Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


Our FUT 15 chemistry guide is the biggest one you will ever find. We went in a deep search and found everything there is to be discussed about this theme.

We believe that our previous guide was already very complete, and since chemistry almost hasn’t changed from FIFA 14, most of the guide is the same with a few updates. Obviously there are new stuff, including a legends chemistry explanation, a how to choose chemistry styles chapter, links formation analyses and also a IG stats section.

We know that this is a long guide and there is always many people that don’t read it because they don’t want to know all the details. Just the basic stuff. For them, we have summarizes all the essential knowledge in a single chapter.

Cause chemistry is extremely important in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team, be sure to read this guide.

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Chemistry in One Minute


For those who just want to know the essential about chemistry, we have created this short chapter.

The chemistry represents how well a player will perform in-game. Low chemistry values will hinder players’ ability, whilst high chemistry values will result in players performing well. It is a factor that helps the game play by interacting with the familiarity of the player with the club and his positioning, the relation with the other players and the manager.

There are two kinds of chemistry: each player’s individual chemistry and the squad’s chemistry. Both influence the stats of the players before each match. Individual chemistry varies between 0 and 10 and team chemistry, which is the sum of all individual chemistries, between 0 and 100.

To reach the maximum chemistry, players should be playing in their natural positions and they should be linking with team mates of the same club and nationality or, at least with team mates of the same club, league or nationality. When you can’t reach individual chemistry 10, you can get a bonus by using a manager of the same nationality or league of players, and by using players you have pulled from packs or who have played more than 10 matches in your club.

The colour of the connections between two players is merely a graphic representation. Focus on getting the maximum individual chemistry possible for all your players. You can check which IC they have in their cards when you are in the active squad screen.

For best results, we strongly recommend that you read the rest of the guide.



What is Chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team ?


Our skills as gamers is not the only thing important to win a match. The efficiency of our players on the pitch and of the team in general depends directly on three main factors:

  • The player’s attributes;
  • The Chemistry;
  • The Player’s Fitness;


The Chemistry takes a fundamental role on your team’s performance, so it can never be despised. It represents how well a player will perform in-game. Low chemistry values will hinder players’ ability, whilst high chemistry values will result in players performing well.

It evaluates the health of every relation in a club. In other words, the chemistry is a factor that helps the game play by interacting with the familiarity of the player with the club and his positioning, the relation with the other players and the manager.

In the end, that is what the chemistry does. Take all these situations, weigh how much they can benefit the performance of a team and transfer them to the four lines of this evaluation.

In general, the introduction for chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is there to give more logic to the game and to make the building of a team more complex, challenging and diverse.



Basic Concepts of Chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


The team should be built around chemistry and not the opposite

The first idea that has to be present is that the chemistry is extremely important for the success of any team. In previous editions, EA have announced that “a bronze team with chemistry 100 can win without great difficulties a gold team without chemistry”. That is why it has to be taken seriously when you plan to start a new team.

Another important concept, which is not always present, is that there are two kinds of chemistry: each player’s individual chemistry and the chemistry of the team.

Both influence the performance of the players on the pitch. Individual chemistry varies between 0 and 10 and team chemistry between 0 and 100. The chemistry values can be viewed on the active squad menu, just like the image below demonstrates.


FUT 15 Chemistry Guide

Active Squad Menu: 1- Team Chemistry; 2- Individual Chemistry
To see the individual chemistry you need to select ‘Status’ under the manager
Click over the picture to maximize it


When you build a squad, individual chemistry 10 should be your goal

Any player should have as a goal building a team with the highest chemistry possible. The higher is the value, the better. The priority should be given to an individual chemistry close to or equal 10. It is also a good thing to get a team chemistry of 100.

The chemistry of the team depends exclusively of the gamer choices. It’s higher or lower depending on the players he chooses for the starting eleven, the manager he picks for the bench and the positioning of each one of the players. That way, it varies from match to match.


Now that you already know what the chemistry is, it’s time to know what it does in practice.

The chemistry interferes directly on the potential efficiency of the team during the match. More precisely, on the players’ attributes. That way, in the beginning of each match, the players’ attributes are directly affected by their individual chemistry and also by the team’s depending on the chemistry style that is active.



What influences the Chemistry and How to Improve it


The Chemistry measures several factors that are considered enough important to affect the performance of a player.

Here is what influences a player Chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team:

  • His position
  • If he is playing in his natural position

  • His relation with team mates
  • If the players next to him have the same nationality or play in the same league or club as him

  • His relation with the manager
  • If his manager is from the same league or nationality

  • His loyalty to the club
  • If he played more than 10 matches or if it is his first club


Player Position


Normally, the players are habituated to play on a determined position but they can adapt themselves to similar positions. That is also what happens in FUT 15.

According to his positioning, a player may be in one of the following situations:

  • Playing in his natural position
  • Playing in a position that is very similar to his natural position
  • Playing in a position that has some similarities to the natural position
  • Playing in a position that is very different from the natural position


The natural position of a player is shown on his card. The position where he’s about to play is shown on the active squad menu. The first situation refers to when both positions are the same. That is the greatest situation to benefits the chemistry.
When a player is assigned to play in a strange position for himself, the chemistry is strongly affected. The goalkeepers is a good example of that. They can only play well on the goal, and are the only players that can’t get adapted to another position.

In order to know what positions a player can get adapted to, consult the table from the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team calculation chapter.

When a player’s preferred position doesn’t match with the position he’s about to play, it’s possible to fix this applying a position modifier card. These cards can only be applied with success if they indicate the current preferred position of the player and the one he will play. You can learn more about it here.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Guide - Positions

The position a player is in is represented by Player Position Icons, found directly underneath the Player Card: green means that he is playing on his natural position, orange means that he is playing in an adapted position and red means that he is playing on a position that is very different from the natural position.


Relation with the other Players


The more two players have in common, the higher will be the chemistry and better they will play.
Chemistry links are connections between players in a team. When two players are placed next to each other, they form a connection. This connection is represented by a coloured link, according to the intensity of the relation, and can be classified in:

  • Dead Link
    If the connection is between two players with different nationalities, different clubs and different leagues (Ronaldo and Hulk, for example);
  • Weak
    If the connection is between two players with the same nationality and different leagues OR if they are from the same league but different clubs (Aguero and Messi, for example);
  • Strong
    If the connection is between two players with the same nationality and league but different clubs OR if it’s between two players from the same club (Pique and Sergio Ramos, for example);
  • Hyper
    If the connection is between two players with the same nationality and club (Van Persie and Blind, for example).


FUT 14 Chemistry Guide - Connections

Coloured links: green for hyper and strong, orange for weak and red for dead link.


The dead links are the weakest connections and consequently the most penalising for the chemistry.The hyper ones are the strongest and the most rewarding connections for the chemistry.

Independently of the team formation, a player must be linked to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 team mates. The stronger these connections are, the higher will be the player’s individual chemistry.

That’s why most FUT 15 teams are built based in a league or in a nationality. This way it’s possible to eliminate the dead links and guarantee a high chemistry.

The relations between players can also possible to improved, but in order to do that, it’s necessary to adjust the team. Before buying players for the team, gamers should verify the connections intensity they will get. If they are sufficiently weak at a point that they can affect the chemistry, they should find players that can be well combined according to their nationality, league or club.

Any player plays the same way among all his team mates independently that he has different coloured connections

The intensity of the connection between two players is merely a graphic representation. It doesn’t mean that these players, in particular, play well with each other if their connection is green. What really counts for the individual chemistry is the summation of the intensities of the connections that a specific player has. Each player’s attributes are affected and not necessarily his relation with the team mates.


Relation with the Manager


To boost contracts is not the only manager’s role. To each player, he may give an extra chemistry point.

There are two manager’s characteristics that will vary the chemistry of a player:

  • His nationality
  • His league


In FUT 15, the manager doesn’t influence the team’s chemistry directly. He does it to the individual chemistry

A manager that can be well comprehended has more success probabilities than one with worse relationships with the players. That’s why the chemistry is improved if the manager’s nationality or/and the manager’s league is the same as most players’.

The nationalities and the leagues of the players and managers are shown on the front of their cards.

To get the manager bonus, players should try to match the manager nationality or the manager league with the higher number of players from the start eleven. Pay attention that it may not be always true. For example: if all the players except one are from one specific league and already have individual chemistry 10, it may be better to try to match the manager league with the league of the only player that doesn’t have the higher chemistry possible.

When a manager league’s doesn’t match with the player’s league, it’s possible to fix this applying a league modifier card. You can learn more about it here.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide - Manager's Chemistry

Manager bonuses are represented by icons on the player card. A green icon means the player is receiving a bonus because he has, at least, the same nationality or the same league of the manager.


Loyalty with the Club


Loyalty was designed to further reward UT players for opening packs or keeping a player for an extended amount of games. After 10 matches of playing with the same player, or using a player pulled from a pack, the player will receive a bonus to his Individual Chemistry. He only needs one of these two things to get the bonus.

It is very easy to get this bonus. Even if it is unusual to buy packs, the player just need to play 10 matches with that card to get the bonus.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Chemistry Guide - Loyalty Chemistry

Loyalty bonuses are represented by icons on the player card. A green icon means the player is receiving a bonus because he played ten or more matches in this club or because it is his first club (or both).



How the Chemistry is calculated in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


The way the chemistry is calculated is probably the most well guarded secret in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team.

We came up with the idea of uncovering it.


The Chemistry Effect on the Game


In the first place it is important to know that the chemistry value that is used in game is the weighted average of the individual chemistry (75%) and the squad’s chemistry (25%).

Unlike many people think, having individual chemistry values of 10 is much more important than having a value of 100 on the squad’s chemistry display.
Even because the individual chemistry doesn’t only weights three quarters of the chemistry utilized on the game, but it also affects directly the chemistry of the squad, as we’re going to see next.

In other words, you can say that the attributes that each player starts a match with depend directly on the individual chemistry and partially on the squad’s chemistry. The following equation shows how the chemistry in game is calculated for each player:

Chemistry = (Individual Chemistry x 0.75) + (Team Chemistry x 0.25)


For example: a player with individual chemistry 10 on a squad with team chemistry 90 will play better than a player with individual chemistry 9 on a squad with team chemistry 100 (9.75 > 9.25).


Team’s Chemistry Calculation


Team Chemistry represents an accumulation of all the Individual Chemistry values. It varies between 0 and 100 and can be calculated with the following formula:

TC = IC1 + IC2 + … +IC11

TC is the team’s chemistry
IC is the player’s individual chemistry (to be seen further)

This formula allows team’s chemistries up to 110. However, in practical terms, any value that is superior to 100 has the same effect as 100.


Individual Chemistry Calculation


The Individual Chemistry varies between 0 and 10 and can be calculated with the following formula:

IC = PLC + MB + LB

IC is the individual chemistry of a player
PLC is the positioning and links chemistry
MB is the manager bonus
LB is the loyalty bonus

This formula allows individual chemistries up to 12. However, in practical terms, any value that is superior to 10 has the same effect as 10. Being possible, in theory, to get more than chemistry 10, allows other ways to reach the maximum chemistry and increases the diversity of teams with high chemistry.


Position and Links Chemistry (PLC)

The PLC depends of the player’s position and of the connections with his team mates. It varies between 0 and 10 and can be known on the following table:

The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

Read the text below to understand how to get the PLC from this table


The columns correspond to the four categories of player’s positioning: red if he is in wrong position; orange if he is in an unrelated position; yellow if he is in a related position; green if he is in his natural position.

The following table shows all the combinations of possible positions:

The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


The rows correspond to the value L, which measures the links intensity of a player with his team mates, and that can be calculated as follows:

L = Sum of the numerical value of links received from surrounding players / Number of Links

The Numerical value of a link can be:

    3 (Hyper Link – Green)
    Same Nationality and Club
    2 (Strong Link – Green)
    Same Club but different Nationality
    Same nationality and League but different Club
    1 (Weak Link – Orange)
    Same League but different Nationality and Club
    Same Nationality but different League
    0 (Dead Link – Red)
    Different Club, League and Nationality.


Manager Bonus (MB)

The main Managers increase the Individual Chemistry by 1 point for every player that has a matching nation or a matching league.

However, the Individual Chemistry boost of players with the same league and nation is 1. The bonus can not be higher than 1, so matching an individual player’s league and nation is not important.


Loyalty Bonus (LB)

Loyalty increases the Individual Chemistry by 1 point for every player that has pulled from a pack (first owner) or has played 10 matches.

However, the Individual Chemistry boost of first owners cards with more than 10 matches is 1. The bonus can not be higher than 1, so getting these two thing is not important.


Legends’ Chemistry


Legends also need good chemistry to play better. Since they don’t have a league or club associated, there are slightly differences on how to calculated their chemistry.

Basically, they link well with other Legends just like regular players link with their team mates. It’s like being a legend was a club. Unfortunately, they don’t have a league, which makes much more difficult to get good chemistry. In that way, the Numerical value of a link to a Legend can be:

    3 (Hyper Link – Green)
    Same Nationality and Legend
    2 (Strong Link – Green)
    Legend but different Nationality
    1 (Weak Link – Orange)
    Same Nationality but not a Legend
    0 (Dead Link – Red)
    Different Nationality and not a Legend.

Manager bonus and loyalty bonus work with Legends just like for any other player. There is a Manager League card ‘Legends’ that can be used to give the extra point of chemistry to your Legends. If you do not own any other Legend in your club and you have a dead link, you will need these bonuses to reach the maximum chemistry.


FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Chemistry Calculation Example


It is too easy to find the team’s chemistry but, in order leave no doubts, we’ll calculate a hypothetical individual chemistry.

Imagine that we are trying to place Messi as LM on our 4-4-2 BBVA squad. How much individual chemistry he can reaches ?

The first thing to do is to see in the table of positions which ones have something to do with LM. Applying CF-CAM and CAM-CM cards, he will become a CM, an unrelated position to LM (orange). He has two strong links (same club with Xavi and Alaba) and one weak link (same league with Benzema), in three links possible. It means that L = (2+2+1)/3 > 1.6. So, looking this L on the orange column of the PLC table, we find that Messi chemistry is 5, without bonuses. He didn’t need so much good connections since he would get the same chemistry even if L was lower than 1.6 and higher or equal than 1. With a manager from BBVA and playing more than 10 matches, he gets two extra chemistry points (5 to 7).


The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


You can also use this calculator to find the squad and the individual chemistry.



Which Chemistry Can Be Reached


We have already explained how to calculate the chemistry, but for the lazy, we added this chapter where we show some interesting conclusions, directly and without any calculation.

One of the most common questions is about the maximum chemistry that a player might get when playing out of his natural position. The answer is given in the table below. These values ​​not include the manager’s bonus and loyalty bonus, so can still be added two more points.
We can use the table to check our previous example with Neymar: playing as LM, the better that he can get is 7, after applying the two bonuses points.


GK 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
RB 2 10 5 5 9 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CB 2 5 10 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
LB 2 5 5 10 2 9 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2
RWB 2 9 2 2 10 5 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 2
LWB 2 2 2 9 5 10 2 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 2
CDM 2 2 5 2 2 2 10 9 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CM 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 10 9 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2
CAM 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 9 10 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2
RM 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 10 5 9 2 2 5 2 2
LM 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 10 2 9 2 2 5 2
RW 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 9 2 10 5 2 9 2 2
LW 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 9 5 10 2 2 9 2
CF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 10 5 5 9
RF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 9 2 5 10 5 5
LF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 9 5 5 10 5
ST 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 5 5 10


Another question that players usually ask to us is how to get the maximum chemistry possible. Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Players in the right position and with the manager’s bonus or loyalty bonus
  • The sum of the numerical value of links should be equal or higher than the number of links

  • Players in the right position without bonus
  • The sum of the numerical value of links should be 1.6 times higher than the number of links

  • Players in a related position and with the manager’s bonus or loyalty bonus
  • The sum of the numerical value of links should be 1.6 times higher than the number of links

  • Players in a related position and with both manager’s bonus and loyalty bonus
  • The sum of the numerical value of links should be equal or higher than the number of links



Chemistry Styles in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


Chemistry Styles is a brand new thing on FUT 15. It may be a bit complex on the start but we are here to show you that it is more simpler than most of gamers think.


Chemistry Styles Introduction


Chemistry Styles are consumable cards. As any other consumable, they can be purchased on the market, or obtained from a pack.

In FUT 13, players receive boosts for every stat. In FUT 14 and FUT 15, players receive boosts for a chosen number of stats dependent on the Chemistry Style selected. These cards can be applied to a player to change their style of play adjusting the players attributes to their squad needs.

Chemistry Styles cards allow players to choose which stats will be affected by chemistry

The chemistry styles cards do not change the chemistry numbers. They redistribute the stats that will receive chemistry boosts. Chemistry boosts will increase the value of specific in-game stats – thus increasing the player’s ability to perform.

Each one of these cards can only be used once. However, they can be applied to each player as many times the gamer want but only one per player at a time. As it happens with positioning cards, its effects are permanent until a new chemistry style is applied to the player. When someone trade a player card, the buyer will keep the style that it is active.

There are 24 chemistry styles: 19 for outfield players and 5 for goalkeepers. You can check the effect of each one of these cards in the table on the end of this chapter (look to ‘chemistry 10’ section). An outfield player chemistry style can be applied to any outfield player. However, goalkeepers chemistry styles are exclusive to goalkeepers and outfield player chemistry styles cannot be applied to a goalkeeper. Chemistry style cards can also be applied to In Form cards, including Legends.

You can read more about chemistry styles cards here.


The Arrows’ Meaning


There are two things that we can find on a player’s card about the chemistry styles. The first one is the name of the style that is active in that player. The second one are small arrows showing which stats will be affected by the chemistry and the maximum available stat boost.

These arrows can be white or green. A white arrow indicates a possible boost that isn’t being received, which will mean that player doesn’t currently have high enough Chemistry to get the maximum benefit. A green arrow indicates that the stat will be boosted. The more arrows per stat, the bigger will be the available boost. The more green arrows per stat, the bigger will be the boost.

There are 24 Chemistry Styles and they all have a maximum of six arrows that can be allocated to different attributes. When a player is released in a card his chemistry style is basic (BAS), the starter style. It means that all his six attributes may be improved in the same way by one arrow. A single green arrow gives a small boost to the associated attribute, two green arrows give a medium boost and three give the maximum boost possible. For the Chemistry Styles that affect three attributes, the maximum boost to each is two green arrows. For the Chemistry Styles that affect two attributes, the maximum boost to each is three green arrows.

The goal of any player should be to fill all available arrows. In order to do that, is requested an high chemistry as we will see later. The maximum number of arrows that can be filled is 6 for each player card.


The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

In the first picture, the player has six white arrows, one for each stat. It means that all the stats will be improved in the same way, but right now he doesn’t have enough chemistry. In the second picture, the player has full chemistry, which means that he will get the boost for all the stats. In the third picture, the chemistry style applied may give a medium boost to three stats and in the fourth the chemistry style applied may give a maximum boost to two stats.


How to Get Green Arrows

As we have shown, to get green arrows we need high chemistry. But how much ? To know the relationship between Chemistry and arrows, just check the following table:


CHEMISTRY 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
GREEN ARROWS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0


As we already have explained, with higher chemistry the boosts will consequently be higher. Looking to this table you can see, for example, that if you place a player with a chemistry of 7, he will loose half of the boost. In the same way, if he only has 4 of chemistry, it makes no sense to apply him a chemistry style since no stat will be boosted. To chemistry values lower than 4 the in-game stats of the particular player will gradually be lowered, hindering the player’s ability.

You probably have understood that for chemistries lower than 10, there will be less stats boosted. But which stats are affected by lower chemistries ? In a basic chemistry style, for example, if the player has chemistry of 9, which stat loose its boost ? The answer is given in the following table:


BASIC GK BAS GK MIN +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
CAT CAT GK MED +2 +2 +2
WALL WAL GK MED +2 +2 +2
BASIC PLAYER BAS MIN +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
BASIC GK BAS GK MIN +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
CAT CAT GK MED +1 +2 +2
WALL WAL GK MED +1 +2 +2
BASIC PLAYER BAS MIN +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
BASIC GK BAS GK MIN +1 +1 +1 +1
CAT CAT GK MED +1 +2 +1
WALL WAL GK MED +1 +2 +1
CAT CAT GK MED +1 +1 +1
WALL WAL GK MED +1 +1 +1


There is no information about how much each arrow affects the player stats

Note that the numbers on the table are the number of arrows. It does not necessarily represent the number of in-game stat boost. There is no information about how many stat points are represented by one arrow.

The attributes boost of this table can also give an idea of the in-game stats that are improved. For each attribute that is boosted, there are a few in-game stats that are also improved. If you want to know exactly which ones and how much, check this relation:

    Sprint Speed 0,55
    Acceleration 0,45

    Finishing 0,45
    Long Shots 0,2
    Shot Power 0,2
    Att. Positioning 0,05
    Penalties 0,05
    Volleys 0,05
    Short Pass 0,35
    Vision 0,2
    Crossing 0,2
    Long Pass 0,15
    Curve 0,05
    FK Acc 0,05
    Dribbling 0,5
    Ball Control 0,35
    Agility 0,1
    Balance 0,05
    Marking 0,3
    Stand Tackle 0,3
    Interceptions 0,2
    Heading Acc 0,1
    Slide Tackle 0,1
    Strength 0,5
    Stamina 0,25
    Aggression 0,2
    Jumping 0,05


Chemistry Styles Example


In order to show that chemistry style is something simpler than it seems, let’s see an example.

Imagine that in squad with chemistry 100, we have a player with full individual chemistry and maestro chemistry style activated. In-game, three of his stats will get a medium boost and the other three will remain the same as usual. Imagine now that we want to make some changes in our squad and in the new position he only gets chemistry 6. Instead of six green arrows, he only gets one green arrow for dribbling and other for passing (we can check this in the above table or selecting the player and scrolling left with the analogue stick). In these conditions, apply him an engine chemistry card has no effect at all, as you can see on the images below.


The Most Complete Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team

First image: player with chemistry 10 and maestro chemistry style
Second image: player with chemistry 6 and maestro chemistry style
Third image: player with chemistry 6 and engine chemistry style


Not having full chemistry is very penalized in the way how our players play. That’s why we strongly recommend to get individual chemistry 10 to all players. For those that it is not possible, try to get at least individual chemistry 8.


How to choose Chemistry Styles


There are many things you should look at before picking a chemistry style. It is a difficult choice but is ultimately your decision. Pay attention to the following points:

    This is probably the most overlooked factor when choosing the right chemistry style to apply in the players. Teams with low budgets should pay attention to this point because the prices of these cards may range between 150 coins and 7,000 coins. You never should quit buying the player you want just to be able to apply the chemistry styles to your players. Look to these cards as an adjustment.
    It is also important to note that a more expensive chemistry style doesn’t mean that it is a better style. Hunter, Shadow and Hawk are the most expensive cards. However, the Basic style, the cheapest one, is many times the best choice.
    The position is an important factor when choosing a chemistry style. While not mandatory, most of the time defensive styles are applied to defenders (Sentinel, Guardian, Gladiator, Backbone and Anchor), attacking styles are applied to forwards (Sniper, Deadeye, Hawk, Marksman and Finisher) and the other styles to the midfielders (Artist, Architect, Powerhouse, Maestro e Engine). The five goalkeepers styles may only be applied to these players.
    Generally speaking, it is a good practice to apply chemistry styles according to the player’s position, if it is in line with the other factors.
    The formation has an important role when choosing a chemistry style. Players which play in the same position but in different formations may have different needs. Let’s take the example of the centre backs. If they play in a 4xx formation, they should be fast. However, to the central CB of a 5xx formation, the defending and the heading is something much more important.
    When choosing a chemistry style, you should carefully analyse the roles of each player in the team.
    Play Style
    There are no two people alike. So, no one plays FIFA in the same way. There are better players and worse players. There are players that like to use the wings to attack and there are players that like to do it by the middle. There are players that prefer to play in counter attacks and there are players that prefer to keep the ball. Not all of these preferences are reflected in the formations we choose. Ie, two people with the same formations and the same players can make use of them in a different manner.
    When choosing a FUT 15 chemistry style, you should carefully analyse the roles of each player according to our play style.
    Players’ Attributes
    There are no two players alike. So, it is impossible to apply a chemistry style without knowing the players’ attributes and work rates.
    One of the most common questions has to do with the approach that should be done: it is better to boost the lower stats in order to get a more balanced player or it is better to boost the higher stats to make the player even better than their opponents ? The answer is not easy. In a general way, players tend to follow the second option because most of the times the higher attributes are also the most important ones according to the player’s position. For example: Messi has a low defending stat because he doesn’t need it to play well in his position. It is natural that players try to improve his attacking attributes.
    But some times it may be different. When a player plays in a position and in a formation in which the importance of the various attributes is not so uneven, it may be better to try to balance the player. Let’s look to the example of Diego Alves. He is a wonderful goalkeeper but there are many people that don’t like to play with him because his positioning is poor. In these cases, it makes all the sense to apply a style to improve his positioning instead of his reflexes and diving that already are incredibly good.
    To choose a chemistry style according to the players’ attributes is something very personal. It depends of who is choosing.


    We are pretty sure that, even after all the explanations, there are many people that still need help to choose the right chemistry style to their players. If it is your case, don’t worry. We will help you.

    We made our suggestions only according to the positioning, because price is not something very important to most of the players, because it is impossible to show the right style for every players and because the play style is something very personal. Don’t forget that our suggestions are only suggestions. You can have a different opinion.

      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      In our opinion, the importance of the goalkeeper’s attributes follow this order: reflexes, diving, handling, positioning, speed and kicking. In that way, and since there are no chemistry style card that boosts both reflexes and diving, our choice goes to ‘Glove’. It improves the diving, handling and positioning.

      All the other cards boost at least speed or kicking, attributes of less importance to us. That’s why we think that the ‘Basic’ card could be a good choice many times.

      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      Every one should know that defending and heading are crucial to every CB. Some times, pace is also very important. That’s why we think that ‘Sentinel’ and ‘Anchor’ are two best cards to apply in a CB.

      The first one should be used on the central CBs playing in 5xx formations or in defenders with high defensive work rate and low attacking work rate. The second one should be applied to the other players.

      RB, LB, RWB, LWB
      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      The fullbacks are defenders that can attack by the wings. They should have good defending, pace and passing stats in order to be able to do it well.

      The style ‘Shadow’ is the most recommended card to these players. However, if you a crossing abuser, you may prefer applying the ‘PowerHouse’ style. It is perfect if you play with Falcao or Mandzukic.

      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      It is not easy to choose which chemistry style to apply to a defensive midfielder because it depends of his role on the team and which formation you are using.

      One of the most common problems of the CDMs are their pace. Most of them are are too slow. In that cases, the card ‘Shadow’ my be very useful. However, we still believe that ‘Backbone’ and ‘Powerhouse’ are the best cards to the players playing in this position.

      CM, CAM

      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      Also to this position, the choice of the style depends of many factors which means that it isn’t easy to choose.

      To most of the players, ‘Artist’ and ‘Maestro’ styles would be perfect. Passing and dribbling are the stats with higher bonus on this chemistry styles. If you love long shots, ‘Deadeye’ is a good card.

      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      The ‘Engine’ style is our favourite to apply in a winger, independently to play in the right side or in the left side. The mix of speed, dribbling and passing are perfect for the demands of players who play in this position, allowing them to be effective in crossing style and cutting to the area.

      However, depending on other factors, they could be better with the ‘Catalyst’.

      CF, ST
      FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Consumables Guide

      Depending of your play style, there are five chemistry styles that can be applied to a forward:
      – ‘Finisher’ to who plays as a reference in the opposite box;
      – ‘Hawk’ to who also wants mobility;
      – ‘Hunter’ to who plays in counter and doesn’t like to cross to the box;
      – ‘Marksman’ to the skiller;
      – and ‘Sniper’ to who apply in very fast forwards and in a play style without many crossings.


    Remember that our suggestions were based only in the players’ positions. When choosing a FUT 15 chemistry style, you should look to the formation, attributes and style’s prices.



    The Substitutes’ Chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team


    If you were alert to the previous chapter you should have noticed that the substitutes are not considered in the chemistry calculation. And much less the reserves.

    The team’s chemistry counts the summation of the starting eleven’s individual chemistries. Besides that, being on the bench, the substitutes don’t participate in the relations between the players. This means that the substitutes don’t have individual chemistry and that their contribution for the squad’s chemistry is merely null.

    Until now we have judged that this is very easy to understand. Although, very pertinent questions arises: if we make a substitution, what will be the chemistry of the player who goes in and how is it going to affect the team’s chemistry ? And what about if we change the formation during a match ?

    Our tests were inconclusive on this matter but we believe that when we make a substitution, the player who goes in acquires the chemistry of the player who goes out and this way the team’s chemistry remains the same. The decisive moment for the chemistry definition should be the starting eleven set up. This means that, once the match has started, the chemistry values never change no matter what.

    This should be valid for all cases. Even if we put in a player that doesn’t have any relation with the others or if he’s put to play in a completely different position.

    For some people this could be seen as an opportunity. It would becomes possible to use that player we always wanted but could not use because he didn’t fit in our squad at all. We could also adapt players to other positions that usually don’t have quality choices.

    Although, everything has a cost. In this case, contracts would be spent. Besides that we’ would have to interrupt the match, preferably in the beginning, to make these substitutions, which would be quite boring.

    With formations, things seems to be different. It is clear enough that you can change it in-game as many times you want. It will not affect chemistry.


    The Substitutes’ Chemistry was not official confirmed, so we don’t have 100% sure if it is like this. Some sources says that the chemistry of a substitute is 1/11 of the Team’s Chemistry, which will be slightly different from what we explain above.



    Common Chemistry Mistakes


    There are three basic kinds of errors on the construction of a team with good chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team:

    • The players underrate the importance of the chemistry
    • The players overrate the chemistry
    • The players don’’t give the chemistry its correct balance

      In the first situation, some players seem not to know the effect of the chemistry on the game or simply judge that it’s nothing but a myth. They’d rather build a team with the players they like independently for the chemistry.
      What they don’t know is that their development can be superior if they slightly modify the team substituting a few players. There’s no need to give up on all their preferences.
      Unless they are just starting FUT 15, those players can be easily identified for showing up with a chemistry that is lower than 60 (it’s not possible to see the opponent’s individual chemistry).

      There are also those who put the chemistry ahead of everything. Extremisms are not necessary. If you follow all of our basic tips (see on next chapter), you can be in this group. In fact, everyone who has all the starting eleven with an individual chemistry of 10 and the team’s chemistry of 100 can be in this situation.
      FUT 15 allows players to reach maximum chemistry in a bunch of ways. If we apply all these methods to reach a chemistry above the maximum value, we are certainly overrating this concept. The problem about this is that we can prejudice the quality or diversity of our team without taking any advantage of it.
      That’s why it’s important to know how the chemistry works in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. With this knowledge we can build teams that have only what’s really necessary to reach maximum chemistry.
      The teams that are made up of exclusively players from the same league, club or nationality are almost always typical cases of “chemistry waste”.

      The third group is probably the most common one: the ones who commit errors when building a team because of the lack of knowledge about how to do it.
      This happens because many times most sources of information are not clear enough or even incorrect about what they say of this theme.
      It’s a common sense between FUT gamers that having a good chemistry is having a chemistry of 100. Wrong. We can have a team chemistry of 100 in which one player have an individual chemistry of zero. This is not really a desired chemistry.
      The idea that circulates is that the chemistry of the team is the main thing and the individual chemistry, that many don’t know about, has little importance. This is severely false. The individual chemistry is actually the one that weighs more on the attributes set up during the matches.
      These players usually have team chemistries of 100 but unbalanced individual chemistries. Some with 10 and others less than 8.

      There are also some players that consider chemistry styles more important than the chemistry. That is false. One player without chemistry doesn’t need a chemistry style. Learn more about this in the chemistry styles chapter.



      Chemistry Tips


      If you’ve read what we wrote in this article, then you already know what to do to build a team with good chemistry.

      For those who still feel a little disorientated, we will give a few tips about how to build a team with good chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team.

      In the first place, it’s convenient for us to define what is this “good chemistry” thing. For us, a team with a very good chemistry is one that has all individual chemistries of 10. It’s obvious that it’s not always possible to build our dream team full of individual chemistries of 10 but we should try to make them never lower than 7.

      Avoid to use players with individual chemistries lower than 7

      Unless you’re already an expert on this, the first step is to define what the players will have in common. We need them to have at least weak connections, since the most normal is for us to be based in a nationality or in a league to build our team.
      A team that has all the players from the same league or from the same nationality, will have a very good chemistry, since the players are in their natural positions. According to our table, all of them will get, at least, individual chemistry of 9. It will be enough to have a manager of that league or nationality to get the higher chemistry possible.

      We shouldn’t forget to save coins to invest on the chemistry. As it was already said, the players’ positioning may be corrected in most of the times if we have a budget for that. Having all players playing in their natural positions represents half way gone.

      One of the tricks for being able to build this team is knowing how to plan it before we start. Just having a general idea is not quite enough because we can start buying players and realize at the end that we don’t have enough connections.
      So, if we already chose what our players will have in common, it’s time to visualize what we intend to do for our team. To draw a scratch or to use a squad builder kind of application, seems to be a good move.

      If you already built a team with good connections between players and with players in their natural positions, you already made the most difficult part. The easiest chemistry points are given by the active manager and by the loyalty. Ensure that the nationality and the league of the manager are well represented among the players with lower chemistry and, if you are not using players who you got in packs, try to reaches ten games as soon as possible to benefit from the two extra points.

      If you did everything we said here then we guarantee you that the chemistry of your team will be the maximum possible.

      If your plan is to build a hybrid squad with high chemistry, take a look to our special techniques here.



      What’s Wrong with Chemistry ?


      We are completely independent and this is great for us to be able to compliment or criticize what we think is good or bad.

      In a general way we think that EA makes a very good job. It is true that there are server problems, items that get stuck on the trade pile, constant updates, etc… But when it comes to rules, FUT was a well made and implemented game. The chemistry system is a good example of that. It works and it has results.

      But not everything makes sense on the chemistry of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. We do not get why EA makes it so much secrecy. Most part of the information we published in this article was based on intensive tests we made. It is not available for the common player that doesn’t want to spend days trying to learn how the chemistry works.

      The best example of what we are saying is the way how the links and the player’s positions are assigned according to the colours that indicate intensity. The hyper and strong connections are both green-coloured which doesn’t allow the distinction between each one. Also the player’s position status is indicated by only one colour, orange, which doesn’t allow the distinction between those that a player will be able to get adapted to. It would be enough just to introduce one more colour. We can only think that this was done intentionally so they could keep the chemistry secrets away from the players.


      Our chemistry analyse does not end with EA. The players also make part of the game. There is a considerable number of people who insist that there is no such thing as the chemistry in the game. It is not true.

      The best way for us to be certified about the influence of the chemistry on the game is playing several matches, ideally in the same condition, commanding a team with a high chemistry and another with a very low chemistry. We did this dozens of times and concluded that the chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is actually real. Mathematically analysing the results we obtained, we concluded that when we played with a higher chemistry our performance was very superior.

      Many of the people who say there’s no such thing justify themselves with the fact that they have won several tournaments playing with teams with a very low chemistry. That’s not a justification. There are FIFA gamers that are good enough to win even with inferior teams, and so with low chemistries.

      There are also the ones who consider that the chemistry should be abolished from FUT 15. We respect their opinion but consider that these people don’t comprehend how FUT works at all. Part of the fun of this game mode is the opportunity for us to create a team we can get identified with. If there was no chemistry, the challenge of building a team would be smaller and the diversity of teams would be reduced.

      With this article we hope we were able to clarify everything about how the Chemistry works in FUT 15 and also unmasked myths and false ideas that circulate all over the FIFA players community.



      New Stuff


      For experienced Ultimate Team gamers, most of what we have published here isn’t new. In that way, we have created this short chapter to show what has changed with chemistry:


      FUT 14 >> FUT 15

      • Removed many links:
        CM to CBR and CBL IN 3-4-1-2, 3-4-2-1, 3-4-3, 5-2-1-2 and 5-2-2-1;
        CMC to CBR and CBL in 5-3-2;
        CM to CB in 4-1-2-1-2 (2), 4-3-3 (3) and 4-3-3 (5);
        CM to RM and LM in 4-5-1;
        CMC to CB in 4-3-2-1;
        RM and LM to CB in 4-1-2-1-2;
        CAM to CB in 4-2-3-1 (2);
        CAM to CMR and CML in 4-3-1-2;
        CMR and CML to CB in 4-3-3
      • Now each in-game stat receives an upgrade


      FUT 13 >> FUT 14

      • The way how team’s chemistry is calculated has changed
      • It is not required a manager to reaches team’s chemistry of 100
      • The way how team’s chemistry is calculated has changed
      • The numerical value of a link has changed
      • Two players with same nationality have now the same chemistry weight as two players with the same league
      • The maximum individual chemistry possible is now 10, an not 9 as in previous years
      • Managers increase the Individual Chemistry. Team’s Chemistry is not directly increased by them as in the past
      • It doesn’t matter to the chemistry if the manager is gold, silver or bronze
      • The Formation of the manager no longer has weight in chemistry (it doesn’t exist any more)
      • The league of the manager is now important to individual chemistry
      • Players with more games now receive loyalty bonus.
      • Cards on the hands of original owners are worth more in chemistry
      • Several changes in the relation between natural positions and position where players play
      • A few formations have now more connections
      • Formations no longer have weight in chemistry
      • The stats that are boosted by chemistry are now decided by the chemistry styles cards



      The Chemistry in FUT 15 – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


      Q: What is Chemistry ?
      A: Chemistry represents how well a player will perform in-game. You can learn more about it here.

      Q: Does the Chemistry really exist or is it just a myth ?
      A: The Chemistry really exists. You can learn more about it here.

      Q: Is it worth building a team with a high Chemistry ?
      A: Yes. A high chemistry means a better performance for your players.

      Q: What affects the Chemistry of a player ?
      A: His position, his relation with the team mates and with the manager and his loyalty to the club.

      Q: How to get the loyalty bonus ?
      A: Use a card that you got in a pack or play with the same player 10 matches.

      Q: How the chemistry is calculated ?
      A: Check it here.

      Q: Which one is more important: individual chemistry or team’s chemistry ?
      A: Individual chemistry.

      Q: What is the maximum chemistry possible ?
      A: 10 to individual chemistry and 100 to team chemistry.

      Q: Do I need a manager to reach the maximum chemistry possible ?
      A: No, but it helps. Manager doesn’t improve the team’s chemistry directly. He may give one point to individual chemistry. But in same cases it is possible to get individual chemistry 10 even without bonuses.

      Q: Is there a difference between gold, silver and bronze managers ?
      A: In terms of chemistry no.

      Q: Do Managers directly add any bonus to the Team Chemistry ?
      A: No. Managers increase the Individual Chemistry, which will in turn increase the Team Chemistry.

      Q: I can not get maximum chemistry. What’s the minimum you recommend for me ?
      A: If for some reason you can’t get the maximum chemistry, you should try at least having 8 points of individual chemistry and 90 for the team’s chemistry.

      Q: I already have a squad with a chemistry of 100. That’s all that matters, right ?
      A: No. The players’ attributes in-game are modified by a component in which these 100 weigh 25% and the individual chemistry weighs 75%. Because of that, more than guaranteeing the 100 points for the team’s chemistry, it’s important to get the best individual chemistry (10) for the maximum number of players possible.

      Q: Can a player’s individual chemistry be superior to 10 ?
      A: In theory, yes. Mathematically the individual chemistry varies between 0 and 12. It gives new ways to gamers reach the maximum chemistry. In practice, a chemistry value higher than 10 has the same effect as a chemistry value of 10.

      Q: Which one is better: a player with an high individual chemistry on a low chemistry team or a player with low individual chemistry on a high chemistry team ?A: To that player, the best is the first option. However, if the team has low chemistry it may suggest that the other players have low chemistry too and that is not good. If you want to know which is the chemistry in-game for each player, use this equation: Chemistry = (Individual Chemistry x 0.75) + (Team Chemistry x 0.025)).

      Q: Does a player that has bad connections with some team mates and good connections with others play differently with them ?
      A: No. The red connections are merely graphic indications. The way each player plays depends exclusively on his individual chemistry and the team’s chemistry. He’ll play the same way with everyone.

      Q: What is a Chemistry Style ?
      A: The chemistry styles allow players to choose which stats will be affected by chemistry.

      Q: What the white and green arrows mean ?
      A: A white arrow indicates a possible boost that isn’t being received. A green arrow indicates that the stat will be boosted. The more green arrows per stat, the bigger will be the boost.

      Q: What happens if I don’t get the maximum chemistry ?
      A: With higher chemistry the boosts will be higher. If you have low chemistries, your stats will get lower bonuses. Check our table here.


89 thoughts on “Chemistry Guide for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team”

  1. Hello! I have a question. Wonder if you can help. In FIFA 15 i played Robben striker with a rf card he got 7 in chemistry. It worked good. I wonder if you know if the player chemistry is the same or different in fut 16 compared to fut 15? For an example is Robben 7 in chemistry on fut 15 the same as his 7 in chemistry in fut 16? Very grateful for answer.

  2. Let me start with saying thank you for all the information and i think its awesome that you reply to every question for almost a year now.

    now my question :

    me and my friends made our own teams with offline teams so we can use the best players in 3 different teams.
    now was i wondering if i have to take chemistry in to account when composing this teams like you have to do with FUT.

    waiting for your reply,


    1. Hi.
      Thank you.
      We are answering for more than 4 years.
      No, there is no chemistry outside FUT. However, pay attention because players out of position will play worse.

  3. Hi Rodrigo,
    After i bought Icardi (84-TOTS) I found that his chemistry level is 7 can be 8 maximum in my formation after gaining the loyalty bonus. If i play with a player with chemistry level of 8, his attributes will be strongly affected or can be good ?

  4. Sorry for asking you so many off topic questions.

    Do you know if the prices of FUT players be same on each console (xbox one and ps4) or different on each console.
    I have ps4 and by looking at prices on ps being way higher than xbox I’m thinking of returning it and getting xbox instead because it would be impossible to create many teams from different leagues or even getting IFs or other special cards.

    1. Hi.
      As you know prices in FIFA 15 are much higher on Playstation because there is a glitch in this console. However, we think that in FIFA 16 prices will be the same no matter the platform you are playing.

      1. Can you like 100% confirm it? If it is than that’s one good thing about EA not being cheap on making consumers move to another console.

        (Btw you guys are my most reliable FIFA source! I only visit this site for new news and stuff)

  5. Hi Rodigo,
    I have Neuer in an all BBVA squad. He has dead links with the players and managers. He has 4 individual chem. So will his diving, reflexes, handling, kicking, speed, and positioning be affected or is it only chemistry style card (glove etc) that will only be affected? Or both?

      1. I have another question (not related to this article):

        My current BBVA squad is:
        Spanish BBVA manager

        GK: De Gea RB: Alves RCB: Pique LCB: Ramos LB: Alba
        CM: Cerci CDM: Modric CM: Rodriguez
        LW: Neymar ST: Benzema RW: Bale

        Should I get TOTS De Gea or normal rare gold Suarez for CF (so that he can play at CAM also without losing chemistry)?

        Also is Pique 85 IF better than Otamendi 85 IF?

        I can’t decide who to buy please help!

        1. Okay I’ll go with your opinion.

          (Btw, I tried TOTS De Gea and he didn’t even feel any different. He conceded goals even that were easy to save)

          Which GK would you buy for a BBVA team or a Spain CBs team? (Normal, IF or other cards without caring about coins)

  6. Hi Rodrigo,
    I play with 4-2-2-2 formation. My team chemistry is 100, and each of my players has a minimum individual chemistry of 9, and they are considered good dribblers (Doumbia and Tevez as ST, Mertens and Hamsik as CAM). However I feel that they attributes, specially dribbling, are poor on many matches (bad mobility/agility) although I never start a match with fitness below 80. what could be the reason ?

  7. Hi Rodrigo, this site is very helpful but i am not so sure how to interpret the attribution boost

    Sprint Speed 0,55
    Acceleration 0,45

    does it mean the boost can be from 0 to 55? and how come reaction is not boosted in all styles?


    1. It means that pace = 0,55 sprint speed + 0,45 acceleration
      In other words, 55% of sprint speed and 45% of acceleration.
      Example: player A has sprint speed 90 and acceleration 60. That means that is pace should be 90×0,55+60*0,45= 77

  8. Rodrigo, I am not sure if this is the right place, but if I built teams using players with the highest in-game total stats ; then I would have the best chance of winning against the cpu – do you agree?
    After all it is a computer game
    thx in adv

    1. Not exactly. You are thinking well but in my opinion you are forgetting that you are playing against a machine but you are human. what I am trying to say is that you have personal play styles and preferences and for that reason you should choose your players according to it.

  9. My point was, why not buy cheap Basic chemistry players and then upgrade their chemistry style to whatever we need without having to pay upfront a lot for higher chemistry types. Thanks.

    1. Hi.
      I think you are missing something.
      When you apply a chemistry style, the player keeps with that style until you apply a new one. If you want to apply, for example, a hawk style, you pay exactly the same amount of coins no matter which style he previously had.

  10. So does it make sense to actually buy Basic chemistry player cards and upgrade them to higher chemistry styles. Assuming that Basic chemistry player cards are cheaper.

    1. Hi.
      You don’t need to buy basic to apply another chemistry style. You only need to buy basic if you want +1 for each attribute.

  11. So is it safe to say that with a Chemistry cards, we can change the Chemistry of say Piszczek from ‘Basic’ to ‘Powerhouse’ and it will remain permanent till another card is applied. Thanks in advance

  12. Ok. Cause Silva in a card at cam is existing and he in a card at lf. The problem is Silva cam is a lot more expendive. Silva cam is 89, Silva lf is 90. So is Silva,90, gonna get 7 in chemistry and Silva cam 89 get 10. Which Silva do u think gonna be best in stats? And smoothest to play with? Do u think there is a big difference cause the chemistry?

  13. Thanks for answer, so if i get it right. Silva doesnt keep his stats that he has in game stats they get lower cause the chemistry is bad?

  14. Hi. I wonder if a player who plays at a wrong position example a LF card as forward (7 in chemistry), get lost and wrong in the position? Or is it just the stats that doesn’t get a boost?

  15. Hello. I have Silva in 90 if in a lf card but on a cf position. I thinks his stats are awesome and it works pretty good. But the chemistry is 7. My team has 100, all the other player has 10.

    1. Does Silvas stats and attributes get bad or does he keep his stats?

    2. How much does the chemistry influence him as a player? Will he get slower, dummer or just not get a boost?

    3. Is he stil better than a player with lower stats but 10 in chemistry?

    1. Hi.
      1. His stats are lower but you can play with him.
      2. It affects the stats that were supposed to be boosted with his chemistry style (check the biggest table of this page)
      3. Depends. No one knows exactly the answer to this question.

  16. Hi there,
    I was wondering, how does chemistry affect a keeper? my keeper has chemistry of 5 but i don’t know if this would have a negative impact on his performance or not? and if so, what kind of affect? thanks so much 🙂

      1. thanks for your reply. My english is not great, could you expand please? thankyou 🙂

        1. i think i’m trying to say, does low chemistry matter for goalkeeper? because for other players, i find low chemistry affects positioning for passes, etc……rather than direct skills like shooting? so would low keeper chemistry mean they perform worse? example – they would not be as fast in diving? thankyou 🙂

        2. What low chemistry does is to affect the chemistry style bonuses. Look to the ‘how to get green arrows’ table.
          You can see exactly which GK stats are affected checking the longest table in ‘chemistry 5’.

  17. Great Site. I just have a question. being a fan of Italian Serie A all my life (Inter fan) and hating juve. I like hybrid squads more than one league/country squad. It s much better this way and interesting as well. Moreover, adding players like De Rossi to the likes of Iniesta and Fabregas is enticing. Above all, the partnership between Kompany and Hummels is the best defensive partnership for me.

    Having said that — I have three questions:

    1- If I played Kompany alongside Hummels with both Rb’s (Clichy and Pieczek) to preserve chemistry for 20+ matches—will that help break the dead link between them?

    2-Correct me if I am wrong but the player card value sometimes is over-under rated right? some players like Salah 76 or Richards 77 play like they are mid 80’s

    3- What is the best formation from your standpoint? how does real life performance reflects on the players on your squad? or the cards are never changed, and you have to buy same player but IF (expensive)

    Much Appreciated!

    1. Hi. Thank you very much.
      1) No, it won’t.
      2) Yes, it is possible. It depends of many factors but besides that, the overall that is printed in the card is not exactly the same one the player has in-game.
      3) There is no better formation. It depends of your play style and preferences. Real life only reflects in the cards price. The old cards doesn’t change, you need to buy the new IF cards.

  18. Hi there,
    I was thinking of playing Reus at Left CAM in a 4-2-3-1. If he had a loyalty and manager boost, his chemistry would be around 4. Do you thinking that would have a huge impact? or do you think it would be better to go with a slightly lower ranked player but who has chemistry of 9 or 10?

    1. No one knows the exact answer to that question.
      Individual chemistry 4 is really low. It may be better to use a slightly lower ranked player but who has chemistry of 9 or 10.

  19. I would like to use IF Alaba (CB) in the NIF Alaba (LB) position but it makes his individual chemistry 6 instead of 10. I am struggling to understand if the IF stats are good enough to compensate for the individual chemistry drop?

    1. I bought him to specifically play in that position because my CB’s are IF Benatia and SIF Hummels plus I have other better Bundesliga CB’s to choose from like MOTM Boateng, SIF Naldo.. After playing him with basic chem in 20+ games, I can honestly say I didn’t notice any major negative effect… Occasionally he may wander out of position but that’s minimal and he’s quick enough to react when called upon… (Tbh I think a penalty of -5 chem is severe considering, essentially, there’s not much difference between a full-back and a centre-back… If you were trying to play him on the right wing, fair enough.) I have just added a shadow card to him a few days ago and he’s been even more phenomenal tbh… I would advise you to make sure you have both manager & loyalty bonuses because when you have both you’re chem will increase to 7 which seems a lot more of a +1 increase in terms of gameplay than the 6 you’re on atm 🙂

  20. Hi, if a player is on 4chem, it means he gets no boosts. But if it is like this all those players on less chem play like their normal stats. That means chem isnt that important is it?

    1. I understand your point but in fact, the ‘normal’ is not the normal. 🙂
      People are used to play with chemistry 9 or 10. That is the normal. If you play with chemistry 4 your players will not be as good as the other ones.

  21. Kobus Grobbelaar

    Hi… Can you stack chemistry style cards? I mean does it or will it make any difference if I for example add 2 hunter cards to the same player?

  22. you mentioned about subs brought on not effecting the team chemistry but it hadn’t been confirmed by EA… is that still the case?

    as i am looking at hybrids and this could really help as i can build a 1st 11 with good chemistry but cant always find the subs to keep it.

  23. Although it hasn’t brought me any new information, this is a really amazing and complete guide, so congrats.

    I just disagree a bit on the priority of the goalkeeper attributes. In my opinion, the order of priority should be:

    1 – Diving and Reflexes.
    2 – Positioning.
    3 – Speed.
    4 – Handling.
    5 – Kicking.

    I would go with that order, because I believe that “Handling” refers exclusively on goalkeeper accuracy to throw the ball with their hands. Not directly affecting in any way the defenses efficiency.

    The “Speed” attribute on the other hand, it can be very important during the Goalkeeper’s rush.

    So unless my concept of “Handling” is wrong, and I truly believe it is not, in my opinion the best boost card to use in the goalkeeper would be the “Cat”, increasing reflex, positioning and speed.

    About the other positions, it would be really difficult to reach a consensus, but usually I like to use “Hunter” or “Hawk” for any offensive player, “Shadow” for CDM, and “Anchor” for defenders. ;P

      1. I completely agree with that, but I was just stating my thoughts. Besides, a few moments after that posting, it came to my knowledge that my concept about how the “handling” could affects the game, was embarrassingly wrong. You see? It may seem silly, but I didn’t know that this attribute reduces the chances of the GoalKeeper’s rebounds occur, and for that reason, I didn’t consider as something important before.

        This guide may not have brought me so many news about Chemistry, but I ended up learning something vastly more basic instead.

        Não sei se o português é permitido por aqui, mas certamente eu teria me expressado melhor em minha língua nativa.

        Saudações do Brasil.

        1. Olá Marcos. Eu percebi perfeitamente e concordo consigo.
          Talvez seja melhor comentar em onde poderá expressar-se na sua (nossa) língua.

  24. Does anybody else think that fut would be a lot better if chemistry was removed …. The whole concept of building an “ultimate team” should free you up to get whatever players in your team , regardless of their nationality , league , position.
    I personally think there should be no gold , silver & bronze cards & no stats on how fast etc each player is …. It should be up to each gamer to build a team on their knowledge of world football rather than just going for the fastest players

  25. Marco Vergara

    New to ultimate team, play fifa every year “Seasons” and win the division 1 title. I’m not sure if I believe all this Chemistry .. my Chemistry is 68, have a 30-2-1 record. Don’t think I need chemistry I’m the one controlling the players so ? BS if u ask me. Cheers

  26. I have 100 team chemistry but my LM have only 3 chemistry and striker got 8 this a mistake .it will affect player running and agility while in game

    I have 100 team chemistry but my LM have only 3 chemistry and striker got 8 this a mistake .it will affect player running and agility while in game

    1. This is not a mistake: 10×9+8+3=101 > 100
      It will affect the performance of that two players. That’s why we always say that the important is to get the higher individual chemistry possible.

  27. Hello Mr.Rodrigo Lopes (Admin)
    If the chemistry styles allow me to choose which stats will be affected the players’s in-game performance by chemistry. Then when i apply Power house style to Robben and put him in ST, no matter how low Robben’s individual and team chemistry is, it will not hinder his ability to shot,pac,dri,phy. Is this true?

    1. If you use a RM as ST, his better individual chemistry will be 2. 4 with the bonuses. In that case chemistry styles will have no effect in the player.

  28. So, this is an odd one. I have a bundesliga team, and that second forward position is bothering me way too much, but Muller would fit it perfectly, but of course, max chemistry you can get with him as an “ST”(is what I have for my ideal formation) is 7. I want him at 10 like anyone would.
    Could I switch him to striker in the beginning of the game and have him retain his 10 chemistry he has as a RM? Or would it be adjusted.
    Thought process is it would work because chem bonuses are applied at the beginning of the game from what I gathered from this article.

  29. This really helped me alot but how can I get a player with absolutely nothing in common to get along with other players with nothing in common.

  30. Hey Rodrigo,
    I have the Formation 4-1-2-1-2

    Which Chemiestyle are the best for my Players ?

    This is my team with my chemistry styles:

    TW: Courtois (glove)
    RB: Walker (shadow)
    CB R: Kompany (Anchor)
    CB L: Koscielny (Anchor)
    LB: Luis (Shadow)
    CDM: Toure (Powerhouse)
    LM: Hazard (Engine)
    RM: Willian (Engine)
    CAM: Di Maria (Maestro)
    ST R: Aguero (Hawk)
    ST L: Diego Costa (Hawk)

  31. Hi there. Could atribute “physic” make influence on how diffult it is for other players to interupt my dribbling? For example i allways lost the ball with neymar becouse he is easy to push out. I though about giving him style “Finisher”. What do you think?

  32. Sure.
    The main Managers increase the Individual Chemistry by 1 point for every player that has a matching nation or a matching league.
    However, the Individual Chemistry boost of players with the same league and nation is 1. The bonus can not be higher than 1, so matching an individual player’s league and nation is not important.

  33. Thx, but just to clarify – does it matter which Manager you use ? e.g. a spanish one for a spanish team ?

  34. Rodrigo, I hope you remember me – I bothered you late in Fifa 14, how are you?
    Just a quick question : if I have 98 Chem – does it really matter to buy the right Manager to add the 2 chem ?, thx in adv Mark.

    1. Hi. Fine, thank you.
      If you have chemistry 98 that’s because your individual chemistry is not OK. Focus on individual chemistry!

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