When the TOTS of FUT 15 Will Be Released ?

When the TOTS of FUT 15 Will Be Released ?


Since Team of the Year was released ( in January) we have been repeatedly questioning about when the TOTS of FUT 15 will be released. In fact, we don’t know the answer. The good news is we are very close to finally getting an answer.



June 10th 2015
The TOTS list was updated with new dates

May 29th 2015
The TOTS list was updated with more squads and new dates

May 20th 2015
EA Sports announced that TOTS will be released at May 20th

May 13th 2015
EA Sports announced that TOTS will not be released Wednesday

April 2015
EA Sports announced that they “are delaying the launch of TOTS until they can make
some more important changes to ensure TOTS is the best it can be
” which means
that the dates we have published in this article are not valid any more


When the TOTS of FUT 15 Will Be Released ?


Any Ultimate Team player knows how important the TOTY and TOTS teams are. During the release it is possible to make big improvements to our teams and make amazing deals in the transfer market. That’s why it is normal to see the FIFA community eager and waiting for the launch of the first Team of the Season. The usual way things go is that EA Sports doesn’t announce when it will happen. In the best of the chances, they do it one week before the release date, but it is very unlikely to happen. That is, if you really want to know when the TOTS of FUT 15 will be released, so keep reading and all will be revealed.


Year after year, EA follows a very strict calendar. Looking to the release dates of the previous years, it is possible to get a good idea about when the TOTS of FUT 15 will begin. In FIFA 12 and FIFA 13, the first TOTS was launched respectively at May 2 and May 8. However, in FIFA 14 the expected date (May 7) was anticipated two weeks. This was an exception obviously due to the World Cup. What sets the date of the first TOTS is the calendar of domestic leagues. This season, the end of major European leagues is in line with what happened in 2013 and previous years. That’s why the first TOTS of FUT 15 should be announced at May 6, 2015 at 4pm (UK time) and released in packs two hours later. Since these teams are always announced at Wednesdays, the alternative dates are April 29 or May 13.

Like it happened in previous years, the Community TOTS will be the first one to be launched. In fact, this has been officially confirmed by EA Sports that began to consult the community about the most suitable players for these three teams (gold, silver and bronze) on April 1. In FUT 14 that happened on April 2. That is, exactly three weeks before the TOTS launch. Applying the rule to this year could mean that we would know the Community TOTS on the 22nd of April, something that is out of the question since that is the deadline EA has to hear gamers opinions. The date of the 29th of April is a valid date but the strongest date is still May the 6th because in FIFA 13 and previous years there were always two weeks between the deadline and the TOTS launch.

May the 6th is also the expected release date published in the popular FIFA Game News calendar. For those who don’t know, this calendar aggregates the dates of the most important FIFA 15 events. Despite having been published ten months ago, almost all the dates actually came out to be true. The FIFA 14 calendar also reached a 95% success rate, achieving correct predictions, amongst others, the dates of TOTY and TOTS. It is the most reliable source that can be found but the truth will only be known when the TOTS comes out.

When the TOTS of FUT 15 Will Be Released ?

Obviously subject to error, here are the expected dates for the TOTS of FUT 15:

    Gold Community TOTS
    XBox: from May 20th Wednesday 9pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from May 20th Wednesday 10pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from May 20th Wednesday 11pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)

    Silver Community TOTS
    XBox: from May 20th Wednesday 9pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from May 20th Wednesday 10pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from May 20th Wednesday 11pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)

    Bronze Community TOTS
    XBox: from May 20th Wednesday 9pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from May 20th Wednesday 10pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from May 20th Wednesday 11pm to May 27th Wednesday 11pm (UK time)

    Barclays Premier League TOTS
    XBox: from May 27th Wednesday 8pm to June 4th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from May 27th Wednesday 10pm to June 4th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from May 28th Thursday 12am to June 4th Thursday 1am (UK time)

    Football League TOTS
    XBox: from May 29th Friday 8pm to June 2nd Tuesday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from May 29th Friday 10pm to June 2nd Tuesday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from May 30th Saturday 12am to June 2nd Tuesday 1am (UK time)

    Bundesliga TOTS
    XBox: from June 3rd Wednesday 8pm to June 11th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 3rd Wednesday 10pm to June 11th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 4th Thursday 12am to June 11th Thursday 1am (UK time)

    Saudi Professional League TOTS
    XBox: from June 5th Friday 6pm to June 8th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 5th Friday 6pm to June 8th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 5th Friday 6pm to June 8th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)

    Liga BBVA TOTS
    XBox: from June 10th Wednesday 8pm to June 18th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 10th Wednesday 10pm to June 18th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 11th Thursday 12am to June 18th Thursday 1am (UK time)

    Latin America TOTS
    XBox: from June 12th Friday 6pm to June 15th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 12th Friday 6pm to June 15th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 12th Friday 6pm to June 15th Monday 5:45pm (UK time)

    Ligue 1 TOTS
    XBox: from June 17th Wednesday 8pm to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 17th Wednesday 10pm to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 18th Thursday 12am to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)

    Serie A TOTS
    XBox: from June 17th Wednesday 8pm to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 17th Wednesday 10pm to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 18th Thursday 12am to June 25th Thursday 1am (UK time)

    Benelux TOTS
    XBox: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)

    Rest of the World TOTS
    XBox: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 19th Friday 6pm to June 22nd Monday 5:45pm (UK time)

    XBox: from June 24th Wednesday 8pm to July 2nd Thursday 1am (UK time)
    Playstation: from June 24th Wednesday 10pm to July 2nd Thursday 1am (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from June 25th Thursday 12am to July 2nd Thursday 1am (UK time)

    XBox: from July 29th Wednesday 8pm to August 5th Wednesday (UK time)
    Playstation: from July 29th Wednesday 8pm to August 5th Wednesday (UK time)
    PC / Mobile: from July 29th Wednesday 8pm to August 5th Wednesday (UK time)


Now that you already know when the TOTS of FUT 15 will be released, you can start the countdown. BUT do not think that the game ends with the Team of the Season launch. EA has something special for the last few months before the release of FIFA 16, similar to what happened last year with the World Cup expansion.

If you want to know more about the Team of the Season of previous years, click here.


101 thoughts on “When the TOTS of FUT 15 Will Be Released ?”

  1. Hi Rodrigo could u tell Mr wen its gonna be next 100k pack release?.and if buy FIFA 16 is there any possible way I could redeem my FIFA 15 coins which I ve saved????

    1. Yes and no.
      There will be something like a MLS TOTS, yes. Probably in the first August’s week.
      However, it is not officialy named a ‘TOTS’.

  2. I have a TOTS De Bruyne, should i sell him before the EAS FC TOTS gets released? I’m afraid he will drop down in price if he’s in the EAS FC TOTS. At the moment his price cap is at 600 000 – 900 000.

  3. Gabriel Morichita

    Rodrigo, acredita que o próximo TOTS seja do resto do mundo? Seria uma boa hora para fazer “trading” com o Hulk?
    Saudações brasileiras.

  4. arda yapicioglu

    Hey Rodrigo, at first thanks for the article but I want to ask something about the turkish league. I know that they have included the turkish league players in the rest of the world tots but as this year they have included the turkish league individually I was thinking that may be they will mega a Turkish League TOTS squad. So the thing that I want to ask is that is there a possibility of this happening and if so when will it be released? Thank you for your attention…

    1. Hi.
      They are releasing a top TOTS every Wednesday and a less important TOTS every Friday. This year there will be two new TOTS: one was the Saudi Professional League and the other one may be the leagues from Turkey, Portugal, Russia or Scandinavia. It will be released on June 10th or June 17th. We will have to wait to know…

  5. Hakimi Roslan

    Rodrigo what does the rest of the world consist of because i want to buy all of the player now so it won’t be expensive when the rest of the world tournaments comes out like the requirements, i am sure people will buy players for high price to play the tournament to get the price,even though bronze players cost 150 coins but people need them till minimum 2k to buy it and what is the beneleux tots is it ligue 2?

    1. Hi.
      Benelux means Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. In this case, it is a mix of the Belgium and Netherlands Leagues.
      The ROTW is build with players from leagues that don’t have their own TOTS. It is the case of Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Turkey… You can take a look to the ROTW TOTS of the last year here.

  6. Hi Rodrigo,

    I’ve a question, I saw on 27 May on this site the date when the Ligue 1 tots are comes out. You said that was 8 June. But now you said that the date of the Ligue 1 Tots is 17 June.

    What is the real date now? Because I really want TOTS Ibrahimovic!

    8 June or 17 June?

    Kind regards,


  7. Hi Rodrigo
    I’ve been playing on ipad for a while and i packed Record Breaker Messi, But when i saved him he dissapeared. What should I do??

  8. Hey Rodrigo, I have two questions.
    How long is the TOTS overall? and
    Do you know when the La Liga TOTS is coming out?

    1. Hi Marcus.
      All we know is what is published in this page. TOTS usually lasts five weeks and BBVA is one of the lastTOTS to be launched.

  9. What do you think should I buy TOTS Agüero now or wait for TOTS Lacazette and then buy him and some other TOTS because he will probably be cheaper and I will have for 1 or 2 more TOTS players? Thanks

  10. I packed SIF Kagawa in a matter of 90k. Should I continue opening 15k packs if I have 300k left or wait for 100 k packs?

    Also should I sell Kagawa for 200k or keep him?

  11. HIi Rodrigo
    Should I sell my BPL team before BPL TOTS come out or is it too late already?

  12. The real reason that tots has been delayed is to due to money money money. EA are rational enough to understand most of their customers are either taking GCSEs Alevels or uni exams during May. TOTS will be out this coming Friday 22nd. Fact

  13. so I brought Ronaldo for 1.2 mil, should I sell him, my friend told me he will be cheaper during tots, like around 900k is this true, and will others players like bale be cheaper

  14. Hey rodrigo a youtube came out today and said tots is starting tomorrow is this true or is he full of it?

  15. hi, I play on ipad so will the tots be released the same time as playstation and xbox ?

    next question- do you have a prediction for what date the first team will be released?

  16. Informative article. Quick question, is there really a better time to buy packs to secure more rare cards?? Cuz I’ve no doubt purchased hundreds of packs & I’ve tried all kinds of different times & haven’t correlated any real pattern?? Do u know w/any certainty when’s the best time to try & get better cards?? Relative to whatever promo of course.

  17. Hi Rodrigo,
    Need to ask u a question.
    During TOTS is it possible to get TOTY messi under 2 million coins ?
    And also will Tory players prices will come down?

    1. Hi.
      This is the first TOTS with Price Ranges, so it is not easy to predict what will happen. However, I think it will not happen.
      TOTY players prices may come down, yes. But it will not be easy because no one want to sell them.

  18. Hi.Is the release date for tots mobile (ios/android) same as the above mentioned dates?
    And how much coins should i get if i want a 91 and above rated team?(current rating=90)
    Thanks Rodrigo

  19. Hi Rodrigo people are saying that it will be released this Friday due to what Rob Hobson said on twitter

  20. Hi Rodrigo, im a bit confused by the dates of the release for TOTS players. For EX:
    will I be able to pack a BPL TOTS card on the 6th of may, or will it only be available in packs from the 13th to
    the 20th? Great articles btw. thx

  21. Hey Rodrigo
    I see EA are constantly lowering the price ranges.
    For example players like hazard, Aguero and neymar all used to be 300-500k but are now under 100k.
    Do you think the prices of big players will be even lower in Fifa 16 when there is a fresh market?
    Like do you think players such as the ones I mentioned could go for under 50k?
    Please reply and thank you 🙂

      1. Thanks and Rodrigo…
        How likely do you think it is that the MC TOTS will be released tommorrow? (Wed 29th)
        It was released at the end of April last year. Same again? Or one off?
        Could we see it Tommorrow or will it be 6th may….. (Next week)

        1. Doesn’t look like it will be May 6th any more Rodrigo!!
          You have any idea how long the delay will be for?? Thanks.

  22. Hi there, I’m new to ultimate team. When you say “EA has something special for the last few months before the release of FIFA 16, similar to what happened last year with the World Cup expansion”
    what does this mean? what is “special”?
    many kind thanks 🙂

      1. do you know when I should buy the tots players because i think its very difficult to trade with the Price Ranges…
        2nd question, do you think that there will be any tots player on the market because of the price Ranges?

        1. You will not find top TOTS in the market. Just the less important ones. Usually they are more expensive in the first hours but if you really want to put your hands to a TOTS card maybe you will need to pay a high price.

  23. I think that tots will be released on the 29th April because the deadline for the Most consistent finishes on the 22nd. If it is released on 6th may there will be another week of informs that could screw up the most consistent tots

  24. hey guys its ya boi im going to quicksell my club for tots because the game is brocken and also the fact that i love my overalls so dont take the mick if its lower than 85 then no they are terrible thats how it is i just love overalls

  25. hai rodrigo.

    I have played FIFA 15 just a few month a go. I’m newbie in this Fifa Ultimate team.. I want ask how to get TOTS card.? which gold pack that I have to choose?.. gold pack or premium gold pack. for next month.

    sory I’m indonesian and my english not good.

    thx for answer

  26. When Do You Think The Price Ranges Will Come Again And What Kind Of TOTS Players Do We Get (E.g player)

  27. How do you know they’re going to do something for the summer? Idk how they would do anything for the women’s world cup so im assuming it’s going to be copa america right ?

  28. hi rodrigo!
    one question to the TOTS: some TOTS are choosen by marca (la liga) or kicker (Bundesliga). do they choose the team and the subs or are the subs choosen by EA?
    Thanks and keep up the good work! i am still looking forward to the next episode of your FUT diary!

    1. Hi.
      In FIFA 13 it was like you described. But last year it was different. I think it will be EA to choose all the players this year.

  29. Dear Mr.Rodrigo

    This question is not about tots players

    1. Would you prefer bale or robben as right winger on 433 formation?

    2. 352 formation or 433 formation?
    I my playing style is crossing, through pass from midfielder and wingers cutting in from inside

  30. Hye..just wondering..do u hv some predictions on who will be in the TOTS?..thanks Rodirgo

    1. It is to early yet. The domestic leagues are not even close to finish.
      We will make a few predictions later in the month.

  31. when trading with these players would you treat them the same as any other IF?
    such as buy late into the week when 25k and above packs are released?

      1. Ok thanks, yeah sorry that was what I meant. Hopefully the ranges allow for decent trading!

        1. Depends on chance, EA has no idea what they are doing. Right now the ranges for a lot of players don’t work. EA is too slow in adjusting, when they do it they sometimes adjust the ranges in the wrong direction. There are extinct players and players who don’t sell, some of them from the introduction of price ranges.

          Probably chaos reigns at EA and none of the employees play the game. When TOTS will market will adjust downwards. The incompetent EA will be too slow in adjusting the ranges. Some players will be market down (not selling at minimum), but extinct players may appear because their price moved down and it is now within the range.

          What EA fails to understand is that ranges cannot control market, the market is influenced by the people trading. They should know it. The situation existed before, max range actually existed before at 15’000’000. One player – CR7- evaluated at more than that was extinct on FUT market, but available on Ebay for real money. The whole situation just stimulates people involved to find creative way to transact outside the “official” market. Black market.

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