it!
    Will FIFA 15 Web app be linked to which console?
    If linked to ps3, Am I going to lose my progress, when FIFA 15 launch?

    Best regards,


      1. Lucas Silva de Medeiros

        Hi Rodrigo,

        I’ve already read this article.

        I meant: I played FIFA 14 in PS3, and I won’t play FIFA 14 in PS4.
        I won’t play FIFA 15 in PS3, I’ve just bought my new PS4 to play FIFA 15.

        It’s not same FIFA, PS3 to PS4. (“New shared feature”)
        Neither same console, FIFA 14 to FIFA 15. (“One-time transfer”)
        It’s FIFA 14 in PS3 to FIFA 15 in PS4. (Both situations at same time)

        If I use Webapp FIFA 15, is it linked to PS3 or PS4? What will happen when I start FIFA 15 in PS4 (sep 23th)?



        1. It is easier than you think. If you use Web App now it will be FIFA 15, no matters if it is PS3 or PS4. You can play in both if you have the game for both.

    1. Web App in mobiles is called Companion App. It will be available for FUT 15 later in the month. Until there you can try the Companion App for FUT 14. Go to the store and look for ‘EA Sports Football Club’ or ‘EASFC’

  25. Hello Rodrigo, do you have some exact time for releasing Web app today evening, or it is only general information “after 6 pm UK time”?? Thank you for your answer.

  26. If i bought season ticket before the new one was released in august, would i still have early access to fifa 15 on ps3? I only bought it in march so ill be subscribed up until then. Thanks for your reply

    1. Your Season Ticket is a one year subscription. It doesn’t end with the FIFA 15 release. You will have early access for sure because your Season Ticket is valid until March 2015.

  27. i saw your guys tweet about that EA acces is today for 6 hours,
    is that only for xbox one users? when i click on my EA Sports app on the xbox360,
    and i go to early acces schedule it says it is in 2days, 08-20-2014 / 0-826-2014.
    that would be this saturday.

    1. Yes, it is only for EA Access, which is exclusive for XBox One users. You will play it how much time you want.
      If you want to know more about it, click here.

  28. I have made my origin account yesterday and confirmed it, will I be able to get the web app once it comes out? Please reply

  29. We better get some kind of compensation from EA, for all this rubbish they’ve been chatting!

  30. Hello Rodrigo…Quite a few sleepless nights i guess as we all patiently wait for the web app…
    One quick query regarding DVD Regions…
    I will be ordering FIFA 15…
    But due to a problem with Origin (no PC DVD from EA), I am thinking of importing the game from outside…
    Will a UK/Europe or US FIFA 15 DVD work in India and will I be able to play online normally?
    Or should I go with the ASIA version to have proper online experience??

  31. EA WTF is happening with this web app it was ment to be up on the 12 and now it was ment to be out this morning yet u have said u are going to be posting back to UK night-time so when will it actually be out. plz can u specify a team im desperate to start playing this game

  32. It’s almost midday on September 18th here in Australia. Hopefully it is up soon!

    Can’t wait to get started 🙂

  33. Hello:
    I have FIFA points in FUT 14 (PS3) and I want them to transfer it to my PS4 FUT 15. The issue is that my PSN account is not the same as the EA account. I have two PSN accounts the first PSN account (Email-1) and EA account (Email-1) I played FUT 13 but for FIFA 14 I was using other PSN (Email-2) but when I loaded FIFA 14 for the first time I used Email-1. The Email-1 in Origin is connected with both PSN accounts (Both Emails). Now the account I’m using in PS4 is Email-2. To transfer my FIFA points I need to put my Email-1 when i first load up FIFA 15 or there is a way I can know in what of those Emails are my FIFA points?


  35. Leather Daddy mate.

    Do not worry, Fifa 15 will be released on time. There are hundreds of millions involved with this game….

  36. Leather daddy

    Guys, I’m hearing some real bad news.

    Several hours ago I said EA was experiencing a bug in the app which has delayed the release of the app until September 18 .

    Having spoken with Matthew Tierney (EA developer) over at the EA community forums it seems the problem is much worse.

    The bug is also present in the retail version of the game and EA is even considering extending the release date of BOTH the web app and the game. There’s even some rumours on the EA Forums that FIFA 15 might be cancelled this year.

    This is a very serious problem…

  37. EA you goons. You not only waste people’s time, but also manipulate and handicap your users for huge financial gains! During fifa 13, 14. I have spent almost 10000 pounds sterling and not packed a robben or ribery, let alone ronaldo or ibrah.

    What I have just said is the complete truth and nothing but the truth. March this year I brought toty ibra, and some other good players, only to be completely handicapped slipping from division 2 right down to division 7. Does anyone know a way round this? advice would be much appreciated.

    1. I suggest you save your money man, put the time and effort in to research the market and you can easily trade your way up to getting these players without spending a penny..

    2. get good and don’t use 10,000 pounds just buy good cheap players off the transfer market and play well i got to div1 without spending more than 25 dollars and not having any great players

  38. im just looking forwards to playing the web app so please stop raging and be patient 😀

  39. Leather daddy

    Yes that is correct they are working on fixing a bug in the web app.

    We’re currently experiencing difficulty with the launch of the #FUT 15 Web App. Announcement will be made shortly on the status of the release. #FIFA15

    This means the web app will be released tomorrow…

    1. Iolo Llywelyn

      In reply to: Leatherdaddy

      EA Sports never tweeted that the last tweet was:
      We’re currently working to launch the #FUT 15 Web App. Stay tuned for more info. #FIFA15

  40. No.. EA tweeted this 10minutes ago :
    We’re currently working to launch the #FUT 15 Web App. Stay tuned for more info. #FIFA15

  41. Leather daddy

    Update: EA will be releasing the FUT 15 website tomorrow, September 18 at 10 PM GMT.

  42. @Leather Daddy i wouldn’t be surprised, they pull the same shit w/ the web app every year

  43. Leather daddy

    I’ve heard from fairly reliable sources that the app release may be delayed until 10 PM GMT tomorrow – September 18 due to a bug in the app. EA is working on fixing the problem.

  44. Hi, I tried to visit the web app page but it says it’s not available. I just want to confirm something(s): Is FIFA 14 FUT a requirement to gain early access to the web app or is it region dependent cos I’m in West Africa, +1 GMT?

  45. They are having some problems, and need to fix them before the release.
    “Unexpected things happen sometimes and they’re working to get it fixed as soon as they possibly can.”
    – Rob (Community Manager at EA Forums)
    “The release is as soon as the issue is solved. We all very much want the app in your hands too.”
    – Rob (Community Manager at EA Forums)

    Last update 30 min ago.
    Read more here: https://forum.ea.com/uk/posts/list/465/2928978.page

  46. Hello FIFA-U,
    Is it confirmed by EA that the ones that played FIFA Worldcup Brasil 2014 will get a bonus pack?
    The actual game/disc right not the FUT Worldcup dlc @ FUT14.

      1. Ah awesome, i wonder what that bonus will be indeed.
        I ment do they mean the actual FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 game.
        Or the Free World Cup ultimate team DLC on FIFA14 itselfs.

        1. hmm… those who bought that game deserve a bonus indeed.
          i wonder which one they mean though haha ;P

  47. FUT 15 Web App is finally up !
    Then the not yet pic.

    Why write in your title that it’s up and then write it’ll be up very soon. Go do one.

    1. Sorry. We apologize for the inconvenience.
      In fact, it was supposed to go up when we published this article but there had some issues with the web app. Now we have changed the title and made a few alerts along the article.

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