TOTW Cards Guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team

TOTW Cards Guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


TOTW cards are the most common IF cards of FIFA 16 Ultimate Team. Let’s learn something more about these cards.


Click here to see the complete list of all FIFA 16 TOTW cards


FIFA 16 TOTW Cards




Since FUT 10, every week EA Sports selects eighteen players of any category based on their good real performances on the previous week and joined them in a single team. That team is called Team of the Week and you can play against them in the ‘TOTW Challenge’.

To each one of the players of this team, it is assigned a new black card which becomes available in packs for a week, replacing the corresponding regular card. In other words, in the week a player gets his TOTW cards in packs, it is impossible to find his regular card there. Your odds of pulling a TOTW card from a pack are exactly the same of pulling the regular card of that player in another week.

If you own the regular card of a TOTW player, your card will keep unchanged. If you want the improved version, you will need to buy the corresponding TOTW version in the market or cross your fingers when opening a pack in that week.


TOTW Cards Guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team

FUT 16 TOTW Cards (Gold, Silver and Bronze)


Ratings and Stats


The ratings and attributes of TOTW cards are usually boosted in one, two or three points. The position of the players in these cards may change if, in the previous week, they played really well in a different position.

It is possible to a player to have more than one TOTW card, if they have been assigned in different weeks. These cards differ from each other only in the ratings and attributes (eventually in the position too). The more recent is the card, the higher is its rating. The same is to say, for a player gets a second TOTW card, he must play better than when he got the first one because the rating is higher now. That’s why in the first TOTWs, the improvements are only one or two points.

You can have the regular card and the TOTW card of the same player in your club. However, you cannot use them both in your squad at the same time.

The rating boost is always relative to the most recent TOTW card, no matter if the player moved to another club or if he was upgraded.

It is possible to a player to get a TOTW card of another category. The only thing that he needs is to have received another TOTW card with the maximum rating of his regular card category. For example: if a player is a 72 and his TOTW is a 74, the second TOTW card may be gold instead of silver.




Each Team of the Week is announced at Wednesday at 3pm (UK time) and the cards are released in packs in the same day three hours later, at 6pm. In FUT 16 it will be released 52 TOTW. The first one at September 16th and the last one year later. You can see all the TOTW clicking here.

Usually, the TOTW players selection is based in the domestic leagues represented in the game. In extraordinary situations, like when these leagues are interrupted, players who have played well for their national teams can also be selected.

By being permanently in packs, the TOTW cards are the In Form cards that make the better connection between real football and the game.


FIFA 16 TOTW Cards Overview


Colour | Black
How many Cards in FUT 16 | +- 950
How many times they are released | 52
How often they are released | Once a week
How long they are in packs | One week (when TOTW cards expire, new cards take their place)
How big is the boost | Usually one or two points compared to the latest TOTW card
Date of the first card in FIFA 16 | September
First Card in FUT History | Released for the first time in FIFA 10


TOTW Cards Guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team

TOTW Cards from FIFA 10 to FIFA 16


Record Breaker Pro Players TOTW
TOTY Record Breaker MOTM
Legend TOTY Pro Players
Heroes MOTM Legends
FUTTIES Heroes Transfers
Upgrade FUTTIES Record Breaker
Transfer TOTW TOTY
Regular Regular Regular


TOTW of previous years:


More Cards:


3 thoughts on “TOTW Cards Guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team”

  1. I just want a clarification
    If we buy 100-200 bronze packs(1.5k) jumbo is there a chance of getting a totw card of bronze players.
    Plzzzz tell fastly
    I want 2 kn

    1. Yes, there is. However, your chances are really really low because it only comes with a rare card and besides that it can be a consumable or a club item.

  2. Wouldn’t it be better, if a player from my team is TOTW, he would be available on the rare player pack for the week and if I buy rare player pack that week, he would be included my team. 1 confirmed TOTW in that pack.

    It could be a separate promo pack like, Rare players pack.

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