FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems


Usually, the complaints that you face in FUT 14 are common problems that can be, most of the times, easily fixed. You just need to follow our Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems. Welcome to the bigger FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help you will ever find.



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FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: The Most Common Problems


We joined the community feedback, theEA Sports advices and our own experience to build this troubleshooting guide. Accept our FIFA 14 Ultimate Team help and click in the subject about what your problem is.

Account and Login
Crashing and Freezing
FIFA Points
Auctions and Trade Pile
FUT Web App
Other Problems


What To Should I Do If I have been phished ?

If you believe you have entered your login info into a phishing site by accident, if the email linked to your account has suddenly been changed or if players have been sold from your FUT account without your permission, change your password right away. It is likely that your account has been compromised, but you may still have time to save it.

Then contact EA’s customer service team immediately (click HERE to see how to do it), providing as much detail and evidence as you can. In particular, EA’s team will need accurate details of what items (if any) you have lost, plus the date and time that you lost them.


What To Do If I have received a phishing e-mail ?

If you have received a phishing email message, do not panic. Your account has not been compromised. All the scammer has is your email address, which can be relatively easy to find. Scammers duplicate the images and text from an official EA email in the same way they copy websites. If you receive a suspicious looking email, check who the sender is, as well as where the links in the email are taking you.

Some things to be aware of with phishing emails:

Names are easy to obtain. Phishers will almost always use these in emails;
Other links or elements in the email will actually take you to the real site, but the “click here” or “login” link will always be to a fake site;
When clicking on links in emails, be sure it is directing you to the same place that was advertised;
The only time EA will contact you through email regarding your account is if you have forgotten your password and you make a request to have it changed.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

Always double check the URL of the webpage that you are accessing


How can I report a phishing website to EA Sports ?

Electronic Arts is continually taking action against phishing sites. They are also taking strong, prompt action against any users attempting to scam others using these sites or any other scams.

If you know about phishing sites, contact EA Support Center (click HERE to see how to do it).


Which Safety Recommendations Should I Follow to Keep my Account Safe?

You can find the safety recommendations HERE.



I forgot my password. How can I have it back ?

If you forgot your password, just go to FUT 14 Web App Login page and click on “Forgot Password ?“. You will need to enter your Origin ID or email address in a box field to request a new password reset email.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

To change your password, you just need to click on the link that is below the login box


I forgot the answer to my secret question. How do I reset it ?

If you forgot your secret question when logging into the FUT 14 Web App, try the following steps:

Go to the FUT website and login.
When you are asked for your secret question, click on “Forgot answer?”.
Next, you’ll need to answer details about your FUT which you can access from ingame.
The last prompt will then allow you to create a new secret question.


How do I link my Gamertag and/or PSN ID with my Origin Account ?

Your Gamertag/PSN ID, PSVita Online ID and EA Account should be correctly linked when you first access an EA game online.
Check your Origin account to ensure your emails match. If the email address for your Gamertag/PSN/PSVita ID is different than the address for your Origin account, you will need to contact EA Support Center (see HERE how to do it).

If you can’t remember what your Origin/EA Account is, or if you are not sure whether you have one linked to a GamerTag or PSN ID, here is how to find out:

Go to and select “Reset Password” (with link), then either
Enter an email address you may have used for your account OR
Select “Account Type” (XBL Gamertag or PSN ID)
Enter your Gamertag or PSN ID, and submit.



To change your email address, get started by logging in to Origin, either through the Client or through the Store.
In the Origin Client, select Origin from the top menu-bar and access Account and Privacy.
In the Origin Store, select the My Account drop-down menu and select Privacy Settings. in your My Account page, select About Me.
In your My Account: About Me settings, select Edit next to Basic Information, enter your Security Answer, and update your email address.

You will be sent an email to verify the change. Once confirmed, you will be set. Just remember to login with your new account details next time.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

If you want, you can also change the Origin ID in your Origin account


My account was suspended but I did not do anything wrong. What should I do ?

If you feel that you have not violated EA ToS follow THIS guide to contact EA Support Center and in the step 4 select the Account/Registration Category, with Violation / Appeals as your subcategory.

The majority of banned or suspended accounts are only suspended temporarily. Find more information about the length of your suspension by checking the email address associated with your account.


I turned off my console (or it crashed) while I was logged into FUT 14. Now I can’t seem to access FUT Web. What happened ?

To prevent any interruptions during FIFA Ultimate Team game-play, EA Sports prevent users from logging from the web and console at the same time. If you turn off your Xbox, Playstation while logged into FUT, or if your console crashes, you must wait for your session to time out before being allowed to log in on the web.

If you don’t want to wait 20 minutes you can log back into FUT on your Xbox, Playstation and log out. You will then be able to immediately log into your FUT Web account.


I can not connect to Origin in FIFA 14 mobile. What should I do ?

Try re-booting your phone first, or switching to Airplane mode and turning it off before starting the game to see if this resolves the issue. Otherwise, contact EA Support Center.


I have too much lag, trouble to find an opponent or Connection drops too often damaging my %DNF. What Should I do ?

As you may imagine, the problem is in your connection. Do not blame EA Sports by everything. Check your firewall status inside the game and follow the instructions of THIS guide.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

If you have connection problems, this guide will help you a lot


FUT 14 is disconnecting several times after a match. What should I do ?

Delete your gameface, from your FIFA web account, and all saved files from the previous FIFA games (FIFA12, FIFA13, etc…).



FIFA 14 is crashing or freezing on my PC. What should I do ?

If you are having trouble running the game on your PC, check that your Graphics card has the most recent drivers installed, make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX installed on your system, check that you have the latest Service Pack and Windows Updates installed for your operating system including the optional updates such as .NET Framework and Visual C++ features and check if your drivers are up-to-date.

If after the most recent FIFA 14 game update you are still experiencing crashes or freezes, use the Repair Install function in Origin (see the following picture).


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

Repair install is the third option


To prevent the game from further crashing, follow these two steps

In your games library, right click on FIFA 14 and choose Check for Update. Update the game.
If that does not fix it, return to the Games Library, right click on FIFA 14 and choose Repair Install.

If it did not work for you, you should know that FIFA 14 is currently unable to support special characters (such as àéñõü). In the case where you PC name (or your Windows username) contains at least one of these characters, it will cause FIFA 14 to crash. Rename your PC name or your Windows user name by following the two solutions provided below:

If your PC name contains special characters, please rename your PC name. To do so, click on the Start button and follow the below instructions:

Click on the “Control Panel” and in the “System and Security” section, select “System”.
Under “Computer Name, domain and workgroup settings” click on the “Change Settings” button.
On the “Computer name” tab, click on the “Change” button.
Then, change the computer name and reboot your computer to ensure the changes take effect.

Verify if your FIFA 14 config. files are located in a path similar to: C:\Users\Usernàmé\Documents\FIFA 14 (with special characters). If this is the case, follow the instructions below carefully. As this process is a bit more complicated, if your Windows username contains special characters, you will not need to rename it but simply add a new username.

Click on the Start button.
Click on the “Control Panel” and in the “User Accounts and Family Safety” section, select “User Accounts”.
Click on “Manage User Accounts”.
Click on “Add” and enter a new user name (no special characters), and click on “Next” to finish.
Make the user is an Administrator by clicking on the “Administrator” option and click on “Finish”.
(Please be aware that if you are on a network, you may need to create a local user first from the “Advanced” tab.)

Once you tried the above solution, try to login with this new Windows user account. Once logged in, launch Origin, then launch FIFA 14 if both options are available to you. If you do not have the Origin icon on your desktop, please reinstall the clients on this new Windows session.


Every time I install the latest EASFC Catalogue update, FIFA 14 freezes. What should I do ?

If you are experiencing this problem, follow the steps below to resolve your issue:

Enable Cloud Storage on the Xbox
To do this, go to the Xbox Dashboard, select “Settings”, followed by “System” and finally “Storage
In the Storage menu, enable “Cloud Saved Games
Launch FIFA 14, and select “Cloud Storage” instead of the default storage option.
Once the update has been downloaded and applied, continue to the main menu.
Once you reach the menu, quit the game and navigate back to the Dashboard.
Go back to the Xbox’s Storage menu, and find the EASFC Catalogue Update on the Cloud Storage Device
Select the Update, choose “Copy” and then move it to the Hard Drive (or main storage device)
Once you have transferred the Update, launch FIFA 14 as normal, and then select the default storage device.


I am experiencing freezing or the error “Disc Unreadable” on the Xbox 360. What should I do ?

Try clearing your cache following these instructions:

From the dashboard, click on My Xbox.
Select System Settings.
Select Storage.
Highlight Hard Drive Device.
Press Y to select Device Options, then Clear System Cache.
Reboot your console.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

Clearing your console cache is an important step to fix many freezing problems


I am experiencing in-game freezing. What should I do ?

If you are experiencing in-game freezing, browse to “Customise” in your FIFA 14 main menu. Then, select “Online Settings” and “Privacy Settings“. Uncheck the box “Connect to your club in real life by sharing your account information and EAS FC progress subject to the club’s privacy policy.”



Why I did not get my FIFA Points that I have purchased on my PC ?

This issue occurs when a player has accidentally closed the Origin overlay before the transaction has fully completed.

It is recommended that you do not close the in-game Origin overlay until your transaction has fully completed. In the event that you have accidentally closed the Origin overlay during your initial purchase, you have two options in resolving this issue:

Re-enter the Origin overlay and ensure that you cancel the pending transaction. You can now start over with your intended purchase.
If you accept the pending transaction, the FIFA Points will not appear, but this can also be resolved by performing a second purchase for FIFA Points. Both purchases will now appear correctly.


Why I did not get my FIFA Points that I have purchased on my Playstation or XBox ?

If you did not get your FIFA Points it is probably because you received an error message in FIFA 14 while purchasing FIFA Points. In that case, do not proceed through the Xbox Live or PSN menus.

Make sure to exit the purchase process completely by going back to the FUT Main Menu and then restarting it to receive your FIFA Points.

If you did not received any error message while purchasing FIFA Points, contact EA Support Center (click HERE to see how to do it) and provide them the following details:

Gamertag/PSN ID
Origin (EA) ID
Photo/Screenshot of proof of purchase (must have Gamertag or PSN ID clearly on the screen)
Approximate time of the purchase.



Some players of my FUT 14 have disappeared. What should I do ?

If you’ve recently encountered an issue with your FIFA 14 Ultimate Team losing players due to your account being compromised, keep in mind, neither the FIFA Team nor EA Support will ever request your account information through the Xbox or Playstation messaging system.

After ensuring that your account is completely secure, you can report your missing FUT items.
To report lost or missing items in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, just follow THESE instructions and select “Lost/Missing Item” in the step 4.

You can also contact EA Support Center directly, without filling the Lost Items web form, and provide the following information:

The affected persona name (Origin ID, PSN ID, Xbox Gamertag)
The date the coins or items went missing
How were the coins or items lost–Auction, Trade Pile, Reward, Item disappeared upon log-in?
Missing Items Description–If coins, how much? If players, which ones?
Any additional details that may be important to your issue

You will receive an email with the results of your case once the investigation is complete.


My Players are missing or getting stuck into my Trade Pile. What should I do ?

First, be sure to check your Watch List, Trade Pile, and Club. Your player may be there. If you cannot find your player in your Watch List, Trade Pile or Club, give your trade pile up to 3 hours to appear.

In case you have active trades that you are not able to Quick Sell or store, wait for your trade to expire.
Once the trade is expired, re-list it. Other players will be able to buy it using “bids“or “buy now” options. Should that trade expire again, you will be able to interact successfully with it then. As an alternative solution, please note that you can also access, manage and resolve trade pile issues via the FUT web client or mobile companion app.


My FIFA 14 auctions are freezin and I am not receiving items or credits. Why it is happening ?

Wait at least 24 hours after the auction has finished. If you are still experiencing issues after this period, contact the EA Support Center (click HERE to see how to do it).



I played FUT 13. Why can’t I access FUT 14 Web App ?

For security reasons, in order to be eligible to FUT 14 Web App early access you need to be a returning FUT 13 user and have created a Security Question and Answer on FUT console between March 7 and September 12, 2013. Those returning users who have not created a Security Question and Answer between March 7 and September 12 can still use FUT on web by purchasing FIFA 14 for the Xbox, Playstation or PC after September 27th.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems

If you played FUT 13, you will get free early access to FUT 14 Web App


Why are my changes in FUT 14 for Xbox, Playstation or PC not showing up in FUT 14 Web App ?

You must log out of FUT 14 on your Xbox, Playstation or PC and refresh your browser window to see the changes.



I am receiving the error message ‘cannot create game session’ in FIFA Ultimate Team. What should I do ?

If you are affected by this error message, please check the following items to resolve your issue:

Ensure that you have enough players in your reserves.
Ensure that you have an active manager.
Ensure that you have all players in the proper positions with at least one contract available.

If all of the above items apply to your match you should be able to create your game as usual.


The score is counted for two times. It is normal ?

You must disable the end game sending statistics to your mail. Go to Online mode / Settings / Match Report / Cancel ending at end game. Remember that your opponent must do the same thing in order to work.


Why I can not find the FUT Coin Reward Boosts in the EAS FC Catalogue ?

FUT Coin Reward Boosts have been temporarily disabled in the EAS FC Catalogue by EA Sports.


Why I am having problems with sound and music ?

If you are a Playstation user, go to the Audio settings of your Playstation and chose AAC or ACC. The game does not support 2/5.1 and 7.1 audio channels.
If you are a XBox user, go to “Settings” on your console’s menu and select “System“. Then, chose “Console Settings“, “Audio” and check “Digital Stereo“.


218 thoughts on “FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Help: Troubleshooting Guide to the Most Common Problems”

  1. I can’t connect origin in my android
    Saying origin not available please check your internet connection

  2. Hi my ultimate team is messin up recently. Every time I go onto any sort of ultimate team match whenever someone scores (not all the time) but when someone scores the scoreboard at the top of the screen dissapears leaving me not to know the time. Even when you score and it’s tip off showing who scored in what minute it doesn’t come up and if I try to pause the game freezes and I have to turn off giving myself dnf and a loss even at the end of games when the ref blows the whistle it just shows all the players clapping and it won’t let me go to the match facts to then leave the game. What’s going on? I really need to fix this because I keep losing games even if I’m winning 3-0 because I have to turn off my ps3

  3. Hi
    Fifa 14 ultimate team connection problem.
    We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 14 ultimate team. You will be returned to the fifa 14 main menu. Every time i oppen ultimate comming this message. How to fix this problem.. please help…

  4. Hi
    Have problem ultimate team online seasons. My team playing very slow ..&passing shooting all movement is wrong way.. how this happen .. before nice working my teame. I think this drama.same lake that. How to solve this problem.. pls help me…

  5. When i go onto my fifa ut on my ipad, it asks me for a verification but that verification code has plus signs and it wont let me type them down, ive already tried reinstalling the game but it doesnt work, what do i do

  6. Hello

    I play FIFA 14 on PS3
    It started yesterday, every time i try to enter FUT it starts loading then it says : “there has been an error connecting fifa 14 ultimate team servers” and it send me back to the main menu !

    Please help

  7. I have a problem with tournaments on ultimate team, I couldn’t play the last game to get the awards. It always come up with “Error, status 461 * calllid 1509”.
    Please help

  8. I am having security verification code issue where on prompt I am unable to enter any thing and unable to access and team

  9. In my Fifa14 Ultimate Team I try to sell or move certain players to a different position and it says….
    “THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR WITH FIFA14 ULTIMATE TEAM, TRY AGAIN LATER” I keep trying but that error message keeps coming up.

    name of players this happens with:
    Samuel Eto and Frank Ribery. What can I do to fix this???

  10. Hi, i have problems with FIFA Ultimate Team,
    I play Fifa Ultimate Team on the fifa 14 demo app on my ipad. When i log in into the web app it says i dont have Fifa Ultimate Team. I can buy players from the transfer market and earn coins but i just cant use it on the web app. Why does this happen?
    Another problem is when I try to play a quick match or challenge the team of the week. When it is half time or when i score a goal, I get an error message saying that I lost connection with the FUT server this is really frustrating. Why does this happen?
    Thank You

  11. Hi, I have a problem:
    I play FIFA ultimate team on ps3, I want to use the web app but I don’t know which details to log in with – how do I find out which EA/Origin account is linked to my FUT? Thx

  12. can anyone explain what happened to cannot create game session anyone have same problem?

  13. I cant play UT now…… it worked PERFECT before…… i have tried reinstalling it…. cleared the cache and data…… i think there is a problem with my account……. it crashes everytime i open the UT……. Android

  14. FIFA 14 has been very glitchy (PS3) the last few days. First, I played the La Liga tournament and got all the way to the final. When I went back in to play the final it had reset me to the round of 16! I couldn’t believe it. Restarted the tournament and won. Now am playing the same tournament again, this time for the 5K coins + Gold Pack. In the final again and says “cannot create game session?

  15. darthvader-2020

    When I try to access ultimate team, it says loading and then goes to the main menu and not ultimate team

  16. Hi, I whenever I try to log in to ea, it says I don’t have an origin account. I tried to do what ea said already, but I don’t know my email for origin because its an old one. I can’t see it in online settings because u need to connect to ea to see it. Please help

  17. At the end of every game, when I press advance, the entire game crashes and doesn’t count, and I don’t get credit or coins for the game.

  18. After verifying my email address for my origin account, I lost all progress on ultimate team (mobile), it has been replaced with a brand new squad, however all the notifications are still there such as opening a gold pack 5 hours ago etc. How would I go about recovering this?

    1. Hi.
      I don’t have enough experience on mobile’s version but it seems exactly the same thing that happen on consoles: if you use the same Origin email you keep with everything except your Ultimate Team. On consoles you need to use the same PSN ID or GamerTag. I don’t know how it is with mobile.

  19. Fifa 14 ultimate team (android tablet) always gives the error message “Error Connecting to Ultimate team. You will be returned to Main menu” during or after every match. I can log into ultimate team and do transfers but can’t complete any matches.

    At the end of a match, there are no details about the match and shows 0 coin bonuses for all categories (e.g. possession). After contacting EA account disputes, I found that there were no strikes against my account. Is there anything I can do to solve this?

  20. hello, my fifa 14 ultimate team on ps3 keeps crashing everytime I win a game, it comes up with a DNF and counts as a loss even if I won 6-0. any ideas whats wrong and how to sort it?

  21. matthew Johnson

    Hello, on the android version of fifa 14 ultimate team, whenever I search for a plsyer and put any min/max bid price in the price filters It says there are no auctions that match your search criteria but when I dont put any specifications it comes up with players

    1. It is a very common problem with the EA servers. It is not only with the mobile version. The console’s version has the same problem. You will have to wait they fix it.

  22. Hi
    On my iPad whenever I try to log into FUT it keeps coming up with the message ”We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to Fifa 14 ultimate team.
    You will be returned to Fifa 14 Main menu.’

  23. I use Xbox and the game has always worked fine until lately whenever I click onto ultimate team, it goes to the loading bit where you can see the goals and the crowd in the stadium. But it stops there and then I have to get out of the game and restart to play another mode. Any ideas?

  24. Hi,
    I am playing fifa14 on ipad and have entered a tournament in devision 7 but i am not meeting the requirements. So i cannot play any games. How the hell can I quit a tournament or change it?

  25. When I go on fifa 14 it says the disc is unreadable when It is showing the opponents team online however when my brother plays the game and does the exact thing on his account it does not come up with the disc is unreadable. What do I do?

    1. Also his account is on the exact same console and he plays the same disc. So can anyone help me please as every time this happens my win-draw-loss ratio gets worse as I am quitting therefore loosing matches!!! Pls comment me for help? I am very fed up about this!

  26. I installed FIFA and when I start game its like up button is always pressed and I cant do anything..heeelp

  27. Randomly game play will stop and ask me for a security verification ( i.e 42+21=?) I have a galaxy s4 and the app doesn’t recognize any symbol when I press it. So I can never input the full code, and now I’m locked out. I have a ton of players and have been playing the season all the way to pro. Reinstall and I lose everything. Including the players and gold packs I payed for. It sucks. Please tell me there’s a way to fix this

    1. Your account should be safe. Re-installing doens’t mean to loose everything because you have saved to the FIFA servers. However, our device is to contact the EA Support.

  28. Hi.I have installed Fifa 14 in my laptop from the windows store . I played once. Now it closes down and in taskmanager it shows User control panel hold.please help me. I await a response that would surely help me.

  29. How come when I create a player and put my players in a team then I wanna play a season with my created players they disappear

  30. Hello Rodrigo and gratz for your work. i bought fifa14 for my lap top (Acer aspire v3-571G) and i have a big problem.i have install the game without any problem.after the installation,the keyboard,the mouse and the controller are not working!! i cant use my keyboard or my controller to go into the menu and play and i dont know the reason. i cant press space or start. is there any suggestion? thanks a lot.

    1. Thank you.
      I have no idea what it may be. I don’t play on PC, so my experience is low.
      Try to contact the EA Support. See HERE how to do it.

  31. I can’t access to my Ultimate Team on Fifa14, the game runs good until I entry to UT, when the connection to Origin is charging the game returns to the main page of the Ipad (I tried with 2 Ipad and 1 Iphone but it’s the same problem).

  32. Umm I need help when I’m on transfer market for ios I put in a max or min bid for example 10k and it says none on the market all the time and it’s been like this for me for quite a while I need help.

  33. Hey I have the 2024 fut app on my iPhone, and recently I entered a league on accident with which I didn’t meet the qualifications, and now I can’t get out of this league into a new one, and I’m unable to play in it. Any ideas on how to do this?

  34. bazza fut hopper

    hi,my gamertag on psn is RWC_GOD_FATHER and i am here becuase i had a brazillian team and i played a game and a couple of weeks ago and i came back from my holidays and my dani alves went missing ,i have been a loyal fifa customer investing alot of money into yee by buying fifa points for packs and this isnt the first time it happened to me, the last time it was with inform henrik mhiktarian i would really appreciate if i would be refunded the 80 k price tag of henrik mhiktarian from that time period and the 55 k from dani alves,

  35. Daniel Betts

    Every time I try to play a match online it comes up with this message ‘your gamer profile does not have the correct permissions to access this feature’ I have xbox live gold and it was working fine yesterday please help

  36. Whenever I’m in the transfer market I can search players with no problem, until I set a price value. For example, if I type ‘Ramires’ and the cheapest card is 9k, if I then go to max buy now and put 9.5k an error will pop up saying ‘there is nothing on the transfer market matching your search criteria’ even though there clearly is! Please help, I’m wasting a lot of money here!

  37. buttons in the game on the controller is not the same as the menu. tex is contain the x button, but inside the game it’s r2 and so on. how can you fix it. And i tord change and save and so om Butt still
    The Buttons is not ad it should be.

  38. vlasis kallis

    Hi Rodrigo,i am playong FUT14 on ps3 ande sometimes it seems that the console or the controller are stucking,because i cant move the player rightly and i cant sprint.i click the sprint button and it makes only skill moves!Thrn i turn off the console and then i turn it on again and it works.But the next day it starts again and its costing me dnf%.Do you know anything like this?Congrats for the great job you re doing here!!

    1. Hi.
      It may seems basic but I think you should check carefully your controller settings and avoid adding a second controller.

      1. vlasis kallis

        Never used a second controller..Also i checked twice the settings.Its very strange cause that happens only in FUT..dont know…

  39. Hello, when I’m playing in seasons, the game will freeze for like ten seconds like the other person is leaving, and then go back to normal.this happens about twice a game, and it doesn’t really bother me but when I try to play co op and it does it it gives us a loss and says I left.. What do I do?

  40. A few months ago I gave my account details to a spam email and then they hacked me and sold everything. I have been in contact with game advisors bug they done nothing about it. I can play FUT fine on my ps3, but i cant get into the web app. I made a new origin a few months ago and its saying that my password is invalid. If I get a ps4 and play FUT do I need to put my origin details into tge ps4?

    1. Yes, you will need to do it.
      Our suggestion is to contact EA Support again telling your problems with you password. They should be able to help you.

  41. When I downloaded audio in English it didn’t like make any sound at all crowds cheering but not the people talking

  42. Niall Coughlan


    I have an issue with taking set pieces on one of my controllers. When I have a set piece the select player comes up on the screen and then none of the buttons work to take the set piece and you have to wait until the computer passes the ball. Have you heard of this before and have any tips?

    1. I heard something about it but it was fixed with one of the first updates. Are you sure you have installed all the updates ?
      Check also the configuration of your controller. It may be wrong.

  43. Is the transfer search crashing and showing the “no matching results…” message for everyone, or is this a fixable problem. The Message regulary occurs even though i know for a fact that matching results does exist (just seen earlier, or appears if the min-Max price is altered). The problem also presents itself a lot while trying to shift through pages of contracts, at frist showing results but showing the “no matching…” message often if you try to browse through. Frustrating!

  44. Nathan Morris

    I bought fifa season ticket and I get a pack every Monday but when I miss a week it doesn’t show two packs only one and I should be getting 2 will I get the packs I’ve missed back

  45. It’s saying my gamer profile dosent have correct permission I have gold
    Membership ?????!

  46. Hi Rodrigo
    Not UT but on FIFA14 when my 9 year old son trys to create new career: Manager or Player career why do the Liverpool team have names example: Mc Kenna GK and shows Mignolet’s picture and that is the same for all the players. Then when he plays on line against his friends they ask why do your team have strange names? He wont play on it now.


  47. Good day, I have a little issue with my fut 14 on Samsung galaxy s3. I tried to sell items and they were unsuccessful and expired so instead of them returning to available items they got stuck on current auctions

  48. Are u still answering ?
    I can’t play with my ultimate team online matches it kick me out :,(

    I’m playing fifa 14 on iPad. Please help me!

  49. Mertesacker vs Sturridge, straight sprint for the ball. Mertesacker has 39 pace, Sturridge has 90 pace….. So explain to me why Mertesacker beats Sturridge to the ball? Stupid EA, Stupid.

    1. Don’t know. There are other factors as individual chemistry, team chemistry, chemistry styles, fitness, injuries, etc…

  50. Last minute, I am 1-0 down, through on goal 1 on 1 with the keeper, final whistle blows…. Why? That is awful. This isn’t the first time either. To get promoted, I needed 2 points. I’m drawing 3-3, and the final whistle blows when I’m 1 on 1 with the keeper to win the game….. Are you for real EA? Absolute Joke.

  51. Antonius Block

    Thank you for your opinion, I will wait a couple more days. I really like the website by the way, good info for both veteran and novice players.

    1. Thank you very much. We are trying to help both veteran and novice players and it is good to know that we are getting it.

  52. I won a game 3-1 on Ultimate Team, when I was about to press A to ‘advance’, it popped up with a message saying that I could not connect to EA servers, I was still logged on to Xbox Live and as soon as it kicked me off Ultimate Team, I immediately re-opened it and it said my DNF had gone down and I lost the game 3-0. I’m annoyed as I know it isn’t my connection that is the problem and I ended up losing a game I won comfortably. Please sort this out, I know it’s only a game but it’s rather frustrating knowing you won the game but it didn’t count.

  53. on ultimate team every time i finish a match it says i have forfeited the match and it gives me no points on online season and says i lost. what should i do?

  54. (iOS) Hi I’m having trouble with adding players that I bought to my squad. How to add player I just bought to my sub/res player so I can add those player to my line up ? need your help so bad

    1. When you buy a player you probably send him to your club. You just need to go to your active squad menu, click on a player, ‘swap’ and choose the player you bought.

  55. Antonius Block

    My trade pile has been frozen for three days. EA said they were aware but nothing has changed. This is on mobile by the way. My question is if I reinstall FIFA will my Origin account memorize my team. I have TOTY Ramos and Neuer and don’t want to lose them but am getting a little frustrated, please help.

    1. Hi.
      Reinstalling FIFA will not fix that problem. Many people are getting troubles with their transfer lists. You will need to be wait a couple of days more.

  56. I traded for Ter-Stegen in career mode, the trade went through, he agreed to contact, but doesn’t show on my roster. When I search for him it shows a free-agent tag, says approaches have been blocked, but at the bottom shows the transaction as completed ……. HELP

  57. For some reason when I try to add a player to my Fifa ultimate team it keeps on saying (we are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA ultimate team) I don’t know what to do so can you help

      1. I think it is your connection that it is not strong enough. Try to connect by NAT 1 and you will see if the problem is yours or not.

  58. Michael Andrea

    For some reason, when I play any game on Fut 14 on my PS3 my mode, (Ultra defensive – ultra attack) automatically changes for me, and I also find my self not pressing buttons and something or someone is pressing them for me, is it malyware? Can i get malyware inside a console like that? Please help.

      1. It’s related to your answer on disconnection on PS “Delete your gameface, from your FIFA web account.”-But there is no option, anywhere. Tried my origin and fifa web account … it can’t be found.

  59. How come when I’m in the of a tournament it says error creating game session. How do I get passed that?

  60. Hi, i can t play FUT 14 I PS4 dont possible create the security question… in web or fifa 13 dont problems…it s impossible play FUT14 iin ps4. introduce the question and security answer the same of the app web and the message is dont possible create the security question and go out FUT..sorry please.. best regads Raul_4vr

  61. Daniel Wheeler

    Every time I want to invite someone to a game or find an online game an error appears saying “Only the player associated with the current Ultimate Team account may start a game session.” What do I do?

    1. Hi. The problem is that you used another controller to start the session. You need to change the controller that initiated the game session. Just it.
      Please, give us feedback if it worked.

  62. on web app wen i press search on the transfer market it always says no result search please refine….

    1. If you are sure that you have not an filter on, please try to do it in other browser or other computers.
      If the problem persists contact the EA Support. See HERE how to do it.

  63. I’ve managed to get to the final of the gold tournament but every time I try to play it, it says they cannot create game session. But when I try playing any other match on line it works! It’s be going on for a month! Any one know how to alter it

  64. I have FIFA 14 on my Laptop PC. Specs are fine to run the game. In FUT single player games (can’t do online cause connection is too slow) my team and the cpu team get an injured player every 30 seconds or so. This continues till all substitutes have been made and eventually the game gets stuck in the substitution menu. It gives the message that “you have no more substitutions” then if you try to get to the menu to forfeit, it says “You must make a substitution, if not you will forfeit the game”, but it won’t let me forfeit or do anything. I have to hit Alt-F4 to close the game.

    Also in the Web App it shows I have Zero FIFA Points, but in game on my PC I have 10,000. The iOs App doesn’t even show any FIFA points.

    Any help with these issues would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Woooww! You have real BIG problems. It is the first time someone has reported something like this to us.
      Are you sure all your players start the match with fitness 99 ? Be sure to have a large squad that allows you to rotate the players. We have no more suggestions about the injured players.
      About the FIFA Points problem, are you sure you used the same Origin account on the several platforms ?

      1. So apparently things decided to fix themselves. Fifa points are now showing up on the Web App. And I’ve played a handful of matches without the injuries glitch. It was definitely a glitch because it happened when I started FUT for the first time with the Alaba, Messi, Falcao, etc.. exhibition match, then it happened after I created my team when I tried a season match and then a tournament match. Weird. I have no clue what fixed it, maybe Origin did something with the files in the background or while I was away. Hopefully the issue does not come back.

  65. My FIFA10 and FIFA14 will no fill out our entire Sony 52″ screen. I’ve checked the settings numerous times and nothing fixes it. My kids can play their Lego Indiana Jones 2 and Up with the full screen. Any tips would be appreciated.

    1. Did you check the resolution settings on your console ? You should try the higher possible (1080i). In some cases, you need to change depending of the game you will play.

  66. I bought some gold rare contracts, but I cannot use them?

    There is 21 contracts items available in my club, when I select my player in the active squad and apply it, there is only 10 available… why?

    1. Hi.
      When you go to “My Club” you have 21 contracts items ? Then, maybe you only see 10 because the other are manager contracts ? Or maybe you are seeing the folder with groups of items ?
      Check if may be one of these things.

  67. I play fifa 14 on Xbox iOS and android kit kat on Xbox it works fine on iOS it too works fine but on my android device (htc desire 300) the game shows a picture of the fifa logo and messi then just shows some clouds after waiting for over one hour the game still didn’t work any ideas? Also I asked my friend who has the same phone if he was having the same problem and is too. Please help

  68. I signed into ultimate team today 27/12/13. I was curios because my crest was changed and I went into my squad I have no players but 2,500 coins. So I reset ny x box wentt back in and it said the same I am very annoyed and still am. Seeing as it is christmas over the last couple of days me and my family have bought microsft points for me as presents I had got very good players and I had a very good couple of teams I am furios and I am wanting my players and 50,000 coins back. Please reply with an answer for whether you need to know who the players are on top of if andhow this will be fixed. Your sincerly ryan

  69. paul cummings

    hi ,been playing fut on fifa 14 on ps3 .now upgraded to ps4 ,have not yet set up ps4 as do not know the password or have the old email ad to transfer my fut any ideas thanks.

  70. Hi,

    If i go to the transfermarket in fut 14 i keep getting disconnected after 2/3 pages, i still can play matches, buy packs. Its only the transfermarket thats giving me trouble. I play on the ps3. Any help would be appriciated.

  71. Hi there,

    I recently deleted my ultimate team account and chose to start a new one. However, I’m playing games in division 10 and even though the opposition keeps quitting, I am getting no wins or coins for the games. It is costing me contracts and my players are getting “goals” and “games played” on their records but are not losing fitness. This is very strange.

    Any ideas on how I could fix this problem as I am slowly but surely losing money?


  72. I already bought fifa 14, but when I want to connect with the web app. It keeps telling me that I need fifa 14 to use the web app. How can I fix this?

  73. Why can I play online friendlies and seasons but not ut my internet is connected to my xbox and it’s got top connection but trying to play ut it pops up saying ‘we are sorry but there has been a error connecting you to FIFA 14 ut’ any ideas mate?

  74. Hi, i’ve turned my ps3 off so i can keep making lookinig at the market in fut web app, but it says that i cant because i am logged in my console, even when i am not, in fact it is off! it really doesnt make any sense.. what can i do? Thanks

    1. You need to wait 20 minutes. You don’t need to turn off your console, not even FIFA. Just Ultimate Team mode.

      To prevent any interruptions during FIFA Ultimate Team game-play, EA Sports prevent users from logging from the web and console at the same time. If you turn off your Xbox or Playstation while logged into FUT, or if your console crashes, you must wait for your session to time out before being allowed to log in on the web.
      If you don’t want to wait 20 minutes you can log back into FUT on your Xbox or Playstation and log out. You will then be able to immediately log into your FUT Web account.


  75. Hi.

    I installed fifa 14 on my Laptop Hp 4540s Core i5 succefully. the issue is the game configaration app didnt install and am unable to find it. I want to change the resolution of the game cause when i launch it it doesnt occupy the full screen.

  76. I can not log into the web app. I enter my email and password and it starts to load and says “please wait”. After a few seconds it bounces me back to the log in screen and wants me to put my password in again. It’s different then if I put the wrong password in. The red text tells me it is wrong.

    1. Hi.
      Clean the browser cache, try another browser, try another computer, try another account and if nothing works contact EA Support. See HERE how to do it.

  77. Sir
    I have a problem in my ipad UT online since 2 days I am not able to find an opponent it says that “no opponent can be found matching to your criteria” what do I do? I wanna play badly.

    1. Hi Alfred. Thank you for your comment.
      If you did not change anything in your connection, check if you have installed tha latest version. It was released a couple of days ago (version 1.3.2) and brings seasons to UT. Maybe you have a conflit with it. Try to go back to the earlier version.

      1. Yes that is what I am talking about I updated and played till season 0 but now I can’t find opponents while my brother from the same device but using a different account is able to play without any problems… How do I go back to the earlier version?

        1. Hi.
          I never did it but probably you will need to uninstall the game and reinstall the earlier version. Don’t forget to use the same Origin account to keep your team and coins.

  78. Hey, I keep getting the “disc unreadable” message. I’ve cleared my system cache and it still doesn’t work. I also tried deleting the title update and EAS FC Catalogue. Still no success doing that. Any suggestions? I know it’s not my disc because I’ve had the problem since I bought it, but later on today it froze and I can’t get past the start menu.

  79. I accidently uninstalled the app and I was wondering how to get my ut back I signed into my whatever account but I didnt get it back

    1. If you have uninstalled the app, your UTd remain the same. Just make sure that you are using the same Origin account. The only way to get without your UT is deleting your club.

  80. Eveything works fine except when I try change my kits game just freezes and I have to turn ps off which means not turned off properly etc. I can buy players stadiums and make them active but when try make kit active ats when freezes

    1. Hi.
      It is the first time someone complain to us about it. Are you sure your DVD is clean, free of dust ? Try to contact EA Support. See HERE how to do it.

    2. Hi, im experiencing the exact same thing on xbox. Did you find out what to do to solve it?

  81. Hey,
    I have been reading your guides for sometime now, and almost everything is really well explained. Today i started facing this problem all of a sudden in my PS3 that my game disconnects after every match in FUT, what is the reason. I dont have game face and have tried deleting my previous data. i have tried searching previous threads, but i cant see 100% solution to this. Is there a way i can get this glitch solved

  82. My Fifa 14 keeps freezing on Xbox 360 and I have tried your methods what else can I do

      1. Hello,
        I have had this problem for 2 days now where I cannot search for items in the transfer market via my phone app and web app where a message comes up saying “no matching results found please modify your search criteria and try again ” just after I press the search button

        Please help haha

        1. Hi.
          You were blocked by EA Sports. They are blocking everyone that doesn’t have the game. You haven’t played yet, right ?

  83. When ever I go to log in to origin on fut 14 It says the email is invalid and therefore I can’t log in. No matter what email I use the same thing happens. So I can’t log in anymore plz help!

    1. Hi.
      Are you sure it is your first try ? They only give one pack per player.
      All the tasks are shown as completed ?
      If you answered yes to both questions, contact the EA Support. Check HERE to see how to do it.

  84. When I go into auctions and I buy now a player and hit continue searching instead of assign now then the player disapears and he doesn’t show up in my club or transfers targets or anything
    Please help

  85. Your solution to “error creating game session doesn’t work. I’m locked out of the Unified Cup on FUT. Any help solving this problem?

      1. I’m trying to play the final of the Ultimate Cup in UT but I keep getting a box saying “error creating game session”. I’ve tried putting players in and checked player status but all are fine. I even created a new team but it still wont work!

        1. Usual it is a problem of not matching the tournament/cup requirements. If you are sure that it is not the case, I have no idea what it could be.

        2. I contacted customer support and after many attempts at clearing history, cache, cookies etc and them doing some things from their end, we were unable to resolve the problem. My team met all requirements. I am unfortunately locked out for the rest of the duration. The first sign of trouble was not getting coins for the first tournament game. I recommend forfeiting the next match and starting over if this happens to anyone. It wont fix the problem at hand but it may solve future problems. Support gave me a free pack and was very nice. He said sometimes people get very mean to him. Silly people, its just a game.

  86. i made a new account on FUT 14 with the same email address previously used, and when i try to access my new account on the Web App it brings up my old account, but shows in the recent news my new accounts details, but i dont have my coins, tradelist, squads or anything from my new account, every thing is from my older one.

  87. Regie atmadja

    Yo I had 20 k coins then I just won the division 4 online and got 9000 coins but it didnt add up it was still 20k. C’mon man I want the 9000 coins….. If ur so kind could u pls like send it to my account or smthin minionbombastix, minion FC. I mean thts f up man thts so not fair

  88. Jacob Wheeler

    On xbox live my teams such as Man U don’t have there best players on them. Ill go to the same team as the other guy and his team will have better ranking such as attack etc.

  89. Hello

    I can play may ultimate team matchese at my home stadium – never – ever played

    please help me

  90. do you know about the problem when players on PS3 become slow and cannot pass the ball? it is so incredibly annoying! sometimes i play 5 games and everything is fine but the next 20 games are total crap… nothing i do happens like i want it to, slow defenders outrun my pacey players, skillful passers give the ball away or cant even hold onto the ball!
    i have tried everything i can think of, i tried a new ps3 controller and that worked for a few games but now everthing has gone back to being rubbish! can you help?

    1. Hi.
      It is the first time we heard that. If they are with fitness +90 and full chemistry, there is no reason to happen.

      1. I have exactly the same problem, I’ll get to div 1 then lose every game until I’m in div 4. Then my players will start to run again, pass straight and not take air shots when I’m through on goal, it drives me nuts. There must be an explanation??

  91. Nadeem Muhammed

    On my Sony Xperia T(android) , it is showing EASFC servers are down…
    Trying to get on Ultimate Team an errors says “We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 13 Ultimate team. You will be returned to the FIFA 13 Main Menu”

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