MY FUT 14 – Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club


It was not in our plans but the community have asked and we decide to bring back the MY FUT 14. For who don’t know, it is a place where we show how our FIFA 14 Ultimate Team club is going.

Find out the most common problems that you will face in your club, tips, advices, analyses and everything you need to be rich in this game.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 21 – Sergio Aguero

July 17th, 2014


World Cup is over. Sergio Aguero haven’t played well but he almost won the tournament.

In our opinion, he is one of the best FUT 14 strikers. Strong, fast and an amazing finisher. You can watch him ‘live’ in the following video.

Don’t forget to turn on the HD!



Good games!


MY FUT 14 Ep. 20 – Lionel Messi

May 29th, 2014


We are back to more MY FUT 14 episodes after the TOTS fever.

In the last episodes, we show you how good or how bad are Hazard and Casillas into the field. Today we will do it the same but with Lionel Messi.

He is one of the best players of the world and, naturally, of FUT 14. Besides being a great striker, scoring a lot with his head, he is also great playing as CF thanks to his amazing pace and dribbling. However, in my opinion, he is too expensive for the good he brings to the team.

Don’t forget to turn on the HD!



Next time we will bring Aguero to you.



MY FUT 14 Ep. 19 – Eden Hazard

March 13th, 2014


Now, MY FUT 14 will be publish on Thursdays, every 15 days.

Today I will launch the second video of my players showing how good and how bad they are. All these videos were taken from real on line top divisions seasons of FUT 14 in order to give you the chance to see with your eyes what can you expect from these players.

Eden Hazard was the most voted to be here this week. He is one of the top class FUT 14 wingers. I love him.

Don’t forget to turn on the HD!



You choose who you want for the next video: Messi or Aguero.



MY FUT 14 Ep. 18 – Iker Casillas

February 28th, 2014

Today I will launch the first video of my players showing how good and how bad they are. All these videos were taken from real on line top divisions seasons of FUT 14 in order to give you the chance to see with your eyes what can you expect from these players.

Iker Casillas was the first one. He is one of the top class FUT 14 goalkeepers, with great attributes and with a hyper link with one of the best defenders, Sergio Ramos, which allow us to create more original teams. His weakest point is his height. That’s why he conceded several goals from chip shots.

Don’t forget to turn on the HD!



You choose who you want for the next video: Messi, Aguero or Hazard.



MY FUT 14 Ep. 17 – To EA with Love

February 14th, 2014

Dear EA,

I am sure that in the last two years I have helped you to sell many FIFA copies. In exchange I only ask you a decent game. I know that it is not an easy thing but I think you can try harder.

I know that you are giving today to everyone that play the game on the console a packs with four cards (one of these cards is a player). I also know that you have released today a new tournament with great prizes (learn more about it HERE). These are all good things but I trade it by working servers. It is possible ?

I don’t like to complain about others but three of your friends have moved to my transfer list and they don’t want to go out. They think it is their house. Their names are Benteke, Mandzukic and Podolski. Thanks to them, my transfer list is stucked.

To finish I send you a picture of their Bios. According to this image, I bought them on 1996. Strange. I don’t remember to buy FUT 14 players on that date…

With Love…
Rodrigo Lopes


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MY FUT 14 Ep. 16 – First Video

February 09th, 2014


For today I have something very special: the first video of my team:



Sorry. This time it was not possible to make a version of this video with English audio. Next time. If you liked it join to our YouTube Channel. We will have more videos.



MY FUT 14 Ep. 15 – My TOTY Week

January 24th, 2014


I already gave you here on this website dozens of ways to getting coins. However, I always said that the most natural trading method is as simple as “buy low, sell higher”. I know that the problem is to be sure if the prices will go down or go to raise. That’s the key problem. Sometimes it is easier to predict. For example: in huge happy hours with 100k packs, you should known that the prices go down.

TOTY week is a wonderful time to trading because it is easier to know what will happen to the prices. Usually I don’t like to give advices about the expected prices because I don’t want to be responsible if anything goes wrong. But I did it to TOTY week and all my predictions were right. If you followed my advices, you are rich now. Thanks to me.

My predictions for the TOTY week had different stages:

    Stage 1 – Before the TOTY release
    Prices go down a couple of weeks before
    Stage 2 – First day of TOTY (Monday)
    Cards are even cheaper
    Stage 3 – Second day of TOTY (Tuesday)
    Prices go up because the market is saturated of defenders
    Stage 4 – Third and Fourth day of TOTY (Wednesday and Thursday)
    Prices go up again because there are only 3 players in packs instead of 5 and everyone is expecting the most expensive ones: the forwards
    Stage 5 – Fifth and Sixth day of TOTY (Friday and Saturday)
    Prices go down with the release of the most wanted cards: the forwards
    Stage 6 – Seventh day of TOTY (Sunday)
    Cards are even cheaper due to 100k packs and all TOTY players being released in packs
    Stage 7 – The week after TOTY
    Prices raise again. Not as expensive than before stage 1 but not as cheap than any of these stages

Do you want to know what I did ? I spent 1.2 million coins in players cards. But not any cards. I knew, for example, that I could buy Eto’o by 20k and sell him now by 30k. But it would mean a profit lower than if I bought cheaper players with 100 % profit. I bought something like 1400 cards. Yes, you read it well. 1400 players cards. Let’s look for some examples:

    Benteke – Bought for 700 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Ben Arfa – Bought for 700 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Evra – Bought for 750 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Mandzukic – Bought for 700 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Podolski – Bought for 700 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Valencia – Bought for 750 coins and I am selling now by 1500 coins
    Remy – Bought for 800 coins and I am selling now by 1700 coins
    Torres – Bought for 800 coins and I am selling now by 1700 coins
    Aubameyang – Bought for 2400 coins and I am selling now by 4800 coins
    Cazorla – Bought for 7000 coins and I am selling now by 13000 coins


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

I expect to sell everything on the weekend after TOTY.
Buying at these prices it is impossible to not get a good profit


I have chosen these player but it works with hundreds of other cards.

The only problem was to know if EA Sports would save my entire purchase history. As you know, transfer list, transfer target and unassigned list have a limit. After you fill it, you can’t see the cards you keep buying. Until now, everything is perfect and I believe it will work fine.

I bought all the cards at Saturday night when the prices were lower. One week later I think I will double my investment. 1.2 millions coins in only one week. What do you think about it ? It is good or not ?

If you haven’t followed my advice, I’m sorry for you. Stay connected with us if you want to be rich. Only on FUT 14, of course.

UPDATE: I completely forgot that in the console it is possible to see all the cards we bought. In the FUT Web App we can only see 10 pages. I still have more than 900 cards to sell.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 14 – First Impressions

January 17th, 2014


Today I will share with you my first thoughts about my team.

First of all, I tried several formations and 433 it was my favourite. I am still thinking to go back to my old 442, but by now I will try a bit more. It is important to describe my play style. The progression is usually made by the wings. I use the wingers to cross or to cut to the middle. I defend very well but I my attack is poor.

Casillas may not be the best FUT 14 goalkeeper but he is, for sure, one of the bests. He is the only one that allows me to build a hybrid with Sergio Ramos on the defence. The Madrid’s player is irreplaceable. In my opinion, he is on an higher level than Thiago Silva. The PSG’s defender has another problem: he is not a good player to the chemistry of the team. Between Miranda IF and Kompany, my preference as CB goes to the BPL player. Cole defends better than Alba and Marcelo but he is not as good attacker as they are. Finally, Dani Alves doesn’t have competition on the other side of the defence.

Touré is the key player on the midfield. He is who connects the defence with the attack. I have another five players for this position: David Silva, Neymar, Rooney, Mata and Iniesta (by order of preference). David Silva helps a lot the progression of the team and Neymar assists many times. He could be even better if he would stronger. Both usually play on the main eleven.

On the right side, Navas is much better than Di Maria. To my play style, he is amazing: fast, good dribbling, good ball control and even good shooting. On the opposite side, I was surprised with the good price/quality ratio of Schurlle. However, Willian is even better. When I thought that no one would be better than Willian, I tried Hazard and realized the difference. Now I understood why he is so expensive. There are more goals from crosses and I won a player that can play very well on the middle.

Aguero is the natural choice for my attack. However, Eto’o is the one that scores more goals: more than one per game. He is making me thinking if I should go back for a formation with two strikers.

Here are some stats about the players of my team, that helps you to understand the role of each one:

  • Best Goals Average
  • Eto’o 1,07 Goals per Match;
    Aguero 0,54;
    Hazard 0,50;
    Willian 0,27;
    Di Maria 0,24;
    David Silva e Kompany 0,16.

  • Best Assists Average
  • Hazard 0,70 Assists per Match;
    Rooney 0,40;
    Di Maria 0,32;
    Iniesta 0,28;
    Willian 0,25;
    Neymar 0,24;
    Aguero 0,21;
    David Silva 0,20.

    • Most Used Players
    • Casillas (the goalkeepers have better fitness), Dani Alves (few good alternatives) and Jesus Návas (high quality)

    • More Undisciplined Players
    • Thiago Silva, Jordi Alba and Di Maria.


    Here are two examples of the teams I usually use (all of the players with indidivual chemistry 10):

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    Clique em cima das imagens para maximizá-las.


    I was promoted now to the division 3. The only division that I have failed the promotion on the first try it was the sixth. This is, I played eight seasons and was promoted seven times. Probably now, the things will more complicated. I already have coins for Messi or Bale but I need more time to analyse my team.

    Soon, I will analyse each one of the player of my team.

    Until there, don’t miss the chance to buy cheap quality players that are been sold by half of the price that they will cost in a week or two. Don’t waste your coins on packs.



    Several follow

    MY FUT 14 Ep. 13 – Players’ Prices and Chemistry Styles

    January 03rd, 2014


    Several followers have asked me two things about my squad: how much I have paid by my players and which chemistry style should I apply to them.

    I am a real good trader but, when it is time to buy players to my team, I don’t search the best prices. Most of the times I loose coins because I don’t want to buy positioning and chemistry styles cards. It’s too boring. I want to play. As the prices are always dropping since the beginning of the game, you will find better prices on the market than the ones I have paid:

      Casillas – 36.500 coins
      Diego Alves – 1.300 coins
      Dani Alves – 58.500 coins
      Juanfran – 1.400 coins
      Thiago Silva – 36.500 coins
      Miranda IF – 40.000 coins
      Sergio Ramos – 36.750 coins
      Ashley Cole – 3.900 coins
      Alba – 6.300 coins
      Marcelo – 10.750 coins
      Touré – 117.000 coins
      Ramires – 10.500 coins
      Juan Mata – 49.500 coins
      Wayne Rooney- 45.250 coins
      Neymar – 330.000 coins
      David Silva – 135.000 coins
      Navas – 30.500 coins
      Di Maria – 34.000 coins
      Willian – 30.250 coins
      Schurrle – 12.500 coins
      Aguero – 295.000 coins
      Eto’o – 37.500 coins


    For who don’t know, it is possible at any time to check the price of the players we have in our club. Just go to ‘Squads’ – ‘Active Squad’ or to ‘My Club’, select a player and use R3 (Playstation) or RS (XBox) to go to his Bio.


    To choose the chemistry style is very subjective. It depends of the formation we use, of the preferences and play style of each one of us and obviously of the players. We will publish a guide with chemistry styles suggestions in the future. Today I will show you the chemistry styles that I think are the better ones for my starting eleven:

      Casillas – Glove
      Dani Alves – PowerHouse
      Miranda IF – Sentinel
      Sergio Ramos – Sentinel
      Marcelo – PowerHouse
      Touré – Shadow
      Neymar – Deadeye (or Maestro)
      David Silva – Hunter
      Navas – Engine
      Willian – Engine
      Aguero – Hawk (or Finisher)


    Starting on the next episode, I will analyse every player of my team, individually.

    Good trading and good games !


    MY FUT 14 Ep. 12 – Adjustments

    December, 26th 2013

    Hi again.

    Unfortunately I did not have much time to test my team so I do not have a lot to share.

    I have started by trying a new formation. I was used to 442 and 451 did not work for me. At this time I migrated to the popular 433, but I’m still not sure if I will keep playing with this formation.

    I am generally happy with my team. I have joined several good players with high or very high chemistry. Here is my starting eleven:

      Dani Alves
      Miranda IF
      Sergio Ramos
      David Silva


    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    Click over the image to maximize it


    In this team, everyone has individual chemistry 10 except Touré that got 8. The chemistry styles are not final.

    About the substitutes, they were chosen according the needs and the quality of the squad, keeping the chemistry high:

      Diego Alves
      Thiago Silva
      Ashley Cole
      Juan Mata
      Di Maria


    Navas and Eto’o were the players that most stand out in this first division promotion. In the future, I want to try Hazard, Iniesta and Rooney. I will keep you up to date. See you next week.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 11 – The Season Starts Now

December, 13th 2013

Welcome back.

For some players, the season only have started now. That’s my case. I used the current-gen to tests but my personal account was saved for my new PS4.

The pre-season has not been forgotten. With daily trading, I gather lots of coins. To this team my budget is 1.2 million coins. On the coming weeks I will share here the behaviour of my team, a couple of videos and my opinion about the game and about the players.

Today I will introduce you my first team. It is a hybrid squad, with three leagues and really great players. I will start testing it on a 451 (2) formation. What do you think about this team and what you would change if it was yours ?


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

Click over the image to maximize it


MY FUT 14 Ep. 10 – Stop the Traders !

November, 22nd 2013

Hi again.

Since november 20th that thousands of FUT players all over the world can’t use the search feature on the FUT Web App. Every time they try to find a card on the market, they receive the answer “No matching results found. Please modify your search criteria and try searching again”. Even when they don’t select any filter. It is a bug ? No. It is the trader hunting season !

EA Sports has blocked this feature to all the players who have not played any match on the console. And this is permanent. No more trading for these players on the FUT Web App or Companion App (Android and iOS). How to fix it ? Buy the game.

I am not against this decision. It helps to the fight against several kind of cheats, including users with multiple accounts and autobuyer softwares. It makes no sense to see in the leaderboards that in the top of traders are players who have not earned a single match coin. FUT 14 is a game to be played on the consoles. There are people making money with it that don’t know how to take a penalty.

What I disagree is a different thing. I can’t understand why it is done without previous notice. Even worse: they are punishing who haven’t bought the current-gen game but are planning to buy the FIFA 14 for next-gen. It is my case. I have a account to the website (tests, etc) and another one personal. It is an amazing week for trading, with a SIF Ronaldo around here, and I will loose the chance to collect some more hundreds of thousands coins. Thanks god, day 29 is coming…

And you ? What do you think about it ? Share your thoughts with us.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 9 – Buy Cheap, Sell Higher

November, 15th 2013

Hi. Yes, I’m still here.

I know that right now you are more interested in getting my opinion about players and potential teams, but today I will still talk about trading. Usually our articles are very theoretical. We will try to bring here some practical examples to show how easy is to be a FUT 14 millionaire. Tomorrow Silvio Teixeira will explain the Price Fixing (Portuguese version), and today I’ll talk a bit more about the most basic rule of trading: buy cheap and sell higher.

For many people, it may seem complicated to know at what price to buy, at what price to sell and which cards to invest. The Trading Guide already explains everything, but I’ll try to make things simpler.

As I always say, it is possible to make profit with (almost) any card. Let’s try. Choose any BPL card that, by being the most popular league, will be the one with higher demand. If you choose a very expensive card, you will taking a higher risk because the price could go higher or have a larger drop. At this early stage, I recommend choosing a card between 2k and 6k coins. But how do I know the price, you ask. If you are thinking that the answer is to consult a database, you may be surprised to know that this is not the best choice for me. I will try to explain in an article devoted exclusively to this subject, but for now I can give you a short explanation. Firstly, the average price that a database shows is calculated from a sample and not from all the transactions. That is, it is always subject to error. This error can be quite large in many cases as it happens when the cards of the sample are subject to price bumping. Compare the price of Neymar, Aguero or Bale in the database and their sold cards on the FUT Web App. Sometimes it is possible to find differences higher than 30%. That’s why we always advise to use the transfer targets to watch the price of the cards in which you are interested. If you do not have time to check the prices at different hours of the day, find out the minimum BIN. Just try several BIN’s, from the higher ones to the lower ones, until you got no results.

For this range of prices, it is always possible to buy cards by BID for 300-500 coins less than the minimum BIN. So you just have to go to the market and bid all the cards for that price. If, for example, Torres has a minimum BIN of 3k coins, bid all his cards you can for 2,500 coins. If you have the chance, before the bedtime, bid several of these cards that end during the low traffic hours (3am to 6am UK). You will not win all the cards but the ones you win, are guaranteed profit. Just place them for sale for 200 or 300 coins more than the minimum BIN.

This method assures me 10k coins per day but you should not forget to follow all the trading guide tips: hours method, to be original when choosing the cards, put a BIN 10% higher than the BID, set the lower time auction possible, etc…

For those players who insist on asking us in which cards they should invest, we have a new tip. Now that the FUT Web App allows you to search by player name, as it happens in the console, you should invest on players who were more difficult to find before this new filter. For example, if you wanted to see all the cards of Ramires, you were forced to introduce more filters in order to not get Óscar cards in the results. But why is this a good strategy ? First because traders give preference to make their trades in the FUT Web App and they don’t like to use players who require many filters. Right now, they already are used to work with some cards, and it is less likely that they will change to the more difficult cards now that the players name filter is a new FUT Web App feature. Another reason is the Autobuyers. They work like the humans, using filters to find what they want. These cards represent a greater effort and larger time to find them. That’s why many publishers of these kind of software do not recommend to work with these ‘similar’ cards.

Get rich. See you next week.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 8 – Who wants to be Millionaire ?

November, 1st 2013


Right now we are finishing one of the best guides we ever wrote. It will be published next Sunday. Until there we have a lot of work to do and that’s why this episode will be a bit shorter.

I will take my time to tell you which one was the hottest moment of my week.

As you probably know, EA Sports have stopped the Ultimate Team and EAS FC servers last Wednesday to perform a maintenance. To me it is a great moment to make good business. If you don’t know why, check it HERE. I was not prepared with prices list as I should be, but I was bidding on cards by 150c that know I will be able to sell by 800c to 1800c. However, the big moment had not yet come. As usual, the start of maintenance was delayed a few minutes and I decided to look for some players. I was really surprised that there were no cards with values much lower than the usual BID’s. It seems that people have started to be more careful. But not everyone. Some seconds before the beginning of the interruption, I decided to try my luck and find a cheap Aguero, a player that fits very well in my project team that I will present you next week. I knew that it was almost impossible to find him but… he was there in front of my eyes: not a regular Aguero but his TOTW card that was placed on the market a few seconds before by an unlucky guy. I spent the last 30 seconds controlling the bids of this card to ensure that the last offer was mine. Suddenly the market goes down. It’s green! I checked all the browsers and all of them say the same thing: the maintenance has started in that moment. I stayed calm and I spent 5 hours of agony to know whether or not I had become millionaire (yes, because was almost there – just needed 100k for my first million). When the servers finally came back, a feeling of resignation came over me: I lost the auction and I will need keep joining all the crumbs to build my dream team. For the winner, that have bided at the same time as I did, it was a happy morning for sure: he paid 91k coins by a card that is worth 680k. Not bad.

So, if the lucky one is reading these lines, please send me half of the profit. Otherwise I will say to your girlfriend that not everything you do on your computer is trading on FUT Web App.

I you want to be millionaire follow this technique. I was almost there. And don’t forget to use high start prices. Good trading for everyone !


MY FUT 14 Ep. 7 – The Market has Changed

October, 25th 2013

What a shit (can I say shit ?). Today is Friday and I didn’t prepared anything good to put here. It is another week where I have to write something that looks interesting. Maybe no one will be reading this. It would be a good punishment for those websites that replicate FIFA U Team. If they copy this without checking, it will be the end of those websites.

Well, let’s raise the level of conversation. Let’s talk about the economy. Or something like that: the FUT 14 market (this is the part where those who was still reading give up). People have requested us to write about other cool things. Maybe next week. This time we will keep talking about trading. There are interesting things to discuss about the FUT 14 market.

If you have played Ultimate Team on previous years, you might have noticed that the market is different. Right ? We hear here a “it is worse now”. For 95% of the players it is worse, but for 5% it is much much better. In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes. And here is the same thing. The coins that 95% of the players are losing are going straight into the pockets of the 5% of the other players. I will not explain again how to be part of the 5%, because it is already widely explored in FIFA U Team website, but I want to try to answer to the question “What has changed in the FUT 14 market ?”. Maybe it was subject for a book, but a dozen lines should be enough to get some ideas. After all, if I publish a book you would only read the summary of the back cover, isn’t it? As you are a smart guy, I will be very brief writing half words. Not literally, of course.

First of all, you have to understand what is happening to the market. Then, I will explain why it is happening. You know what is a logarithmic function ? If you do not, check the following picture:


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What I want to show you is that the players’ prices follow a distribution like the graph: there are many players extremely cheap and there are only a dozen of them ridiculously expensive. It makes no sense, for example, that Bale worth so much as a thousand gold players all together. Wanted to see him on the field against all these people.

When this happens, the price dispersion is smaller. Most of the cards are so cheap that it is no room for wide dispersion. That is to say, it is difficult to make a profit. The price you pay for a card is almost the same that you receive for selling it.

In the last weeks, many people have complained about how more difficult is to trade right now. It is becoming harder and harder. Many times, what you get by selling a player is not enough to pay the 5% tax to EA Sports. There complains are true. Market prices are too tight and competition is huge. But why? Basically there are two factors that contribute to this: the events and the players.

Lets start by events. Untradeable cards in starter packs, worse loyalty bonus and FIFA Points unavailable was only the fuse for a competition even fiercer. With less money in circulation, all players wanted to earn the 100 coins of an useless card. Then there were the glitches in the EAS FC catalogue and in the consumables. Such mistakes usually make a few players richer and the others poorest, since their cards are devalued due to increased demand, increasing the gap between rich and poor that I will talk later.

But there are more events: the ones that are yet to come and that result in a speculative bubble. In previous years, it began at Christmas and increased with the TOTY launch in the first days of January. Now begins much earlier, due to the release of legends cards and XBox One, and a few days later of Playstation 4. Basically, we have speculation since the beginning of the game. Many people will say that the market will crash but that will never happen. But it is also true that we will never be as close of it as in the coming weeks.

Players are also responsible for this anomalous behaviour of the market. The truth is that every year, they are accumulating trading experience and a minority of them has become a real machine to make coins. Some of them have improved their tactics using autobuyers. Did you know that there are people who get paid to earn coins during the whole day ? These few millionaires, intentionally or not, set the market prices. Only the best players can give them good profits and they only focus on them. Thanks to that, all other cards, including defenders, see their prices successively falling making trading with them very unappetizing. It is like a sort of spiral in which, as it happens in the real world, those who are rich becomes richer but the poor get poorer. And if a poor gather enough coins to buy a top card, he will have to pay the price the rich set.

Are you rich or poor in FUT 14 ?



MY FUT 14 Ep. 6 – Short One

October, 18th 2013


We are finalizing the last details to launch this weekend our ‘FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Home’ Hub that will help our followers to more easily find what they are looking on our website. So, this episode will be (even) shorter than usually.

This week was not a good trading week but this is part of the life of any trader. Firstly because I don’t have much time available and then (or is it the reverse?) because I bet on the wrong horse. It may seems a cliché but it was not my fault. It was EA Sports fault.

I have bought dozens of position change cards, expecting to sell them with a big profit, thanks to the method of putting them on sale at the lowest BIN of the market. How I have bought the cards in midweek at low prices, I would profit successively before the end of the auction some hundreds of coins for each card. I was thinking to make about 200k coins in a single weekend . So what went wrong ? Basically there was a bug or glitch, whatever you want to call, in which for every consumable that you bought, you got another one free. Something like you see in the supermarkets: buy one, get two. Many players have taken this opportunity and have bought hundreds of these cards (remember that there is no limit to store consumables in FUT 14). How you can imagine, the prices of these cards have dropped a lot and my trading weekend was ruined. Hopefully, I had other cards to sell – we always should diversify a bit. For some more time the consumables market should be avoided because who have bought will wait awhile until release their cards, extending this state of virtual collapse.

In the next weeks I will show you what I am thinking to my team, talk about the dangers of databases, explain what have changed on the market and bring here some more tips.

If you have good writing skills and know more about FUT than who have produced it, contact us. We are always ready to be helped.

Thanks for joining us and good games for all!


MY FUT 14 Ep. 5 – We Love Weekends

October, 11th 2013


We have no idea how much coins we have right now. Why ? Because the weekend is coming.

The last one was great as we have predicted in the last episode and we are betting everything in this one. Our transfer target is full of gold managers and several David Luiz. Our consumables pile has dozens of league managers, chemistry styles and positioning cards. Our balance is very low right now but if everything goes OK, we will increase our fortune in 50% this weekend.

We didn’t make much profit during the week because we tried to study new opportunities and it takes us some time. Now, that we understood how the things are working, it’s time to make coins. Do you should do the same because it will never be so easy to make coins as it is right now. We already have explained the easiest way but we will try again:

    1) Study the market. Don’t ask us again which cards you should use. You can make profit with any card. Just be sure to study their prices over the week and in different times of the day. You can use a database but to use the transfer target list is the best choice.
    2) Buy the cards on Wednesday or Thursday night.
    3) Sell the cards on Friday night and all Saturday and Sunday.

More easy than that is difficult. If you want to understand everything about trading, just check our guide HERE.


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club


If you have a good idea about the weekends prices, try to do the same thing that we will do: buy many many cards (preferentially consumable since the pile has no limit) and put them to sell 50 coins lower than the lowest BIN you find for these cards (which should be much higher than the price you have paid for yours). You will sell them all in less than one hour which means that you are making profit all the time.

We love the weekends. And you ?


MY FUT 14 Ep. 4 – Two Tips

October, 4th 2013

Here we are again.

Today we want to focus in two great tips that we want to share with you: the magic weekend and the almost unknow EAS FC new feature.

Our team is going fine. We have now 250k coins more 120k in cards that we expect selling soon. We dropped the manager league cards and we are now making some good profit with players and positioning cards. The managers cards went well until some days ago but the prices has dropped too much. Here are some examples of what we have been doing:

David Luiz (the most traded player in FUT 13) – buying at 23k and selling at 29k
Ramires – buying at 17k and selling at 22k
CF-ST Position Change Cards – buying at 600c and selling at 900c
Several Non-rare Gold Managers – buying at 150c and selling at 350c

Our best deal was buying the German manager Low by 1400c (he will be sold by 4000c) thanks to the maintenance method that we already have explained HERE. But, as many of you, we have a lot of cards stacked in our transfer list that no one wants to buy. Don’t worry about that. Just keep tracking the market, buy more cheap cards and wait for the weekend. You will see that this weekend will be a wonderful time to sell cards. We are almost sure that we will sell everything and we will cry for not have bought more cards during the week days. It is our first tip of the day and if you don’t believe that it is a really good tip, just wait and see. While you wait, we will buy more cards to sell at the weekend.


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

Sending gifts to friends is a amazing new feature of the EAS FC Catalogue


Most of people do not know that in FUT 14 it is possible to send a EAS FC item for a friend as a gift. And those who know, haven’t used this amazing feature because they didn’t realize the benefits that they can get. It is so great that EA Sports has not done much publicity fearing a massified use of it. In fact, you can send a item for half price for as many friends you want and still be able to redeem it for yourself. As you know, it is very easy to get thousands of FC Credits in our account. So, why not used them to sending gifts to your friends and asking them to do the same for you? You can improve your contracts, transfer list size, transfer targets list size and much more. The EA Sports FUT Coin Reward Boosts have been temporarily disabled in the EAS FC Catalogue while EA Sports investigate an issue, but when it comes back, this tactic will be even more amazing. What are you waiting for ? If you need some help, we will publish a EAS FC Catalogue guide on next Monday.

Good weekend!


MY FUT 14 Ep. 3 – The Big Day

September, 27th 2013

Welcome back to MY FUT 14.

Today is the big day. The game is now available in the most of the worldwide stores, including the European ones. For many gamers this is the first day of FUT 14. More than 1 million players have taken advantage from the FUT 14 Web App early access but there are many players that just start it today. When we say that today is the big day, we are not talking only about the FIFA 14 release. We are talking about trading.

If you saved some coins as we told you to do in the previous episodes, you will have now the chance to multiplying these coins several times. It already started yesterday but today the market will be crazy. Thousands of players will open packs trying to find a Messi card (that they won’t find) and they will sell the cards by really cheap prices. Be sure to take some hours to buy and sell these cards. If you are a really good trader you may make more than 100k coins in a single day (!). Chances like this do not exist forever. Keep your eyes wide open.

In this week we made something like 70k coins. We expect to make much more in the coming days. Here are some trading suggestions:
CF-ST Position Change Cards – buying at 900c and selling at 1,400c
Sniper Chemistry Style Cards – buying at 750c and selling at 1100c
POR 1 Manager League Card – buying at 150c and selling at 400c
BRA 1 Manager League Card – buying at 150c and selling at 450c
Several Non-rare Gold Managers – buying at 150c and selling at 500c
Several Rare Gold Managers – buying at 900c and selling at 1,400c


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club


As you may notice, the market is changing a lot and the profits are now bigger. Yesterday, for example, we buy/sell several cards with profits of 500%. Our favourites were the position change, the chemistry styles, the manager leagues and the staff cards.

More than ever you need to use the hours method. If possible renew your cards every hour. What are you expecting for ?

We almost forget it. If you want to play matches, use your starter pack players in offline matches. It is a good way to make some coins since you can not trade them but you can use the 45 contracts they have and get the matches rewards.

See you soon.


MY FUT 14 Ep. 2 – The First Weak

September, 20th 2013

Here we are, as promised.

We only got 18k coins in 5 days, what was much less than we expected. Last year we got something like 200k in the first week. We didn’t have much time to make coins but we tried several things.

As you probably already know, in our opinion, any card is subject to be a good card to trade. We will give some examples of cards that we are trading successfully but you should do it with your own cards. It is important to study the market and try everything until find a niche in which one we feel comfortable.

These were the cards with better results:
CF-ST Position Change Cards – buying at 3,000c and selling at 3,300c
CAM-CM Position Change Cards – buying at 2,900c and selling at 3,200c
Sniper Chemistry Style Cards – buying at 700c and selling at 900c
MLS Manager League Card – buying at 150c and selling at 250c
TUR Manager League Card – buying at 150c and selling at 250c
ENG2 Manager League Card – buying at 150c and selling at 250c


MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club


We know that our profit was low but we already know that most of you are in the same position. Why it is happening ? It is easy. Because there is no money on the market. And why it is being different from previous year ? We will give you a couple of reasons:

  • All the starter pack cards are now untradeable. It was a great way to make some thousand coins in previous versions.
  • The loyalty bonus is much worse this year. In a general way, by more FUT years we got less packs.
  • The FUT Web App has started a couple of days earlier. It will take longer to get the injection of match coins.
  • The FUT 14 players are better traders than FUT 13 players. It is harder to find good deals.
  • The FIFA Points are not available to buy which means that just a few gamers are buying packs and they do it with coins. It doesn’t help to get more money on the market.

    We know that there are many gamers unhappy with their profits. But if they stopped a while to think about why it is happening they will realize that the things are going well. And it will get better very soon. The mornings without selling a single card are ending. The season starts today to the Season Ticket subscribers and they will help a lot to bring more money to the market. With the increase of the inflation this weekend, the trading will get much easier. There will be more money and people will spend more.

    But not everything are good news. If you are almost having enough coins to buy that good player you want, you should know that his price will raise very soon. Every time you think that finally you got the coins you need to buy him, his price will raise again. It is why we say that the first days are so important. It may make the difference between being a step ahead or a step behind of inflation.

    Very soon all of us will have to decide if we are going to buy players, now that most of them are cheap, or if we are going to keep with that coins to trade. It depends of what we want for our team. In our case, we believe that we have good trader skills and we will try to get richer before to build our squad.

    Final advice for today: be patient. Nobody said that it is easy. When FIFA Points and retail game are released, everything will be easier: there will be more money on the market and there will be lots of gamers, specially the new ones, wasting good cards. Until there, try to being a step ahead from the inflation.

    See you next week.


    MY FUT 14 Ep. 1 – New Season

    September, 18th 2013

    The Season has started!

    EA Sports has anticipated in two days the FUT 14 Web App release to avoid server problems and the truth is that this year everything has gone much better. Due to technical problems our day one was in 15th September. If you played FUT 13 and don’t have accessed yet the FUT 14 Web App, what are you waiting for ?

    When we start our new season, the first thing that we should do is to answer if we want to keep our club’s name or not. It is important to pay attention to this step since it is not possible to change it again excepting using the EASFC catalogue item and this one may require a certain level of XP experience which we may not have.

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    Everyone gets a starter pack in the beginning and it wasn’t different with us. This pack has 34 non-rare cards: 3 of gold category, 2 of silver category and the rest of bronze category. These cards can not be traded which means that they are useless until the game release. As you can see, it is not just you who have awful cards.

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    We have started playing Ultimate Team in November 2010. We were rewarded with the same extra packs that we got last year: two all players packs, with 4 players cards of each category, and two gold packs, with 12 cards mostly gold. 95% of the players don’t get good cards in these packs. In our case, Popov and Nolito were the best ones. Yes, we know: too bad…

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    There is another good way to get some more cards. Just open your FUT 14 Web App everyday and you will get once a day a daily gift. We prefer the ones that give us up to 2.500 coins.

    MY FUT 14 - Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club

    In this first episode we only have showed you our first cards. In the next episode, that will be published in Friday, we will show you how we are making coins and we will try to explain what is happening with the market in this first week. Feel free to comment whatever you want.


    192 thoughts on “MY FUT 14 – Diary of my FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Club”

    1. Nice Diary. You’re going to have to develop some new trading techniques for FIFA 15, especially around TOTS time. You can’t stockpile items like that anymore.

    2. Hey Rodrigo! Visited after a long time today! Good to see the new look site! Keep the great work going on!
      Why isnt the FUT WebApp working for sooooo long? Any idea when it will be working again (trading that is)?
      Cant wait for the FIFA15! As I am a PC user, cant wait for the Ignite engine based FIFA15 PC!!!
      And also when will FIFA 15 FUT tradings start on the webapp? Any idea? Like last year it should be before the launch I believe.
      All that my FUT team is today, and all it will be in the FIFA15, 16, ….. will be all because of you! Forever in your debt buddy! Keep helping novices like me and make them champions!!! 😀

      PS: Sorry for visiting after sooo long 🙁 Actually lost interest in FUT14 a while back (as became champion in both online and offline DIV1s, and already got the teams that I dreamt of, all thanks to you :), much earlier than expected). Was playing different career modes for last few months.

      1. Thanks Sarbajit, the FUT App or better it’s trading tends to not work anymore at the end of all the Fifa versions. I think it’s because EA is already working on the new one – maybe also to slow down coin seller websites.

        1. Hi Sarbajit. Welcome back!
          Hody already answered you but I just want to add a small detail: we believe that Web App will be released at September 12th.

          1. As always Thanks Rodrigo!
            And Thanks to Hody too!!! 🙂
            Cheers and keep helping 😀

    3. Hi to all, how is everything, I think every one is getting more from this web site, and your views are fastidious in support of
      new visitors.

    4. hello,
      Greetings from zamboanga city, Philippines.
      muchas gracias for a great site Fut14. It really helped me a lot on making my BBVA team on android. Didn’t spend a single cash for my 85 rating team with 100 chemistry. Got it all from trading :). Just wanna share my team

      FC Zamboanga 4-3-3 (2)
      GK Lopez (RMA)
      RB Alves (FCB)
      CB Pique (FCB)
      CB Vidic (ManU)
      LB Alba (FCB)
      CM Mordric (RMA)
      CDM Busquets (FCB)
      CM Isco (RMA)
      RW Pedro (FCB)
      ST Benzema (RMA)
      LW Villa (AM)

      khedira (RMA)
      Cole (CFC)
      Mascherano (FCB)
      Alonso (RMA)
      Alves (VCF)
      Biabiany (Parma)
      Song (FCB)

      Thank you 🙂

        1. Tnx its due to what I learned from reading on your topics. May I ask a question? I recently bought cesc fabregas and if I change any of the players with ratings lower than him the ratings drop back to 84 instead of increasing. Anyway next target players would be casillas, ramos and di maria. Inieta, neymar, xavi, messi, bale and c. Ronaldo are way to expensive. Gracias

          1. You may find the answer to the ratings question on our website. (look to the comments too where I already explained why that happens).
            Ramos should be the next one. He is cheap.

    5. Today I logged onto my fut account through the web app and to my utter shock I had lost all my coins and most of my gold and silver players also my free gift of 4 premium gold packs 🙁 I have never shared my I’d or my password with anyone how can this happen and how can I get them back .cheers .

    6. I am really struggling to get out of Div 2 witht he following team and wondered if you had any suggestions, either bpl replacement or BBVA

      Play 4-3-3

      Lloris (cech)
      Walker (richards)
      Kaboul (Luiz)
      Clichy (Baines)
      Toure (Ramires)
      Rooney (Nasri)
      Silva (Mata)
      Navas (Walcott)
      Hazard (willian)
      Eto’o (Suarez/Remy)

      I only have about 20k to spend, but happy to sell in order to improve.

      Many thanks

      1. HI.
        The comments of BPL Guide are closed because you have there enoug comments to answer to your question.
        Take a look to Koscielny UP.

    7. Wish I had exploited the upgrades…shouldve bought IF cards of players i thought would be upgraded and then sold them once the cards’ stats improved. Oh well.

    8. Hi Rodrigo,

      First of all I’d like to say that you’ve done a great job on this website and I’ve learned a lot from it. It’s my first place to check on any questions I have about the game.

      That being said, I have some questions I couldn’t find the answer to on here.

      1, what data carries over to the next game of fifa (specially FUT). FUT14 is my first time playing Ultimate team in Fifa so I was wondering what will carry over to FIFA(FUT) 15.

      2, I read one of your articles about buying packs. It said that it’s wiser to spend your money buying coins rather than fifa points.(Or that’s what I got from it, please correct me if I’m wrong.) If that’s the case. What’s your recommendation about buy coins, meaning, if it’s a good choice and where to buy them.

      Thanks and keep up the good work.


      1. Than you very much.
        Let’s see:
        1) FUT15 is a new game. You will lose almost everything: coins, cards, history, etc… The only thing that you can carry over is your level XP, FC Credits and cub name.
        2) Yes. If you want to spend money, buying coins is a better choice. Send us an email and we will help you to find a good seller.

        1. Thanks for the quick reply.

          So what you’re saying is that you’ll have to start from scratch(in FUT) every season? Making all your efforts to make money go to waste or let’s say temporary success?

          Alright, I’ll send and email and see what offers there are.


          1. I see how it’s a huge business for EA hehe.

            Last question, is there a guide on how to start off your next season? Things you need to know to gain advantage on prices, players or money making opportunities etc?

    9. Messi! and a conclusion about him would be nice!
      what about your current team? any changes?


    10. Hi Rodrigo!

      Small question: I have tried multiple times to send a gift to a friend but after i select my friend’s screenname i get an error message saying that they cannot communicate at this time and ask to try later, which i do (for the past 10 days) but no success. Do you know anything about that? Am i doing something wrong? (I play on PS3).

      1. Hi.
        Yes, probably I know what is going on. You have tried to send a gist to your friends and that gift was a coins boost. If you try with another item, you probably will have success.
        EA Sports has announced the return of coins boost but they forgot to inform us that sending this item to our friends is not possible any more. They took 5 months to fix the coins boost problem and the only solution that they found was to disable this feature. It’s a shame.

    11. Hey Rodrigo! I’ve been following all your posts but commenting after a long time! From my part, Playing in Online Div 2 and Offline Div1 leagues now 😀 Have assembled almost the best of Spanish, English, Italian and German teams 🙂 Definitely some rooms for improvement is there, but the cost is too high so I’m not gonna go for it. Trading going well, thanks to you 🙂 Pretty happy with my team, but never purchased any UF cards, as I dont believe they are good VFM. Carry on the good work and keep helping novices like me! I dreamt of this team and this situation at the launch of FIFA 14, but for you it is a reality now 😀 All the best Rodrigo!

    12. Mark Quadros

      Im lucky to be a part of the 5% maybe even 0.1% to get an IF 84 RATED BALOTELLI! not from the free EA packs but from the 8 GOLD PREORDER PACKS I GOT! :’)
      sadly tht was tht first time i ever player FUT 14 so i decided to player around a 100 games with balotelli and scoring almost 140 goals and selling him later for 298k in the beginning he was selling for 600k atm hes selling for 450k! 🙁

    13. Thank you,
      Yes I have the best so want to get TOTY Alves and Silva. Then I’ll try a team with CR7 and Messi, before an England team for the World Cup and finishing with Legends.
      I didn’t know you could curve the ball though very interesting! Crosses are the best way to cause mayhem in FUT 14.

        1. Thanks Rodrigo,

          How do you curve the ball and which way do you curve it (in or out)? Also if I already have the best brazil team how should I spend my 500k if not on TOTY Dani Alves?


          1. Hi.
            You need to have players with good ‘curve’ stats to do it well. I use the right stick and curve out to avoid the GK catch the ball.
            If you already have all the good Brazilian players, you can go for Thiago Silva.

    14. Hi Rodrigo,

      Thanks for the tips they’re very helpful. I notice that like me you like to cross the ball a lot for headers. Do you use the double tap for the near post?


    15. I also use semi but the default has assisted shooting, but semi crosses and passing or something like that

    16. Hi, do you use manual semi or assisted controls for your ultimate team? And also this may sound like a stupid question but do manual controls render a player like pirlo useless as you have control over your passes?

    17. Hi. I was wondering what you meant by Casillas not being the best gk choice for your squad (but needed for chemistry). Casillas has the best reflexes, 2nd best diving, and i believe the best speed (not sure). Furthermore, Neuer’s stats dont look that good. 87 reflex 85 diving is good but there is much better, and 81 handling 81 positioning isnt great either. 91 kicking is very good for the stat but it is arguably the least important stat. Casillas has a better card in my opinion. Why do most people think Neuer is best and Casillas isnt very good? Joe Hart is an option for your squad, and his IF card is good too. Just a possible suggestion.

      1. I said that he may not be. I am not saying that he is not the best one. To me, the fact of linking well with Sergio Ramos makes my decision much more easy. For now I am happy with him and I will not try anyone else.

    18. Tom Bartonhanson

      Hi Rodrigo,

      Very good detailed guides, you’re really helping the community who struggle with FUT. I know I’m on the wrong article but could you please please please answer a couple of easy questions.

      Question 1: I developed my own mass bidding method, I make 45 coins per player which is nothing but I’m committed so I sell about 500 card a day which is a profit of around 25k (correct me if I’m wrong), after about 5hours continuous trading. I was wondering if you have any players that you mass bid with worth around 5k-10k BIN? I’m earning money to slowly and it’s really stressful the method I’m using now. If you don’t want to spoil your strategy by posting to the public then you can email me Thanks in advance

      1. Hi.
        45 coins per player is too low. It is less than 22k coins per day (don’t forget EA Tax 5%). That is a god amount but no one should spend so much time on trading.
        The methods I use are explained on this website. On episode 9 of this page you have a good example.

    19. Alexandre Santos

      Greetings Rodrigo,
      I suspect your portuguese like me even so i’ll write in english.
      I’m quite convicted that i should bet in force at this stage with the release of TOTY’s. But i really don’t know what to do. This is, i have more than 400.000 coins to spent and want to multiply this amount with the sell of some players. Sincerely, what exactly should i do?

      1. Olá Alexandre. Sim, somos compatriotas. Se você quiser ler o site em português temos uma réplica do mesmo.
        About you question, I think that it isn’t yet a good time to invest. TOTY week was the right time. Now, you should wait a couple of days because no one can be sure about how market will be. TOTY market is a risky market. With 400k coins I think it would be better to buy low and sell higher a selection of cheaper cards.

        1. Alexandre Santos

          Thank you for your sugestion, i’ll certainly do that.
          In other unrelated topic, there’s something rather odd happening with some players bought. I’ve been doing a market research and i’ve been noticing that there are a restrict lower number of players placed at some various starting prices but always under a limit sold for a way higher price than the usual market price.
          For instance, I saw several TOURES yesterday getting bought by +230000 (Starting prices around 30000) and the other day HAZARDS bought by +290000 (Starting prices around 50000). Is this patterns for real or this is just a ocasional thing to happen? What have you heard about it (If you do)?

    20. was the last article ( TOTY prices ) posted before it? I really didn’t know that, and I know am sad 🙁

    21. hi rodrigo!
      do you use custom tactics or something?
      what about a “custom tactics guide” for most popular formations and different playstyles?

      1. Hi!
        I don’t use custom tactics but I should. I need time to do it and I never have enough time to do what I want.
        We will publish a Custom Tactics Guide but until there you can check THIS one. It is in Portuguese but you can use Google Translator, for example.

    22. Hello. On your team why use a 4-3-3 (1) vs a 4-3-3 (2)? The CDM spot is a great asset and yaya toure is perfect for it. It frees up your cbs and your cms. I see no reason why not to use this variant instead.

    23. Honestly ,I cant understand this game..\

      I have a Barclay’s team (the same as the unlimited team you tested and posted in ur page)

      Except that I have the 1st inform Aguero + IF Walcott

      am in division 6 now…what i don’t understand,I played against a team with half bronze and half regular gold players..

      Every time he shoot with his attackers he score even from a long distance.
      and always cutting the ball very easily from my players?!!!!

      and every time i shoot with IF aguero or Etoo ,their shoot is very weak and most of the time on the ground..

      how come ? am frustrated ..why we are spending millions on a perfect team when a team of bronze team (even their GK is regular bronze!!) can win us very easily.?!!!

      is their an explanation for this or is their something on the setting of the game we have to do for adjustment?

      kindly heeelp 🙁

    24. Hi Rodrigo, thank you for your guides I find them very useful.
      I was just wondering, there is a player I wish to purchase (Ibrahimovic) who is now worth over 1m coins and his price continues to rise. Do you think I should purchase a player like this now or should I wait until after the weekend ? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

    25. Hi rodrigo, ive seen some players with a gold mark in position, and the stats are more and less more 10 points per PC, SHO, DRI, PAS, etc.
      How to put a player in such performance.
      Ps: this site is genial!

      1. Olá Ricardo. Antes de mais obrigado. Nós temos uma versão igual do site mas em Português.
        About you question, you just need to apply a training card to the player you want. But attention: it only last one match!

    26. thanks , i make 11k coins in a hour
      but its realy annoying to trade on iphone, ios users don’t have access to wep app

      im fuckin love this site.

        1. Im playing ps3 but i will play you on ps4 at Christmas or after and thats a challenge

    27. this is my team

      my present formation is 4-4-2 as it was the default formation so i didnt bother to change it and also Im comfortable so far but i might shift to 4-3-3 cuz i played that the whole FUT13 , but this time with the CAM and 2 CMs

      my 4-4-2 squad presently
      gk – adler/weidenfeller
      lb – schmelzer
      cb – hummels
      cb – subotic/ sokratis
      rb – piszczek
      cm – gundogan
      cm – sahin/ mkhitaryan (he is a CAM)
      rm – muller/ blaszczykowski
      lm – reus
      st – huntelaar
      st – aubameyang/ mandzukic

      I have 182k left and have neuer,alaba, gotze, schweinsteiger, lewandowski and robben as the future buys so far. (Ribery is too expensive and i doubt he’s as good as that in the game)

        1. Thank you for the suggestion. Alaba was always my first choice left back, its just a matter of when I buy him

          1. Huntelaar isnt great without Hunter style for his pace whereas finisher best compliments his stats. You need to get Lewandowski.

    28. If u have the money, why not buy Suarez? I mean the SIF Suarez instead of Aguero?
      Aguero is incredible no doubts there, but i love scoring header goals
      and you’ve got really good crossers so I feel you can get a lot more goals that way compared to Augero. Also seeing the stats of the totw version, he is arguably one of the most complete strikers in FUT 14 so far, I mean pace dribbling shooting heading strength and almost every stat you look for in a striker he’s got amazing stats. What do you think?

      1. All you say is truth but, in our opinion, you missed something. IF cards are not what people think they are.
        We will try to explain it better on a special article we are writing, but essentially the stats of databases and the stats we see printed on the players cards are wrong. They are different from In-game stats. Spacially the IF cards. The difference on these cards is huge. IF cards are not as good as most of people think.
        That’s why we will try to build our squad with the less IF cards possible.
        Thank you for you suggestion.

        1. Niklas Clement

          It`s right that IFs are not that good but I play on PC and FIF Suarez just costs 300k not much more than Agüero

    29. hi rodrigo
      my current team
      LB:Filipe Luis
      ST:diego costa

      Budget 100k

      1. Hi.
        You have players from several leagues and we did not tested it all yet.
        It seems fine but if you want a better answer ask us after we release the BBVA guide or Brazilian guide.

    30. Hey Rodrigo I really need your help man… My ultimate team career has come to an ubrupt end. Only you can help me now ….. please:
      First when I started fut14 I was playing comfortably my online season record was 56-6-13… but suddenly all hell broke loose. My main team(bbva) plays like all the players are on 6 Chem. From div 1, I sank into div 6… my record now is 86-19-78. Every single game I play, the players move like turtles. They don’t hit open chances, they can’t dribble anymore…. Why is this happening to me or why is it happening all of a sudden,,, please please please help me dude.
      MY TEAM: 4231
      Dani valves

      1. Hi.
        It is a bit strange. Start losing more matches is natural since there are better players now and your matchmaking join you with good players. It happened to thousand of gamers: they win easily on the start and then they always play with better gamers and start losing.
        About the turtles thing, I don’t know what is going on. If you have good chemistry (100/10 – you have), good players (you have!) and full fitness, there is no reason for that. Try to play offline to see if it happens too. And don’t forget that you should be calm and focus. Most of the players usually forget that mental factor is very strong.

        1. Hmm thanks man…and also when is your BBVA guide going to be completed……I can’t wait to get my hands on it… guides helped me a lot last year ………I’ll try them on offline and let you knows if it’s still pathetic..

          1. Ok, thank you.
            We already have the BBVA Guide ready but we are waiting to be checked by another member of our team before publish it.
            It will be online probably at December 8th.

    31. Please could you let me have your thoughts on my bpl sqaud 4-1-2-1-2, have a few players for each position

      Gk – Lloris / Cech
      RB – Richard / Walker
      CB – Kompany/ Vidic
      CB – Kaboul / Luiz
      LB – Baines / Cole
      CDM – Ramires / Fellani / Sandro /
      RM – Navas / Walcott / Lamela / Ben Arfa
      LM – Schrulle / Jarvis
      CAM – Rooney / Eriksen
      ST – Remy / Benteke/ Defoe
      ST – Eto’o / Jovetic / Hernandez / Carrol (end of game heading)

      I have 55k coins and not too sure where to invest, what would you do? Should I sell Rooney and buy yaya? Also with those players what do you think is strongest 11? thanks

    32. Hi , I sent a message a few weeks ago regarding my team, I now have 80k to spend and wanted to know your thoughts. I have been looking for the guide but can’t seem to find it yet. Many thanks

      1. Hi.
        We can’t find any other message from this IP or email address. If you didn’t use the same one it is impossible to us to know who you are and what was your first message.

      1. EA Sports temporarily disabled FUT Coin Reward Boosts in the EAS FC Catalogue while they investigate an issue that affects the FUT economy.

    33. Please could you let me have your thoughts on my bpl sqaud 4-1-2-1-2, have a few players for each position

      Gk – Lloris / Cech
      RB – Richard / Walker
      CB – Luiz / Vertonghan
      CB – Kaboul / Kosheilny
      LB – Baines / Gibbs
      CDM – Ramires / Sandro / Pauliniho
      RM – Navas / Walcott / Lamela / Ben Arfa
      LM – Schrulle / Jarvis
      CAM – Rooney / Eriksen
      ST – Benteke / Remy / Defoe
      ST – Jovetic / Hernandez / Carrol (end of game heading)

      I have 45k coins and not too sure where to invest, what would you do? Also with those players what do you think is strongest 11? thanks

      1. Hi Roy.
        We are now testing the players of several leagues and we will publish a guide for each popular league in the coming weeks. The first one will be the BPL, next Sunday. Don’t get us wrong but we always try to give the better opinion possible and right now we can not do it since we have not tested all the players. We can not give you suggestions until we have 100% sure of what we are saying. Feel free to ask us again on the comments of BPL guide, next Sunday. It will be a pleasure to help you.

    34. What can we expect the market to do when xbox one is released? What strategies can we start preparing for now to make money on xbox360? Will you release a La Liga guide after your BPL guide?

      1. Really good question. It is a bit hard to know how the market will be in the future but we think that the prices will drop on the XBox One release day and in the following days.
        It is only a suggestion but who have expensive teams should sell them and buy it again after a few days. For the traders, it will be a nice time to buy cheap cards to sell later by a higher price.
        Yes, the BBVA guide will be the second one. It will be published one or two weeks after the BPL guide.

      1. Hi!
        We already have the guide ready but it needs to be checked by another member of our team before being published.
        It will be published on November 17th or on November 24th.

    35. I rejoined whole origin and i am sure that i didnt skip it. Anyway thanks for so fast answer.

    36. Hello, my friend just bought me in EAS Catalogue change of team name in FUT and i dont know how or where should i activate it, can u help me? (FIFA 14 PC)

      1. Hi. Thank you for your contact.
        It’s easier than you think. After buying it, the first time you enter on FUT again, it will be prompted you to insert a new club name. If you don’t do it or you skip that screen, you will not have another chance. To know if you already waste the item, go to your EAS Catalogue and check if the item was used or not.

    37. Bad Luck Rodrigo! Better luck next time, and I’ll be on my heels to foil your plans!!!
      Jokes apart, wanted to inform you that I have managed to put together 4 good enough squads now, one German/Bundesliga based, one Spanish/La Liga Based, one EPL/English based and one Italian/Serie A based.
      And yes, definitely am loving it. Never bored, alternating the teams every now and then 😀

    38. Have you had any problems with people bidding on their own players with two or more accounts? In 100,000 range I see the same clubs scamming people by bidding on their own player from one account at 101,000 over the previous bid. My experience, bid 154,000 on hazard, guy bids 255,000, so i bid 256,000 on accident. They manipulate the bid to 150,000 on hazard with about 5-10 min left, then once they can get someone to bid quickly with them, they jump the price 101,000. I get you have to pay close attention, but after watching they get people every time. I ended up being out a total 75k. Is there anyway to find GT’s from just the club name?

        1. gamertag, I am over it now. I am done playing since EA has no control over the market. I knew that coin buying became popular for 13, but Price jumping as you put it, and the software programs that are setting the market, are those new to 14 this year?

          1. Ohhh! GamerTag, thank you. I am a PS user, so I am not used to XBox terms. 🙂
            Yes, cheaters are running the market. EA are trying to do something about it but it is not easy. For example: to prevent price jumping, they are thinking to implement a system in which no one can bid more than 10k from the last bid.
            These software that you talk are not new to FUT 14.
            Despite all this cheats, it still be possible to make profit honestly.

    39. I would just like to compliment your blog entries about the market, I don’t think you should stop them! They are a really interresting read for a guy as my self who started playing FUT with Fifa 14. I have already used your tactics to earn up some pocket-money, even when the market has been on a steady course downwards.

      What I have noticed this far is that you shouldn’t keep a card for more than a few days at this point. This might have been affected by the fact that there has already been 2 happy hours(the current one a happy-day) in just about a week, and a lot of cards in circulation. It is still possible to earn 1000coin profits for a small-budget investor like myself.

    40. I am really enjoying your blog, even if it seems like you are getting worn out. I completely agree with your statements about the market being crap this year. I have been able to make a fair amount of profits using many of your tips and some of my own insight, but have spent literally hours each day since release to do so. My wife is not happy about it and I still do not have enough to buy a Ronaldo. Several hours per day + angry wife should = Ronaldo imo, but that’s FUT this year. More experienced traders and increased knowledge available has definitely led to smaller margins and more frustration. It makes me wish I had put in these kinds of efforts in years past. I suppose from EA’s perspective it is a good thing because it forces people to buy more packs. That’s all for now 🙂

      1. Thank you for your comment. I know what is that about wife being angry. 🙂
        It is a good thing to EA Sports, I agree.

    41. Hi. Have you managed to review bpl gk yet… really struggling, used both begovic and lloris, both made frequent mistakes. YOur thoughts on strongest in this position would be appreciated. Thanks

      1. Hi.
        We don’t know any GK that never have made a mistake. After many tests, we elected Lloris as the best one and Begovic as our cheapest choice. We know that it isn’t what you wanted to heard, but for us they are the best choices for a BPL team.
        We will publish our BPL guide in 10 days.

        1. Thanks for the that, do you feel that lloris is worth the extra 10K+? or is it better to invest elsewhere?

          1. Depends of your budget and squad. I believe that he is worth that extra but it’s up to you do decide.
            Our guide will help you with that for sure.

          2. I eagerily await the release of the guide will be really intersting to see your thoughts. Rooney better have an amazing right up… he is a monster

    42. last Q. regarding this matter 🙂

      what should be the best stats for CDM and i will search for a player.

      (what specs to concentrate on for choosing a CDM card?)

      thanking you in advance.

      1. Hi. Depends of the formation you use. In our opinion it is defending and passing. But pace, heading, ball control, strenght and stamina for those with high/high work rate are also important.

    43. thanks for your help..

      surly,I will wait for ur BBVA publish..

      but as for think no need to buy Iniesta for now?

      and ramos instead of modric or one of the cbs


      1. Hi.
        I am talking about my experience in previous years.
        1) Ramos instead Puyol.
        2) Modric doesn’t have the best stats for that position.
        3) Benzema was great as CAM.

    44. Dear Rodrigo..

      kindly,ur opinion needed for my BBVA team..

      I have a fantastic team but all these cards and my rating is 85..dont know whos needed to get it higher?

      am not satisfied in two positions :

      CDM and LM you have a better suggestions?

      and for gathering coins to get Iniesta or shall I modify benzema and make him CAM

      best regards,

      1. Hi.
        We have finished yesterday our BPL guide. It was the first one and it will be published in less than 1 or 2 weeks.
        Our next guide will be about the BBVA. That means that we didn’t test the players from this league yet. You can ask about your team when we publish the BBVA guide.
        Since we are nice guys, we will try to say something to you about your team even without testing the players.
        It is a really nice team (Messi ? Whooo). Personally, I am not sure if your CB’s are fast enough. I know that you have Modric there but I would like to suggest Ramos anyway. As you said, CDM and LM are the weakest positions.
        Benzema will be perfect as CAM.

      1. Hi.
        I already have enough coins to build a good team but I will use this account to play on PS4 only. So, I have another month to build my squad. In one of the next episodes I will show you what are my plans.

    45. Hi Rodrigo! I really like your dairy FUT series.
      What do you think about my premier league team? Is there a player I should buy?

      1. Hi! Thank you.
        It seams a good squad.
        We are now finishing our tests with BPL players in order to publish a BPL guide in early November. In that time you may ask us about your team and we will be pleased to help you. OK ?

      2. Good Team there! Just get rid of Terry, he is too slow! And you’ve got Rooney! Am so jealous! 🙂

      1. We are now finishing our tests with BPL players in order to publish a BPL guide in early November.
        We have two accounts: one for testing and another one for playing. On MYFUT14 we are just trading because we are waiting our PS4. We will have to wait a bit more to know about squads in this post but you can take a look to our squad guides.

    46. Hy Rodrigo! One brief question! I started playing FUT last december, so I barely know the market when it starts… I’d like to ask you if you know whether players like Vidic, Ramos, and Thiago Silva will rise… A lot of people is asking the same questiong including myself… I thought of investing in any of these players, but they seem to keep dropping in price. I thought they would rise but this is not happening as of yet… any predictions?

      1. Hi.
        It is a bit surprising to view these prices dropping. It didn’t happened last years. It is because they are defenders and they are less wanted than the most popular attackers.
        In previous years, the best players had incredible high prices and all the other ones were really cheap. This year it will happen even more. Only 8 to 10 players will have high prices. Really high. However, it will be extremely easy to build a good team without those players.
        I believe that these defenders will rise but it is a hard prediction…

        1. I had two thiago silvas, I packed one… and I packed Iniesta as well, but I decided to sell everything because I was just losing money… I was hoping for prices to rise. I built an amazing squad anyway and I’m enjoying the game without worrying about investing 😉

    47. Hiii .. I have started playing FUT 14 just a few days ago…
      And Heres my BPL team that i have Formed tiil now .. 😀


      This is my team… On which areas can I improve it ??

      1. Hi.
        We are finishing our tests to BPL squads to publish a guide about it in the end of the month. So, we are not ready to answer to your question yet.
        It seams an decent squad but we need to do more tests before suggest something.

    48. Hi Rodrigo, I would really appreciate your thoughts on my team and any recommendations you would make. Currently playing 41212

      GK – Begovic
      RB – Azpilicueta
      CB – Chiriches/Cahill
      LB – Cissokho
      CDM – Sissoko
      RM – Lennon
      LM – Sterling
      CAM – Nzogbia
      ST – Lukaku / Defoe

      Have around 10k to spend but not sure what to do… was thinking pauliniho or fernandindo but not sure which. Then possibly gibbs for cisshko. Any suggestions welcome. Thank

      1. Hi Mark.
        We are sorry but we didn’t make enough tests to get strong conclusions. We have to test before to suggest something.
        It seams a nice starting team but you will need to wait two more weeks to ask us our opinion, OK ? We will publish a BPL guide in two weeks, like we did last year.

    49. Rodrigo, you are a rich man now 🙂
      I am trading much less now. Have put up a good squad and it was for this that I wanted to trade in the first place. I am more a player than a trader and am quite happy with what I’ve got for now. Playing, winning and slowly creating my dream team 🙂
      My present team (EPL based):
      GK: Cech, Hart
      LB: Cole, Evra
      RB: Zabaleta, Ivanovic
      CB: Vidic, Ferdinand, Varmaelen, Kosciellny
      CM: Carrick, Wilshere
      RM: Valencia, Lamela
      LM: Young, Podolski
      CAM: Kagawa, Eriksen
      ST: Soldado, Negredo, Dzeko, Hernandez and Berbatov.

      My future targets for my dream team: Kompany, Hazard, Nani, Ozil/Mata, Rooney, Van Persie, Aguerro

      I have all the year to make this possible. And having cash of around 35k.
      Have 50% contract boost managers, My fav stadiums, kits and badges. And have stacked up contracts worth at least 45-50k 😀

      So all I am doing now is playing and enjoying with the team I have put up after all this hard work!
      Thanks for all your help Rodrigo, else it would not have been possible so early 🙂

      1. Hi!
        Everyone can have a budget like I have. I don’t lose much time doing this. There are thousands of players with more available time and higher budgets.
        “Playing, winning and slowly creating my dream team” – it is exactly the best part of FUT.
        The game has just began and you already have a very good squad. You have done a really good job. Now, it’s like you said: play and slowly improve your team. The harder work is done. Congratulations!

    50. When should I sell IF Milito. I had bought him a few days ago for 18000 and thought I’ll sell him later because his price will rise as he goes out of packs.

      So when should I sell him? When will he reach his peak?

    51. Got a good trading technique. Might just reach my target of 100k in 2 weeks. I’ll let you know how far I get

    52. Hi! I bought Lamela from spurs for a couple of days ago for 7k, now, he has raised to 9k. Do you think i should save and wait for the price to go higher or should i sell him now for 9k? ps. I didnt like him in-game so im not using him.

    53. Rodrigo, one help needed. How to redeem the pre order FUT gold pack codes in PC?

      1. Hi. According to EA Sports:
        “FIFA players may see delays in receiving their pre-order codes for FIFA 14 Gold Packs.
        If you pre-ordered FIFA 14 through Origin, you should receive your code through email within 1-3 days.
        If you pre-ordered through another retailer, you should have already received your code. Be sure to contact your retailer if you have not received your code. ”

    54. One more question (sorry):

      I have decided I will sell my 70k FUT 13 coins and other players for FUT 14 money. Do you have any idea of what the approximate conversion rate is? Should I wait longer to receive more FUT 14 coins from the same FUT 13 coins? (aka will conversion rate become better?)

      1. You will not get many coins. Conversion rate may be 1:15 for example. And you will to find who want to make the deal with you. You will not get much better conversion rate waiting more time.

    55. Should I just trade with non rare gold managers then? Suppose I buy them for 150, the what SP and BIN?

    56. Hi. Remeber me? 😀 I doubt it.

      Okay so FUT 13 was my 1st FUT and I had the wost possible start last year. This year I have corrected many errors, with the help of the wonderful how to start guide of course 🙂

      I still have my starter pack players, but from the other packs and gifts, I have got many more players. I have sold quite a few and got about 7.5k, with 7 golds, 15 silvers and 8 bronzes still to go.

      I can only buy the game after a couple of months so I am just trading till then.

      I read this and I thought I’ll start with trading with non rare gold managers as they seem to yeild the highest percentage profit. So far Im buying them at 150, but are there selected ones I should go for? And what should I sell at for SP and BIN?

      Please answer! And thanks for the beatiful tips you have revealed so early for fut 14, they have really helped, and also the help you gave me for fut 13!

      Also should I sell other staff since I dont use attributes? And what about club items, since they are pretty much useless except stadium.

      1. Hi.
        You may not believe but even yesterday we have thought on you.
        We remember your bad start last year but we are sure that this year everything will be much better since you are one of those that are always trying to learn more and more.
        In our opinion, you should sell everything you don’t need as other staff and useless club items. You need coins in order to make more coins.
        About the managers, it works as everything else. You need to study the market first and at different times of the day. Add several cards of different managers to your transfer target list (ex- watch list) and you will find for which price you should sell (you may put BIN 10 to 20% higher). You suggest to pay attention to the Italian ones. Give us feedback later.

        1. Rodrigo, I still remember that line of yours: Every card can help you make profit, if you can work properly!
          Stadiums worked great for me, and they gave me lots and lots of profit. But now its coming low 🙁
          Another great card for me was Managers, as suggested by you. I managed to fillup my 50% contracts quota and yest make awesome profit. By my description in the above post above you can understand how much I have already invested in my team. Yet am financially stable 🙂 Again, massive thanks to you 😀
          By the way,
          Nacho Monreal out, Evra in 😀
          Phil Jones out, Zabaleta in 😀
          Next target is Wilshere for Cabaye
          Then one by one will try to get Cech, Hazard, Ozil/Mata/Silva, Rooney and Van Persie.
          I know it’ll take long for that, but I believe this year I’ll be able to get my DREAM TEAM! 😉
          I am really very happy with my team at the moment, all thanks to you Rodrigo! You and FIFAUTEAM taught me the A B C of FUT, and today am delighted to be here 😀

          1. I will frame your comment !
            We just help you saying how to do it. You did the most the toughest part. Congratulations.
            We will publish several good guides this and next week.

      2. Glad to know you remember me 😀

        Okay so I am waiting for everything to be sold, which should get me to about 9-10k.

        The thing about Managers is that all managers I buy for 150c are very similar. Most are Olsen and Jansen and van der bor and others, so should I do different ones or are a few of the same still okay?

        I’ll put SP as 300 and BIN as 500?

        And okay I’ll focus on Italians, thanks 😀

        1. Hi.
          As we told you in previous comments, you need to add them to your watch list. There are managers that you buy by 150c and sell by 250c and there are managers that you buy by 150c and sell by 600c. You need to study the market.

          1. I studeied the market and never got straight results. All Italians go for different prices. Which one should I go for? How much should I buy him for? SP and BIN?

    57. Hi Rodrigo,

      My present BPL Team 😀

      I play 4-1-2-1-2

      GK: Begovic, Vorm
      LB: Kolarov, Nacho Monreal
      RB: Ivanovic, Phil Jones
      CB: Vidic, Ferdinand, Lescott, Kosciellny
      CM: Cabaye, Carrick
      RM: Valencia, Mirallas
      LM: Podolski, Pienaar
      CAM: Kagawa, Eriksen
      ST: Dzeko, Negredo, Hernandez, Demba Ba, Berbatov

      Manager: Alan Pardew

      Chemistry 100 for both the combination of teams that I’ll employ!

      Applied proper chemistry styles on top of these! Still completing the 45 matches of the starter pack players. Once done, will start with this team 🙂
      Managers already purchased for the 50% contract criteria 😀
      Plus already have the kits and stadium ready of my choice (Home kit Man United Red, Away kit Real Madrid White, Stadium Old Trafford)! Have stocked around 20-25 gold contracts for use. 😀
      And I currently have around 40k coins in my hand with which am trading everyday, and growing financially slowly but steadily!
      And yes, ALL THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR GUIDES! Am soooo Happyyyy!

      Thanks a lot,

      1. Hi.
        When I started reading this comment, I thought ‘decent team, but can improve’. Then, I realize that it is a FUT 14 squad and not a FUT 13 one.
        Congratulations. You are a very good reader: you used the untradeable contrats, bought managers and contracts, etc… You are sure that it will be a great season for you.
        Thank you!

    58. What teams do you think i should start with and which formation (teams because i want a first team and sub team) thanks a lottttt!!!!!!

      1. It is impossible to answer because we are still testing players. It is too soon for that. You should do the same.
        Depends of your budget, for example. If you think that you will get lots of coins, try BBVA. Otherwise, Serie A could be a good choice.

          1. Earlier than in the previous year.
            We are now finishing rules guides and we will try to publish a new squad guide every week, starting in middle October.

    59. When you sold the CF-ST for 1,400c, was that BIN or starting price? Also, how long did it take to sell them? Thanks

    60. Lots of Classic Kits on sale for cheap rates… may be a good business item! What say Rodrigo?

      1. Depends. Just add a couple of them to your ‘Transfer Target’ and see if they are been selling and for how much (200c, at least).
        If they are, and you easily buy them at 150c, go ahead.

    61. Good going Rodrigo! 18k in this market is pretty good enough I guess. I am again missing my all players pack after reading this 😛
      I am currently on around 15k, without getting the starter packs. Buying the next level players will be tough as their prices are way overhead. But yes, I understand the market is like that this year. Lets see what comes up.

        1. Rodrigo, some questions regarding Managers in FUT14.
          1. In perspective of Chemistry, either nation or league if matches we will get 1 chemistry point. If both, then also 1 chemistry point. Right?
          2. WIll this depend on Gold/Rare gold/any other class manager? I mean whatever his class, we will get 1 chemistry point if nation/league matches, right?
          3. Then apart from 3% contract bonus, there is no other difference between a gold and a rare gold manager of same nation/league, right?

          1. And took another idea, just wanted to share with you. People who want their team to wear Barcelona or Real Madrid jerseys, can opt for the Liga Adalante Barcelona B or RM Castilla jerseys. They are the same as the first teams, just the league badges will be different. They are silvers, and are much more cheap! 😀

    62. Forgot to tell you, i’ve also built up an all bronze team, with chemistry 100%. I hope that I can make some bucks with it in the begining. I think I play better in the low skill player categories. No flare, just footbal!


    63. Greetings Rodrigo, I am playing FUT for second year, but played poorly the first time. I’ve been reading your tips and comments, and had good first days. Sold every non-rare gold players (not much of them, though, and no rare golds for me) and bought a pair of rare gold managers. Catched a good market moment, and in no time turned them to five rare gold managers… and no money in my pocket. Bought then for something like 650-700, to 1000 coins, sold it for double sometimes. But now I bought 11 rare gold player contracts and 2 rare gold manager contracts… some more non rare, 27 total. Can’t manage to sell them at decent prices, too much offer and no demand. What would you do?

      Thanks!! Great site!

      1. Hi Santiago. Thank you.
        Don’t forget that in our Starting FUT 14 Guide, we said that you should not invest all your coins. But don’t worry. Nobody buys your managers because there are not enough coins in the market. It will change soon. Today starts the Season for Season Ticket holders. They will make coins in matches and the market will be alive again.

    64. I got 5000 coins as daily gift today! Spending some 5-6 hours everyday in vain from the day it released, so finally EA felt pity and gave this I believe!!! Got Olic, Bojan, Michu, Domizzi, Adruiz, De Jong(Milan) and a couple of other rare golds for 600-700 each. Picked up a rare gold of unfancied league for 400, but hey can discard it for 634!!! Got 2 non rare gold managers for 200-250. Trying to sell the rare golds for 800-900, if unsold will keep them as their prices will rise in the future. Who among these are worth keeping Rodrigo?

      1. Unfortunately, I didnt get even one all player pack though the club was formed in Sept 2011 🙁
        Had that come into the picture, I believe I would have been in a more decent position, but nonetheless, still better than starting the game on zero! 🙂

      2. 5,000 coins ? really ? amazing.
        If you are a good trader, as it looks you are, sell them all. You will need that coins to invest in other ones.

        1. Thanks a lot! Yes Rodrigo, am trying my best! But still right now total worth (cash + ave value of cards in possession) is around 8-9k. I still forget that I didnt receive the all players packs 🙁 But still today’s daily gift made up till a small extent I guess 🙂
          One more thing I’ve decided, I will play the full 45 contracted games with my starter pack players and manager, offline definitely, and earn as much match coins as possible (As I am more a gamer than a trader, and a decent one at least!). Definitely I will continue doing trading as well during this period. Then once 45 games are over, will discard the starter pack players, and hopefully will have a good budget by then to build my original team. Hows the idea?

        2. best 100k BPL / BUNDESLIGA SQUAD! (XBOX) 100CEM


          gk weidenfella rcb boateng lcb hummles rb lahm lb cole lm young lcm gerrard rcm martinez rm muller cf rooney st eto’o

    65. i cant login to webb app, it worked before now im trying everyfday and its not working and the sad part is im missing out on my daily gifts but i AM TRYING EVERYDAY 🙁 VERY VERY UNFAIR REALLY I TRIED EVERYTHING .

      1. Try in another pc, another brower, clean the cache, access to the console first, change your password and security question… Did you tried all of this ?

    Comments are closed.