Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


No matter if it is your first TOTS or not, we have published this guide to help you to understand everything about the Team of the Season for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team.


    May 23rd, 2014
    Added the ROTW TOTS

    May 2nd, 2014
    Added the Football League TOTS

    April 21st, 2014
    Eleven teams official confirmed by EA Sports

    April 12th, 2014
    Dates and TOTS are not yet confirmed by EA Sports


Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


    Q: What TOTS means ?
    A: TOTS means “Team of the Season”.

    Q: What exactly is a TOTS ?
    A: Team of the Season joins the players who have played better on the whole season.

    Q: What is the difference between TOTW and TOTS ?
    A: Team of the Week is about the best players of the week. Team of the Season is about the best players of the season.

    Q: What is the difference between TOTY and TOTS ?
    A: TOTY is a team made by the players who played better during the calendar year, according to the FIFPro’s voting. The TOTS has nothing to do with the calendar year. It is about the players of each league who have played better during the season (usually between August/September and May) and they are not chosen by FIFPro members.

    Q: Which one is better: TOTY or TOTS cards ?
    A: To the same player, TOTY card has better stats than his TOTS version.

    Q: The TOTS cards are In Form cards ?
    A: Yes. TOTW, TOTY, TOTS and MOTM are all In Form cards.

    Q: How can I get one of these cards ?
    A: You can get a TOTS card in the same way you can get any other card: on packs or on the transfer market. If you want to try your luck on packs, you can go to the store and buy them with coins or FIFA Points. The chances of getting a TOTS card in a pack are low. However, during the TOTS weeks, the Ultimate Team store have special packs available. Find HERE how to choose the right pack for you.

    Q: It is possible to get a TOTS card when opening a free pack like the ones of the Manager Tasks?
    A: Yes, it is. It is possible to find one of these cards in any pack with rare players cards that you open during the TOTS season.

    Q: The TOTW will still ran as usual ?
    A: Yes. TOTW will still ran as usual. You can expect a new TOTW every Wednesday.

    Q: I have the regular card of a TOTS player. Why my card hasn’t changed ?
    A: Because the cards don’t change. You will need to buy the new card if you want the improved version of your player.

    Q: How TOTS cards looks like ?
    A: The TOTS cards are blue, like the TOTY cards, but on the background they have the colour of the category (gold, silver or bronze). The following picture shows to you how these cards look like:

Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


    Q: There is only one Team of the Season ?
    A: No. There is one Team of the Season for each one of the most popular leagues. There will be eleven squads.

    Q: The several TOTS are released all at once ?
    A: No. Usually, there is a new team every Wednesday and only one at a time. Two of the TOTS will be released in a Friday.

    Q: The MLS is not one of the leagues with a TOTS ?
    A: No. It is true that EA Sports releases a team of the best MLS players but they do not call it a TOTS. The cards are also blue and they are released more than one month after the last TOTS. This year, this special team will be released on August 6th, day of the MLS All-Star match against Bayern Munich in Portland.

    Q: What is a Community Team of the Season ?
    A: It is a squad made by players who played very well the whole season but never had the luck of getting an In Form card. There are three community TOTS, one for each player category (bronze, silver and gold). These teams are chosen by the FIFA community and the cards are released in packs all at once.

    Q: There is any rule to build the Community Team of the Season ?
    A: Yes. Roster needs at least 6 players from UK leagues, one from French Leagues, one from German leagues, one from Spanish leagues and one from Italian leagues. In the silver and bronze community TOTS, instead of one player from these leagues, roster needs to have a minimum of two players.

    Q: What is the ROTW Team of the Season ?
    A: It is a team made with the best players of the season from the whole world except Spain, UK, Germany, Italy and France.

    Q: What is the EASFC Team of the Season ?
    A: It is a squad chosen by the FIFA 14 Dev Team from the best players of the other TOTS. It is the last Team of the Season to be released.

    Q: How the TOTS are chosen ?
    A: It depends of which TOTS. Community TOTS are chosen by the FIFA community. EASFC is chosen by the Dev Team. The other teams are usually chosen based on popular publications, like Kicker to the Bundesliga TOTS, Gazetta Dello Sport to the Serie A TOTS, L’Equipe to the Ligue 1 TOTS and Marca to the BBVA TOTS.

    Q: All TOTS can be found in packs for a week ?
    A: Most of them yes. However, the English Lower Leagues, the ROTW and the EASFC have shorter times.

    Q: How can I know who are the players of Team of the Season of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team ?
    A: We will publish every Team of the Season on our website. You can also follow us to check our predictions.

    Q: How many cards each TOTS has ?
    A: Each Community TOTS, the EASFC and the ROTW TOTS have 23 players (11 on the main team, 7 substitutes and 5 reserves). Each one of the other TOTS has 18 players (11 on the main team and 7 substitutes).

    Q: How many defenders, midfielders and forwards each TOTS has ?
    A: Usually, the starting eleven has one goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards.

    Q: How much the rating and the attributes increases on a TOTS card ?
    A: There is no rule about it but usually the rating increases 3 to 6 points comparing to the regular card or, if exists, the last IF card. The attributes have a similar increase but it doesn’t mean that all attributes have to be improved.

    Q: Can a player change his category on a TOTS card ?
    A: Yes. But not in the Community TOTS.
    In the most consistent TOTS, any bronze player that get a TOTS card, will increase his rating to 64. Any silver player that get a TOTS card, will increase his rating to 74. If a player already has rating 64 or 74, it will not change on TOTS version. Only players that already have changed their categories on a previous IF card will get a different category from the one they have in their regular cards.

    Q: Can a player change his position on a TOTS card ?
    A: Yes, they can. It happens if they have played most of the season in a position which is different than the one it was printed in his card. It is more often on the Community TOTS.

    Q: How the new ratings and attributes are calculated ?
    A: It is EA Sports who decide and it depends of the player performance during the season. Let’s look to the Suarez example: his regular card is 86 but his TIF card is 91. His TOTS card is 94, because it is 3 points higher than the last IF card. And why 3 and not 4, 5 or 6 ? Because it is already a huge difference to his regular card.

    Q: There will be happy hours and special packs during the TOTS weeks ?
    A: Yes, it will.

    Q: Where can I find the TOTS players of FUT 13 ?
    A: HERE.

    Q: The TOTS cards are expensive ?
    A: Yes. A lot. Several cards cost more than 1 million coins.


Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

Suarez, Ronaldo and Ibrahimovic will get TOTS cards for sure


    Q: What happens to the market during the TOTS weeks ?
    A: No one can be sure. We may share with you our vast experience but remember that nothing is guaranteed.
    In a general way, the prices drop and the market almost crash. Gamers try to sell their cards and join enough coins to try their luck in packs.

    Q: When the prices will be lower ?
    A: This is one of the most asked questions about Team of the Season for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. Again, we will try to help you but things may be slightly different.

    Stage 1 – Before the TOTS Release
    Players’ prices go down a couple of weeks before the TOTS release. In anticipation for the Team of the Season, many gamers will sell their players. They know their cards will worth less in the coming weeks and they also need coins to invest in packs. The more closer you are from the release, the lower will be the prices. You may not notice a huge drop until the stage 2, but it is a good idea to sell your cards as soon as possible if you are planning to use the TOTS season to make coins. The consumables’ prices may keep the same in this stage, because the gamers will need them for their teams and will not sell them.

    Stage 2 – TOTS Release Day
    As soon as the first three TOTS are released, you will clearly see that the prices are much lower. Many gamers sold everything they had and they will now spending in packs most of the coins they got. It is the most basic rule of the market: when the supply exceeds the demand, prices fall and when the demand exceeds the supply, prices rise. In this case, there will be lots of players, consumables and club items on the market and their prices will be really low because gamers will be opening packs until the last TOTS.

    Stage 3 – TOTS Weeks
    Many gamers have saved their coins to buy packs during the best TOTS. The prices will be very low until the end of this stage, because gamers are still buying packs.

    Stage 4 – After the TOTS
    As you may imagine, many gamers will want their teams back and, according to the market rules, the prices will go up again. However, don’t expect to go back to the same prices we had before the TOTS. Most of them should be slightly lower.

    Q: Should I sell my team to make coins during the TOTS ?
    A: In a business perspective, you should do it. As soon as possible. Remember that this is only a game and you should focus on getting fun. If you sell your team, you may not be able to play during the TOTS weeks.

    Q: How to make coins during the TOTS ?
    A: This is the most asked question about the TOTS. You are probably thinking to sell your team before the TOTS and buy it back after the TOTS. It is what everyone will suggest you but it is not the right way to make coins during the TOTS. Instead of getting 20% or 30% profit by your players, you may double your account. Just buy when prices are lower and sell when prices are higher. In order to do that, it is really really important to follow the following tips:

    Prices will be lower during the most wanted TOTS, like BBVA, BPL and even EASFC Team of the Season.

    Prices will be lower on the first days of each TOTS and higher on the last days of each TOTS. Monday and Tuesday, for example, are good days to sell. You can buy and sell several times during the same week which means much more profit.

    Prices will be much lower during the best Happy Hours, specially the ones with 100k packs. It is the best time to buy all the cards you can afford. As soon the HH ends, you can sell them all by a good profit margin.

    Q: Which players should I buy and sell ?
    A: Any player should be fine because all the prices should go down during the TOTS. However there are better players to invest.
    The prices of the most expensive players, like Ronaldo and Messi, don’t have a huge drop as it happens with the other cards. We don’t recommend to invest in these players.
    We suggest to invest in players of popular leagues, with a good card weight, up to 5k coins. Why ? Because, not to mention the EA tax, it is much more easier to get 100% profit with these players than with more expensive players. Let’s look at this example: imagine that you could buy Eto’o by 20k and sell him by 30k; if this was true, it was because you probably could buy
    Evra by 800 coins and sell him by 1600 coins. If you are thinking to invest all your coins, you should do it in the players that give you the larger % profit.

    Q: How do I know if the prices will be even lower or even higher ?
    A: You don’t have a way to know with 100% sure. If you are buying during a Happy Hour of a popular TOTS, you should take that risk and assume that the prices are good to buy as they are. In the same way, if you are tracking the prices of a couple of players, you should have an idea if the price is a good price to sell or not. Remember that is is better to buy and sell thousand of cards with a lower profit than just a couple of cards with a good profit.

    Q: Is the TOTS a good time to build my team ?
    A: Sure. It is an amazing time. If possible, try to do it during the best Happy Hours and most popular TOTS.

    Q: I have a player that I believe will feature in the TOTS. What should I do ?
    A: If it is the regular card, you should sell it as you would do with any other card. The regular cards’ prices of TOTS players are not affected by the new card.
    If it is an In Form card, you should sell it as soon as possible. These IFs will most likely drop in price due to their supply temporarily rising, as gamers anticipate their TOTS in-form release, and put what will be the ‘inferior’ in-form card on the Transfer Market.

    Q: What happens with the prices of the other IF cards ?
    A: Usually they drop.

    Q: I have another question about TOTS.
    A: First check if that question was not already answered in this guide. If it wasn’t, feel free to ask us in the comments.


321 thoughts on “Team of the Season Guide for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team”

  1. I spent nearly 2 million in 3 hours now , but i just gold players , No blue No green No black , my question is these cards have A 1 day of A week ?


    1. Special coloured cards like TOTW (black), MOTM (orange) IMOTM (green) or TOTS (blue) are only in packs for a certain period of time. EA will annouce those periods in twitter, facebook or at the shop section of the fut. Outside of these special periods, you are just able to draw regular rare and non-rare cards.

      1. Oh my God , i should have know it so , when is the next time possible days , do U have any idea?

        1. We don’t think there will be more MOTM cards in FUT 14 (TOTS, TOTY and iMOTM won’t for sure).
          The best you can get is black cards (TOTW) that are always in packs (from Wednesday to Wednesday).

  2. hello, plz can someone explain difference betwen cards? i have reus tots card 90lm total stats 489, but i want to buy c ronaldo gold with total stats 487, so i dont understand reus better in ut?? 🙂 reus shot power 98 but in game c ronaldo shot looks more powerfull but shot power only 94, and other things visual not in total stats looks better too. how to understand ?: )

    1. Hi.
      You can not compare to players by their total stats. Ronaldo is better because he has better stats in what he has to be good. Doesn’t matter to have defense 99 in a LW, right ?
      Another thing: don’t look to IF stats in databases. They are wrong. You need to do it in game.

  3. Will Ronaldo every go back up to 1.8 mil on ps4 his currently in between 1.4 mil and 1.5 mil

    1. FIFA 15 is coming and prices will go down soon. However, I believe that Ronaldo may reach that price again or something like that.

  4. So… The TOTS is over?What shall I do now?How long should I have to wait,until I can sell all my very gooooooood players and veeeeeeeryyyy muuuuch money?Some say,until the end of the WC… Is this ok?

      1. Well,of course for more than I bought them… I bought Aguero for 100k and his price before the TOTS was 150k… So best would be about 20% more per player. Examples:Xavi: Bought for + 18.000 would be 108.000… Or Dani Alves:Bought for and so on… I will probably wait 2-3 weeks and then try to sell them.

  5. Matty cashmore

    Approximately when will the prices of players rise again. Because my team, about 2 weeks before tots was worth 600k now it’s worth 270k. When will it increase again and how much will my team be worth.

    1. Hi.
      The prices are already rising. Ibrahimovic, for example, is now 150 to 200k more expensive than 3 days ago. But don’t expect to go back to the same prices than before TOTS. In this guide, we have alerted about it. Probably you may get 400k for your team or something like that.

  6. Hi Rodrigo just wondering if player such as tots Ronaldo will rise in price he is 2 mil at the moment

  7. What’s happening to the market???
    It’s going down dramatically
    Players losing 100 200k in 1 day
    You think will the market rise again???
    I invested good money to buy cheap players and sell them after the tots but now they are even cheaper
    I would prefer spending in beer those money
    its just becoming to much fut we should quite and torn back to Pes were u don’t have to spend money and there is no handicap
    the handicap in my opinion is not something mental
    ive got 2 accounts one in D1 cheap players never invested 1 coin
    2 full of tots toty and if
    The trick is about your profit on your account and you’re club value
    If don’t want to lose don’t invest any money just play the players you have

    1. It was expected to see prices rising after TOTS but not with the FUT WC release. In the first days of FUT WC, many thousands of gamers have spent their coins with packs. Prices are very low now but we think they will go up in the coming days. You can expect a slight drop when world cup starts too.

  8. Fifa Ultimate Team World Cup….. Market destroyer!!! Prices are absurd right now.

  9. Rodrigo what’s going on y is everyone so cheap Ronaldo is 1.1 mil I bought him for 1.8 is he gonna rise pls help

    1. The first days of FUT WC are making the prices being even lower. I think they will go up in the coming days but they will have a slight decrease when the real world cup begins.

  10. Hi Rodrigo this guide has been really helpful to me since I’m new to fifa 14, yes, it’s been like 7 years I last bought a fifa game. I realized the FUT mode is more than building a team, and has so much stuffs that are difficult to understand, but yet the guide was really helpful, there’s one thing I don’t quite get it, on the attributes question, what does means and In Form card for a player, and what means that all TOTS cards are IF cards, I’m a bit confuse here, does it means it has a 99 fitness attribute? I’d be thankful to know the difference. Everything else was very understandable! Thanks a lot bro

  11. I have huge problems winning games since I use full, 2/3 or even half of my squads with IF and TOTS players. Should it not get easier winning games with better players?

    Does anybody experience the same problems with using any kind of Inform players?

    1. Many people will say to you that it is handicap but for us it is a mental problem. We have too high expectations about the IFs we buy.

  12. What playerz will the easfc consist of? hihhest rated? most expensive? will it be the best tots to spend money for points on?

    1. It is a selection made by the FIFA 14 Dev Team. They don’t need to be the highest rated or most expensive. It is a preference choice.
      Probably it will be the best TOTS to try your luck.

    1. Probably Monday before the end of the ROTW TOTS.
      Almost sure that there will be one Wednesday before the end of the BBVA TOTS.

  13. I got tots pepe and tots hulk in a pack, should i sell them now or wait after the end of the tots?

  14. Dear Rodrigo, i am about to sell my barclays team and buy a german one. Is the best time to buy the german one, while 100k packs are present? And also, will the prices of players rise after team of the season? Will it be more profitable to sell my team after tots? Thank you

    1. Hi.
      Now is time to buy. After the TOTS will be time to sell. The new FUT WC may change things and we still think the prices will raise after TOTS.

  15. Dear,

    I bought all ten packs which was available to get a bbva player but got nothing so the packs are finished. So is it possible that there will be more packs?

    1. Almost that. They don’t have to be the highest rated. It is a selection made by the FIFA Dev team. But the biggest names, as Ronaldo or Suarez should be there.

  16. Hi rodrigo do you think buying tots Rooney when la liga tots come out is a good decision or will he go lower

  17. I have pulled a few TOTS players this week, and i was wondering, do you recommend selling the players right away or waiting till TOTS is over. Will their prices rise after TOTS or will the stay the same or even go down?

  18. Hey Rodrigo I brought second inform Suarez for 520k before the TOTS came out and he has now gone down to 340k. I was wondering how much his price will increase, cheers 🙂

  19. Hi Rodrigo I was just wondering if Ronaldo and bale will increase in price during the la liga tots assuming that they get one

  20. Hi Rodrigo
    Will the totw players increase after the tots and if they increase, do they increase as much as tots players?

  21. Should I buy good IF and wait till the tots finishes and then sell them and will the good tots go up like ibrahimovic after the market crash

  22. Hi rodrigo just wonder if I should buy bale now for 550k and also will his price rise after tots and if so to roughly how much

  23. I am going to buy some TOTS players of BPL, like lallana ramsey and baines. Will their prices drop after the team of the season ? I mean in june. Or will they be higher. Please give me an advice!

  24. Hi Rodrigo I purchased a TOTS De Rossi during the most consistent TOTS, not anticipating him to be re-released in the Serie A TOTS, therefore his price has dropped because there is a lot of supply for this card. I am looking to sell him for the best price possible so should I wait until the Serie A is no longer the current TOTS meaning there will be less on the market or on the other hand should I sell him as soon as possible? Thanks, great article by the way!

    1. Hi.
      It is not easy to know. If I was you, I would try to sell him this weekend. Otherwise, it will be better to wait a few weeks after the TOTS.

  25. Hey Rodrigo I bought Ronaldo for 1.8 mil will his price rise to anywhere near that after tots??

  26. Hey Rodrigo! Great article! So I recently bought a Messi for 790k and i was thinking whether I should sell him or not. Do you think his price will go back up to 1 million coins or not? Im on PSN

    1. Hi. Thank you for your words.
      In my opinion, you should wait until the end of the TOTS. I believe that you will be able to sell him for 1 million or, at least, more than 900k.

  27. i just got tots tevez 92 rated and i dont know what to do with it since i got it the price has gone down for him with 200 k what should i do?

      1. i saw that are periods and the price fluctuates now its like 750000 i will try to sell it but another question if i dont sell it now should i wait like a month or untill all tots are finished? thank you for the answer

        1. Try to sell him as soon as possible. Monday his price will be much lower for sure. If you don’t do it now, you will do it for less coins. We don’t know if it will be better after a month or after the TOTS. It is not easy to know.

  28. G’day Rodrigo!

    Just a quick one but I’m just wondering I have just earned enough coins to buy my favourite player Cristiano Ronaldo. When would you suggest I but him?

    Thanks in advance.

  29. Hey Rodrigo,

    Do prices of card go right back up immediately after the TOTS ends in next few weeks?

    1. Also i want to buy Ronaldo and Messi regular cards during Liga BBVA TOTS because it will be very cheap then. Am i correct about that? And when i sell them back after TOTS, should i expect a profit?

      1. With the most expensive cards it doesn’t work as with the other cards.
        I think you doing right buying them during BBVA TOTS and selling them after the TOTS but it is not guaranteed.

  30. Hi rodrigo! big fan of your articles, thanks for all the effort and i have a question fr you. I just packed a TOTS Mandzukic (still buzzing:)) and jut wanted to know when is the best time to sell him? he currently goes for about 170+k thank you so much!

    1. The best time was as soon he was released in packs. If you think you can wait a couple of weeks, he probably will be more expensive. The prices of TOTS cards are not easy to predict so it may be different.

  31. Hi, great article! When would be the best time to buy a tots player, i’m thinking of getting tots thiago motta, he goes for around 50-60k right now, will his price drop and if so when should be the best time to buy him?

    Please answer soon 😀

    1. Hi.
      Usually the best time should be one week after the release, when the market is saturated of these cards.
      In the case of Motta it seems already a good time to buy him. Doesn’t means that his prices will not drop any more but he is much cheaper now.

  32. Thank you for your advices. I ve lost many in this crash > 2000k

    So the next crash will be august i guess when everybody will follow fifa 15 right ???????? Or maybe earlier
    Thank YOU

    1. This was the last big crash of FUT 14. When FUT 15 comes out some prices may have a huge drop but nothing compared with the TOTY and TOTS crashes.

  33. I got a normal Sokratis during the Bundesliga TOTS I asked if they could change him to TOTS but they just said no we cant its randomised. I got so pissed and told them id there is a higher rating of that player in the packs o should get that one.

  34. Bundes tots has been released. My SIF reus has dropped in price and right now I would be making a 100k loss (bought 500k, now going 400k). I really don’t want to make such a loss. When is the best time to sell him? Do you think his price will go up?

    1. yeah I had to sell him and make an over 100k loss 🙁
      You say the best time to buy high rated players and tots in general is during happy hours, I want to buy tots mandzukic, toprak and sokratis. When should I buy them? When do I know there is a happy hour?

  35. Archie Holland

    After the tots teams are all out will the whole team of the season cards be in packs

    1. As we publish in this guide, the last TOTS is the EASFC. It is a selection of the best TOTS cards. Whole team will not be in packs. Only the bets ones.

  36. All the tots players are constantly going down atm. When do you think that they will stop going down and remain how they are or even go up again? (especially bpl tots players, but also the other ones)
    Thanks a lot!

  37. i want buy TOTS alessio cerci on ps3 but i dont know when to buy him because he will probably be also in tots serie a say me pls

    1. If you really expect to see him in the Serie A TOTS, you should try to buy him 5 days after that Team of the Season being released.

  38. Hi Rodrigo , thanks for this great guide
    But there is one thing I can’t figure out
    Why aguero toure and silva are rising price while your guide says they’ll drop
    I wanted aguero and found him for 120k a week ago and waited for tots bpl but now he is like 150k and I can’t afford him anymore , when should I buy him ?

    1. Let’s see what was published:
      1) ” No one can be sure. We may share with you our vast experience but remember that nothing is guaranteed.”
      2) “In a general way, the prices drop”
      3) “Prices will be lower on the first days of each TOTS”
      4) “The prices of the most expensive players (…) don’t have a huge drop as it happens with the other cards.”
      5) “Prices will be much lower during the best Happy Hours, specially the ones with 100k packs.”

      As you can see the only thing that is not happening yet is the number 5. Aguero and Silva are expensive players and their prices will not drop as the other ones. If you check their prices a month ago, you will see that they are less expensive now. No one said that they will be cheaper as TOTS advance. They are cheaper in Stage 2 and 3 and we believe that you will find them at good prices during the best Happy Hours that will happen.

  39. Hi I saw a comment where you said English was not your first language and a proof reader would be rewarded with coins… I would be happy to join your team as a proof reader, if you didn’t already settle on one. Let me know

  40. Hi I was just wondering if Ronaldo’s price will go up after tots and if so to roughly how much (Ps4)

  41. when will be next happy hour when be 100k packs what date? and prices will go down so much??

  42. hi rodrigo i have team which cost 260k and i want to sell this team and buy another tell me when is the best time to sell this team and buy another
    Thanks in advance

    1. You can sell them now and buy the other team during the next (good) happy hour or Wednesday after the Bundesliga TOTS being released.

  43. Hi Rodrigo, it helped me out a lot.

    2 questions:

    1) when should I buy TOTS Martinez?
    2) when will more packs be bought, La Liga TOTS or Bundesliga TOTS?


    1. Hi.
      1) Now. I think his price will not drop in the coming weeks, except during the best Happy Hours.
      2) La Liga for sure.

  44. Hi rodrigo congrats the benfica going to the final was a great game planning.
    My cuestion is I have ramos toty whe is the best time to sell it thanks.

    1. It wasn’t a nice game by Benfica but Juventus is also a great team.
      If you want to sell your TOTY Ramos I think you could do it now. Prices of TOTY cards doesnt’ change as the other cards.

  45. The method I used on manzudkic didn’t work out well so it i appreciate if you can help me thanks

  46. Hey dude I jut want to ask somthin.. I have about 3k who are the players who should I invest and what trading method should I use I want at most to open a 15k everyday. I’ve tried using the listing to bin method on mandzudkic . Idk if I should mass bid or not . What players should I invest in now in the market crash and what method should I use thanks . Ps love ur articles keep it up

  47. Jocke Tjarnan

    At the last week TOTS, the prices droped very much, But yesterday at the BPL TOTS, the prices almost droped nothing at all. Why?

    1. I have study the market and in average the prices have decreased 20%. Pay attention to the best Happy Hours when the prices will be even lower.

  48. why has 88 hazard went u on prices to 300k when he was 230k like a week ago i thought he would have went down more due to the bpl tots out and people buying packs

  49. I started to play FUT just the past weekend so i don’t have a lot of money, what’s the best strategy for me?

  50. When will expensive players (90k and over) such as Aguero, Suarez and Yaya Toure be at their lowest price?

  51. I just got TOTS cech, i wanted to sell him for what he was worth, 400k, but i did’nt sold him and in one hour his price dropped to 260k, i thought, because it is a TOTS, he is now the most wanted so it is the highest price you can get for him, or should i wait? Will his price raise or not?

    1. Since today is the last day that this player will be in packs, we suggest to wait a couple of days before to do it. Wait until you see less TOTS Azpilicueta cards in the market.

  52. Hi when u go on the ultimate team home screen it will show the team of the weak and all of them were gold players does that mean if i open tots bronze packs the 1500 coins one i wnt get a tots

    1. Hi.
      You need packs with rare cards to have the chance to get an IF card.
      You will find IF players in packs according thei category (gold, silver or bronze).

  53. Nathan Memola

    Very helpful. Do you think TOTS Jackson Martinez will rise in price once he goes out of packs? thanks

  54. Hello i would ask you this : i have bundesliga team which cost 233.000 and i dont know when i need to sell this team to buy another when will realise tots bpl? Say me when is the best time to sell my team and buy another team. Thanks in advance

    1. Hi. The answer is: one month ago. If you still have that team, sell it as soon as possible. You will be able to buy it back Wednesday night for less coins.

  55. Hello Rodrigo, thanks to your guide I made over 100k coins this week. However, I still have a lot of players to sells but I don’t manage because appearently the price are decreasing again; I don’t understand if the reason is the 25k packs happy hour that will end tonight, or if it’s because people is getting ready for the BPL TOTS. In the first case, maybe I’ll be able to sell my players tonight and tomm; otherwise, I’ll probably need to decrease the prices and consequently lower my profit.
    In fact, I took advantage of the lower prices also for improving my team, but now I don’t have a lot of coins to invest for trading on wednesday (when, consequently to the BPL TOTS release, the market will crash again).
    Do you suggest me to wait for tonight, or probably the prices won’t increase again before wednesday?

    1. Hi.
      Wednesday night the prices will be lower. Guaranteed. What will happen until there it depends if EA will release an Happy Hour or not.

      1. Thank you. Actually after the 25k packs happy hour finished I managed to sell all my players, now I’m ready for the new market crash tomorrow evening!

  56. Hello Rodrigo. I have SIF Reus and Im pretty sure He is going to be in the TOTS in the bundesliga should i sell him now and then buy him later?

    1. I should sell it today because the prices drop more and more when the next TOTS. Great Luck

    2. In our opinion, if you got him in the first 3-4 days you should sell him immediately. If you got him later, it would be better to wait a week or two before selling him.

  57. Hi Rodrigo, Will the price will drop more when the next TOTS’s are released and how much wil they drop, like a Yaya Touré goes for 88K for how much will it go at the BPL TOTS release day?

  58. Hi Rodrigo
    Thanks to your guides I made nearly about 2 million coins only by trading in just over a month on the Android platform! I bought all the Brazilian players I wanted and still have 1.3 million coins left after investing in IFs of Coutinho, Hulk, Kaka, Oscar and all just released Brazilian TOTS except Romulo who I hope to buy this week. According to you which other Brazilian players will feature in the upcoming TOTS? I hope you will give me a reply at the earliest.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your comment.
      It is not easy to say because we have published only the Community and the BPL TOTS predictions.
      There is good chances to have Felipe Luis, Maicon and Thiago Silva and a few more.

      1. Thanks Rodrigo for your reply. After buying the forthcoming Brazilian TOTS player cards, I hope to blow up rest of the coins on packs like youtubers do. It has been a long pending desire 🙂

      2. Btw Rodrigo, Why has EA twitter feed stopped publicising Happy Hour info? Any info on it? Will the restart again?

        1. Thanks again for the reply. Can we assume every Wednesday 6-7 pm UK time as Happy Hour?

    1. It is happening with everybody, specially with Playstation and PC gamers.
      However, right now the things are slightly better.

  59. Hi Rodrigo.
    I have a short question to you and I hope you are able to answer as soon as possible. One week ago, I sold my whole team to be prepared to the TOTS weeks. I collected around 250k coins and wanted to build two solid teams. ( I was thinking about BPL and Bundesliga ) Now I am not sure about one aspect. Today it is the 26th of April and the TOTS Most Consistent is available in packs. The prices for the players decreased dramatically ( e.g a Yaya Touré costs about 70k, Marco Reus 40k, Lewandowski 18k etc.)

    Can I build my team now ( 26th of April -> TOTS Most Consistent currently ), where the prices are really low, or should I still wait for the other TOTS.
    Will the prices be much more lower during other TOTS or Happy Hours than now? ( So am I going to make a huge loss if I do not wait until the other TOTS and buy my team now? )

    I hope you understand my question and you are able to help me.
    Thanks for reading and taking time for this already

    1. Hi again, Dekis.
      Your question is about what everyone wants to know.
      Until now, everything is going on how we have predicted.
      We said that the prices would start going down a couple of weeks before the TOTS. We and FGN were the first websites to announce that the first three TOTS were be released at April 23rd. When everyone was asking if it was the time to buy we ask to wait until the TOTS release because the prices would be lower. Then, we also predicted that the prices would go up during this weekend. And now we are predicting that the prices will be even lower during the Happy Hours (20% less). In our opinion, you should wait until Thursday to go shopping. It is not 100% guaranteed but as you can see we are (almost) always right.

  60. hey rodrigo…
    I’m a big fan of your articles and guides you helped me a lot with my first year in fut 😀
    I have collected 200k
    what do you suggest for me
    1-keep collecting till 300k and buy a top rated BPL squad in this market drop time
    2-buy items with this 200k and sell it after TOTS so i will make a very good profit ,but then the BPL team will be in a higher price
    (sorry for the bad grammar )

    1. Hi.
      If you want to build a good team, it’s time to do it. Go ahead. The prices are really low.
      We think the prices will be even lower during the coming Happy Hours but the players are already really cheap. You may also look for other leagues. BPL is great but is also the most expensive one. With 200k you can build a better team from Serie A or Bundesliga. Just saying…

  61. Hi, I want to buy SIF reus. He is going for 510k now. Should buy him now or when? Maybe when Bundes Tots is out? Do you think that TOTS reus will go for less than 600k?

    1. It is not easy to know how will be the prices of IF cards. We believe that his price may be slightly lower during the Happy Hours that will occur on the Bundesliga TOTS week. Don’t think TOTS Reus should be lower than 600k.

    1. Go ahead !
      Right now it is a good time to do it. We believe that prices will be even lower during the coming Happy Hours but the prices are already very low now.

  62. Charlie Billett

    I want to buy TOTS jackson Martinez when is the best time to buy him to get him at his cheapest????

  63. I have a 3-4-1-2 premiere league squad as follows:
    Please send me the best players to buy for these empty positions.

  64. Hi.What’s the best time to buy and sell??
    I must buy at the morning and sell at night??
    Also in which TOTS the prices will drop most??

    1. Hi.
      You have the answer on this guide.
      The best time to buy is now and specially during happy hours. Not eactly morning/night thing. The best time to sell is during weekends.
      BPL and BBVA.

  65. it is good move to buy loads of players who worth now about 1000c and sell them after the TOTS for more coins??

  66. There are a few silver players I prefer over gold players and I’m just wondering if silvers will keep going down in price

  67. Should I start buying silver players now or should I wit until the other tots come out?

  68. Hey Rodrigo,

    I play fut14 on android on my Note2…since I’ve heard about the release of the TOTS players, I’ve bought PremiumJumbo Gold Pack × 10 & Mega Pack × 10 (which is the limit of of the respected packs that I cn buy) but I didn’t got even a single TOTS player inside any of the packs…plzz hlp
    Is it jst my bad luck or FUT doesn’t place TOTS players in packs??..if yes, how else can I buy them…?? I think it wrks a bit different in smartphones n tablets than in Ps3s n Xbox…Plz Plz Help!!

  69. Hi Rodrigo,

    I was wondering if a TOTS card will decrease in value as the week progresses or whether it is best to by them on the first day when the market has been flushed with them?



    1. Hi.
      We believe that during the first week, a TOTS card will decrease in value since there will be more and more cards in the market.
      Probably Tuesday will be a good day to buy them.

  70. I just bought my team and it futures people like Jesus navas Rooney and eto’o on the first day of tots during 15k packs happy hour do you think this was a good time to buy and should I sell it on Monday or Tuesday because of the barclays tots

  71. Hi, I just packed a TOTS Card. Should I sell it right now or wait for a while. And if your answer is wait, for how long?

    1. Sell it. The prices are higher in the first days. Next week these cards will be cheaper because there will be lots of these cards on the market. They may be more expensive after several weeks but in our opinion it makes no sense to wait until there because if you sell it now you will be able to invest those coins in other cards now that they are really cheap.

    1. Depends of the TOTS card you want.
      For example, to the Community TOTS we think you should wait, at least, until Monday or Tuesday.

  72. Hello Rodrigo,

    thank you for another enlightening guide. Anyway, I still need a little suggestion.
    One of my favorite profit-makers is UP Koscielny. Before that TOTS was announced I was buying him for 1500-1600 on PC market and easily selling him for 2200.
    In last days I was able to get him for 1200-1300, but couldn’t sell him for more that 1700.
    In this moment I’m buying loads of UP Koscielny for 800 each. Do you think it’s a good move? I don’t expect him to be back to over 2000, but maybe around next monday-tuesday I’ll be able to sell them for around 1500?

    1. Yes, I think it is a good move. I believe you will be able to sell him during the weekend by 1200-1300 coins. In the future his price may be something like 1600-1700 coins.

  73. hi rodrigo. I have a question for you. I want to make a 1 million Bundes Liga squad (main money being on ribery and robben). Thier prices have dropped up to yesterday to 530k and 210k. Today tots consistent was released and I have noticed an increase in price (580k and 230k). Do you thinks prices of ribery and robben will be going up or down? should I buy when tots bundes is out?

  74. Hi Rodrigo, My question is will the IF price of a player, in this case Reus, rise slightly during the bundesliga TOTS ? I have been waiting to buy his SIF, and I just can’t tell if the lack of his regular cards in packs, and the difficulty of getting the TOTS card will see his SIF card rise slightly. In a way , I’m asking when the price will be cheapest during an already cheap period. Thanks

    1. No one can be sure but we believe that his price will not rise during the Bundesliga TOTS.
      The best time to get him should be during the best Happy Hours before the release of that TOTS.

  75. Dear Rodrigo thankyou for setting up such a detailed guide. would you be kind enough to answer my question? I have sold my team 3-4 weeks ago for 1 million and made a cheap 50k Bundes squad. My goal is to make a bundes with the money i have with players like Ribery, Robben, Lewandoski, Reus, Schweinstiger…
    I have notices all their prices drop and right now I would be able to make the team. Should I wait for the Bundes TOTS to make the squad or just do it know? I am afraid prices will go up due to people wanting to buy their teams back.

    1. Hi Marco. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our website. It is nice to see people from all the countries here.
      You were very well selling your team 3-4 weeks ago. As you can see, you can now buy it back by much less coins.
      In my opinion you are thinking well. You have two options: buying them now or wait until Bundesliga TOTS or a good Happy Hour. The first one is safest but if you go by the second one you will save a few more coins. It is not easy to answer because it depends if you are willing to take the risk or not. I strongly believe that prices will be even lower during HH but it is not 100% guaranteed.

  76. Dear Rodrigo,

    I have a if Joa Mountinho and SIF Matuidi that have dropped about 30k each since I bought them. Should I push to sell them asap or hold onto them until prices rise again?

    1. Hi.
      Now it is a bit late to sell them. You can do it and probably you will be making a profit with it but our suggestion is to keep with them and play. If you want to make coins, buy players on the market this night and sell them later.

  77. Hi, please and reply quick. First off my friends say TOTS are released tomorrow (April 15). Is that confirmed? And also, is release day the day that has the highest chances of getting a TOTS in a pack? or do the following days have better chances of getting one.

    1. April 15 ? You mean April 23, probably. We have the dates published on this guide. Just follow them.
      You have better chances to get a TOTS in a pack today because 69 new cards will be released instead of 18 like it will happen on the coming weeks. However the first TOTS cards are the less important ones.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your words.
      If the prices of FUTHead are right (usually they don’t), and if it is true that you can buy that team today by 382k, we think that you will be able to buy it during the 100k Happy Hours by 280k. Probably you will not get enough to buy Koscielny IF. But it is just a speculation.

    2. Hi. Thank you for your words.
      If the prices of FUTHead are right (usually they aren’t), and if it is true that you can buy that team today by 382k, we think that you will be able to buy it during the 100k Happy Hours by 280k. Probably you will not get enough to buy Koscielny IF. But it is just a speculation.

  78. Hey Rodrigo you’ve helped me a lot during the past, id just like to ask you how low Ronaldo’s price will be during TOTS because I bought him for 1.8 mil how much will I lose on him pls help thanks.

    1. Hi. Good to know.
      We really don’t know. As we said, it is harder to know how the prices of the most expensive players will change during the TOTS period.

  79. OK, so we’re on the cusp of the first TOTS team. I notice that the market has really started to drop significantly again. I’m taking a beating on a few cards that I have been trying to sell, ie. TOTW Hazard. I was trying to sell it for 650K yesterday and today I cannot get rid of it for 550K. In other words, this latest drop is drastic. I see players like Neymar, who is regularly 250K even 300K selling for 150K and I feel like I should start buying my team back. Is now the time do you think? Or do you think there will be another significant drop? I would like the Robben’s, Rodriguez TIF, Fernandinho IF, and a bunch of other cards in that middle high price range, and my instinct tells me now is the time, but I don’t want to start buying and then see that Neymar has dropped from 150K to 75K. Will the drop be that drastic? I know there will be several times to buy and sell throughout this process so what do you think? Now or they will drop even more? Don’t worry I know it is difficult to predict precisely but I just want to hear your general opinion to see if I imagining things or not. Thanks

    1. Hi.
      It is great to see that gamers like you have understood very well how all this thing works. Many people don’t understand, for example, that ‘there will be several times to buy and sell throughout this process’.
      It means that you are a experienced gamer with a difficult question. 🙂
      In fact, there are many gamers making the same question to themselves. We still think that the prices will be even lower tomorrow night or in the first HH but, as you said, it is difficult to predict. We are saving our coins to that time.

  80. first time here and wow this was so helpful. i just sold my team today sadly yes i lost money i went from 3 million to 2.5 million (also due to ea tax). anyway when is the best time to buy a TOTS card, my pack luck is trash and im not wasting anymore coins on packs.

    1. Hi. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our website.
      Yes, you sold your team too late. Packs is not a good option to no one and you are doing well not spending your coins with them.
      The best time to buy a TOTS card ? Probably in Monday or Tuesday of the week in that TOTS is released. The same is to say, 5 or 6 days after the card goes out. Obviously, it is not guaranteed.

  81. Hey! I sold my whole team 3 weeks ago and bougt Zlatan for 1 million coins. Should i sell him or keep him. Will he drop in price?

  82. Rodrigo,
    Liga BBVA has the best players, you think that in the Liga BBVA and also Barclays, because of the best players, the prices might get even lower than other TOTS.

  83. Hey,

    I find that your guides are very good! Good job!

    But I have a couple questions. What are some good trading methods do you recommend? I know you can’t be 100% sure on what price this squad will be but please guess, how much do you think this squad to drop to and when do you think the lowest price of this squad will be ( ) . Should I buy IFs in different times? What do you think I should do? This is my first TOTS, so im very confused on what to do.


    1. Hi.
      1) Buy low, sell higher. Take a look HERE.
      2) Great squad. We believe that it will be possible to buy this team by 30% less than two weeks ago. Lowest price would be during Happy Hours with 100k packs.
      3) Just follow the tips we give in this guide.

  84. I currently have an bundesliga squad with:

    Should I sell my squad and buy it back after the TOTS’S?

      1. Hi Rodrigo,

        Thank you for your answer, I’m not gonna sell my squad but I gonna buy Robben on the first day of the TOTS 100K packs.


        1. suddenly my squad plays a lot less while the condition are all 99, what should I do? I now have a temporary Series A squad what plays very well, I will do my Bundesliga squad or sell now?

        2. I’ve sold my bundesliga squad and got 241K for it what is really good in my opinion because i bought it for 256K so I haven’t lost a lot coins. Thanks for your very good answers. And your guides are great.

    1. it’s pretty much useless if u buy the team ur selling AFTER tots because after TOTS the cards price will return back to normal and DURING tots their price will be the lowest… my suggestion is and it’s 100% safe :
      sell all ur cards now and buy them in the first days of tots 😀 (although it’s a bit too late for selling but u will make some profit).

  85. Should I buy a new team when Tots is released (23rd April) or should I buy a new team when there is a happy hour in the bpl tots.

  86. If i want to buy players like Yaya Toure, Rooney and Kompany, when is the right time to buy them for my team

      1. Thanks and also do you think that players around 10k will drop in price massively

  87. Hello there!
    I really loved your artical and I will be happy to join you for reading and to be a part of the team, anyways I read this artical so late to follow up with the your stratiges in the market. I sold a Lot of players but i still have a lot at the BPL like Rooney Eto’o kompany Mata oscar::: and many others should I sill them? . Anyways I finally reached the 1000,000 coins
    Can you give me any advice with that much of coins?
    I’m sure that the TOTS players are going to be very expansive at first. And I guess their price will also drop after a short while .

    1. Hi.
      If you want to be part of our team, just send us an email to [email protected]
      You are late but you can still make some profit if you sell them now.
      Invest those coins in everything you want, except packs.

  88. Hey Rodrigo,
    first of all. thanks for this decent guide. But I would still have some questions in my mind and I hope you can help me. I think I kinda missed the time of the market crash where I had to sell my expensive players. Now it is currently April 19, do you think it is still worth starting the strategy, or is the time over to make use of the TOTS period? I hope you can help me, because I really want to know whether I should sell my team or not.
    Greets and thanks already,

      1. Thank you for the quick answer. Yeah, after I posted this here I started to sell my players and nearly all are sold (just 5 or 6 players aren’t sold yet ). In your opinion, when do you think it is the best time to build the team again?

  89. Hey Rodrigo, Love your advises as always. I was hoping to buy Ronaldo during TOTS, his price went up today due to the ESPN TOTW and i am sure it will drop. What do you think is probably the best time to buy him, during BPL TOTS or during the next TOTS which i believe is Bundesliga or should i wait till BBVA/EAFC TOTS. As you know a lot of packs are going to be opened during this time till end. Do you think he is going to drop all the way till the end of TOTS. Thanks for your help 🙂

    1. Hi.
      As we said in the article, “the prices of the most expensive players, like Ronaldo and Messi, don’t have a huge drop as it happens with the other cards.”
      When he will be cheaper ? During special Happy Hours with 100k packs of most populars TOTS.

  90. I have won packs on the 18th Febuary from tournament prizes and I was thinking about saving them for 5 days until the TOTS are released is their a chance that they could disappear???

      1. Thanks for that I didn’t want too lose them for some stupid reason of Ea’s also during the market crash I currently have 500k would you advise buying lots of cheap players and selling them for a small profit or buying more expensive players and hoping that their price increases significantly once the TOTS have finished

  91. hi.I sold my bpl team and I got ~200k and now I am saving coins and I play with a Greek team (which I play very well even if it seems weak).I did well to sell the team and play with a cheaper??
    also i had Suarez.I sold him for 70k to buy the UP during the his price is about much he will go during the TOTS.he will also have for sure a TOTS card

    1. Yes, you did it well.
      It is not easy to know who much his UP card will decrease during the TOTS. He is a really popular player, so don’t expect a huge drop as other players. We believe that you will be able to buy him for 80k but it is only a speculation.

      1. Ok thanks.
        Demba Ba MOTM,Eto’o and Kompany how much they will go during TOTS??
        During the BPL and La Liga TOTS, who are the most popular, the prices will drop the most??

        1. It is impossible to know how much the prices will go down. We believe that it will be possible to buy Kompany by less than 12k and Eto’o by less than 15k during TOTS weeks.
          Yes, there is a good chance to find lower prices during BPL and BBVA weeks, specially on Happy Hours.

  92. Hi
    I was wondering what date I should sell and what date I should buy my players back thanks for the help

    1. You are late.
      You should have sold a week ago. Try to do it asap. Buy your players back after the first TOTS release or in the first HH with 100k packs.

  93. OK. So the market his diminished significantly in the past day or two now. I assume the prices will continue to drop from now until at least the beginning of the TOTS. I have some great players, Bale, Silva, Toure, Hazard, and about 5 or 6 150K plus IF cards (Aubameyang, Sanchez, ect) to go along . At this point I am a bit late to the party to sell the team off without losing money. So the question becomes should I just power through and sell my players at a bit of a loss now before it becomes too much of a loss in a few days? Do you think the market will come back up a little bit so I don’t lose that much? And the grand question. Is it worth it to sell off those big money players at a loss with the hopes of A. Being able to buy them back at a much lower price in the future and B. Being able to have a good amount of coins to buy some 100K packs? I guess this is a complicated way of asking what I should do now if I haven’t already sold my team off with the market crashing the way it is? Let me know what you think.

    1. Hi.
      You are late. True. And it is not fault because we published this guide one week ago. 🙂
      What you should do ? In a business perspective, if you know that the prices will be even lower when TOTS comes, you should sell them now and buy them back at April 23th. You will make some profit for sure.
      B is not a good choice. Buying coins is a waste of coins.

      1. Thanks for the advice. Surprisingly I did very well unloading all of my valuable players for very little loss selling this late. For other players who have still not sold off their squads yet, it’s not the end of the world. The key is patience. Set the price that you feel comfortable with and don’t just have a fire sale. Keep the players that you are happy to have in your lineup and play with the rest of the way. I sold off my guys starting yesterday into today. I sold basically everything over 10K worth of coins, with the exception of defenders like Silva, Kompany, Ramos, ect. Players that I know I will be using. All in all I walked away with almost 3 million in coins and only lost around 125,000 (not including transfer tax) from the point I bought the players at. A little luck always helps, but really the key is to stick to your guns and don’t panic. It seems as if right now there is even a slight uptick in players prices heading into the weekend. Good luck.

  94. Is there any site where I can get prices of players for FIFA 14 android ? And also will there be any new updatefor the FIFA android version any time soon ?

    1. There is no site that gives you prices of players for FIFA 14 android.
      We don’t know when it will be the next update for the FIFA android version.

  95. Hi, your guides have been very helpful.
    Who would you recommend me buying as my attacking midfielder for my 4-3-3 (4) BPL team SIF Yohan Cabaye or normal David Silva

      1. I supposed they will be announced by EASports only on the day of their release?

        Also I have noticed that prices on the market seem to be going up a bit, at least concerning some defensemen of BPL. Is that normal to see that or it is just a marginality of the Android market?

        Thanks for the help and the website!

        1. Exactly. The TOTS will be announced by EASports only on the day of their release.
          It may be just a marginality of the Android market. On the consoles the prices are already dropping. A lot.

    1. The price of the most expensive players doesn’t drop as the other ones. If I was you, I would buy him on the release date of the first TOTS.

  96. Rodrigo thanks so much for your guides they have made my first FUT year that much better.

    I have 3 IF’s from the Turklig, does the gold community TOTS typically consist of players from less popular leagues or can players be on both? For example Vidal for Gold CTOS and Seria A TOS.

    Trying to determine the likelihood my IF’s will lose value.

    As a side not what do you think of my Serie A/BBVA/Turklig Hybrid, I’ve been tinkering with this team all season!

    1. Thank you very much.
      We hope to be with you in your second, third and fourth FUT year. 🙂
      The community may have players of any league. The gold TOTS have, at least, 10 players from the most popular leagues. If you want to have an idea, you can check the Community TOTS of FUT 13 HERE and the Community TOTS of FUT 13 HERE.
      Don’t forget that a player can only be chosen to Community TOTS if he doesn’t have any IF card yet. In the same way, a player can not be chosen for two different TOTS (excluding the EASFC).
      Your team looks amazing. Well done. Very nice job keeping your chemistry high.


      1. Thanks for the prompt reply!

        So it looks like my IF players pricing already dropped. For example:
        – Vidal IF: Paid 245K, going rate = 234K
        – Modric IF: Paid 175K (last week) , going rate 158K

        Seems to me that it’s already too late to make money of my IFs that have a high likelihood to get TOTS. Plus based on the EA Sales Tax I would need to see a even more significant drop is IF pricing from now.


        1. Based on your experience over the years do you have a feel for how much % wise IF pricing drops from pre and post TOTS?

          Trying to figure out if I should sell my IF Vidal and Modric. Pricing would need to drop pretty considerably for me to make a profit.

          Difficult question I know, I won’t hold you to it.

        2. It is not a difficult question. It is a really really difficult question.
          It depends very much of which card we are talking about. On regular cards it is easier to know how much the prices will drop.

  97. Hey Rodrigo, as always great article. Quick question regarding the transfer market. If one was using an auto bidder normally do you think it would be better to just trade manually during the tots? Im assuming prices will be too unstable to use autobidder/buyer during the tots. Do you think this is true? Any suggestions on how to best use an autobidder/buyer during tots? Thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you very much.
      It depends of the AB. There are AB with a feature called ‘price autoupdater’. If it is not the case, you should do it manually as you said.

    2. autobuyers and coinsellers are the reason, why the market is so broken!
      shame on you!!!!!! manual trading is so hard because of you bastards!

      it is the only thing about this website that i don`t like! advertisement of coinsellers and autobuyers 🙁

  98. Hi Rodrigo, i have a question, what if i sell my players a week before TOTS and by them again during TOTS, would i make a profit? also i have 2 IF’s, SIF rakitic and IF lukaku, they maybe will get a card, i should sell them right now?

    1. No pick IF Diego Alves. He’s way more better than if hart. IF Diego Alves has his diving over 90!

  99. Dear Rodrigo

    Firstly, I am a massive fan of your guides and would probably say they are the best in the business.

    I have a very strong bbva-bundesliga hybrid worth 300k. D you recommend I sell my players now and buy them back after the 23rd, sell maybe just some or not worry as I have ~70k in coins at the moment.

    Also one small recommendation is to just double check your work as sometimes there are spelling/vocabulary errors.

    Keep up the good work!!

    1. Hi.
      Thank you for your words. We know that our guides are the best ones. 100% sure about that. English is not our native language and that’s why sometimes you find errors. If someone wants to join to our team, checking our articles every week, we will reward that person with coins.
      About your team it depends if you will be playing during this month or not. If you sell your team now you will get a profit for sure. But if you want to play until 23rd, it is not a good strategy.

      1. hey Rodrigo
        I love your articles and they have helped me sooooo much in the past!!! however as you replied to Neel that English is not your native language and you could need the help of someone who reads over the articles….i would be willing to do that job for you 🙂

        1. When i start the bpl so it says that 18 players in the squad’s n sub…so what should i do i cant understand….please tell me

    2. Thanks for your response.

      I realise English is not your first language and have a great deal of respect for you writing in this language anyway. It would be amazing if you let me join your team as a proof-reader.

      Cheers for the advice!!

      1. Hi.
        Thank you very much for your reply.
        We got an email in our inbox from William, talking about this. It is you ? If not, please send us an email to ‘[email protected]”. We will discuss it there if you don’t mind.

  100. I have 7 discard price informs from the Liga Portugesa and the Russian League. Should I sell them as I brought them all for around 15k each.

    1. Usually, IF cards don’t drop so much as the regular cards. You may do it, yes, but don’t expect to be millionaire with that.

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