FIFA 17 Help – How to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support

FIFA 17 Help - How to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Team


Do you need help with your FIFA 17 experience? Are you looking for a way to contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support? Here it is.

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When to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support


When you purchase a game, you are entitled to an after-sales service. In the case of FIFA 17, this is done through the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support.


Game Advisors

They are the bridge of help and adviced between you and Electronic Arts. Their job is to answer all your questions about the game and explain to you what you should do to solve your problems. To specific technical issues, they have the support of the game specialists.

Find out in what situations you should ask for help from a game advisor from the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support:

  • If you purchased FIFA Points but you didn’t received them;
  • If you got any item stuck on your FIFA 17 Ultimate Team trade pile or watch list;
  • If your FIFA 17 players have disappeared;
  • If you have problems loading the game or accessing to your account;
  • If you have any other billing issue, question, problem, complaint or suggestion about the game.


More Support

Game advisors are not the only way to get support for FIFA 17. You should use the other available channels when your account and your game experiencing are not being strongly affected.



Where Should You Go to Ask for Help


To contact a game advisor you should follow the steps of the next chapter. However, there are other ways to contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 support team and to find relevant information to help you in the understanding of the game. Here they are the main ones:

  • FIFA U Team Website
    If you want to know more about FIFA 17, you need to read our comprehensive guides. They are the best ones!

  • Manual
    If you bought the game, you can check the ‘Need Help?’ chapter of your manual and see the FIFA 17 support channels they have available to you.

  • DVD Cover
    Depending of your region, you may also find a support phone number in the back cover of your FIFA 17 DVD. This support channel is specific for the region where you bought the game.

  • Help EA Website
    This is a website where you can find frequently asked questions about the game.

  • Answers HQ Website
    This is a community initiative to have players share their gaming expertise with other players and that can also be useful to you.

  • Twitter Support
    Need a quick tip? Reach out on Twitter of EA Support.

  • Facebook Support
    Post on Facebook where the on line game experts are available and ready to help you.

  • Chat
    Real time chat with a Game Advisor. It may not work properly if you are not logged on into your Origin account.

  • Phone
    You can contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support team directly by phone. Just call them during operating hours. Here are the most popular FIFA 17 Support Hotlines:
    ?? Australia
    ☎️ +61 3 8820 5177 | Monday-Friday from 9am to 6pm AEST
    ?? Austria
    ☎️ +0720 883349 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? Brazil
    ☎️ +0720 883349 55+(11) 3958-5683 |
    ?? Belgium
    ☎️ +02 808 45 90 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? Czech Republic
    ☎️ +420 228 880 676 | Monday-Friday from 9h to 18h CET
    ?? France
    ☎️ +04 81 68 08 08 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? Germany
    ☎️ +0221 37050193 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? Italy
    ☎️ +02 89877571 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? Japan
    ☎️ +0570 081800 | Everyday from 11am to 7pm
    ?? Netherlands
    ☎️ +020-8083219 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ?? New Zealand
    ☎️ +64 9951 8377 | Everyday from 9am to 9pm AEST
    ?? Poland
    ☎️ +48 223 970 840 | Monday-Friday from 9h to 21h CET
    ☎️ +308 800 880 | Monday-Friday from 9h to 18h CET
    ☎️ + 7 (495) 642 73 97 | Monday-Friday from 11h to 23h GMT+3
    ☎️ +421 233 418 468 | Monday-Friday from 9h to 18h CET
    ☎️ +911 230 490 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ☎️ +0225 181005 | Everyday from 10h to 23h CET
    ☎️ +0870 2432435 | Everyday from 9h to 22h GMT
    ☎️ +44 203014 1818 | Monday-Saturday from 9am to 9pm GMT


    How to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support


    To contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Team and talk with a game advisor that will assist you, just need to follow these three simple steps:

    EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Contact

    • Step 2
    • Select the topic of your issue and give a brief description of it. Click ‘next’.

    EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Contact

    • Step 3
    • Choose on of the contact options available. They may vary depending on your region.

      If you select Call Me, you will need to enter in your name, phone number and email address so a Game Advisor can contact you.

      If you select Live Chat, you will connect directly to a Game Advisor.

      If you select E-mail Me, you will be redirected to an incident page in which you will need to fill the subject, the description, the category of the problem and your name.

    EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Contact


      (1) If you are not from UK, please select your country / language from the top left corner of step 1 screen.
      (2) Calls may be charged according to your country rates.
      (3) In order to go to step 3, you need to be logged in into your Origin account. In the previous steps, you can check the top right corner to see if you are logged in.

    EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Contact


    How well does the FIFA 17 Support Work


    First of all, we want to help you to choose the best contact option for your case. In our opinion, you should avoid using e-mail because they take much more time to give you an answer. Many times you don’t even get one. Calling the FIFA 17 support by phone is a better option but the waiting time is large, it may be expensive and you don’t get a proof. That’s why we strongly recommend to choose ‘Chat’ if it is available in your region. It’s free, usually fast and you can read the transcription any time in your Origin account.

    To explain how well does the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support work, we need to analyse their effectiveness and the waiting time. Both depend on the type of help you need.

    They are supposed to fix your issues in no more than 15 days but they take much more time in many cases. For easy issues, like unblocking a club you erased five times, they are really useful and they can do it on time. However, for more complex issues, like restoring a corrupted club, they take many months and most of the times they don’t fix it. It is really painful to contact their support about this kind of issues because it involves a lot of people from different departments and they just ask us to wait until somebody fix it, which almost never happens. Avoid these situations, ask for a solution during your contact and, if possible, ask them to contact the specialist while you are connected to them. Don’t blindly trust in the game details provided by this service. Dozen of players reported us wrong information shared by them.

    If you are contacting the FIFA 17 support by phone, don’t forget to take note of the number case because you should use it the next time you contact them about that issue. You can consult your closed and opened cases in your Origin account. Just go to, check if you are logged in, select ‘Manage Your Account’ and then ‘My Cases’.

    Just a final suggestion: according to EA Support, when you reply to a case in progress from your Origin area, it sends you back to the last position in the waiting list. That’s why we recommend to contact them directly when you are trying to know the progress of your case.

    EA Sports FIFA 17 Support Contact

    Just one more thing: good luck! You will need it.


45 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Help – How to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support”

  1. Spartak Dolaev

    Hello !
    My name is Spartak. I’m from Russia from Chechen Republic. I worked at the local TV channel in Grozny were producing shows since I finished IT and Graphic design.. + having experience about more than 10 years. If you would give me a chance to work at your team , that would be one of the wishes you made it true for me . I’m waiting for your message or call to this number : +79659669360 or +79656666690 .
    With all respect and regards
    Spartak Dolaev
    Thank you

  2. Gamer tag- NJC-1995!!
    Your game isn’t absolute bullshit every game I play seems to be so frustrating I end up with 12 shots to 10 shots on target and somehow loose to someone’s 3-1 who had 5shots to a total 3 on target, please explain how it is fair? Literally writing this message after my 5th loss I’ve got pics of the last 4 games which I’ve had an advantage

  3. Message Body:
    HI Im a ps4 player and fifa15
    I just have a problem in penalties as you know its a line in the button that you set the power.
    I just have that line in premier league and I dont have it in the other leagues it really gets to me.
    please help me.

  4. Why is the game shit has problems selecting players you want to go put you further away from the ball. moves players out of position makes playing the difficult because you don’t have control players turn like a bus and don’t react to your command. Game not enjoyable any more need to fix this.

  5. I’ve been banned from the transfer market for some reason, I never bought any coins or cheated I’ve been buying FIFA points and selling the players I get from packs and you ban me!

  6. I have some complaints about PS3 FIFA 17
    first, There are so much things that should have been changed from FIFA 16, and before i bought FIFA 17 i was hoping so much that they are
    but i was shocked that the same “stupid” things are still there ! i’m sorry about the word, but i’m furious right now
    why i waste my money on a game that is pretty much the same !
    PS3 FIFA 16 and 17 .. very stupid goalkeeping ! to an extent that some players only shoot from very long distances because they know it’s definitly a goal ! i can’t describe how much stupid it is
    and this make it a very silly game !
    another point, some players after scoring a goal and being ahead with the score, take tha ball to the corners and protect it in a way it’s nearly impossible to take it from them !
    and why I can’t change every player’s tactic in online mode !!!! while i can do that on PS4 !
    all these points that i have mentioned are simple things that doesn’t require a PS4 to do them !
    this is first ..
    Second, it’s about invisible players and balls, and these errors !!!!
    the last game, in the middle of the match, i pressed start to change players only to find that I can’t, but my opponent can !
    I couldn’t do any change !
    and it’s not the first time to happen
    and the game before it, My opponent players were invisible, and he refused to leave the game
    i have had enough with FIFA
    it’s like they are saying, if you want a decent game, go and buy a PS4, or keep wasting your money on stupid silly PS3 FIFAs
    again, I’m so sorry about the words, but it’s really annoying
    I know my complaint won’t be noticed, and i know FIFA 18 will have the same crap the previous FIFAs have
    anyway, just needed to say something about it

  7. Hello guys
    I have a problem in fifa 17 mobile
    My brother signed in to his account using my phone to play fifa mobile . But couldn’t join coz my account opens . Then when he try to sign from his phone also my accounts open . So he cann’t join his account coz every time mine is open
    Please tell me how can we fix

  8. Fuck this shit game! Please make FIFA Great again! The gameplay is riddicouls bad, with bugs everywhere. When I play online, I meet people with so bad internett conection, why do you let me play against such lagging shit? Fix this game, I am sure that I am not the only one with these problems.

  9. How to Contact the EA Sports FIFA 17 Support

    1. Step 1
    Click in, select your platform and then ‘next’.

    2.Step 2
    Select the topic of your issue and give a brief description of it. Click ‘next’.

    3. Step 3
    Choose on of the contact options available. They may vary depending on your region.

    If you select Call Me, you will need to enter in your name, phone number and email address so a Game Advisor can contact you.

    If you select Live Chat, you will connect directly to a Game Advisor.

    If you select E-mail Me, you will be redirected to an incident page in which you will need to fill the subject, the description,
    the category of the problem and your name.

  10. They took me 5 times in game two was winning and in fut champions and are very bad the servers please fix them

  11. Why do my defenders suddenly stop running when I’m tracking back? I continue to control the defender towards the opposition to try and tackle, but my player stops running completely and allows the other team in on goal (scoring mostly).. really frustrating

  12. i got my draft rewards from winning the final packed a walk out and no one is there in my club everyone who i packed is gone how do i get my players back or my pack back

  13. The issue with Onlne Draft FUT is disgusting, 30,000 coins I used tonight and that is probably nothing compared to some games, the phone number takes double the estimated time and even at that point you don’t get through to anyone, suggestions?

  14. I have played Online Draft twice and both times I have been beating an opponent and they have quit, this then kicks me out of Ultimate team and says I quit or disconnected, I paid 30,000 coins and I want to discuss this with someone, the contact number on the page said 15 minute wait but was holding for 35 minutes, I want my coins back and the responses to everyone’s messages are not good enough as the problem is not getting resolved

  15. Olof Pettersson

    Hey! I have played two matches now and both times they have left the game and then says that I have left the WO. please contact me as soon as you can.

  16. My transfer market is messed, when I bid on a player it won’t bid and it kicks me out from the servers

  17. I tried thousand times to contact EA by chatting, keeps telling me 5 minutes; however, It keeps holding me with no chance to contact, so what shall I do ? Also, I sent my question through twitter without getting a reply !

  18. Wihann Viljoen

    Eversince your “update”( not that the “update” ever improves the game), if I beat someone in FUT and they quit during the game, I lose the match points and coins! Why should I lose the points and coins if the other guy quits the game simply because I am better?

    FIX YOUR GAME!!! Or else you will lose a faithfull Fifa supporter!!!

  19. Yes hello im having yet more trouble with my fifa 17 getting kicked out of fut finals even when im winning 6.1 and getting DNF . I have contacted the game advisors over 30 times and now its not giving me the option to speak to them but instead give me a number to call to spend yet more money ?? I want to make an official complaint amd have talked to the citizens advice over this so could you please send me a link for the address i will need to send a recorded delivery with a formal letter of complaint .. its just basically theft on behalf of EA and im sick of it !!! Ive played fifa since it came out on the mega drive and yhis is how customers get treated

    1. It sure is a disgrace mate will never play the game a again dont know how they get away with it all they are doing is taking money off people and there are gettin away with it daylight robbery every one should boycott fifa !!!!

  20. I was playing draft online i dont no want happend but when i made the 1-1 that guy press start and kicked me from the game.

    I want my 15.000 coins back that basterd was cheating it was just the 30 min of the game.

    Fifa has to fix this problems and give them all a bann.
    It’s really fucked up.

    And also i didnt received my fut rewards today i think it’s because they are trying to fix this cheat.
    Please contact me back fifa YOu got my mail thanks.

    1. FUT Champions Weekend League automatic qualification will go out before the start of the following Weekend League.
      You will have to contact them about your complain.

      1. Rodrigo, i have an issue some of my players got disappeared,
        i tried with but the only available option is chat,
        and the whole day im trying to connect but everytime i have to wait for awhile then ( no available advisor or session timed out),
        i need another contact method.

        1. Sorry, but I can’t help you.
          The right thing to do is to contact them. Use the other contacts we have published. Have you tried to tweet for @askeasupport ?

        2. I dont use twitter and i dont have an account

          At leasr you have an email i can write u through

        3. The phone number tells you a time and makes you wait an extra 20 minutes with still no answer, must be another way of contacting them as serval players are having issues with no resolution

  21. Gameplay is still slow, pole hits at least 2 to 3 times every game, every game 1 player gets injured or red carded for stupid foul but wen its the other team they make my player flip in the air n its not a foul. This game is a piece of sh** fix the game play

  22. why when i’m playing manager mode can’t i do all the manager stuff and then just watch the game com v com . it would be nice to still be able to control my teams tactics , subs n stuff like that while doing this . as far as i know there is no manager games out there that come anywhere close to the simulation/graphics of FIFA

  23. Hi i love fifa 17, but its one problem, the problem is that i want to buy the new fut kit (blue) in real life, but the only place ive seen it is at gamestop and those kits were too big for me…soo if you can find a place who sells it contact me, please

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