MY FUT 15 – Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club

MY FUT 15 - Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club


For the third year in row, we will open the doors of our club to the community. Find out the most common problems that you will face in your club, tips, advices, analyses and everything you need to be rich in this game.


MY FUT 15 Ep. 3 – Million Squad

June 4, 2015


Unfortunately I don’t have many free time to play. The Web App replacement by Price Ranges made the things even harder. I didn’t play for weeks. Many weeks. Now, with the TOTS thing, I decided to give a try and I spent 1.5 million coins to build a new team. I will show it now.

Do you remember my first squad ? You can take a look to it in the previous episode. It was based in Serie A and Ligue 1. I loved to play with that squad but I never get used with my main striker: Zlatan Ibrahimovic was too slow to my play style. This time I wanted something different and for that reason I picked players of the three major leagues: BPL, BBVA and Bundesliga.

1.5 million coins may be a good budget for who plays in other platforms, but for Playstation gamers it is not. It is not even enough to the Ronaldo’s left leg. I decided to follow my own advice and avoid IF cards, which was crucial to fulfill the budget. Another prerequisite was to keep the same formation, 352, since I don’t have free time to get used to a new one.

In a few minutes I made a shortlist of the players I wanted for my team. A few minutes more were enough to buy them all, with the desired chemistry style and position, 99 contracts and for the lower price fixed by the EA Sports. After all, it was TOTS time. Here it is my selection:

    GK: Manuel Neuer – FC Bayern, Germany [glove]
    CB: Sergio Ramos – Real Madrid, Spain [anchor]
    CB: Jerome Boateng – FC Bayern, Germany [anchor]
    CB: Mehdi Benatia (TOTW) – FC Bayern, Morocco [anchor]
    CDM: Yaya Toure – Manchester City, Ivory Coast [shadow]
    CDM: Nemanja Matic (TOTS) – Chelsea, Serbia [shadow]
    RM: Gareth Bale – Real Madrid, Wales [engine]
    LM: Eden Hazard – Chelsea, Belgium [engine]
    CAM: Di Maria – Manchester United, Argentina [hawk]
    ST: Sergio Aguero – Manchester City, Argentina [hawk]
    ST: Luis Suarez – Barcelona, Uruguay [hawk]


MY FUT 15 - Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club


In the goal I have the best goalkeeper money can buy. The defenders are the weakest players of this squad, but all the three are very fast, something really important to me. In the front of them, I picked two strong defensive midfielders. In the wings, I need top players with good pace, dribbling and passing stats. Bale and Hazard are perfect to that job. Suárez and Aguero are great strikers but sometimes I wish to have two players more different from each other playing in these positions. Supporting them I have Di Maria, my number one choice to play as CAM.

A Serbian BBVA manager gives a hand to keep the chemistry high. Excepting Matic, Suárez and Sérgio Ramos, with IC 8, and Yaya, with IC 7, all the other players have maximum chemistry. It is not important to know who I picked to the bench because consumables are really cheap and I use fitness and healing cards to keep all player available all the time.

This squad was built for me but it may be useful to you too. In a short time, it will be possible to buy it with ‘only’ a million coins. I don’t think it is possible to make a better squad with this budget. If you try it, give us feedback please.



MY FUT 15 Ep. 2 – My Affordable Team

December 24, 2014


MY FUT 15 was supposed to be published more often but EA did not allowed me. Basically, I can’t access the game in the console or in the Web App.
They promised to fix my corrupted account but it will only happen maybe in FIFA 16. Or never. I lost my top-squad and had to begin a new one from the scratch. I was many time without playing and for that reason MY FUT 15 was not published.


MY FUT 15 - Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club


What better time to be back to the game than during FUTMas ? Just need to buy during the best Happy Hours for a slightly lower price than the minimum BIN and sell it in the day after. Anyone can do it. In less than two days, I made the 190k coins I needed to build a good team, with subs and reserves included. The results have been so good that I could not waste the chance to share it with you. For this price (and in the next Happy Hours prices will be even lower), it shouldn’t be possible to build a much better squad.

The 352 formation was new for me, and it required some practice, but for who defends well, like me, it puts more players spread across the field. Sirigu, Thiago Silva and David Luiz should be used in any hybrid squad. Chiellini is also a top-quality defender and, like the other ones, he is very fast, something especially important for 3xx formations squads. To the midfield I picked strong players with high stamina: Matuidi, Vidal and Pogba fill that area of the pitch. Any of the three would cost much more if they played in Barclays Premier League. In the wings, Lavezzi and Cuadrado are fast enough to assist to Tévez and Ibarbo, two players who frighten many opponents. This hybrid of Ligue 1 and Serie A players with full chemistry is a top-squad that costs as much as a single good player from BPL or Liga BBVA.


MY FUT 15 - Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club

Click in the image to maximize it


Let’s see who are and how much I paid for these players:

    Salvatore Sirigu (Basic) – 5.600 coins
    Giorgio Chiellini (Anchor) – 7.000 coins
    Thiago Silva (Anchor) – 50.000 coins
    David Luiz (Anchor) – 3.200 coins
    Arturo Vidal (Basic) – 20.250 coins
    Blaise Matuidi (Marksman) – 2.600 coins
    Juan Cuadrado (Hawk) – 19.000 coins
    Ezequiel Lavezzi (Hawk) – 2.200 coins
    Paul Pogba (Hawk) – 38.000 coins
    Víctor Ibarbo (Hawk) – 1.900 coins
    Carlos Tévez (Hawk) – 27.750 coins

I also bought players to the bench and to the reserves:

    Federico Marchetti (Basic) – 400 coins
    Juan Jesus (Basic) – 450 coins
    Rodrigo Palacio (Finisher) – 700 coins
    Kwadwo Asamoah (Basic) – 850 coins
    Claudio Marchisio (Sentinel) – 4.400 coins
    Gervinho (Basic) – 1.000 coins
    Andrea Barzagli (Basic) – 1.500 coins
    Stephan Lichtsteiner (Basic) – 650 coins
    Sulley Muntari (Basic) – 650 coins
    Gonzalo Higuain (Basic) – 1.500 coins


If you have no idea about what affordable squad you should build, you can try this one and then give me feedback.

Don’t forget to redeem your free Premium Gold Pack. It is available only today for all FUT 15 players.
Happy Holidays for everyone !


MY FUT 15 Ep. 1 – First Packs

September 19, 2014


Another year, another very complicated Web App start.

Find out, how I got a TOTW Neymar in one of the first packs. Or maybe not. How curious you are ?



50 thoughts on “MY FUT 15 – Diary of my FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Club”

  1. hiiii……my team rating 86 now.4-1-2-1-2 formation.all players from i bought sanchez(85 rating and RM)..but my team rm is navas(83 rating)..but i substitute sanchez for that position my team rating it 85..what i do for increase my team rating…plz help me

  2. Prince O Farah

    Nice team Rodrigo. It’s a shame you haven’t played more games, I enjoy hearing what you have to say on the players/teams you use.

    On the team you’ve created there, it is hard to find a fault with it outside of my own personal preferences. Do you find that your centre backs are versatile enough to deal with threats along the wings? Whilst you do have some very good defensive players in that region, they are all clumped together in front of goal – and whilst the average player doesn’t use the wing as much this FIFA, playing a team with wingers could be harmful. Hence why I’ve always used defensive full backs whenever I make a team – having too many players in one region of the field – though affective against centralized styles of play those with players like Hazard, Bale, Sanchez on the wings may pose problems.

    Did you play any games with the team at all Rodrigo, it would be interesting to see how you fared.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your comment.
      Yes, I played 30 matches with them but we will make a deal: give me more 15 days and I will make a new episode giving my personal opinion about them. OK ?
      I really like playing in a 352 formation. I am good on defensive so I don’t need many players there. But they have to be fast to cover the wings. With this formation I can put more players in the midfield and improve my ball possession.

  3. Mark Baldwin

    Interesting – do you find this alot better team?, you did not go with the best in-game stats then?,[ I built one do you want to know? ]; yes Suarez & Aguero are probably too similar – you maybe need a target man instead?, thx

      1. Mark Baldwin

        I have at present My In Game Stats Team :
        Helton*, Marcelo, Luiz*, Silva, Maicon, Vidal, Marchisio, Pogba, Nainggolan, Tevez & Candreva as RF^ – I`m thinking of saving for S Ramos & D Alves to replace *? – any thoughts?
        ^ 7 chem with a Serie A manager

        1. Mark Baldwin

          Where would Cuadrado go? , Candreva has better IG Stats, I suppose a sub?

        2. Candreva has good stats but, as you know, pace is really important in FIFA 15. In my opinion, Cuadrado is a better player.

  4. So if they start as a sub on bench, they won t affect the chemistry – is that right?

  5. I have a question Rodrigo, what if the chemistry is 100 and each ind has 10. Then you brought up Aguero or Iniesta to that team which are clearly outside the range of country/league as a sub – will that affect the chemistry?

    I hope not!

  6. Still enjoy this team, but looking to upgrade. Thoughts on swapping in one of these two:

    Aguero 86 with 8 Ind. Chem
    Higuain 85


  7. Hi rodrigo,

    Great squad, my only adjustments in the 1st XI are doumbia for ibarbo and moved silva to the left to put barzagli in the middle. i didn’t like luiz’s H/M.

    for the subs im trying out carrasco at lm with candreva rm and de rossi at cdm.

  8. With winter upgrades now released, what if any changes would you make to this squad? Thanks!

    1. To my squad ? Maybe buy the new Ibarbo card to the bench because I already have Ibra and Tevez. And I will buy the new Pogba card for sure.

      1. Yes, a big fan of this squad and thanks for posting it! Asked because I’m a ways from Ibra and wonder if the new transfers and upgrades would provide a next step prior to Ibra (Doumbia, Nainggolan, others). Thanks again!

  9. For a long time I couldnt find a squad I would be completely satisfied with until I came here and saw this team. Hands down, this is the best team I ever played with. Everything works together, the work rates, the positions even the players are amazing. I have around 160k so my budget was almost same as yours (after price drops even bigger). I only have one question. How to improve on this? What should I be aiming for? After achieving how much money is it worth to switch from Serie A? Thanks for all the help Rodrigo u are amazing.

    1. Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. I trully believe that this is the best squad you can build with this budget. It isn’t easy to improve without spending many coins. In my case I bought Ibrahimovic to link with Lavezzi. He keeps with IC 8 but he scores in every game, which is good.
      The easiest way to improve this squad is buying IF cards since most of these players already have at least one. However I am not a big fan of IF cards but maybe I will try to do it.

      1. What do you think about IF Lacazette? Right now I have 70k left so still long way towards Ibra 😀

  10. Whats the abbreveation three letter for Manchester UNited? I need it for the team name

  11. Hi there
    Great website, love the tips you give
    Quick question regarding TOTY, so its set to be announced next Monday and released in packs too, which means there is going to be a market crash where player values diminish. When do you think it is best to sell before TOTY? Now or would it be more logical to wait until Friday evening for the usual Market rush? I know I can make a lot of coins in this period so I want to maximise returns, thanks!

  12. How did you earned 190k in just 2 days. Green with envy. I haven’t even earned that money in one year

    1. I made almost one million coins in a week.
      Just buy as much gold rare cards today as you can and sell them tomorrow. You will be able to make at least 30% of profit without effort.

    1. Yes. Before the game begins you can set instructions to your team. After the last update, you can also do it through the active squad menu.

  13. hi. i hope you will continue this series. i always liked to read it and follow your teams development! greets

    1. Thank you.
      We are very busy launching many new guides and that’s why I haven’t published nothing new.
      I will try to do it at the end of every month.

  14. Joe Bob Higgins

    Hey Rodrigo, currently i am playing in a 433-5 with iniesta and rakitic as the LCM and RCM respectively, I was wondering if i switch to a 433-4 (a more attacking formation), and play rakitic as the CAM and Iniesta as one of the CM’s, will they both be used well in those positions. Please give me your input and suggestions on the better formations to use Iniesta and Rakitic. Thank You

  15. Rodrigo, finally starting on fifa 15 and building my Premier League squad. Still missing the big names, but trading goes well so I hope soon! Are you going to publish fifa 15 squad guides? I hope so and if you do, a good tip: striker Remy from Chelsea is doing great in my team, very fast and scores always. 30 games and 65 goals.

  16. Matthew Tierney

    Bought Islam Slimani, one of my favourite strikers. Can’t wait to play with him.

    Was thinking about buying either Balotelli or IF Jeremy Menez. I wonder which one is the better investment (they cost similar right now)?

    Matthew Tierney

  17. Abdullah Khan

    hi rodrigo
    i used to read ur fifa 14 guides which were helpful.but noticed a strange thing today. i just searched for james rodriguez and falcao just to check there prices. but i hv seen some guys bidding 14k on rodriguez and 19k on falcao. but how did they got those coins

    1. Early access is already available for EA Access subscribers and it coming soon to Season Ticket holders. They may have made them playing matches, for example.

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