TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team

TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


Since Team of the Year was released, in January, we have been repeatedly questioning about TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team. In fact, they were not announced by EA but we have an idea when Team of the Season will go out.



April 23
Confirmed the first TOTS release date


TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


Any Ultimate Team player knows how important the TOTY and TOTS teams are. During the release it is possible to make big improvements to our teams and make amazing deals in the transfer market. That’s why it is normal to see the FIFA community eager and waiting for the launch of the first Team of the Season. The usual way things go is that EA Sports doesn’t announce when it will happen. In the best of the chances, they do it one week before the release date, but it is very unlikely to happen. That is, if you really want to know when the TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, so keep reading and all will be revealed.


Year after year, EA follows a very strict calendar. Looking to the release dates of the previous years, it is possible to get a good idea about when the TOTS of FUT 16 will begin. In FIFA 12 and FIFA 13, the first TOTS was launched respectively at May 2 and May 8. However, in FIFA 14 the expected date (May 7) was anticipated two weeks. This was an exception obviously due to the World Cup. Last year, in FIFA 15, the first blue cards were released only at May 20. What sets the date of the first TOTS is the calendar of domestic leagues. This season, the end of major European leagues is in line with what happened in 2014. That’s why the first TOTS of FUT 16 should be announced at April 27, 2016 at 4pm (UK time) and released in packs two hours later. Since these teams are always announced at Wednesdays and Fridays, the alternative dates are April 29 or May 4.

This prediction is also based in our experience and in other important factors:

– Important International Competitions (Copa América t June 3 and Euro 2016 at June 10);
– Most Consistent but Never In Form TOTS Draft Deadline (April 22 in FIFA 15 and April 13 in FIFA 16);
– Transfer Market Health.


TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


Like it happened in previous years, the Most Consistent but Never In Form TOTS will be the first one to be launched. In fact, this has been officially confirmed by EA Sports that began to consult the community about the most suitable players for these three teams (gold, silver and bronze) on March 22, more than a week earlier than in FIFA 15 and FIFA 14 (April 2).


Obviously subject to error, here are the expected TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team:

Slight diferences may occur depending of time zones and platforms


Now that you already know when FUT 16 Team of the Season will be out, you can start the countdown.

If you want to know more about the Team of the Season of previous years, click here.


42 thoughts on “TOTS Dates for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team”

  1. Rodrigo, when is the best time to buy players? Also, in FIFA 15 ns (mobile) all special packs cost 4 times as much as they usually cost (a 100k jumbo rare player pack costs 400k). Should I open regular 7.5k packs or spend 4x as much on special packs?

    1. Don’t waste your coins in packs.
      The best time to buy players was last week or the other before that one. Buy them as soon as possible.

  2. Question is it best to sell off someone like Aguero now before tots BPL ends since regular card will be spammed back on the market and more of them? Also with other leagues INFORMS ( Dybala , Tevez and Kurzawa) is it best to sell them the weekend BEFORE their league TOTS will come out? Finally… regular 94 Messi obviously he will get a TOTS – should i sell the same (1 weekend before BBVA TOTS) – during their TOTS or 1 week after they end?

    1. Hi.
      1) His price should go down next week but will go up again after all TOTS end.
      2) Yes.
      3) During TOTS or a few weeks after al TOTS.

  3. Will the tots cards get cheaper overtime or is NOW the best time to buy them. (I want to buy the atletico madrid’s uruguain 86 tots card)

  4. When the bbva tots comes out, will the bbva IF players cards prices drop? I wan tou 90 IF godin, so I was wondering if I should buy him now or when bbva tots comes out

    1. I think they would because a higher rated card will be out then already their IF TOTW but regular versions of the card will go up slightly because they won’t be in packs

  5. will all the tots from all the leagues be in packs together (BPL, BBVA etc.) after they all have come out or just seperately??

      1. That`s the EAS tots week right? (3-10 june) there will be only the high rated tots like the ronaldo, messi etc.?

        1. Yes, that’s it. It doesn’t need to be the highest rated players. It is a EA’s selection. Sometimes they pick a lowest rated player but Ronaldo and Messi are guaranteed.

  6. I have a question. Take for example, When Bpl tots gets released and de Bruyne gets a tots card. Will his normal cards price stay as it is?

    I’m curious about this question because I sold some of my Bpl players to earn profit when there prices fall when Bpl tots is released. But now I was wondering if the players who get a tots card….will their normal cards price fall during the time there tots cards are in packs or will their price stay the same? (I thought of this question when I read one of your articles in which it said, that when a players tots card is released and is now you can find him in packs, you will NOT find his normal card in the packs during that time)

    1. Good question. We believe that his price will stay the same because it will not be possible to find his normal card in packs.

  7. Noticed you’re a Benfica fan so you’re the perfect person to ask this question to..

    I have the 86-rated Jonas as my striker and he’s great – but I’d like to upgrade to the 87 MOTM orange version which has dropped to below 90k on PS4. It’s unclear when his TOTS version is out but it looks like the Rest of the World TOTS which is ages away – do you think it’s even worth waiting? Should I just go straight for the MOTM version?

    1. Hi.
      He will get a TOTS version for sure. We believe that his MOTM card will be even cheaper in a few days and you should wait. It’s a great card.

  8. BraydenSooialo

    Will International MOTM’S Be on FIFA 15 New Season and will International MOTM’S happen

  9. HI rodrigo,
    Thanks for the article after a long time
    When can we expect a price drop..?

    1. Thank you for following us. We are moving to another office and for that reason we published less articles than normal but we are back again now.
      Prices are already dropping but slowly. We believe that you will see a price drop between next Wednesday and Friday.

  10. Akash Jaiswal

    rodrigo in many predictions they are telling that it will be this week starting by bronze silver and gold tots so should i start selling my players for higher price and could also purchase them when price falls when the tots out. And also like last year we will get same rewards in tournaments?

  11. Zeeshan Aslam

    Hey administrator…..

    I have a question… in your previos post… you said that if you have pack, but didnt opend them untill the day when EA put out TOT players … You will most likely have the same chance as any one else who buy the pack on the same day TOT player’s are out… is it the same this time too….???

    Best regards

    Zeeshan Aslam

  12. first TOTS tomorrow, on 16.04.2015? It seems EA is working on something: lag, tournament expiring tomorrow.

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